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tklib Collection of utility modules for Tk
tl-expected C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions
tla Revision control system ideal for widely distributed development
tlsh Fuzzy matching library
tmake Cross-platform Makefile Tool
tokei Displays statistics about code
tomlplusplus TOML library for c++
topgit Different patch queue manager
tpasm Assembler for 6805, 68HC11, 6502, Surplus, 8051, Z80, PIC, and AVR
trac (V) Repository browser, wiki, and issue tracking system
tradcpp Traditional (K&R-style) C preprocessor
transifex-client Transifex Command-line Client
tre Lightweight and robust POSIX compliant regexp matching library
treecc DotGNU Portable.NET aspect-oriented programming tool
tremor (V) Fixed point decoding library for the Ogg Vorbis audio encoding format
trio Fully matured and stable set of printf and string functions
trunkver Versioning scheme for continuously delivered software
tuareg-mode (V) GNU Emacs/XEmacs major mode for editing Caml and OCaml programs
tvision Turbo Vision C++ CUI library for UNIX
ucl Portable lossless data compression library
ucommon Very light-weight C++ library for deeply embedded applications
ucpp C preprocessor and lexer
umbrello UML Modeller
unibilium Basic terminfo library
unidiff Converts between uni-diffs and context diffs
unifdef Selectively remove C preprocessor conditionals
unittest-cpp Lightweight unit testing framework for C++
universal-test-runner (V) Language-agnostic, zero-configuration test invoker
uno Tool for source code analysis
userspace-rcu Userspace RCU (Read Copy Update)
uthash Hash table, implemented in C
uv Extremely fast Python package and project manager
valgrind Debugging and profiling tools
vanessa_adt Library that provides Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
vanessa_logger Library that provides a generic logging layer
vanessa_socket Library that simplifies TCP/IP socket operations
vera++ Programmable verification and analysis tool for C++
viewvc (V) View the content of CVS/SVN repositories with a web browser
visualvm Monitor, profile, take and browse java thread dumps
vtcl Visual Tcl/Tk application development environment
wabt The WebAssembly Binary Toolkit
waf Framework for configuring, compiling, and installing applications
wayland Display server protocol - development libraries
wayland-protocols Additional wayland functionality
why3 Platform for deductive program verification
woboq_codebrowser Code analysis tool
xa65 Cross assembler for MOS Technologies 6502
xdelta Enhanced diff that works on binary files
xdelta3 Enhanced diff that works on binary files (version 3.x)
xfce4-conf Xfce client-server configuration storage and query system
xfce4-dev-tools Xfce development tools
xmake Portable make utility
xorg-docs (V) Xorg documentation that does not fit anywhere else
xorg-sgml-doctools (V) Xorg documentation that does not fit anywhere else
xorg-util-macros Xorg autotool macros
xsd W3C XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler
xxgdb Graphical X11 interface for gdb
xxhash Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
yajl Small JSON library written in ANSI C
yarn JavaScript package manager
yasm Complete rewrite of the NASM assembler with BSD license
yosys Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
yosys-dev (V) Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
yyjson High performance JSON library written in ANSI C
z80-asm Z80 assembly code assembler and disassembler
zeal Offline documentation browser inspired by Dash
zig-mode Zig programming language mode for Emacs
zix Lightweight C library of portability wrappers and data structures
zlib General purpose data compression library
zls Language Server for zig
zookeeper Highly reliable distributed coordination server
zug Transducers for C++
zzuf Transparent application input fuzzer