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rsound Multi-platform, simple PCM audio server and client
rsstail RSS feeds reader with a tail(1)-like interface
rst-mode Emacs mode for reStructuredText documents
rstudio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for R
rtaudio Realtime audio IO library
rtcmix Open-source digital signal processing and sound synthesis language
rte Real Time Audio/Video Encoding Library
rthread Distributed computing with remote threads in Python
rtl_433 Generic data receiver and decoder using software defined radio
rtl-sdr-git Turns your Realtek RTL2832 based DVB dongle into a SDR receiver
rtmidi Realtime MIDI IO library
rtpbreak Detects, reconstructs and analyzes any RTP session
rtspdump Download multimedia stream from a Microsoft Windows Media Server
rtv Simple terminal viewer for Reddit (Reddit Terminal Viewer)
rubiks There are several programs for working with Rubik's cubes
rubrica2 Addressbook manager for the GNOME Environment
ruby-3llo CLI for Trello
ruby-actionmessenger Ruby convenience framework for instant messaging
ruby-actionpack52-xml_parser XML parameters parser for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
ruby-asciidoctor-pdf PDF extension for Asciidoctor
ruby-blockenspiel Library to create DSL blocks
ruby-cabin Experiment to try and make logging more flexible and more consumable
ruby-charlock_holmes Character encoding detection, brought to you by ICU
ruby-chawan Cup for chasen that provides an easy to use for extracting Japanese
ruby-csv CSV Reading and Writing
ruby-delegate_it ActiveSupport like delegate method for non Rails projects
ruby-diaspora Federated privacy-aware social network
ruby-dig_rb Array/Hash/Struct#dig backfill for ruby
ruby-ditz Simple, light-weight distributed issue tracker
ruby-ethon Very lightweight libcurl wrapper
ruby-gemojione Gem for EmojiOne
ruby-gh Layerd GitHub API client
ruby-ghi GitHub Issues on the command line
ruby-git_stats Git repository statistics generator
ruby-github-markup Markup library to use to render a content file on GitHub
ruby-gitlab Complete software development platform around Git
ruby-gitlab-grit Object oriented read/write access to Git repositories via Ruby
ruby-gollum Simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend
ruby-gollum-lib Simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API
ruby-gollum-rugged_adapter Adapter for Gollum to use Rugged (libgit2) at the backend
ruby-htmlentities Encoding and decoding (X)HTML entities
ruby-httparty Makes http fun again
ruby-iesd Tool to customize OS X InstallESD
ruby-kakasi Ruby binding for KAKASI implemented with Fiddle/DL/FFI
ruby-libv8 Ruby distribution wrapper for the V8 JavaScript engine
ruby-logger Simple but powerful logging utility to output messages
ruby-multi_xml Generic swappable back-end for XML parsing
ruby-mustache-sinatra Mustache support for Sinatra applications
ruby-net-http-pipeline HTTP/1.1 pipelining implementation atop Net::HTTP.
ruby-octicons Package that distributes Octicons in a gem
ruby-passenger Web and application server for Ruby, Python and Node.js
ruby-prawn-icon Easy icons for prawn
ruby-prawn-svg SVG renderer for Prawn Ruby PDF library
ruby-prawn-table Provides support for tables in Prawn
ruby-prawn-templates Experimental extraction of template features from Prawn
ruby-pusher-client Ruby WebSocket client for Pusher Channels
ruby-rack-flash3 Flash hash implementation for Rack apps
ruby-rack-protection4 Protection for against typical web attacks for Rack application
ruby-rake-compiler Build extensions (C, Java) with Rake
ruby-rbpdf Ruby on Rails TCPDF plugin
ruby-rbpdf-font RBPDF font files
ruby-request_store Per-request global storage for Rack
ruby-review Converts single Markup Text into various publishing format
ruby-rinku Drop-in replacement for Rails 'auto_link'
ruby-roadie Making HTML emails comfortable for the Ruby rockstars
ruby-roadie-rails52 Hooks Roadie into your Rails application to help with email generation
ruby-roo-xls Add support for legacy Excel file standards to math/ruby-roo
ruby-rouge3 Pure-ruby colorizer based on pygments
ruby-rss Family of libraries that support various formats of XML feeds
ruby-sdl2 Ruby extension library to use SDL2 library
ruby-simple-navigation Create navigations for Rails, Sinatra or Padrino applications
ruby-sinatra-contrib4 Collection of useful Sinatra extensions
ruby-sinatra-simple-navigation Create navigations for Sinatra or Padrino applications
ruby-sinatra4 Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
ruby-sprockets-helpers Asset path helpers for Sprockets 2.x & 3.x applications
ruby-sqlite3 Ruby bindings for the SQLite3 embedded database
ruby-table_print Turns objects into nicely formatted columns for easy reading
ruby-taskwarrior-web Lightweight web interface for Taskwarrior
ruby-teamocil Easy window and split layouts for tmux
ruby-termit Google Translate in your terminal
ruby-therubyracer Embedded V8 Javascript
ruby-therubyrhino Embed the Mozilla Rhino JavaScript interpreter into Ruby
ruby-therubyrhino_jar Rhino's js.jar classes packaged as a JRuby gem
ruby-travis Travis CI Client (CLI and Ruby library)
ruby-treetop16 Ruby-based text parsing and interpretation DSL
ruby-trollop Commandline option parser for Ruby that gets out of your way
ruby-twitter-text1 Library that provides text handling for Twitter
ruby-useragent HTTP User Agent parser
ruby-vegas Sinatra/Rack app wrapper
ruby-versionomy Generalized version number library
ruby-xmpp4r XMPP/Jabber library for Ruby
ruby-yaml_waml YAML WorkAround for Multibyte Language
runas Wrapper around su for running a command as another user
runcpm Z80 CP/M 2.2 emulator
rust-analyzer LSP server for the Rust programming language
rust-synapse-compress-state Tool to clean up matrix-synapse PostgreSQL databases
rust177 Safe, concurrent, practical language
rust177-bin Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution)
rust178 Safe, concurrent, practical language
rust178-bin Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution)
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