Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang/perl5
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2021-05-24 19:46:25
Message id:

Log Message:
perl: update to 5.34.0.

= Core Enhancements

= Experimental Try/Catch Syntax

An initial experimental attempt at providing C<try>/C<catch> notation has
been added.

    use feature 'try';

    try {
    catch ($e) {
        warn "An error occurred: $e";

For more information, see L<perlsyn/"Try Catch Exception Handling">.

= C<qr/{,n}/> is now accepted

An empty lower bound is now accepted for regular expression quantifiers,
like C<{,3}>.

= Blanks freely allowed within but adjacent to curly braces

(in double-quotish contexts and regular expression patterns)

This means you can write things like S<C<\x{ FFFC }>> if you like.  This
applies to all such constructs, namely C<\b{}>, C<\g{}>, C<\k{}>,
C<\N{}>, C<\o{}>, and C<\x{}>; as well as the regular expression
quantifier C<{I<m>,I<n>}>.  C<\p{}> and C<\P{}> \ 
retain their
already-existing, even looser, rules mandated by the Unicode standard
(see L<perluniprops/Properties accessible through \p{} and \P{}>).

This ability is in effect regardless of the presence of the C</x>
regular expression pattern modifier.

Additionally, the comma in a regular expression braced quantifier may
have blanks (tabs or spaces) before and/or after the comma, like
S<C<qr/a{ 5, 7 }/>>.

= New octal syntax C<0oI<ddddd>>

It is now possible to specify octal literals with C<0o> prefixes,
as in C<0o123_456>, parallel to the existing construct to specify
hexadecimal literal C<0xI<ddddd>> and binary literal \ 
Also, the builtin C<oct()> function now accepts this new syntax.

See L<perldata/Scalar value constructors> and L<perlfunc/oct EXPR>.

= Performance Enhancements

=item *

Fix a memory leak in RegEx
[L<GH #18604|>]

= Modules and Pragmata

= New Modules and Pragmata

=item *

L<ExtUtils::PL2Bat> 0.004 has been added to the Perl core.

This module is a generalization of the C<pl2bat> script. It being a script has
led to at least two forks of this code; this module will unify them under one
implementation with tests.

(and lots more changes)
