Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/chat/matrix-synapse
From: Jonathan Schleifer
Date: 2023-03-05 11:15:38
Message id:

Log Message:
Update chat/matrix-synapse to 1.78.0

Synapse 1.78.0 (2023-02-28)


- Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.76 where 5s delays would occasionally occur \ 
in deployments using workers. \ 

Synapse 1.78.0rc1 (2023-02-21)


- Implement the experimental `exact_event_match` push rule condition from \ 
[MSC3758]( \ 
- Add account data to the command line [user data export \ 
tool]( \ 
- Implement \ 
[MSC3873]( to \ 
disambiguate push rule keys with dots in them. \ 
- Allow Synapse to use a specific Redis [logical \ 
database]( in worker-mode deployments. \ 
- Tag opentracing spans for federation requests with the name of the worker \ 
serving the request. \ 
- Implement the experimental `exact_event_property_contains` push rule condition \ 
from [MSC3966]( \ 
- Remove spurious `dont_notify` action from the defaults for the \ 
`.m.rule.reaction` pushrule. \ 
- Update the error code returned when user sends a duplicate annotation. \ 


- Prevent clients from reporting nonexistent events. \ 
- Return spec-compliant JSON errors when unknown endpoints are requested. \ 
- Fix a long-standing bug where the room aliases returned could be corrupted. \ 
- Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.76.0 where partially-joined rooms could not \ 
be deleted using the [purge room \ 
API]( \ 
- Fix a long-standing bug where federated joins would fail if the first server \ 
in the list of servers to try is not in the room. \ 
- Fix a bug introduced in Synapse v1.74.0 where searching with colons when using \ 
ICU for search term tokenisation would fail with an error. \ 
- Reduce the likelihood of a rare race condition where rejoining a restricted \ 
room over federation would fail. \ 
- Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.76 where workers would fail to start if the \ 
`health` listener was configured. \ 
- Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.75 where the [portdb \ 
script]( \ 
would fail to run after a room had been faster-joined. \ 

Improved Documentation

- Document how to start Synapse with Poetry. Contributed by @thezaidbintariq. \ 
([\#14892](, \ 
- Update delegation documentation to clarify that SRV DNS delegation does not \ 
eliminate all needs to serve files from .well-known locations. Contributed by \ 
@williamkray. ([\#14959](
- Fix a mistake in registration_shared_secret_path docs. \ 
- Refer to a more recent blog post on the [Database Maintenance \ 
Tools]( \ 
page. Contributed by @jahway603. \ 

Internal Changes

- Re-type hint some collections as read-only. \ 
- Faster joins: don't stall when another user joins during a partial-state room \ 
resync. ([\#14606](
- Add a class `UnpersistedEventContext` to allow for the batching up of storing \ 
state groups. ([\#14675](
- Add a check to ensure that locked dependencies have source distributions \ 
available. ([\#14742](
- Tweak comment on `_is_local_room_accessible` as part of room visibility in \ 
`/hierarchy` to clarify the condition for a room being visible. \ 
- Prevent `WARNING: there is already a transaction in progress` lines appearing \ 
in PostgreSQL's logs on some occasions. \ 
- Use `StrCollection` to avoid potential bugs with `Collection[str]`. \ 
- Improve performance of `/sync` in a few situations. \ 
- Limit concurrent event creation for a room to avoid state resolution when \ 
sending bursts of events to a local room. \ 
- Skip calculating unread push actions in /sync when enable_push is false. \ 
- Add a schema dump symlinks inside `contrib`, to make it easier for IDEs to \ 
interrogate Synapse's database schema. \ 
- Improve type hints. \ 
([\#15008](, \ 
[\#15026](, \ 
[\#15027](, \ 
[\#15028](, \ 
[\#15031](, \ 
[\#15035](, \ 
[\#15052](, \ 
[\#15072](, \ 
- Update \ 
[MSC3952]( support \ 
based on changes to the MSC. \ 
- Avoid mutating a cached value in `get_user_devices_from_cache`. \ 
- Fix a rare exception in logs on start up. \ 
- Update pyo3-log to v0.8.1. \ 
- Avoid mutating cached values in `_generate_sync_entry_for_account_data`. \ 
- Refactor arguments of `try_unbind_threepid` and \ 
`_try_unbind_threepid_with_id_server` to not use dictionaries. \ 
- Merge debug logging from the hotfixes branch. \ 
- Faster joins: omit device list updates originating from partial state rooms in \ 
/sync responses without lazy loading of members enabled. \ 
- Fix clashing database transaction name. \ 
- Upper-bound frozendict dependency. This works around us being unable to test \ 
installing our wheels against Python 3.11 in CI. \ 
- Tweak logging for when a worker waits for its view of a replication stream to \ 
catch up. ([\#15120](

<details><summary>Locked dependency updates</summary>

- Bump bleach from 5.0.1 to 6.0.0. \ 
- Bump cryptography from 38.0.4 to 39.0.1. \ 
- Bump ruff version from 0.0.230 to 0.0.237. \ 
- Bump dtolnay/rust-toolchain from 9cd00a88a73addc8617065438eff914dd08d0955 to \ 
25dc93b901a87e864900a8aec6c12e9aa794c0c3. \ 
- Bump systemd-python from 234 to 235. \ 
- Bump serde_json from 1.0.92 to 1.0.93. \ 
- Bump types-requests from to \ 
- Bump types-pillow from to \ 
- Bump sentry-sdk from 1.13.0 to 1.15.0. \ 
- Bump types-jsonschema from to \ 
- Bump types-bleach from to \ 
- Bump dtolnay/rust-toolchain from 25dc93b901a87e864900a8aec6c12e9aa794c0c3 to \ 
e12eda571dc9a5ee5d58eecf4738ec291c66f295. \ 
- Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 2.24.3 to 2.25.0. \ 
- Bump types-pillow from to \ 
- Bump types-setuptools from to \ 

