./security/py-certbot-dns-digitalocean, DigitalOcean DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 2.11.0, Package name: py311-certbot-dns-digitalocean-2.11.0, Maintainer: adam

The dns_digitalocean plugin automates the process of completing a dns-01
challenge (DNS01) by creating, and subsequently removing, TXT records using the
DigitalOcean API.

Required to run:
[devel/py-setuptools] [devel/py-ZopeInterface] [devel/py-mock] [lang/py-six] [security/py-certbot] [security/py-acme] [lang/python37] [net/py-digitalocean]

Required to build:

Master sites:

Filesize: 14.079 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2024-04-09 17:14:41 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (18) | Package updated
Log message:
py-acme py-certbot*: updated to 2.10.0

Certbot 2.10.0


The Python source packages which we upload to PyPI are
now also being uploaded to
our releases on GitHub where
we now also include a SHA256SUMS checksum file and a PGP signature for that


We no longer publish our beta Windows installer
   2024-02-10 08:15:25 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (26) | Package updated
Log message:
py-acme py-certbot*: updated to 2.9.0

Certbot 2.9.0


Support for Python 3.12 was added.


Updates joinpath syntax to only use one addition per call, because the multiple \ 
version was causing mypy errors on Python 3.10.
Makes the reconfigure verb actually use the staging server for the dry run to \ 
check the new
   2023-12-12 17:39:36 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (49) | Package updated
Log message:
py-acme py-certbot*: updated to 2.8.0

Certbot 2.8.0


Added support for Alpine Linux distribution when is used the apache plugin


Support for Python 3.7 was removed.


Stop using the deprecated pkg_resources API included in setuptools.
   2023-11-08 18:43:43 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (17) | Package updated
Log message:
py-acme py-certbot*: updated to 2.7.4

Certbot 2.7.4

Fixed a bug introduced in version 2.7.0 that caused interactively entered
webroot plugin values to not be saved for renewal.
Fixed a bug introduced in version 2.7.0 of our Lexicon based DNS plugins that
caused them to fail to find the DNS zone that needs to be modified in some
   2023-10-26 11:32:27 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (19) | Package updated
Log message:
py-acme py-certbot*: updated to 2.7.3

Certbot 2.7.3


Fixed a bug where arguments with contained spaces weren't being handled correctly
Fixed a bug that caused the ACME account to not be properly restored on
renewal causing problems in setups where the user had multiple accounts with
the same ACME server.

Certbot 2.7.2


certbot-dns-ovh plugin now requires lexicon>=3.15.1 to ensure a consistent \ 
behavior with OVH APIs.
Fixed a bug where argument sources weren't correctly detected in abbreviated
arguments, short arguments, and some other circumstances
   2023-10-11 20:27:04 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (18) | Package updated
Log message:
py-acme py-certbot*: updated to 2.7.1

Certbot 2.7.1

Fixed a bug that broke the DNS plugin for DNSimple that was introduced in
version 2.7.0 of the plugin.
Correctly specified the new minimum version of the ConfigArgParse package
that Certbot requires which is 1.5.3.
   2023-10-06 12:26:24 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (18) | Package updated
Log message:
py-acme py-certbot*: updated to 2.7.0

Certbot 2.7.0


Add certbot.util.LooseVersion class.
Add a new base class certbot.plugins.dns_common_lexicon.LexiconDNSAuthenticator \ 
to implement a DNS
authenticator plugin backed by Lexicon to communicate with the provider DNS API. \ 
This approach relies
heavily on conventions to reduce the implementation complexity of a new plugin.
Add a new test base class \ 
certbot.plugins.dns_test_common_lexicon.BaseLexiconDNSAuthenticatorTest to
help testing DNS plugins implemented on top of LexiconDNSAuthenticator.


NamespaceConfig now tracks how its arguments were set via a dictionary, allowing \ 
us to remove a bunch
of global state previously needed to inspect whether a user set an argument or not.
Support for Python 3.7 was deprecated and will be removed in our next planned \ 
Added RENEWED_DOMAINS and FAILED_DOMAINS environment variables for consumption \ 
by post renewal hooks.
Deprecates LexiconClient base class and build_lexicon_config function in
certbot.plugins.dns_common_lexicon module in favor of LexiconDNSAuthenticator.
Deprecates BaseLexiconAuthenticatorTest and BaseLexiconClientTest test base \ 
classes of
certbot.plugins.dns_test_common_lexicon module in favor of \ 


Do not call deprecated datetime.utcnow() and datetime.utcfromtimestamp()
Filter zones in certbot-dns-google to avoid usage of private DNS zones to create \ 
   2023-05-12 11:17:15 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (18) | Package updated
Log message:
py-acme py-certbot*: updated to 2.6.0

Certbot 2.6.0


--dns-google-project optionally allows for specifying the project that the DNS \ 
zone(s) reside in,
which allows for Certbot usage in scenarios where the auth credentials reside in \ 
a different
project to the zone(s) that are being managed.
There is now a new Other annotated challenge object to allow plugins to support \ 
entirely novel challenges.


Optionally sign the SOA query for dns-rfc2136, to help resolve problems with \ 
DNS setups and hidden primary setups.
Certbot versions prior to v1.32.0 did not sign queries with the specified TSIG key
resulting in difficulty with split-horizon implementations.
Certbot v1.32.0 through v2.5.0 signed queries by default, potentially causing
incompatibility with hidden primary setups with allow-update-forwarding enabled
if the secondary did not also have the TSIG key within its config.
Certbot v2.6.0 and later no longer signs queries by default, but allows
the user to optionally sign these queries by explicit configuration using the
dns_rfc2136_sign_query option in the credentials .ini file.
Lineage name validity is performed for new lineages. --cert-name may no longer \ 
filepath separators (i.e. / or \, depending on the platform).
certbot-dns-google now loads credentials using the standard Application Default
Credentials strategy,
rather than explicitly requiring the Google Compute metadata server to be \ 
present if a service account
is not provided using --dns-google-credentials.
--dns-google-credentials now supports additional types of file-based credential, \ 
such as
External Account Credentials created by Workload Identity
Federation. All file-based credentials implemented by the Google Auth library \ 
are supported.


certbot-dns-google no longer requires deprecated oauth2client library.
Certbot will no longer try to invoke plugins which do not subclass from the proper
certbot.interfaces.{Installer,Authenticator} interface (e.g. certbot -i standalone
will now be ignored). See GH-9664.