The following packages were found for maintainer:
www/pear-HTTP [CURRENT] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
biology/fluctuate [CURRENT] Estimation of population growth rate
converters/latex2rtf [CURRENT] LaTeX to RTF converter
wip/r8s [CURRENT] Estimate rates of molecular evolution
wip/chrsh [CURRENT] Chroot jail wrapper for ordinary Unix shells
wip/treetool [CURRENT] Treetool is for displaying, editing, and printing phylogenetic trees
wip/gstat [CURRENT] Geostatistical modelling, prediction and simulation
x11/blt [CURRENT] Extension to Tcl/Tk
wip/boost-test-suite [CURRENT] Run the Boost test suite
wip/tkblt [CURRENT] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/epsg [CURRENT] EPSG geodetic parameters database
lang/gprolog [CURRENT] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/coalesce [CURRENT] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2007Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2007Q2] EPSG Geodetic Parameters database
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2007Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2007Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2007Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2007Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2007Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2007Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2007Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2007Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2007Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2007Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Estimation of population growth rate
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2008Q1] LaTeX to RTF converter
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2008Q1] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2008Q1] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2008Q1] EPSG geodetic parameters database
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Extension to Tcl/Tk
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2008Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2008Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2008Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2008Q2] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2008Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2008Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2008Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2008Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2008Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2008Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2008Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2008Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2009Q1] EPSG geodetic parameters database
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2009Q1] LaTeX to RTF converter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2009Q1] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2009Q1] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2009Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2009Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2009Q2] EPSG geodetic parameters database
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2009Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2009Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2009Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2009Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2009Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2009Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2009Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2009Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2009Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Estimation of population growth rate
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2010Q1] LaTeX to RTF converter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2010Q1] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2010Q1] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2010Q1] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2010Q2] EPSG geodetic parameters database
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2010Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2010Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2010Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2010Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2010Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Geographic Information System (GIS)
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2010Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2010Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2010Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2010Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2010Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2010Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2011Q1] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2011Q1] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Estimation of population growth rate
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2011Q1] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2011Q1] EPSG geodetic parameters database
databases/postgresql83-uuid [pkgsrc-2011Q1] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2011Q1] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Geographic Information System (GIS)
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2011Q1] LaTeX to RTF converter
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2011Q2] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2011Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
databases/postgresql83-uuid [pkgsrc-2011Q2] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2011Q2] EPSG geodetic parameters database
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2011Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2011Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2011Q2] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2011Q3] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2011Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Geographic Information System (GIS)
databases/postgresql83-uuid [pkgsrc-2011Q3] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2011Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2011Q3] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2011Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2011Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2011Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2011Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2011Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
databases/postgresql83-uuid [pkgsrc-2011Q4] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2011Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2011Q4] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2011Q4] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2012Q1] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2012Q1] EPSG geodetic parameters database
databases/postgresql83-uuid [pkgsrc-2012Q1] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Estimation of population growth rate
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Extension to Tcl/Tk
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2012Q1] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2012Q1] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Geographic Information System (GIS)
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2012Q1] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2012Q1] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Geographic Information System (GIS)
databases/postgresql83-uuid [pkgsrc-2012Q2] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2012Q2] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2012Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2012Q2] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2012Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2012Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2012Q2] EPSG geodetic parameters database
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2012Q3] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2012Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2012Q3] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2012Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2012Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2012Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Geographic Information System (GIS)
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
databases/postgresql83-uuid [pkgsrc-2012Q3] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2012Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter
databases/postgresql83-uuid [pkgsrc-2012Q4] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2012Q4] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2012Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2012Q4] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2012Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2012Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2013Q1] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2013Q1] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Geographic Information System (GIS)
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2013Q1] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2013Q1] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Estimation of population growth rate
databases/postgresql83-uuid [pkgsrc-2013Q1] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2013Q1] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2013Q1] EPSG geodetic parameters database
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Extension to Tcl/Tk
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2013Q2] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2013Q2] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2013Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2013Q2] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2013Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2013Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Geographic Information System (GIS)
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2013Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2013Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2013Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2013Q3] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2013Q3] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2013Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2013Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2013Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2013Q4] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2013Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2013Q4] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2013Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2014Q1] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Geographic Information System (GIS)
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2014Q1] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Estimation of population growth rate
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Extension to Tcl/Tk
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2014Q1] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2014Q1] EPSG geodetic parameters database
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2014Q1] LaTeX to RTF converter
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2014Q1] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2014Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2014Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2014Q2] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2014Q2] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2014Q2] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2014Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2014Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Geographic Information System (GIS)
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2014Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2014Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2014Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2014Q3] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2014Q3] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2014Q4] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2014Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2014Q4] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2014Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2014Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2014Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2015Q1] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Estimation of population growth rate
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2015Q1] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Extension to Tcl/Tk
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2015Q1] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2015Q1] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2015Q1] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2015Q1] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2015Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2015Q2] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2015Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Geographic Information System (GIS)
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2015Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2015Q2] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2015Q2] EPSG geodetic parameters database
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2015Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2015Q3] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2015Q3] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Geographic Information System (GIS)
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2015Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2015Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
databases/postgresql84-uuid [pkgsrc-2015Q3] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2015Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
databases/postgresql90-uuid [pkgsrc-2015Q3] UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2015Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/x11/blt [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2015Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2015Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2015Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2015Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2015Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2015Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Geographic Information System (GIS)
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2015Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2016Q1] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2016Q1] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2016Q1] EPSG geodetic parameters database
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Estimation of population growth rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2016Q1] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2016Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2016Q2] EPSG geodetic parameters database
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2016Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2016Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Geographic Information System (GIS)
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2016Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2016Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Geographic Information System (GIS)
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2016Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2016Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2016Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2016Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2016Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2016Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Estimation of population growth rate
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2017Q1] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2017Q1] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2017Q1] EPSG geodetic parameters database
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2017Q1] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Extension to Tcl/Tk
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2017Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2017Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2017Q2] EPSG geodetic parameters database
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2017Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2017Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2017Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2017Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2017Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2017Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2017Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2017Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Geographic Information System (GIS)
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2017Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2018Q1] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Geographic Information System (GIS)
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2018Q1] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2018Q1] LaTeX to RTF converter
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2018Q1] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Estimation of population growth rate
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2018Q2] EPSG geodetic parameters database
geography/gdal-lib [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Geographic Information System (GIS)
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2018Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2018Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2018Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2018Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2018Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2018Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2018Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2018Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2018Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2018Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Geographic Information System (GIS)
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2018Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2019Q1] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2019Q1] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2019Q1] LaTeX to RTF converter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Extension to Tcl/Tk
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Estimation of population growth rate
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2019Q1] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Geographic Information System (GIS)
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2019Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2019Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2019Q2] EPSG geodetic parameters database
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2019Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2019Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2019Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2019Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2019Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2019Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2019Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2019Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2019Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Geographic Information System (GIS)
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Estimation of population growth rate
geography/qgis [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Geographic Information System (GIS)
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2020Q1] EPSG geodetic parameters database
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2020Q1] LaTeX to RTF converter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2020Q1] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Extension to Tcl/Tk
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2020Q1] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2020Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2020Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2020Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2020Q2] EPSG geodetic parameters database
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2020Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2020Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2020Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2020Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2020Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2020Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2020Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2020Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2021Q1] LaTeX to RTF converter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Extension to Tcl/Tk
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2021Q1] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2021Q1] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2021Q1] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2021Q2] EPSG geodetic parameters database
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2021Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2021Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2021Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2021Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2021Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2021Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2021Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2021Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2021Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2021Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2021Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Estimation of population growth rate
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2022Q1] LaTeX to RTF converter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Extension to Tcl/Tk
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2022Q1] EPSG geodetic parameters database
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2022Q1] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2022Q1] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Estimation of population growth rate
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2022Q2] LaTeX to RTF converter
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Extension to Tcl/Tk
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2022Q2] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2022Q2] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2022Q2] EPSG geodetic parameters database
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2022Q3] EPSG geodetic parameters database
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2022Q3] LaTeX to RTF converter
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2022Q3] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Extension to Tcl/Tk
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Estimation of population growth rate
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2022Q3] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
x11/blt [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Extension to Tcl/Tk
biology/coalesce [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
biology/fluctuate [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Estimation of population growth rate
lang/gprolog [pkgsrc-2022Q4] GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
geography/epsg [pkgsrc-2022Q4] EPSG geodetic parameters database
www/pear-HTTP [pkgsrc-2022Q4] PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
converters/latex2rtf [pkgsrc-2022Q4] LaTeX to RTF converter