./security/py-bcrypt, Modern password hashing for your software and your servers

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 4.2.0, Package name: py311-bcrypt-4.2.0, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Modern password hashing for your software and your servers.

Required to run:
[devel/py-setuptools] [devel/py-cffi] [lang/py-six] [lang/python37]

Required to build:

Master sites:

Filesize: 23.725 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2023-12-16 13:01:18 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
py-bcrypt: updated to 4.1.2


Publish both py37 and py39 wheels. This should resolve some errors relating to \ 
initializing a module multiple times per process.
   2023-12-13 18:39:07 by Amitai Schleier | Files touched by this commit (7)
Log message:
cargo.mk: centralize Darwin -install_name workaround.
   2023-12-11 13:14:36 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
py-bcrypt: updated to 4.1.1


Fixed the type signature on the kdf method.
Fixed packaging bug on Windows.
Fixed incompatibility with passlib package detection assumptions.


Dropped support for Python 3.6.
Bumped MSRV to 1.64. (Note: Rust 1.63 can be used by setting the \ 
BCRYPT_ALLOW_RUST_163 environment variable)
   2023-11-15 16:28:53 by Tobias Nygren | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
py-bcrypt: fix Darwin rpath issue
   2023-11-13 11:50:06 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
py-bcrypt: update to 4.0.1.


    We now build PyPy manylinux wheels.
    Fixed a bug where passing an invalid salt to checkpw could
    result in a pyo3_runtime.PanicException. It now correctly raises
    a ValueError.


    bcrypt is now implemented in Rust. Users building from source
    will need to have a Rust compiler available. Nothing will change
    for users downloading wheels.
    We no longer ship manylinux2010 wheels. Users should upgrade
    to the latest pip to ensure this doesn’t cause issues downloading
    wheels on their platform. We now ship manylinux_2_28 wheels
    for users on new enough platforms.
    NUL bytes are now allowed in inputs.
   2022-07-13 22:12:17 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-bcrypt: updated to 3.2.2


Fixed packaging of py.typed files in wheels so that mypy works.


Added support for compilation on z/OS
The next release of bcrypt with be 4.0 and it will require Rust at compile time, \ 
for users building from source. There will be no additional requirement for \ 
users who are installing from wheels. Users on most platforms will be able to \ 
obtain a wheel by making sure they have an up to date pip. The minimum supported \ 
Rust version will be 1.56.0.
This will be the final release for which we ship manylinux2010 wheels. Going \ 
forward the minimum supported manylinux ABI for our wheels will be \ 
manylinux2014. The vast majority of users will continue to receive manylinux \ 
wheels provided they have an up to date pip.


Added typehints for library functions.
Dropped support for Python versions less than 3.6 (2.7, 3.4, 3.5).
Shipped abi3 Windows wheels (requires pip >= 20).
   2022-01-04 21:55:40 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1595)
Log message:
*: bump PKGREVISION for egg.mk users

They now have a tool dependency on py-setuptools instead of a DEPENDS
   2021-10-26 13:18:07 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (605)
Log message:
security: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes

Unfetchable distfiles (fetched conditionally?):
./security/cyrus-sasl/distinfo \ 