Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/ruby-selenium-webdriver
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2023-01-25 15:29:21
Message id:

Log Message:
www/ruby-selenium-webdriver: update to 4.8.0

4.8.0 (2023-01-23)

* Allow updating instance variables on service classes
* Deprecate extract_service_args processing in service classes
* Fix bug preventing sending nil to #send_keys with Remote Driver
* Fix bug with IE specific methods not available to IE Driver
* Created Chromium superclass for Chrome and Edge
* Deprecated platform and version setters/getters in Capabilities class
* Revamped driver constructor logic
* Fix bug preventing using Safari Technology Preview when using
* Fix bug preventing more than one driver type to access Selenium Manager
* Defaults to using Options instead of Capabilities
* Make Options classes more strict for allowed arguments and types
* Removed previously deprecated actions class parameters
* Removed Location struct
* Add comment with name of large JS executions (#11038)
* update logger with link on how to use it (#11478)
* Deprecate #add_option for Option classes in favor of constructor and
* Deprecate all unrecognized capabilities for Options classes
* Deprecate support for :capabilities for local drivers
* Deprecate browser class methods for Capabilities
* Deprecate #headless! for Chrome and Firefox
