Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activesupport71
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2024-02-04 16:07:45
Message id:

Log Message:
devel/ruby-activesupport71: update to 7.1.3

Active Support (2024-01-16)

* Handle nil backtrace_locations in ActiveSupport::SyntaxErrorProxy.
  [Eugene Kenny]

* Fix ActiveSupport::JSON.encode to prevent duplicate keys.  If the same key
  exist in both String and Symbol form it could lead to the same key being
  emitted twice.  [Manish Sharma]

* Fix ActiveSupport::Cache::Store#read_multi when using a cache
  namespace and local cache strategy.  [Mark Oleson]

* Fix to return results in a system
  timezone after #travel_to.

  There is a bug in the current implementation of #travel_to: it remembers a
  timezone of its argument, and all stubbed methods start returning results
  in that remembered timezone.  However, the expected behaviour is to return
  results in a system timezone.  [Aleksei Chernenkov]

* Fix :unless_exist option for MemoryStore#write (et al) when using a cache
  namespace.  [S. Brent Faulkner]

* Fix ActiveSupport::Deprecation to handle blaming generated code.
  [Jean Boussier, fatkodima]
