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py-unix-ar AR file handling for Python (including .deb files)
py-update-checker Python module that will check for package updates
py-upsilon Automated Classification of Periodic Variable Stars
py-uptime Cross-platform uptime library
py-Uranium Python framework for building 3D printing related applications
py-urwid-mitmproxy Urwid fork with specific patches for mitmproxy
py-usagestats Anonymous usage statistics collecter
py-user_agent User-Agent generator
py-utilib_common Commonly used PyUtilib data and methods
py-utilib_component_app Application interface for the PyUtilib Component Architecture
py-utilib_component_config Extensions for configuring components in PyUtilib
py-utilib_component_core The PyUtilib Component Architecture
py-utilib_component_loader PyUtilib plugins for loading external packages
py-utilib_enum Variant of the 'enum' package that supports pickling
py-utilib_excel PyUtilib utilities that use Excel spreadsheets
py-utilib_math PyUtilib math utilities
py-utilib_misc Miscellaneous PyUtilib utilities
py-utilib_ply PyUtilib utilities that use Ply
py-validictory General purpose python data validator
py-vanguards Vanguards Onion Service Addon
py-vanity Get package download statistics from PyPI
py-varify Clinical DNA Sequencing Analysis and Data Discovery
py-vdirsyncer-git Synchronization tool for vdir
py-vega_datasets Python package for offline access to Vega datasets
py-vegas Tools for adaptive multidimensional Monte Carlo integration
py-venusian Library for deferring decorator actions
py-verilog Python-based Hardware Design Processing Toolkit for Verilog HDL
py-version-control-tools-hg Mercurial extensions used by the mozilla project (incl. pushlog)
py-vespa Calculate astrophysical false positive probabilities
py-virtualenv-clone Script for cloning a non-relocatable virtualenv
py-vis Python network visualization library
py-visa Python VISA bindings for GPIB, RS232, TCPIP and USB instruments
py-visionegg-docs Documentation for py-visionegg in HTML format
py-vispy Interactive visualization in Python
py-vistir Setup utilities which most projects eventually need
py-viz How to solve visualization problems with Python tools
py-viz-comms Bidirectional communication for the PyViz ecosystem
py-voluptuous Python data validation library
py-voluptuous-serialize Convert Voluptuous schemas to dictionaries
py-voronoi Cython wrapper for the Boost Voronoi library
py-voropy Delaunay meshes, Voronoi regions
py-vorta Graphical interface for borgbackup
py-vprof Visual profiler for Python
py-vtk PyVTK - tools for manipulating VTK files in Python
py-wadllib Library for navigating WADL files
py-wafo Statistical analysis and simulation of random waves and random loads
py-wahcade GNU/Linux-friendly clone of Minwah's MameWAH
py-wally Tool for managing desktop backgrounds
py-wasabi A lightweight console printing and formatting toolkit
py-wasanbon Development Framework for Robotics Technology Middleware
py-wasserplan 1-Wasserstein distances between districting plans
py-watermark IPython magic function to print date/time stamps
py-webapp2 Taking Google App Engines webapp to the next level
py-webapp3 Python web framework compatible with Google App Engines webapp
py-weberror Web Error handling and exception catching
py-webflash Library to display flash messages in python web applications
py-webhelpers Python helper functions for writing templates in web applications
py-weblib Set of tools for web scraping projects
py-websocket WebSocket server and extension for Apache HTTP Server for testing
py-weewx Python-powered template engine and code-generator
py-wheel-inspect Extract information from wheels
py-whelk Pretending python is a shell
py-wifite Automated wireless auditor
py-willow Content-filtering proxy server
py-word2vec Python interface to Google word2vec
py-wordpress-xmlrpc WordPress XML-RPC API Integration Library
py-workerpool Python multithreaded job distribution module
py-wptserve Python webserver intended for in web browser testing
py-wpull Wget-compatible web downloader and crawler
py-wqio Water Quality Inflow/Outflow
py-wsaccel Accelerator for ws4py and AutobahnPython
py-wsgi-intercep Installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing
py-wsgi-intercept Installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing
py-wsgiref This is a standalone release of the wsgiref library
py-wurlitzer Capture C-level stdout/stderr in Python
py-wurst Linking and modifying industrial ecology models
py-wxWidgets Python bindings for wxWidgets
py-xapp Python3 Xapp library
py-xcal-raman Module for x-axis calibration of Raman spectrometers
py-xcffib Python binding to the X Window System protocol via libxcb
py-xdgapp Python XDG for Applications
py-xlutils Utilities for working with Excel files
py-xopen Open compressed files transparently
py-yamale Schema and validator for YAML
py-yams Entity / relation schema
py-yapgvb Yet Another Python Graphviz Binding
py-yapps2 Yet Another Python Parser System
py-yaprt Repository builder for python source code
py-yapsy Yet another plugin system
py-yaspin Yet Another Terminal Spinner
py-yellowhiggs Interface for the CERN Yellow Report
py-yfinance Yahoo! Finance market data downloader
py-yt Analyzing and visualizing astrophysical simulation output
py-z2pack Computation of topological numbers of band-structures
py-zbar Python bindings for the ZBar bar code reader
py-zenity Easy to use frontend to Zenity
py-zict Mutable Mapping Interfaces
py-zlmdb Object-relational zero-copy in-memory database layer for LMDB
py-zmqrpc Simple ZMQ RPC extension with JSON for message serialization
py-ZopeSecurity Zope Security Framework
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