Subject: CVS commit: wip/hs-QuickCheck
From: Ryosuke Moro
Date: 2014-05-07 01:51:11
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 2.7.3

QuickCheck 2.7.3 (released 2014-03-24)
	* Add annotations for Safe Haskell.

QuickCheck 2.7.2 (released 2014-03-22)
	* Fix bug in cabal file which broke cabal test

QuickCheck 2.7.1 (released 2014-03-20)
	* Fixed bug - the Small modifier didn't work on unsigned types
	* Changed arbitrarySizedIntegral to have an Integral constraint
	  instead of just Num

QuickCheck 2.7 (released 2014-03-19)

	* New features:
		* New genericShrink function provides generic shrinking with GHC.
		* New combinator x === y: fails if x /= y, but also prints their values
		* New function generate :: Gen a -> IO a for running a generator.
		* New combinators infiniteList and infiniteListOf for generating infinite lists.
		* Several combinators added to the main Test.QuickCheck module which
		  were previously languishing in other modules. Of particular interest:
		  quickCheckAll, ioProperty.
		* New combinators delay and capture which can be used (unsafely!)
		  to reuse the random number seed. Useful for generating
		  polymorphic (rank-2) values.
		* A new Discard data type and a Testable instance for discarding test cases.
		* All modifiers now have Functor instances and accessor functions.
		* Pressing ctrl-C during shrinking now shows the last failed
		  test case, rather than the current shrinking candidate.
		* Experimental support for UHC. You will need the latest version of Cabal from git.

	* Better distribution of test data:
		* The Int generator now only generates fairly small numbers.
		* The new Small and Large modifiers control the distribution of integers
		  (Small generates small numbers, Large from the whole range).
		* Floating-point numbers shrink better.

	* Improved random number generation:
		* QuickCheck now uses TFGen rather than StdGen on newer versions
		  of GHC, because StdGen's random numbers aren't always random.
		* 'variant' now uses a prefix code. This should prevent some
		  potential bananaskins with coarbitrary.

	* API changes:
		* The Gen monad now uses an abstract type QCGen rather than StdGen.
		* The Result type now returns the thrown exception and number
		  of failed shrink attempts.
		* Property is now a newtype rather than Gen Prop as it was before.
		* promote is moved into the new module Test.QuickCheck.Gen.Unsafe.
		* 'printTestCase' is deprecated - its new name is 'counterexample'
		* 'morallyDubiousIOProperty' is deprecated - its new name is
		  'ioProperty', no moral judgement involved :)
