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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/editors/featherpad
From: pin
Date: 2024-02-19 05:20:26
Message id:
Log Message:
editors/featherpad: update to 1.5.0
* Removed Qt5 support.
* Prevent the cursor position from being changed when files are dropped into
the text view.
* Support regex replacement with capturing groups. The credit goes to Marco
Holmer for suggesting not only this feature but also the way of implementing it.
* Enhanced the conversion to start case by including 100,000 characters and also
finding the first letter of each word.
* Scroll horizontally with mouse wheel inside text view if Alt is pressed and
horizontal scrollbar is visible.
* Highlight Openbox's "themerc" files (revived by LabWC).
* Fixed a rare issue in the geometry of a warning bar animated during window
* Covered a case of here-strings in bash.