./net/dhcpcd, DHCP / IPv4LL / IPv6RA / DHCPv6 client

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 10.2.2, Package name: dhcpcd-10.2.2, Maintainer: roy

An implementation of the DHCP client specified in RFC2131.
It's very small and bloat free.

Required to build:

Master sites:

Filesize: 269.238 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-25 14:05:45 by Roy Marples | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Import dhcpcd-10.2.2 with the following changes:

* Only drop IPv4 LL addresses if configured to handle them
* Fix building with different options (INET and INET6 only)
* BSD: Fix netmask family and length for incoming route msgs
* DHCP6: RENEW/REBIND if T1/T2 have passed at CONFIRM
* Add option to not use syslog
   2025-02-12 17:54:18 by Roy Marples | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update to dhcpcd-10.2.0 with the following changes:

dhcp6: start request when advertise received after IRT
dhcpcd: stdout output sometimes empty when redirected to a file
Fix help text formatting
Apply lastlease behavior to DHCPv6
dhcpcd not ignoring source-based routes on linux
DHCP6: lastlease behavior after Confim non-response
Allow limited RLIMIT_FSIZE when dumping lease
IPv6: Avoid uninitialized ifp state when adding address
DHCPv6: Add support for sending Option 17 (VSIO)
Exit the timesyncd hook if not on systemd and not executable
Add route lifetime from Router Advertisement
Fix using multiple enterprise IDs with vendclass
Update route if acquired time changes
Always send req for InfoRefreshTime option on Inform-Req
Increase max IPv4 clientid
   2024-10-29 13:08:21 by Taylor R Campbell | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
net/dhcpcd: Pass --build and --host for cross-builds.

This custom configure script may not be quite compatible with
GNU_CONFIGURE=yes, but it's compatible enough for GNU --build and
--host options.

No change to native builds -- conditional on USE_CROSS_COMPILE
(though it ought to be harmless even if unconditional).
   2024-05-24 18:22:48 by Roy Marples | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update to dhcpcd-10.0.8 with the following changes:

* DHCP: use request_time, fallback_time and ipv4ll_time rather than reboot timeout
* DHCP6: Wait for IRT to elapse before requesting advertisments
* DHCPv6: Don't re-INFORM if the RA changes
* privsep: Reduce fd use
* dhcpcd: Add support for arp persist defence
* Move dhcp(v4) packet size check earlier
* Define the Azure Endpoint and other site-specific options
* add RFC4191 support by @goertzenator in #297
* dhcpcd: Respect IPV6_PREFERRED_ONLY flag regardless of state
* Fix time_offset to be int to match RFC-2132
* hooks/30-hostname: Exit with 0 if setting hostname is not needed
   2023-12-18 17:06:17 by Roy Marples | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Import dhcpcd-10.0.6 with the following changes:

 * privsep: Stop proxying stderr to console and fix some detachment issues
 * non-privsep: Fix launcher hangup
 * DHCP6: Allow the invalid interface name - to mean don't assign an address \ 
from a delegated prefix
 * DHCP6: Load the configuration for the interface being activated from prefix \ 
   2023-10-19 13:30:44 by Roy Marples | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Import dhcpcd-10.0.4 with the following changes:

* privsep: allow __NR_mmap2
* privsep: allow __NR_clock_gettime32
* compat/arc4random.c: use memset instead of explicit_bzero
* privsep: avoid SIGPIPE errors when scripts write to stderr/stdout
  after dhcpcd is daemonised
   2023-10-06 11:01:41 by Roy Marples | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
Import dhcpcd-10.0.3 with the following changes:

DHCP: Don't crash on a test run
dhcpcd: Fix off-by-one overflow when read() writes full BUFSIZ
privsep: fix strlcpy overflow in psp_ifname
privsep: Fix a FD leak when processes exit
dhcpcd: Use a local variable instead of the optind
dhcpcd: Guard against handling many SIGTERM/SIGINT
DHCP6: Send correct amount of used buffer for prefix exclude option
options: andsf6 is DHCPv6, not DHCP
options: introduce the uri option as opposed to a string
DHCP6: Set all requested addrs as not stale when starting discovery
compat: update arc4random() to newer chacha20 based version from OpenBSD
compat: Support libcrypto for hmac and sha256
compat: use OpenSSL RAND_priv_bytes() for entropy
privsep: Allow diabling of SECCOMP on Linux
linux: fix wireless roaming
   2023-07-19 16:19:58 by Roy Marples | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Import dhcpcd-10.0.2 with the following changes:
 * OpenBSD: add RTM_DESYNC to route(4) filter.
 * Linux: fix disabling of kernel RA autoconf
 * Linux: Improve learning IPv6 address flags
 * Linux: risc-v fix vendor error
 * Linux: consider IFF_LOWER_UP and !IFF_DORMANT for LINK_UP
 * BSD: When we get RTM_NEWADDR the interface must have IFF_UP
 * BSD: Fix non INET6 builds
 * DHCP: Don't enforce the message came port 67
 * privsep: Allow zero length messages through
 * dhcpcd: deal with HANGUP and EPIPE better
 * dhcpcd: Fix waitip address family
 * privsep: Check if we have a root process before sending it stuff
 * privsep: Only unlink control sockets if we created them
 * common: Improve valid_domain and check correct return
 * common: Allow hwaddr_ntoa to print an empty string
 * privsep: Send only what we have put in the buffer to script env