2023-06-02 14:49:09 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
(math/R-tibble) Updated 3.1.8 to 3.2.1
# tibble 3.2.1
## Internal
- Use symbol instead of string in `.Call()`.
# tibble 3.2.0
## Features
- Accurate location of the source of an error in error messages
(#1379, #1065, #1508).
- `as_data_frame()` now also refers to `as.data.frame()` in its
deprecation message (#1149, #1506).
## Breaking changes
- Deprecated functions and arguments where we could not detect usage
by other CRAN packages (#1515):
- `data_frame_()`, `lst_()`, `frame_data()`
- `as_tibble(validate = )`, `as_tibble(NULL)`, `new_tibble(subclass = )`
- `add_row()` and `add_column()` for non-data-frame input
- `add_column()` for input with non-unique names
- corner cases for `tbl[[x]]`
- Breaking change: Remove `knit_print.trunc_mat()` method (#1516).
- Forward `trunc_mat()` to new-style pillar methods (#1517).
## Bug fixes
- Allow `glue()` and other classed characters for subassignment (#1150, #1503).
## Performance
- Reduce overhead of single-column subset assignment (#1363).
## Documentation
- New `vignette("extending")` (#275, #1512).
- Minor updates (#1151, #1070, #1512, #1485).
- Update example for `nrow` argument to `new_tibble()` (@heavywatal, #1394).
- Fix display of mermaid diagrams in `vignette("formats")` (@maelle, \
#1497, #1498).
- Remove ANSI escapes from invariants article on pkgdown (#1374).
## Internal
- Require vctrs >= 0.4.1 and pillar >= 1.8.1
- Use cli for formatting conditions (#1387).
- Use `vec_as_location(missing = "error")` for better error messages
(#741, #1511).
- Remove compatibility code for RSDA package which is broken anyway
due to other changes (#923, #1509).
- Skip tests if suggested packages not available (#1246, @MichaelChirico).
- Remove obsolete tests (#1513).
2023-01-01 06:38:16 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
(devel/R-tibble) Updated 3.1.4 to 3.1.8
# tibble 3.1.8
## Documentation
- Better reporting for error calls from `vec_as_location()` (#1237).
- Mention `median()` in Recovery section of `vignette("numbers")` (#1197).
# tibble 3.1.7
## Breaking change
- `trunc_mat()` now returns a value with a different structure. This
is considered an implementation detail that can change in the
future, do not rely on it. The only guarantee is that calling
`print()` will display the input like a tibble (#1059).
## Documentation
- Avoid listing `dim_desc()` in reexports.
- Add more examples for data frame and matrix columns (#978, #1012).
## Internal
- Require rlang 1.0.1 and pillar 1.7.0 (#1063).
- Prefer `class` over `.subclass` in `rlang::error_cnd()` (#1015, #1060).
# tibble 3.1.6
- `set_num_opts()` and `set_char_opts()` are reexported from pillar (#959).
- `view()` uses `rlang::expr_deparse(width = Inf)` to avoid errors
with long `|>` pipes (#957).
- `new_tibble()` checks that the `nrow` argument is nonnegative and
less than 2^31 (#916).
- `tbl_sum.tbl_df()` has an ellipsis in its formals for extensibility.
# tibble 3.1.5
- Avoid necessity to set `"tibble.view_max"` option for lazy tables (#954).
- Avoid blanket import for lifecycle package for compatibility with
upcoming rlang (#955, @romainfrancois).
2023-01-01 06:24:32 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
(math/R-tibble) +TEST_DEPENDS+= R-mockr, R-lubridate, R-bench
2021-10-26 12:56:13 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (458) |
Log message:
math: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
2021-10-07 16:28:36 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (458) |
Log message:
math: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2021-09-20 02:44:28 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
(math/R-tibble) Updated 3.1.2 to 3.1.4
# tibble 3.1.4
## Features
- `as.data.frame.tbl_df()` strips inner column names (#837).
- `new_tibble()` allows omitting the `nrow` argument again (#781).
## Documentation
- Move `vignette("digits")`, `vignette("numbers")`, `?num` \
and `?char`
from the pillar package here (#913).
- Replace `iris` by `trees` (#943).
- Various documentation improvements.
- New `?tibble_options` help page (#912).
## Performance
- `x[i, j] <- one_row_value` avoids explicit recycling of the
right-hand side, the recycling happens implicitly in
`vctrs::vec_assign()` for performance (#922).
## Internal
- Vignettes are now tested with a snapshot test (#919).
- `new_tibble()` uses `vctrs::new_data_frame()` internally (#726,
- Adapt to pillar 1.6.2.
- Fix tests for compatibility with pillar 1.6.2.
# tibble 3.1.3
## Bug fixes
- `tbl[row, col] <- rhs` treats an all-`NA` logical vector as a
missing value both for existing data (#773) and for the right-hand
side value (#868). This means that a column initialized with `NA`
(of type `logical`) will change its type when a row is updated to a
value of a different type.
- `[[<-()` supports symbols (#893).
## Features
- `as_tibble_row()` supports arbitrary vectors (#797).
- `enframe()` and `deframe()` support arbitrary vectors (#730).
- `tibble()` and `tibble_row()` ignore all columns that evaluate to
`NULL`, not only those where a verbatim `NULL` is passed (#895,
- `new_tibble()` is now faster (#901, @mgirlich).
## Internal
- Establish compatibility with rlang > 0.4.11 (#908).
- Use `pillar::dim_desc()` (#859).
- Establish compatibility with testthat > 3.0.3 (#896, @lionel-).
- Bump required versions of ellipsis and vctrs to avoid warning during
package load.
2021-06-07 01:39:26 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
(math/R-tibble) Update DEPEDNDS version for R-pillar
2021-06-06 17:38:02 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
(math/R-tibble) correct typo