./graphics/gegl, Graph based image processing framework

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 0.4.54nb1, Package name: gegl-0.4.54nb1, Maintainer: adam

GEGL (Generic Graphics Library) is a graph based image processing

GEGL provides infrastructure to do demand based cached non destructive
image editing on larger than RAM buffers. Through babl it provides
support for a wide range of color models and pixel storage formats for
input and output.

Required to run:
[graphics/tiff] [graphics/png] [graphics/jpeg] [graphics/openexr] [devel/pango] [graphics/babl] [textproc/json-glib] [graphics/gdk-pixbuf2] [graphics/lcms2] [graphics/libwebp] [devel/SDL2] [graphics/librsvg-c]

Required to build:
[pkgtools/x11-links] [x11/xcb-proto] [x11/fixesproto4] [pkgtools/cwrappers] [x11/xorgproto] [devel/meson]

Package options: svg

Master sites:

Filesize: 5869.871 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-12 07:45:45 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (850)
Log message:
*: Recursive revbump from audio/flac-1.5.0
   2025-02-11 10:45:02 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
gegl: update to 0.4.54.

  • bump_map: fix typo in property nick
  • noise_spread: better performance with no-op values
  • negative_darkroom: more presets, better performance
  • styles: fix regression of opacirt sliders
   2024-12-28 10:40:01 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
gegl: update to 0.4.52.

GEGL-0.4.52 2024-12-26


Fix regression cubic interpolation - it was quadratic rather than
cubic, this improves all uses of cubic interpolation. Use g_spawn_sync
rather than system() for launching graphviz' dot.


  • invert-gamma: operate on perceptual encoding.

  • newsprint: do processing with perceptual encoding.

  • denoise-dct, mantiuk06: pass-through for too small input buffers.
   2024-12-27 09:21:09 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1055)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for pango requiring fontconfig 2.15
   2024-11-14 23:22:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2429)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76 shlib major version bump
   2024-11-07 09:00:20 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
gegl: add new PLIST files
   2024-11-07 08:35:58 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
gegl: update to 0.4.50.

GEGL-0.4.50 2024-11-03


Better Gobject Introspection annotation coverage.

Improved error handling for gegl chain processing.

Added accessors for pad meta-data, to be able to show names and
descriptions in UIs.

GeglColor: more lax parameters for g_arapm_values_cmp


API: GEGL_OP_NAME needs to be uniqe .c filenames no longer needs to be.
First registered op with a given name now takes precedence over later.

  * exr-save: store 16bpc files as half, fixing gimp#10778

  * ff-load, ff-save: fix build with FFmpeg 7

  * dither: do processing in linear when all levels==2

  * OpenCL: upgrade from 1.1 to 3.0, disable opencl caching system -
    not crashing is more important than caching. And fixes to the
    opencl operation of the following ops:

  * alien-map

  * color-to-alpha

  * edge-sobel

  * hue-chroma

  * noise-reduction

  * oilify

  * snn-mean

New Ops:

styles: a UI for achieving many visual effects for use on text and
similar alpha defined shapes. bevel: simulate light and shadow on an
alpha defined shape. inner-glow: an inner shadow glow effect

New Ops in workshop:

ctx-script: an experimental op for rendering ctx protocol this might be
a future basis for ctx-based vector layers.


Various meson cleanups. Generate .pdb (CodeView) debug symbols for
Windows Reproducible build fixed by getting rid of runtime values in
.gir files.

Updated vendored libraries

ctx has been updated from upstream, perhaps most significantly the
protocol/drawing API has been fuzzed with afl+
   2024-11-01 13:55:19 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2426)
Log message:
*: revbump for icu downgrade