The following packages were found for maintainer:
games/quakeforge [CURRENT] Improved Quake engine
devel/py-xdg [CURRENT] Python library for XDG
sysutils/rdiff-backup [CURRENT] Remote incremental backup utility
security/dropbear [CURRENT] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
x11/redshift [CURRENT] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
emulators/libretro-nestopia [CURRENT] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
games/tyrquake [CURRENT] Conservative branch of Quake
chat/fisg [CURRENT] Fast IRC statistics generator
graphics/qiv [CURRENT] Quick Image Viewer
games/quakespasm [CURRENT] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
audio/flac123 [CURRENT] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/xscorch [CURRENT] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
www/swiggle [CURRENT] Lightweight image gallery generator
textproc/diffstat [CURRENT] Display a histogram of diff changes
wm/openbox [CURRENT] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
wm/wmctrl [CURRENT] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
multimedia/lsdvd [CURRENT] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Quick image viewer
devel/giblib [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Programming utility library
wm/obconf [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Tool for configuring the Openbox window manager
graphics/scrot [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Commandline screen capture util like import, but using imlib2
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/crack-attack [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Tetris Attack inspired game
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Tiny shell that only permits scp and sftp
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Improved Quake engine
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Standards compliant, light-weight and extensible window manager
games/crack-attack [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Tetris Attack inspired game
wm/obconf [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Tool for configuring the Openbox window manager
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Tiny shell that only permits scp and sftp
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Quick image viewer
devel/giblib [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Programming utility library
graphics/scrot [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Commandline screen capture util like import, but using imlib2
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Improved Quake engine
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
games/crack-attack [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Tetris Attack inspired game
devel/giblib [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Programming utility library
graphics/scrot [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Commandline screen capture util like import, but using imlib2
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Quick image viewer
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
wm/obconf [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Tool for configuring the Openbox window manager
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Tiny shell that only permits scp and sftp
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Improved Quake engine
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Lightweight image gallery generator
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Tiny shell that only permits scp and sftp
devel/giblib [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Programming utility library
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Improved Quake engine
wm/obconf [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Tool for configuring the Openbox window manager
graphics/scrot [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Commandline screen capture util like import, but using imlib2
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Quick image viewer
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Fast IRC statistics generator
wm/obconf [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Tool for configuring the Openbox window manager
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Quick image viewer
graphics/scrot [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Commandline screen capture util like import, but using imlib2
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Improved Quake engine
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
devel/giblib [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Programming utility library
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Shell that only permits sftp
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Quick image viewer
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Improved Quake engine
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
wm/obconf [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Tool for configuring the Openbox window manager
devel/giblib [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Programming utility library
graphics/scrot [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Commandline screen capture util like import, but using imlib2
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Shell that only permits sftp
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
devel/giblib [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Programming utility library
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Remote incremental backup utility
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Improved Quake engine
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Display a histogram of diff changes
graphics/scrot [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Commandline screen capture util like import, but using imlib2
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Shell that only permits sftp
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Quick image viewer
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Quick image viewer
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Python library for XDG
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Shell that only permits sftp
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Improved Quake engine
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Display a histogram of diff changes
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Fast IRC statistics generator
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Lightweight image gallery generator
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Remote incremental backup utility
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Python library for XDG
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Improved Quake engine
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Remote incremental backup utility
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Display a histogram of diff changes
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Quick image viewer
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Shell that only permits sftp
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Python library for XDG
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Shell that only permits sftp
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Improved Quake engine
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Quick image viewer
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Remote incremental backup utility
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Display a histogram of diff changes
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Remote incremental backup utility
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Improved Quake engine
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Display a histogram of diff changes
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Python library for XDG
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Shell that only permits sftp
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Quick image viewer
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Improved Quake engine
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Python library for XDG
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Fast IRC statistics generator
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Shell that only permits sftp
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Display a histogram of diff changes
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Conservative branch of Quake
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Quick Image Viewer
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Remote incremental backup utility
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Lightweight image gallery generator
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Python library for XDG
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Conservative branch of Quake
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Shell that only permits sftp
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Remote incremental backup utility
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Display a histogram of diff changes
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Quick Image Viewer
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Improved Quake engine
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Display a histogram of diff changes
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Python library for XDG
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Shell that only permits sftp
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Conservative branch of Quake
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Remote incremental backup utility
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Improved Quake engine
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Quick Image Viewer
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Shell that only permits sftp
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Quick Image Viewer
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Improved Quake engine
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Conservative branch of Quake
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Remote incremental backup utility
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Display a histogram of diff changes
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Python library for XDG
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Quick Image Viewer
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Improved Quake engine
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Lightweight image gallery generator
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Fast IRC statistics generator
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Remote incremental backup utility
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Shell that only permits sftp
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Conservative branch of Quake
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Display a histogram of diff changes
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Python library for XDG
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Remote incremental backup utility
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Shell that only permits sftp
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Quick Image Viewer
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Display a histogram of diff changes
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Conservative branch of Quake
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Python library for XDG
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Improved Quake engine
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Shell that only permits sftp
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Python library for XDG
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Display a histogram of diff changes
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Remote incremental backup utility
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Conservative branch of Quake
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Quick Image Viewer
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Improved Quake engine
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Improved Quake engine
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Conservative branch of Quake
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Python library for XDG
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Display a histogram of diff changes
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Remote incremental backup utility
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Quick Image Viewer
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Shell that only permits sftp
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Remote incremental backup utility
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Improved Quake engine
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Python library for XDG
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Fast IRC statistics generator
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Conservative branch of Quake
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Display a histogram of diff changes
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Shell that only permits sftp
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Quick Image Viewer
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Lightweight image gallery generator
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Display a histogram of diff changes
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Remote incremental backup utility
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Quick Image Viewer
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Python library for XDG
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Shell that only permits sftp
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Improved Quake engine
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Conservative branch of Quake
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Shell that only permits sftp
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Improved Quake engine
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Quick Image Viewer
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Display a histogram of diff changes
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Python library for XDG
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Conservative branch of Quake
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Remote incremental backup utility
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Display a histogram of diff changes
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Quick Image Viewer
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Remote incremental backup utility
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Improved Quake engine
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Conservative branch of Quake
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Shell that only permits sftp
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Python library for XDG
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Improved Quake engine
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Shell that only permits sftp
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Conservative branch of Quake
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Quick Image Viewer
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Display a histogram of diff changes
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Remote incremental backup utility
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Fast IRC statistics generator
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Python library for XDG
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Remote incremental backup utility
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Quick Image Viewer
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Improved Quake engine
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Display a histogram of diff changes
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Python library for XDG
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Shell that only permits sftp
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Conservative branch of Quake
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Display a histogram of diff changes
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Remote incremental backup utility
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Shell that only permits sftp
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Quick Image Viewer
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Improved Quake engine
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Python library for XDG
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Conservative branch of Quake
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Improved Quake engine
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Shell that only permits sftp
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Python library for XDG
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Display a histogram of diff changes
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Conservative branch of Quake
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Remote incremental backup utility
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Quick Image Viewer
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Improved Quake engine
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Remote incremental backup utility
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Fast IRC statistics generator
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Quick Image Viewer
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Display a histogram of diff changes
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Shell that only permits sftp
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Conservative branch of Quake
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Lightweight image gallery generator
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Python library for XDG
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Conservative branch of Quake
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Improved Quake engine
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Python library for XDG
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Remote incremental backup utility
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Shell that only permits sftp
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Display a histogram of diff changes
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Quick Image Viewer
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Improved Quake engine
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Display a histogram of diff changes
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Shell that only permits sftp
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Quick Image Viewer
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Remote incremental backup utility
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Conservative branch of Quake
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Python library for XDG
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Remote incremental backup utility
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Python library for XDG
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Conservative branch of Quake
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Display a histogram of diff changes
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Shell that only permits sftp
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Improved Quake engine
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Quick Image Viewer
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Lightweight image gallery generator
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Python library for XDG
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Display a histogram of diff changes
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Conservative branch of Quake
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Shell that only permits sftp
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Fast IRC statistics generator
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Improved Quake engine
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Remote incremental backup utility
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Quick Image Viewer
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Shell that only permits sftp
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Display a histogram of diff changes
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Quick Image Viewer
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Improved Quake engine
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Python library for XDG
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Remote incremental backup utility
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Conservative branch of Quake
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Shell that only permits sftp
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Improved Quake engine
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Quick Image Viewer
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Conservative branch of Quake
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Display a histogram of diff changes
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Python library for XDG
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Remote incremental backup utility
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Shell that only permits sftp
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Display a histogram of diff changes
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Python library for XDG
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Improved Quake engine
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Quick Image Viewer
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Remote incremental backup utility
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Conservative branch of Quake
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Conservative branch of Quake
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Remote incremental backup utility
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Shell that only permits sftp
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Quick Image Viewer
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Python library for XDG
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Display a histogram of diff changes
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Improved Quake engine
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Conservative branch of Quake
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Improved Quake engine
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Shell that only permits sftp
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Lightweight image gallery generator
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Display a histogram of diff changes
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Remote incremental backup utility
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Fast IRC statistics generator
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Python library for XDG
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Quick Image Viewer
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Display a histogram of diff changes
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Shell that only permits sftp
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Improved Quake engine
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Remote incremental backup utility
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Conservative branch of Quake
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Python library for XDG
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Quick Image Viewer
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Python library for XDG
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Display a histogram of diff changes
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Shell that only permits sftp
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Quick Image Viewer
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Conservative branch of Quake
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Improved Quake engine
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Remote incremental backup utility
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Shell that only permits sftp
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Python library for XDG
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Improved Quake engine
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Quick Image Viewer
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Remote incremental backup utility
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Conservative branch of Quake
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Display a histogram of diff changes
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Fast IRC statistics generator
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Improved Quake engine
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Display a histogram of diff changes
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Quick Image Viewer
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Conservative branch of Quake
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Python library for XDG
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Shell that only permits sftp
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Lightweight image gallery generator
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Remote incremental backup utility
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Remote incremental backup utility
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Improved Quake engine
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Python library for XDG
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Shell that only permits sftp
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Quick Image Viewer
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Display a histogram of diff changes
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Conservative branch of Quake
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Shell that only permits sftp
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Conservative branch of Quake
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Quick Image Viewer
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Display a histogram of diff changes
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Python library for XDG
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Remote incremental backup utility
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Improved Quake engine
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Improved Quake engine
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Quick Image Viewer
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Display a histogram of diff changes
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Python library for XDG
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
shells/scponly [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Shell that only permits sftp
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Conservative branch of Quake
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Remote incremental backup utility
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Quick Image Viewer
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Python library for XDG
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Conservative branch of Quake
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Fast IRC statistics generator
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Display a histogram of diff changes
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Improved Quake engine
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Remote incremental backup utility
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Conservative branch of Quake
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Improved Quake engine
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Python library for XDG
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Remote incremental backup utility
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Quick Image Viewer
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Display a histogram of diff changes
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Quick Image Viewer
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Improved Quake engine
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Conservative branch of Quake
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Display a histogram of diff changes
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Remote incremental backup utility
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Python library for XDG
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Conservative branch of Quake
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Quick Image Viewer
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Improved Quake engine
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Remote incremental backup utility
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Display a histogram of diff changes
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Python library for XDG
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Python library for XDG
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Fast IRC statistics generator
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Conservative branch of Quake
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Improved Quake engine
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Lightweight image gallery generator
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Display a histogram of diff changes
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Quick Image Viewer
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Remote incremental backup utility
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Quick Image Viewer
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Python library for XDG
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Display a histogram of diff changes
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Improved Quake engine
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Conservative branch of Quake
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Remote incremental backup utility
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Quick Image Viewer
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Remote incremental backup utility
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Conservative branch of Quake
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Improved Quake engine
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Display a histogram of diff changes
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Python library for XDG
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Quick Image Viewer
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Display a histogram of diff changes
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Remote incremental backup utility
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Python library for XDG
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Improved Quake engine
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Conservative branch of Quake
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Fast IRC statistics generator
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Improved Quake engine
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Conservative branch of Quake
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Quick Image Viewer
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Display a histogram of diff changes
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Remote incremental backup utility
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Lightweight image gallery generator
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Python library for XDG
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Improved Quake engine
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Conservative branch of Quake
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Python library for XDG
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Remote incremental backup utility
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Display a histogram of diff changes
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Quick Image Viewer
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Remote incremental backup utility
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Display a histogram of diff changes
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Python library for XDG
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Quick Image Viewer
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Conservative branch of Quake
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Improved Quake engine
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Python library for XDG
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Conservative branch of Quake
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Improved Quake engine
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Quick Image Viewer
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Remote incremental backup utility
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Display a histogram of diff changes
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Fast IRC statistics generator
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Python library for XDG
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Lightweight image gallery generator
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Display a histogram of diff changes
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Remote incremental backup utility
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Conservative branch of Quake
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Improved Quake engine
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Quick Image Viewer
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Quick Image Viewer
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Python library for XDG
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Conservative branch of Quake
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Display a histogram of diff changes
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Remote incremental backup utility
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Improved Quake engine
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Conservative branch of Quake
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Improved Quake engine
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Python library for XDG
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Remote incremental backup utility
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Quick Image Viewer
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Display a histogram of diff changes
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Quick Image Viewer
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Conservative branch of Quake
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Remote incremental backup utility
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Improved Quake engine
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Python library for XDG
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Display a histogram of diff changes
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Display a histogram of diff changes
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Fast IRC statistics generator
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Lightweight image gallery generator
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Improved Quake engine
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Quick Image Viewer
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Remote incremental backup utility
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Conservative branch of Quake
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Python library for XDG
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Python library for XDG
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Remote incremental backup utility
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Improved Quake engine
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Fast IRC statistics generator
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Quick Image Viewer
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Display a histogram of diff changes
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Lightweight image gallery generator
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Conservative branch of Quake
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Fast IRC statistics generator
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Lightweight image gallery generator
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Improved Quake engine
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Display a histogram of diff changes
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Quick Image Viewer
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Conservative branch of Quake
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Remote incremental backup utility
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Python library for XDG
wm/openbox [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
multimedia/lsdvd [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Application displaying the contents of DVDs
devel/py-xdg [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Python library for XDG
games/tyrquake [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Conservative branch of Quake
games/quakespasm [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
emulators/libretro-nestopia [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
graphics/qiv [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Quick Image Viewer
security/dropbear [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
games/quakeforge [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Improved Quake engine
textproc/diffstat [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Display a histogram of diff changes
chat/fisg [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Fast IRC statistics generator
games/xscorch [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
x11/redshift [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
sysutils/rdiff-backup [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Remote incremental backup utility
www/swiggle [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Lightweight image gallery generator
wm/wmctrl [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
audio/flac123 [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files