./math/R-igraph, Network analysis and visualization

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 2.1.4, Package name: R-igraph-2.1.4, Maintainer: minskim

Routines for simple graphs and network analysis. It can handle large
graphs very well and provides functions for generating random and
regular graphs, graph visualization, centrality methods and much more.

Required to run:
[textproc/libxml2] [math/R] [devel/R-magrittr] [lang/gcc7] [devel/R-pkgconfig]

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CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-15 00:05:00 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
(math/R-igraph)  -PKGREVISION, sorry correction
   2025-02-14 23:59:56 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
(math/R-igraph) Updated 2.1.1 to 2.1.4

# igraph 2.1.4

## Testing

- Tweak tests that use the graph package.

# igraph 2.1.3

## Features

- Use `_pv` destroy functions to satisfy ASAN checks (#1630).

- Use safe accessor to vector elements (#1633).

## Chore

- Replace `graph.isomorphic()` with `isomorphic()` (#1583, #1623).

## Documentation

- Convert `plot.common.Rd` to roxygen2 (#1424, #1636).

- Remove broken example from `graph_from_graphdb()` manual page (#1622, #1637).

- Document argument for NCOL format in `read_graph()` (#1621).

- Make documentation of `disjoint_union()` consistent with behavior (#1587, #1641).

- Add central note about experimental functions (#1624).

# igraph 2.1.2

## Bug fixes

- `adjacent_vertices()` and `incident_edges()` are now correct if the
  `"return.vs.es"` option is `FALSE` (@stibu81, #1605, #1606).

- Fix protection errors reported by rchk (#1592).

- Fix the incorrect handling of the `sample` parameter in
  `sample_motifs()` and ensure that the default `sample.size` is
  integer (#1568).

## Documentation

- Clarify what type of graph each community detection function supports.

- Improve `?read_graph` and `?write_graph` documentation.

- Improve `all_simple_paths()` documentation.

- `cluster_optimal()` does support directed graphs.

## Testing

- Test handling of `"return.vs.es"` in several functions (@stibu81, #1610).
   2024-11-14 23:22:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2429)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76 shlib major version bump
   2024-11-03 13:40:56 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
(math/R-igraph) Updated 1.6.0 to 2.1.1

(pkgsrc changes)
 - rename  patch file
    old:                patches/patch-src_vendor_plfit_hzeta.c
    new: patches/patch-src_vendor_cigraph_vendor_plfit_hzeta.c

(upstream changes)

# igraph 2.1.1

See \ 
<https://github.com/igraph/rigraph/blob/9828d7b11be330f994f07ae93a071b356eced903/src/vendor/cigraph/CHANGELOG.md> \ 
for a complete changelog, in particular the section "Breaking \ 

## Features

- Add `p.value` and `p.precision` arguments to `fit_power_law()` to control the \ 
computation of the p-value (#1546).

## Bug fixes

- Preserve `as.undirected()` signature thanks to @jhollway, regression \ 
introduced in igraph 2.1.0 (#1536).

## Lifecycle

- Deprecate `eigen_centrality(scale = )` (#1543).
- Put deprecation message at the beginning not the end of the similarity \ 
functions (#1549).

## Documentation

- Update allcontributors table (#1552).
- Use mathjax for now (#1538).

## Internal

- Prepare for libxml2 depending on bcrypt, use pkg-config (#1556, @kalibera).

# igraph 2.1.0

See \ 
<https://github.com/igraph/rigraph/blob/05973441b83decdeab8cc9c500a642c00b924770/src/vendor/cigraph/CHANGELOG.md> \ 
for a complete changelog, in particular the section "Breaking \ 

## Lifecycle

### Breaking changes

- Breaking change: remove tkigraph from {igraph} proper (#1474).
- Breaking change: Hard-deprecate `get.edge()` and `layout.grid.3d()` which have \ 
been deprecated for 10 years (#1398).
- Breaking change: use `rlang::arg_match()` in `igraph.match.arg()` (#1165).

### In-progress deprecations

We are working towards a more consistent interface, especially as regards \ 
function naming: ultimately we want the igraph functions to use snake case.
Please update your scripts and codebases as soon as you can.

- Add `independence_number()` as an alias of `ivs_size()` (#1522).
- Add `get_edge_ids()` as an alias of `get.edge.ids()` (#1510).
- Increase the deprecation signal to a warning for `hub.score()` and \ 
`authority.score()` both replaced by `hits_scores()` (#1352).
- Soft-deprecate `erdos.renyi.game()` and `random.graph.game()` (#1509).

## Features

### C library

- Update vendored C/igraph sources to \ 

### New functionality

- Support `fit_power_law(implementation = "plfit.p")` to compute the \ 
P-value (#1386).
- Add `max_degree()` (#1403).
- Add experimental `sample_chung_lu()` (#1416).
- Rename methods available for `sample_degseq()` and add the \ 
`"edge.switching.simple"` method (#1376).
- Weight support for `eccentricity()` and `radius()` (#1211).
- Add some argument checking to `add_shape()` (#1478).

### More informative errors

- Export `.from()` etc. with behavior similar to `dplyr::across()` (#1436): \ 
functions like `.from()` are meant to be used inside `[` but now if an user \ 
misuses them, the error is more informative.

## Bug fixes

- Fix including diagonal elements in dense adjacency matrices (#1437).
- Align the body of `graph.lattice()` with its replacement `make_lattice()` (#1439).
- Use `deprecated()` as default value for `circular` argument to \ 
`make_lattice()` (#1431).
- `subgraph_centrality()` now ignores edge directions (#1414).
- Remove unintended type conversions when using `disjoint_union()` (#1375).
- Add missing `PROTECT()` (#1382).
- Fix reading of LGL and NCOL files (broken in 2.0.0) (#1347).
- Fixed potential memory leak in `R_igraph_community_to_membership2()` (#1367).

## Documentation

- Improve the manual page of `sample_()` (#1477).
- Improve cross-links from `make_()` manual page (#1476).
- Update `is_separator()` documentation based on C docs (#1467).
- Add DOI to citation (#1450).
- Improve documentation of normalization methods for laplacian_matrix() (#1420).
- Fix typos in `?plot.common` (@gvegayon) (#1413).
- Fix `sample_degseq()` example (#1297).
- Fix `graph_from_adjacency_matrix()` examples to avoid warnings (#1302).
- Replace `\dontrun{}` with `@examplesIf` (#1307).
- Improve `sample_gnp()` examples.
- Improve centralization docs.
- Further clarifications for `betweenness()` (#1489).
- Clarify how betweenness with cutoff is normalized.
- Fix `centr_eigen_tmax()` docs.
- Make `edge_density()` examples relevant.
- Improve `eigen_centrality()` documentation.
- Improved `cluster_edge_betweenness()` documentation.
- `sample_forestfire()` tests and example (#1318).

### Developer-facing docs

- Add slightly tweaked boilerplate `CONTRIBUTING.md` (#1423).
- Update troubleshooting document.
- Use {devtag} for internal function docs (#1507).
- Make `.igraph.progress()` and `.igraph.status()` more internal (#1516).

# igraph 2.0.3

See \ 
<https://github.com/igraph/rigraph/blob/3299d31/src/vendor/cigraph/CHANGELOG.md> \ 
for a complete changelog of the bundled C core, and \ 
<https://github.com/igraph/rigraph/compare/f3fa58b..3299d31#diff-aeb78e0159780a9b26daabaf6f95f450b0cfec7161fc735f27ad69145a57dc84> \ 
for the changes since the igraph 2.0.1.
(A permanent link to the most recent changelog of the C core used in the R package is

## Features

- GMP is no longer a dependency (#1256), libxml2 (#1282) and glpk are optional.
- Update vendored sources to igraph/igraph@857a125069c226f266562b3781b82833fe1d59d9.
- New `voronoi_cells()` to compute the Voronoi partitioning of a graph (#1173).

## Bug fixes

- Fix `rglplot(edge_label = )` (#1267).

## Continuous integration

- Run examples with sanitizer (#1288).
- Add scheduled builds.

## Documentation

- Make `x11()` usage in example happen only in interactive sessions (#1301).
- Remove misleading comment about warning given as no warning is given (#1294).
- Improve `min_st_separators()` documentation (#1264).
- Add link to discussion forum (#1279) and logo (#1280).
- Add code finding duplicate `@seealso`, and use it (#1270).
- Remove duplicate `@seealso` from `?sample_pa` (#1268).
- Remove incorrect claim about handling of complete graphs by `is_separator()` \ 
and `is_min_separator()` (#1263).
- Fix error messages mentioning to mention `upgrade_graph()` instead of the \ 
nonexisting `upgrade_version()` (#1252).
- Split `is_bipartite()` manual page from other manual page (#1230).
- Improve bug report template.
- `CITATION.cff` contains only the first three version components.
- Install lock workflow to lock stale discussions after one year (#1304).

## Internal

- Replace use of deprecated `barabasi.game()` with `sample_pa()` (#1291).
- Auto-generate `are_adjacent()`, avoid deprecated `igraph_are_connected()` C \ 
function (#1254).

# igraph 2.0.2

See \ 
<https://github.com/igraph/rigraph/blob/f3fa58b/src/vendor/cigraph/CHANGELOG.md> \ 
for a complete changelog of the bundled C core, and \ 
<https://github.com/igraph/rigraph/compare/1bd2bf79..f3fa58b#diff-aeb78e0159780a9b26daabaf6f95f450b0cfec7161fc735f27ad69145a57dc84> \ 
for the changes since the igraph 2.0.1.
(A permanent link to the most recent changelog of the C core used in the R package is

## Bug fixes

- `g + vertices(1, 2, foo = 3)` works again, regression introduced in igraph \ 
2.0.0 (#1247).
- `sample_pa()` respects the `out.seq` and `out.dist` arguments again, \ 
regression introduced in igraph 2.0.0 (#1226).
- `isomorphisms()` and `subgraph_isomorphisims(method = "vf2")` work \ 
again, regression introduced in 2.0.0 (#1219).
- `biconnected_components()` now returns edge and vertex sequences again, \ 
regression introduced in 2.0.0 (#1213).
- Remove zeros from the `order` and `order.out` components returned by `dfs()`, \ 
regression introduced in 2.0.0 (#1179).
- Memory leaks when converting data to C (#1196).

## Features

- `realize_bipartite_degseq()` creates a bipartite graph from two degree \ 
sequences (#1212).
- `is_biconnected()` checks if a graph is biconnected (#1204).
- `distances()` now supports the Floyd-Warshall algorithm (#1186).

## Documentation

- Use more culturally diverse names in intro vignettes (#1246).
- Formatting tweaks in introductory vignettes (#1243).
- Recommend {pak} instead of {remotes} (#1228).
- Fix typo in `mean_distance()` docs.
- Update troubleshooting document, emphasize issues with Anaconda environments \ 
- Improved docs for shortest path functions (#1201).
- Document `"dsatur"` heuristic for `greedy_vertex_coloring()` (#1206).
- Remove scg related docs (#1167).
- Fix typo in `?articulation_points` (#1191).
- Improve installation and troubleshooting instructions (#1184).
- Improve docs of assortativity (#1151).

## Testing

- Add tests for `isomorphisms()` and `subgraph_isomorphisms()` (#1225).

## Packaging

- Always use bundled mini-gmp (#1233).
- `config.h` defines `HAVE___UINT128_T` (#1216).
- Do not rely on `which` program during configuration (#1232).
- `configure` manage libxml multiple include paths (#1197).
- Remove empty string in `configure` (#1235).
- Link Fortran runtime on Windows as needed by arpack. (#1215).
- Workaround for deprecated enum values not being supported with old GCC (#1205).
- `HAVE_GFORTRAN` flag for `win` and `ucrt` (#1171).
- `make_empty_graph()` is now fully auto-generated (#1068).
- Eliminate manual edits from autogenerated files (#1207).
- Add read-only comments for RStudio IDE (#1152).

## Internal

- Remove unused patch files (#1234).
- Update stimulus to 0.21.4 (#1210).
- Avoid duplicate objects (#1223).
- Eliminate a compiler warning from simpleraytracer (#1185).

# igraph

## Bug fixes

- Avoid `is.R()` which is deprecated in R 4.4.0.

# igraph 2.0.1

## Bug fixes

- Use cpp11 for simpleraytracer glue to avoid `-Wlto` warnings (#1163).

# igraph 2.0.0

This major release brings development in line with the C core at \ 
See \ 
<https://github.com/igraph/rigraph/blob/1bd2bf79/src/vendor/cigraph/CHANGELOG.md> \ 
for a complete changelog, in particular the section "Breaking \ 
(A permanent link to the most recent changelog of the C core used in the R package is

Version 1.6.0 of the R package used version 0.9.9 of the C core.
The changes in the 0.10 series of the C core are relevant for version 2.0.0 of \ 
the R package, but not all C core functions are exposed in the R interface.
Changes to the implementation of some functions in the C core may be reflected \ 
in functions in the R package.

The change log below is a summary of the additional changes in the R interface.

## Breaking changes

- `get.edge.ids(multi = TRUE)` and `as_adjacency_matrix(edges = )` are no longer \ 
supported (#1101, #1080).

- Remove `NA` padding for `dfs(unreachable = FALSE)$order` and `$order.out` and \ 
for `bfs(unreachable = FALSE)$order`, also for `igraph_options(return.vs.es = \ 
FALSE)` (#1062, #1124).

- `laplacian_matrix(normalized = TRUE)` uses a different normalization method \ 

- `fit_power_law()` no longer returns a `KS.p` component.

- Remove default value for `loops` argument of `centr_degree_tmax()` (#1114).

- `as_adjacency_matrix()` no longer supports attributes of type `character` (#1072).

- Remove `graph.isomorphic.34()` (#1065, #1067).

- Use `lifecycle::deprecate_soft()` for most deprecated functions (#1024, #1025, \ 

- The system libraries GLPK, GMP, and libxml2 are now mandatory for compiling \ 
from source.

## Bug fixes

- Add scalar conversion checks in a few critical places (#1069).

- Check that we receive a scalar when expecting a scalar in C code (#1051).

- Check that matrix sizes are in the supported range before passing them to R \ 

- `transitivity()` now produces a named vector in the local (weighted) case (#1057).

- `plot()` correctly computes intersections between edges and rectangle vertices \ 

- Fix compilation on Windows with spaces in the Rtools path (#1000).

## Features

- Use 30 bits of R's RNG (#1079).

- Breaking change: Remove `NA` padding for `dfs(unreachable = FALSE)$order` and \ 
`$order.out` and for `bfs(unreachable = FALSE)$order`, also for \ 
`igraph_options(return.vs.es = FALSE)` (#1062, #1124).

- New `k_shortest_paths()` to compute the first k shortest paths between two \ 
vertices (#1028).

## Documentation

- Add GitHub bug report form.

- New `vignette("deprecated-dot-case")` that lists deprecated \ 
functions and their alternatives (#1013).

- Move deprecation badge to top of doc pages.

- Remove usage of `get.adjacency()` from intro vignettes (#1084).

- Fix math formatting in `fit_power_law()` docs.

- Fix incorrect usage in `subgraph.edges()` example.

- Clarify that Infomap considers edge directions.

- Improve edge connectivity docs (#1119).

- Add some missing diacritics.

## Internal

- Use `[]` assignment for converting matrices (#1035).

- Move towards autogenerating all bindings (#1043).

- Use %\|\|% from rlang (#1112).

- Replace loop by `lapply()` when returning vertex and edge sets (#1033).

- Do not duplicate prototypes, use a common header for `rinterface.c` and \ 
`rinterface_extra.c` (#1055).

- Clean up some auto-generation code (#1031), remove unused parts from code \ 
generation (#1032), eliminate the use of some deprecated C functions.

- Use integers for mode enum in `cluster_label_prop()`.

- Standardize the handling of some stimulus enum types (#1064).

- Remove unused vectorlist / matrixlist destructors (#1070).

- Remove unused stimulus type VERTEXSETLIST_INT (#1049).

- Remove unused types (#1060).

- Fix Stimulus definitions (#997).

- Avoid deprecated `R_igraph_automorphisms()` (#999).

- Use new ARPACK_DEFAULTS symbol from C core for default arpack options.

- Ignore upstream CITATION file to avoid R CMD check NOTE (#1007).

- Add Aviator configuration.

## Testing

- Add `as_biadjacency_matrix()` tests for named vectors (#1154, #1155).

- Test transferring colors in isomorphism functions (#1050).
   2024-11-01 13:55:19 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2426)
Log message:
*: revbump for icu downgrade
   2024-11-01 01:54:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2427)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76.1 shlib bump
   2024-05-29 18:35:19 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1929) | Package updated
Log message:
revbump after icu and protobuf updates
   2024-01-26 22:43:01 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
(math/R-igraph) Updated 1.5.1 to 1.6.0

# igraph 1.6.0

## Breaking changes

- New `arpack_defaults()` replaces `igraph.arpack.default` and
  `arpack_defaults` lists (#800), with consistent usage checks (#966).

- Define methods for `ape::as.phylo()` instead of own `as_phylo()`
  generic, remove deprecated `asPhylo()` (#763).

- `bfs()` with unreachable nodes returns zero instead of `NaN` as
  `rank` (#956), and negative instead of `NaN` for `dist` (#926).

- `random_walk()` adds one more step, the resulting list of vertices
  is of length `steps + 1` (#934).

- `girth()` returns `Inf` for acyclic graphs (#931).

- Remove some behaviour / parameters that were deprecated in 1.3

- Remove `scg_eps()`, `scg_group()` and `scg_semi_proj()`, broken and
  no longer maintained (#946).

## Bug fixes

- Fix `printf()` warning (#975).

- Fix calls to `isSymmetric()` for matrix objects with a class (#965).

- Reduce frequency of interruption checks (#957).

## Features

- Change "incidence matrix" naming to "biadjacency matrix" \ 

- Add aliases using the neighborhood terminology for all ego functions: (#950).

- Rename arguments to `assortativity(values, values.in)` from `types1`
  and `types2` (#952).

- Add ellipsis to `cluster_label_prop()` (#954).

- Placeholders for `is_acyclic()` and `is_forest()`, to be implemented
  in igraph 2.0.0 (#945).

- `is_tree(details = TRUE)` designates the first vertex as root for
  non-trees (#935).

- `all_shortest_paths()` returns the vertex list in both `res` and
  `vpaths` components (#930).

- Improve symmetry check for adjacency matrices on input (#911).

- Warn if non-symmetric undirected adjacency matrix (#904).

## Documentation

- Remove duplicate `\seealso{}` (#948).

- Update `knnk()` and `sir()` docs.

- Fix formula in `reciprocity()` docs.

- `strength()` does not give a warning when no weights are given.

- Update `sample_smallworld()` manual page (#895).

- Correct documentation for weighted cliques.

- Update Erdos-Renyi model docs.

## Testing

- Clean up tests (#967).

- Stabilize tests for `cluster_label_prop()` (#932), `sample_pa()`
  (#927), `cluster_louvain()` (#933), SIR (#936),
  `sample_forestfire()` (#929).

- Hard-code graph used in test (#928).

- Update GML test file (#925).

- Improve test for sampling from Dirichlet distribution (#923).

- Omit test that no longer holds with igraph 0.10 (#922).

- Stabilize test in preparation for upgrade (#920).

- Stabilize plot test (#919).

- Fix checks.