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neb-hdtoolbox Tool for cross-partitioning a disk for NetBSD/amiga
necat Error correction and de-novo assembler Nanopore reads
necpp-git C++ rewrite of the Numerical Electromagnetics Code
nedit Motif based standard GUI style text editor
nedit-ng Remake of nedit using Qt
nehe-opengl-tutorials OpenGL tutorials from - sdl versions
nemo File Manager for Cinnamon
neomutt-git Fork of mutt with integrated community patches
neovim Vim fork focused on extensibility and usability
neovim-git Vim fork focused on extensibility and usability
neovim-qt Neovim client library and GUI, in Qt5
nessoundstudio NES music player and composing system
nestopia-rpi Portable, very accurate NES emulator with UNIF support
nestra NES emulator (without sound)
net-quanta Toolkit for extremely high bandwidth networking
net-tools Network configuration and status tools for Linux
netbsd-awk NetBSD version of AWK
netbsd-build-tools NetBSD cross-toolchain
netbsd-icon-theme Icon theme for NetBSD
netbsd-light-desktop-artwork Artwork and icon theme for NetBSD
netbsd-light-desktop-default-settings Default settings for NetBSD Light Desktop
netbsd-make Portable (autoconf) version of NetBSD 'make' utility
netbsd-pf PF module for NetBSD
netbsd-x11-i386 Shared X11 libraries for NetBSD 7.0/i386
netclasses Asynchronous networking library
netdata-git distributed real-time performance and health monitoring
netgen Complete LVS tool for comparing SPICE or verilog netlists
netkit-base The inetd super server and ping for Linux
netkit-routed Network RIP and router discovery daemon for Linux
netkit-telnet The telnet and telnetd for Linux
netkit-tftp TFPD client and server from the Linux NetKIT
netlogo NetLogo is a multi-agent programmable modeling environment
netmask Tool for generating terse netmasks in several common formats
netquery-git System introspection tool
netrik Will be a really fancy text mode WWW browser
netwib Network library providing network functionality for developers
netwmpager EWMH (NetWM) compatible pager
NetworkManager TODO: Short description of the package
netwox Toolbox that helps to find and solve network problems
netx Free JNLP implementation
newsboat RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console
newsboat213 RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console
newsboat233 RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console
newsboat237 RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console
newt Programming library for color text mode user interaces
nextpnr Portable FPGA place and route tool
nfcapdu Command line tool to exchange APDUs with an RFID/NFC tag
nfstrace Network file system monitor and analyzer
ng-spice-dev Next generation circuit simulation program
ng-spice-shared-dev Next generation circuit simulation program (shared libraries)
nget Command line nntp file grabber
nginx-modular Lightweight HTTP server and mail proxy server
nginx-module-array-var array-var module for the nginx HTTP server
nginx-module-cache-purge cprg module for the nginx HTTP server
nginx-module-dav dav module for the nginx HTTP server
nginx-module-echo echo module for the nginx HTTP server
nginx-module-encrypted-session encrypted-session module for the nginx HTTP server
nginx-module-forminput form-input module for the nginx HTTP server
nginx-module-geoip2 geoip2 module for the nginx HTTP server
nginx-module-headers-more headers-more module for the nginx HTTP server
nginx-module-lua lua module for the nginx HTTP server
nginx-module-naxsi naxsi module for the nginx HTTP server
nginx-module-nchan nchan module for the nginx HTTP server
nginx-module-njs njs module for the nginx HTTP server
nginx-module-push array-var module for the nginx HTTP server
nginx-module-rtmp rtmp module for the nginx HTTP server
nginx-module-set-misc set-misc module for the nginx HTTP server
ngircd Free, portable and lightweight IRC server
ngtop Request analytics from the nginx access logs
nicotine+ Client for the SoulSeek, a peer-to-peer network for music
nih-current Package manager for pkgsrc
nitrogen Background browser and setter
nix Purely functional package manager
nlopt Nonlinear optimization library
nncp Utilities for store-and-forward networking (modernized UUCP)
nnrpd NNTP reader daemon from InterNet News (INN)
nodau Nodau is a simple console based note taking program
nodm TODO: Short description of the package
noip Dynamic DNS update client from
noiptun Allows communication with computers that do not have an IP address
nomad Workload orchestrator that can deploy a mix of applications
nomadio Utility to control Creative Nomad II MG
nominatim Open Source search based on OpenStreetMap data
nono OMRON LUNA-I emulator that runs on NetBSD and so on
noor Quran viewer
normaliz Math computing tools for affine monoids, rational polytopes and cones
nos-tun The nos-tun utility is used to establish an nos style tunnel
notcurses TUI library for modern terminal emulators
notify-sharp C# client implementation for Desktop Notifications
noto-cjk Noto CJK fonts
noto-sans-cjk-ttf Noto Sans CJK fonts
noto-serif-cjk-ttf Noto Serif CJK fonts
noto-ttf Noto fonts for all languages
npmount Command line tool for non-privileged [un]mount
nqp Not Quite Perl -- lightweight Perl 6-like environment for VM
nrg4iso Extracts data from a Nero Burning ROM image file
nsc2ke Navier-Stokes solver
nscde Not So Common Desktop Environment
nsp Scientific software package similiar to Matlab, Scilab, octave
nspr-hg Platform-neutral API for system level and libc like functions (hg version)
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