Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/textproc/typst
From: pin
Date: 2023-05-24 14:17:50
Message id:

Log Message:
textproc/typst: update to 0.4.0

 - Implemented support for footnotes
 - The footnote function inserts a footnote
 - The footnote.entry function can be used to customize the footnote listing
 - The "chicago-notes" citation style is now available

 - Added a Guide for LaTeX users
 - Now shows default values for optional arguments
 - Added richer outlines in "On this Page"
 - Added initial support for search keywords: "Table of Contents" will \ 
now find
   the outline function. Suggestions for more keywords are welcome!
 - Fixed issue with search result ranking
 - Fixed many more small issues

 - Breaking change: Alignment points (&) in equations now alternate between
   left and right alignment
 - Added support for writing roots with Unicode: For example, $root(x+y)$ can
   now also be written as $√(x+y)$
 - Fixed uneven vertical attachment alignment
 - Fixed spacing on decorated elements (e.g., spacing around a canceled
 - Fixed styling for stretchable symbols
 - Added tack.r.double, tack.l.double, dotless.i and dotless.j symbols
 - Fixed show rules on symbols (e.g. {show sym.tack: set text(blue)})
 - Fixed missing rename from ast.op to ast that should have been in the previous

 - Added function scopes: A function can now hold related definitions in its own
   scope, similar to a module. The new assert.eq function, for instance, is part
   of the assert function's scope. Note that function scopes are currently only
   available for built-in functions.
 - Added assert.eq and functions for simpler equality and inequality
   assertions with more helpful error messages
 - Exposed list, enum, and term list items in their respective functions' scope
 - The at methods on strings, arrays, dictionaries, and content now support
   specifying a default value
 - Added support for passing a function to replace that is called with each
 - Fixed replacement strings: They are now inserted completely verbatim instead
   of supporting the previous (unintended) magic dollar syntax for capture
 - Fixed bug with trailing placeholders in destructuring patterns
 - Fixed bug with underscore in parameter destructuring
 - Fixed crash with nested patterns and when hovering over an invalid pattern
 - Better error messages when casting to an integer or float fails

Text and Layout
 - Implemented sophisticated CJK punctuation adjustment
 - Disabled overhang for CJK punctuation
 - Added basic translations for Traditional Chinese
 - Fixed alignment of text inside raw blocks (centering a raw block, e.g.
   through a figure, will now keep the text itself left-aligned)
 - Added support for passing a array instead of a function to configure table
   cell alignment and fill per column
 - Fixed automatic figure kind detection
 - Made alignment of enum numbers configurable, defaulting to end
 - Figures can now be made breakable with a show-set rule for blocks in figure
 - Initial fix for smart quotes in RTL languages

 - Fixed ligatures in PDF export: They are now copyable and searchable
 - Exported PDFs now embed ICC profiles for images that have them
 - Fixed export of strokes with zero thickness

Web app
 - Projects can now contain folders
 - Added upload by drag-and-drop into the file panel
 - Files from the file panel can now be dragged into the editor to insert them
   into a Typst file
 - You can now copy-paste images and other files from your computer directly
   into the editor
 - Added a button to resend confirmation email
 - Added an option to invert preview colors in dark mode
 - Added tips to the loading screen and the Help menu. Feel free to propose
 - Added syntax highlighting for YAML files
 - Allowed middle mouse button click on many buttons to navigate into a new tab
 - Allowed more project names
 - Fixed overridden Vim mode keybindings
 - Fixed many bugs regarding file upload and more

Miscellaneous Improvements
 - Improved performance of counters, state, and queries
 - Improved incremental parsing for more efficient recompilations
 - Added support for .yaml extension in addition to .yml for bibliographies
 - The CLI now emits escape codes only if the output is a TTY
 - For users of the typst crate: The Document is now Sync again and the World
   doesn't have to be 'static anymore
