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Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 0.12.0,
Package name: py312-impacket-0.12.0,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersImpacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network
protocols. Impacket is mostly focused on providing low-level
programmatic access to the packets, however some protocols (for
instance NMB and SMB) are implemented in a higher level as a
foundation for other protocols. Packets can be constructed from
scratch, as well as parsed from raw data, and the object oriented
API makes it simple to work with deep hierarchies of protocols.
Impacket is most useful when used together with a packet capture
utility or package such as Pcapy, an object oriented Python extension
for capturing network packets.
Required to run:[
security/py-OpenSSL] [
devel/py-setuptools] [
security/py-asn1] [
www/py-flask] [
lang/py-six] [
databases/py-ldap3] [
security/py-cryptodome] [
lang/python37] [
Required to build:[
Master sites:
Filesize: 1538.557 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2024-09-18) Updated to version: py312-impacket-0.12.0
- (2024-02-29) Updated to version: py311-impacket-0.11.0
- (2022-10-19) Updated to version: py310-impacket-0.9.24nb2
- (2022-01-05) Updated to version: py39-impacket-0.9.24nb2
- (2022-01-05) Updated to version: py39-impacket-0.9.24nb1
- (2021-11-10) Updated to version: py39-impacket-0.9.24
CVS history: (Expand)
2024-11-11 08:29:31 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (862) |
Log message:
py-*: remove unused tool dependency
py-setuptools includes the py-wheel functionality nowadays
2024-09-18 11:13:09 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (4) |  |
Log message:
py-impacket: updated to 0.12.0
Impacket v0.12.0-dev:
1. Library improvements
* Fixed broken hRSetServiceObjectSecurity method (@rkivys)
* Removed dsinternals dependency (@anadrianmanrique)
* Fixed srvs.hNetrShareEnum returning erronous shares (@cnotin)
* Fixed lmhash computing to support non standard characters in the password \
* Assorted fixes when processing Unicode data (@alexisbalbachan)
* Added `[MS-GKDI]` Group Key Distribution Protocol implementation (@zblurx)
* Fixed incorrect padding in SMBSessionSetupAndX_Extended_ResponseData \
* Upgraded dependency pyreadline -> pyreadline3 (@anadrianmanrique)
* SMB Server:
* Added query information level 0x0109 for smb1 \
* Fixed filename encoding in queryPathInformation (@JerAxxxxxxx)
* Fixed NextEntryOffset for large directory listings (@robnanola)
* Fixed server returning an empty folder when cutting and pasting \
recursive directories (@robnanola)
* DHCP: Fixed encoding issues (@ujwalkomarla)
3. Examples improvements
* [](examples/
* Double DC Sync performance for DCs supporting SID lookups (@tomspencer)
* Added ability to skip dumping of SAM or SECURITY hives when performing \
remote operations (@RazzburyPi)
* Added ability to specify users to skip when dumping NTDS (@RazzburyPi)
* [](examples/
* Support to create Sapphire tickets (@ShutdownRepo)
* [](examples/, [](examples/
* Support for Kerberoasting without pre-authentication and ST request \
through AS-REQ (@ShutdownRepo)
* [](examples/
* Fix kerberos with remoteHost & add '-target-ip'(@XiaoliChan)
* [](examples/
* Added the creation of a new machine account through SMB (@BlWasp)
* NTLMRelayX Multirelay fixes for target handling, added --keep-relaying \
flag (@alexisbalbachan)
* Logging multirelay status when triggering the example (@gabrielg5)
* Write certificates to file rather than outputting b64 to console \
* Improved ability to continue relaying to ADCS web enrollment endpoint \
in order to request multiple certificates for different users (@RazzburyPi)
* Fixed compatibility issue with other SMB clients connecting to the \
SOCKS proxy created by ntlmrelayx (@jfjallid)
* Allow configuration of the SOCKS5 address and port (@rtpt-erikgeiser)
* Fixed implementation of MSSQLShell (@gabrielg5)
* Logging notification of received connections in all relay servers \
* Add domain and username to interactive Ldap shell message (@minniear)
* Enhanced MSSQLShell in NTLMRelayX leveraging TcpShell & output \
messages (@gabrielg5)
* LDAP Attack: Bugfixes when parsing responses (@SAERXCIT)
* [](examples/
* Added -self, -altservice and -u2u for S4U2self abuse, S4U2self+u2u, \
and service substitution (@ShutdownRepo)
* Added ability to set the RENEW ticket option to renew a TGT (@shikatano)
* Fixed unicode encoding error when using the -impersonate flag \
* [](examples/
* Added principalType as new parameter (@DevSpork)
* [](examples/
* Start remote registry as unprivileged user in (@dadevel)
* Allow adding Binary values (@dc3l1ne)
* Add missing Null byte for REG_SZ values (@PfiatDe)
* Support for adding REG_MULTI_SZ values through (@garbrielg5)
* [](examples/
* Added ability to provide an output file that the smbclient mini shell \
will write commands and output to (@RazzburyPi)
* Fixed path parse issue when running `tree` command (@trietend)
* [](examples/
* Added parameter "-outputfile" to set smbserver log \
* [](examples/
* Allow execution on non-default ports (@jeffmcjunkin)
* Fixed KeyError exception when running with a Windows 2003 target \
* [](examples/
* Added new column to show if SPN exists (@p0dalirius)
* [](examples/
* Added `-target-ip` parameter to allow Kerberos authentication without \
much change in the DNS configuration of the local machine (@Palkovsky)
* [](examples/
* Switching back to original DB after running `enum_impersonate` command \
* Fixed logging in printReplies showing error messages (@gabrielg5)
* [](examples/
* Fixed scenario where value name contains backlash (@DidierA)
* [](examples/
* Fixed User "Account Active" property value (@marcobarlottini)
* Fixed log messages printing variables in the wrong order (@Cyb3rC3lt)
* [](examples/
* Handled SID not found in LDAP error (@ShutdownRepo)
* [](examples/
* Updated the help information for -outputfile to be consistent with \
-save (@scarvell)
* [](examples/
* Minor refactor in to make it more human-readable (@NtAlexio2)
* [](examples/
* Added support for dirsync and whoami commands (@nurfed1)
* [](examples/
* Now supports kerberos auth (@A1vinSmith)
* [](examples/
* Will fetch AdminComment using MSRPC (@joeldeleep)
* [](examples/
* Added support for kerberos auth, resolves SIDs (@nopernik)
4. New examples
* [](examples/ Ticket describer and \
decrypter. (@ShutdownRepo)
* [](examples/ Query's DC via LDAP and \
returns the COMPUTER objects and the useful attributes such as full dns name, \
operating system name and version. (@F-Masood)
* [](examples/ Extract LAPS passwords \
from LDAP (@zblurx and @dru1d-foofus)
* [](examples/ This script can be used to read, \
write, remove, backup, restore ACEs (Access Control Entries) in an object DACL \
(Discretionary Access Control List). (@_nwodtuhs) (@BlWasp_) (@Wlayzz)
2024-02-29 21:56:49 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (5) |  |
Log message:
py-impacket: updated to 0.11.0
Impacket v0.11.0 (Aug 2023):
1. Library improvements
* Added new Kerberos error codes (@ly4k).
* Added `[MS-TSTS]` Terminal Services Terminal Server Runtime Interface \
Protocol implementation (@nopernik).
* Changed the setting up for new SSL connections (@mpgn, @CT-H00K and \
* Added a callback function to smbserver for incoming authentications \
* Fix crash in winregistry (@laxa)
* Fixes in IDispatch derived classes in comev implementation (@NtAlexio2)
* Fix CVE-2020-17049 in (@godylockz)
* Smbserver: Added SMB2_FILE_ALLOCATION_INFO type determination (@JerAxxxxxxx)
* tds: Fixed python3 incompatibility when receiving over TLS socket (@exploide)
* crypto: Ensure passwords are utf-8 encoded before deriving Kerberos keys \
* ese: Fixed python3 incompatibility when reading from db (@alexisbalbachan)
* ldap queries: Escaped characters are now correctly parsed (@alexisbalbachan)
* Support SASL authentication in ldap protocol (@NtAlexio2)
2. Examples improvements
* [](examples/, \
[](examples/, \
[](examples/ and \
* Added dc-host option to connect to specific KDC using its FQDN or \
NetBIOS name (@rmaksimov and @0xdeaddood).
* [](examples/
* Printing TGT in stdout despite -outputfile parameter (@alexisbalbachan \
and @Zamanry)
* Fixed output hash format for AES128/256 (etype 17/18) (@erasmusc)
* [](examples/
* Added LDAP paged search (@ThePirateWhoSmellsOfSunflowers and @SAERXCIT).
* Added a -stealth flag to remove the SPN filter from the LDAP query \
* Improved searchFilter (@ShutdownRepo)
* Use LDAP paged search (@ThePirateWhoSmellsOfSunflowers)
* [](examples/
* Added support for name customization using a custom binary file (@Dramelac).
* [](examples/
* Security fixes for privilege escalation vulnerabilities (@bugch3ck).
* Fixed python3 compatibility issues, added workaround TCP over NetBIOS \
being disabled (@ljrk0)
* [](examples/
* Added a new option to extract only NTDS.DIT data for specific users \
based on an LDAP filter (@snovvcrash).
* Security fixes for privilege escalation vulnerabilities (@bugch3ck).
* [](examples/
* Added multiple new commands. Now supports xp_dirtree execution \
(@Mayfly277, @trietend and @TurtleARM).
* [](examples/
* Added ability to trigger SQLShell when running ntlmrelayx in interactive \
mode (@sploutchy).
* Added filter option to the socks command in ntlmrelayx CLI (@shoxxdj)
* Added ability to register DNS records through LDAP.
* [](examples/, [](examples/
* Allow weak TLS ciphers for LDAP connections (@AdrianVollmer)
* [](examples/
* Better handling of various XML files in Group Policy Preferences \
* [](examples/
* Added recursive file listing (@Sq00ky)
* [](examples/
* Ticket duration is now specified in hours instead of days (@Dramelac)
* Added extra-pac implementation (@Dramelac)
3. New examples
* [](examples/ Implementation of windows net.exe builtin tool \
* [](examples/ New example that allows \
password changing or reseting through multiple protocols (@Alef-Burzmali, \
@snovvcrash, @bransh, @api0cradle and @p0dalirius)
* [](examples/ New example that dumps remote \
host information in ntlm authentication model, without credentials. For SMB \
protocols v1, v2 and v3. (@NtAlexio2)
2022-10-19 16:25:20 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (21) |
Log message:
fighting a losing battle against the py-cryptography rustification, part 5
Convert py-OpenSSL users to
2022-04-29 13:56:47 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (29) |  |
Log message:
*: mark py-flask dependencies as not-for-python-2.x
I'll update py-flask soon; the current pkgsrc of py-flask version
is broken and all newer versions do not support python 2.x
2022-01-05 16:41:32 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (289) |
Log message:
python: add USE_PKG_RESOURCES flag
This flag should be set for packages that import pkg_resources
and thus need setuptools after the build step.
Set this flag for packages that need it and bump PKGREVISION.
2022-01-04 21:55:40 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1595) |
Log message:
*: bump PKGREVISION for users
They now have a tool dependency on py-setuptools instead of a DEPENDS
2021-12-01 17:29:05 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
py-impacket: fix building