./graphics/opencv, Library for computer vision problems

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 4.11.0nb1, Package name: opencv-4.11.0nb1, Maintainer: anthony.mallet

OpenCV means Intel(R) Open Source Computer Vision Library. It is a
collection of C functions and a few C++ classes that implement many
popular Image Processing and Computer Vision algorithms.

OpenCV provides cross-platform middle-to-high level API that includes
about 300 C functions and a few C++ classes. Also there are Python
bindings to OpenCV. OpenCV has no strict dependencies on external
libraries, though it can use some (such as libjpeg, ffmpeg, GTK+ etc.)

OpenCV provides transparent interface to Intel(R) Integrated Performance
Primitives (IPP). That is, it loads automatically IPP libraries optimized
for specific processor at runtime, if they are available.

Required to run:
[graphics/tiff] [graphics/png] [graphics/openexr] [math/py-numpy] [x11/gtk3] [graphics/libwebp] [devel/protobuf] [lang/python37]

Required to build:
[pkgtools/x11-links] [x11/xcb-proto] [x11/fixesproto4] [pkgtools/cwrappers] [x11/xorgproto]

Package options: gtk

Master sites:

Filesize: 92823.254 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-12 12:22:16 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
   2025-02-09 15:44:09 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (62)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for abseil 20250127.0
   2025-02-08 00:35:30 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
opencv: fix build on Darwin/aarch64; force auto detection = avoid building \ 
3rdparty packages; switch ffmpeg to v6
   2025-02-07 22:56:05 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
opencv: update comments
   2025-02-07 22:54:17 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (29) | Package removed
Log message:
opencv: update to 4.11.0.

This is the new major version under the Apache 2 license.
Too many changes to list, no concise summary found. Details at:
   2024-12-27 09:21:09 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1055)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for pango requiring fontconfig 2.15
   2024-12-27 00:57:23 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (46) | Package updated
Log message:
revbump after devel/protobuf update
   2024-11-17 08:17:06 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (944)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for default-on option of at-spi2-core