Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/shells/starship
From: pin
Date: 2022-12-30 09:54:13
Message id:

Log Message:
shells/starship: update to 1.12.0

1.12.0 (2022-12-13)
 - add Haxe support (#4395) (2766c78)
 - Add operating system module (#4109) (3109943)
 - aws: add a fallback for expiration key (#4455) (5a2c85d)
 - azure: add username to azure module config (#4323) (6e15c00)
 - bug-report: ask for confirmation before opening issue (#4543) (8bb9038)
 - directory: add before_repo_root_style (#4595) (ea6249b)
 - git_commit: support showing lightweight tags (#4632) (ac37792)
 - guix_shell: Initial implementation (#4397) (d4bcc51)
 - init: Use which-rs to resolve starship path (cc2c8c4)
 - localip: use reserved remote address (#4648) (ddd54e9), closes #4614
 - nu: enable right prompt (#4490) (a7abc0f), closes #3982
 - Open Policy Agent module (#1740) (#4441) (865e68d)
 - package: added showing gradle version based on the file
   (#4432) (14ee81b)
 - preset: Add No Empty Icons preset (#4518) (1a3d51f)
 - preset: Add no-nerd-font preset (#4517) (4d86a4c)
 - release: add chocolatey publishing (#4637) (df37e8d)

Bug Fixes
 - aws: enable when using .aws/credentials (#4604) (c8ac877)
 - buf: broken icon on windows 10 (#4689) (7341607)
 - ci: cache after selecting the toolchain (#4619) (e4dbff0)
 - config: unrecognized config properties don't cause config error (#4547)
 - container: avoid detecting WSL as a systemd-container (#4593) (b47a4fe)
 - don't attempt to display cmd_duration notification if in TTY (#4535)
 - git: check tag_disabled option (#4527) (fd165b9)
 - java: Improved regex for Java version (starship#4610) (#4616) (a9eb65e)
 - nu: remove -c parameter from term size (#4477) (4999530)
 - pwsh: fix error log display on older versions of pwsh (#4650) (ef83e7a)
 - status: replace multiply with cross mark emoji (#4461) (186d99e)
