Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/shells/sheldon
From: Amitai Schleier
Date: 2023-05-17 15:07:30
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.7.3. From the changelog:

- Add configurable hooks in templates (#150). This allows you to specify
  arbitrary hooks for a plugin that can be used in templates. These are
  specified under `plugins.<name>.hooks`. The default `source` templates have
  been updated to support hooks with the names `pre` and `post`. The `pre` hook
  will be inserted before the plugin is sourced and the `post` after the plugin
  is sourced. If you are using a custom template like `defer` it will need to
  be updated to support hooks.

  For example this can be used to set variables after a plugin is sourced.

  github = "b4b4r07/enhancd"

  post = 'export ENHANCD_HOOK_AFTER_CD = "ls"'

- Add --non-interactive option to suppress prompts (#163). This option is
  defined as a global option so it must be specified before the subcommand.

  sheldon --non-interactive init --shell zsh

- Add experimental fish shell support (#128). It is now possible to initialize
  Sheldon to use the Fish shell.

  sheldon init --shell fish

  This makes Sheldon change the global matches and templates to be tailored to
  Fish. Add the following to your Fish config

  eval "$(sheldon source)"

- Fix 'PermissionDenied' during rename of temporary clone directory (#162).
