libevdev | | Keyboard and mouse events, capability bits |
libevhtp | | Flexible replacement for libevent's httpd API |
libexact | | Solve combinatorial exact covering problems |
libfirm-git | | C-Library suitable for optimizing compilers |
libfixposix | | Thin wrapper over POSIX syscalls |
libflame | | Portable library for dense matrix computations |
libflame_openmp | | Portable library for dense matrix computations |
libflame_pthread | | Portable library for dense matrix computations |
libfplll | | Library for LLL-reduction of Euclidean lattices |
libfreefare | | Convenient API for MIFARE card manipulations |
libgamecommon | | Utility functions for working with binary files |
libgamemusic | | Library for playing and converting music used in DOS games |
libgda-bdb | | GNU database access library - bdb provider |
libgda-ldap | | GNU database access library - ldap provider |
libgda-mdb | | GNU database access library - mdb provider |
libgda-odbc | | GNU database access library - odbc provider |
libgda-sqlite3 | | GNU database access library - sqlite provider |
libgda-xbase | | GNU database access library - xbase provider |
libGenome | | Development library for bioinformatic software |
libgfbgraph | | GObject library for Facebook Graph API |
libghemical | | Molecular modelling library |
libginac | | The GiNaC symbolic framework |
libglade-java | | Glade bindings for Java |
libglvnd | | TODO: Short description of the package |
libgnome-keyring | | GNOME password and secret manager |
libgnomekbd | | Gnome keyboard configuration library |
libgnuregex | | GNU Regex library |
libgraphqlparser | | GraphQL query parser in C++ with C and C++ APIs |
libgrass5 | | Standalone shared library suitable for use by non-GRASS applications |
libgringotts | | Gringotts data encapsulation and encryption library |
libgtextutils | | Gordon text utilities |
libgtk-java | | Gtk2 bindings for Java |
libgtkhtml-java | | GtkHtml bindings for Java |
libgtkstylus | | Gtk+ 2 third-button emulation library |
libgtop | | Library to retrieve system information, used in GNOME2 |
libgudev | | GObject bindings to libudev |
libguestfs-appliance | | Fixed appliance binaries for libguestfs |
libgusb | | GObject wrapper for libusb1 |
libgweather4 | | Weather information access library |
libgxim | | GObject-based XIM protocol library |
libgzstream | | Gzstream is a small C++ library, basically just a wrapper |
libhttpd | | Library that provides basic web server capabilities |
libi2pd | | i2pd library |
libical2 | | Reference implementation of the iCalendar data type and format |
libifstat | | Tool to report network interface bandwidth, shared library version |
libimobiledevice | | Libraries and tools to communicate with iOS devices |
libinput | | Coordinate scaling, relative pointer, acceleration |
libinstpatch | | Software library for editing and manipulating instrument files |
libircclient | | Library which implements client-server IRC protocol |
libitl | | The Islamic Tools Libraries of calculation time and measurement |
libjdksmidi | | C++ MIDI Library |
libjingle | | Google Talk Voice and P2P Interoperability Library |
libkml | | Google's reference implementation of OGC KML 2.2. |
libks | | Foundational support for signalwire C products |
liblingoteach | | Library for lingoteach |
libLLVM35 | | Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure (previous version) |
libLLVM38 | | Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure (old version) |
libltc | | POSIX-C Library for handling Linear/Logitudinal Time Code (LTC) |
libm4ri | | Method of the Four Russians Inversion library, shared library |
libmapper | | Distributed signal mapping framework |
libmirisdr-git | | Osmocom Mirics MSi2500 + MSi001 SDR library |
libmixed | | Low-level audio mixer pipeline library |
libmobi-git | | C library for handling Kindle (MOBI) formats of ebook documents |
libmpg123 | | MPEG layer 1, 2, and 3 decoder library |
libmpq | | Library to extract, create or manipulate mpq archives |
libmusclecard | | MUSCLE SmartCard framework support library |
libncl | | The NEXUS Class Library is a C++ library for parsing NEXUS files |
libndp | | TODO: Short description of the package |
libnest2d-ultimaker | | 2D irregular bin packaging and nesting library written in modern C++ |
libnestedsums | | Library for the expansion of transcendental functions |
libneural | | C++ library for creating 3-layer backpropagation neural networks |
libnfc | | Low level NFC SDK and Programmers API |
libnfo | | Library used to parse and write NFO files |
libnl | | APIs to netlink protocol based Linux kernel interfaces |
libnl1 | | APIs to netlink protocol based Linux kernel interfaces |
libnoise | | Coherent noise-generating library for C++ |
libnsl | | Library for nis(yp) ans nis+ |
libntfs | | Linux-NTFS project utilities for the Windows NT Filesystem |
libode | | Open Dynamics Engine |
liboglappth | | Support libraries of science/ghemical port |
libopenmodeller | | Spatial distribution modelling library |
libopenshot | | Powerful, cross-platform open-source C++ video editing library |
libopenshot-audio | | Library for high-quality editing and playback of audio |
libopensync-dev | | Platform independent, general purpose, synchronization framework |
libopensync-plugin-moto | | Moto plugin for opensync (for Motorola phones) |
libopensync-plugin-palm | | Platform independent synchronization framework, palm plugin |
liboqs | | Post quantum crypto library |
libosinfo | | Library for querying information from the OSInfo database |
libosmocore | | Utility library for Software Defined Radio |
libostree | | Operating system and container binary deployment and upgrades |
libpafe | | Library for SONY PaSoRi card reader |
libpano12 | | Panorama-tools is for making panoramic images from multiple pictures |
libpar2 | | Create or use PAR2 parity volumes |
libpare | | Pointer Array Regular Expressions |
libparsifal | | XML parser with implementation SAX2 |
libpatterns | | Pattern matching from Lua as a library |
libplist2 | | Handle Apple Binary and XML Property Lists |
libppd | | PostScript Printer Descriptions library |
libpsurface | | Library that handles piecewise linear bijections |
libpthread-stubs | | This library provides weak aliases for pthread functions |
mk | | Subfolder |