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ruby-xapian Ruby bindings for Xapian search engine
ruby-xhtmldiff Tool for generating valid XHTML redline documents
ruby-xmlparser Ruby bindings to the Expat XML parsing library
ruby-xpath Ruby DSL for generating XPath expressions
ruby-xslt Ruby wrapper classes for libxslt
ruby-yajl Ruby C binding to YAJL JSON library
ruby-yamcha YamCha ruby module
ruby-yaml_waml (V) YAML WorkAround for Multibyte Language
ruby-yard Documentation generation tool for the Ruby programming language
sablotron XML toolkit implementing XSLT, DOM, and XPath
sarf (V) Arabic Morphology System
sary Suffix array library and tools
saxon Michael H. Kay's Java XSLT processor
scdoc Simple man page generator
scew Light-weight DOM-like object model API for Expat
schemastore Collection of JSON schema files
scrollkeeper-dtd DTD from the Scrollkeeper package
sd Intuitive find and replace CLI
sdop Simple DocBook processor
sentencepiece Unsupervised text tokenizer for Neural Network-based text generation
serd Lightweight C library for RDF syntax
sgrep Tool for searching and indexing text, SGML,XML and HTML files
shared-desktop-ontologies Ontologies for Semantic Desktop
siag (V) Poor man's office suite with spreadsheet, word processor, etc
sift Fast and powerful open source alternative to grep
sonnet Spelling framework for Qt5
sord Lightweight C library for storing RDF data in memory
source-highlight Highlight syntax of various languages source into HTML document
sphinxsearch Sphinx Full-Text Search Engine
split-thai Emacs library to split UTF-8 Thai text into words and more
stardic English-Chinese dictionary
stava CLI spell checker
stow (V) Maps several separate packages into a tree without merging them
sub2srt Simple tool to convert 2 common subtitle formats to subviewer format
sublib Library that eases the development of subtitling applications
subliminal Video subtitles downloader
subtitleripper Subtitle ripping program
swath Smart Word Analysis for THai
syntax-highlighting Syntax highlighting engine for structured text and code
tcl-dom DOM implementation for use with TclXML or TclExpat
tcl-expat XML parser implemented entirely in Tcl
tcl-tDOM High performance XML data handling library for Tcl using Expat
tcl-xapian Tcl bindings for Xapian search engine
tcl-xml XML parser implemented entirely in Tcl
tei DTD of the Text Encoding Initiative
tei-p5-schema TEI P5 schema files
tei-xsl XSLT Stylesheets to convert TEI to FO, HTML, and LaTeX
tex-csvsimple Simple CSV file processing
tex-csvsimple-doc Documentation for tex-csvsimple
tex-latexdiff Determine and mark up significant differences between LaTeX files
tex-latexdiff-doc Documentation for tex-latexdiff
tex-lwarp Converts LaTeX to HTML
tex-lwarp-doc Documentation for tex-lwarp
tex-makeindex Style files for makeindex
tex-makeindex-doc Documentation for tex-makeindex
tex-xindy General-purpose index processor
tex-xindy-doc Documentation for tex-xindy
tex-xmltex Non-validating XML parser implemented in TeX
tex-xmltex-doc Documentation for tex-xmltex
tex-xmltexconfig Files used to generate xmltex formats
texi2html Texinfo-to-HTML direct translator
texi2mdoc Convert texinfo documentation (texi) into man pages (mdoc)
texi2roff Texinfo-to-ROFF direct translator
the_silver_searcher Attempt to improve on ack, which itself is better than grep
tinyxml Simple, small, C++ XML parser
tinyxml2 Simple, small and efficient C++ XML parser
tokyodystopia Full-text search system
trang Multi-format schema converter based on RELAX NG
translate-shell Command-line translator
translate-toolkit Tools for working with translation files
tree-sitter Incremental parsing system for programming tools
tree-sitter-bash Bash grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-c C grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-c-sharp C# grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-cli Incremental parsing system for programming tools (CLI)
tree-sitter-cmake CMake grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-cpp C++ grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-css CSS grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-dockerfile Dockerfile grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-elisp Emacs Lisp grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-elixir Elixir grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-go Go grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-go-mod go.mod grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-heex HEEx grammer for Tree-sitter
tree-sitter-html HTML grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-java Java grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-javascript Javascript grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-jsdoc JSDoc grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-json JSON grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-lua Lua grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-markdown Markdown grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-php PHP grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-python Python grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-query (V) tree-sitter query grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-ruby Ruby grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-rust Rust grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-toml TOML grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-tsx TSX grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-typescript TypeScript grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-vim (V) vimscript grammar for tree-sitter
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