NOTICE: This package has been removed from pkgsrc

./www/drupal7, Open source content management system

[ CVSweb ] [ Homepage ] [ RSS ] [ Required by ]

Branch: CURRENT, Version: 7.103nb1, Package name: php82-drupal-7.103nb1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Drupal is software that allows an individual or a community of users to easily
publish, manage and organize a great variety of content on a website. Tens of
thousands of people and organizations have used Drupal to set up scores of
different kinds of web sites, including

* community web portals and discussion sites
* corporate web sites/intranet portals
* personal web sites
* aficionado sites
* e-commerce applications
* resource directories

Drupal includes features to enable:

* content management systems
* blogs
* collaborative authoring environments
* forums
* newsletters
* picture galleries
* file uploads and download

Required to run:
[textproc/php-json] [www/ap-php] [graphics/php-gd] [databases/php-pdo_mysql]

Required to build:
[www/apache24] [pkgtools/cwrappers]

Package options: apache, mysql

Master sites:

Filesize: 3330.415 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-22 16:55:31 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (7) | Package removed
Log message:
www/drupal7: remove package

Drupal 7 is EOL and last security fix was pulled up to pkgsrc-2024Q4 branch.
   2025-02-08 05:00:54 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (12)
Log message:
multiple PHP support

* Use PHP_BASE_VERS in DEPENDS if required.

   2025-01-10 16:50:37 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/drupal7: update to 7.103

This is final release and drupal7 is EOL.

Drupal 7.103, 2024-12-04
- So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

Drupal 7.102, 2024-11-20
- Fixed security issues:
   - SA-CORE-2024-005
   - SA-CORE-2024-008

Drupal 7.101, 2024-06-05
- Various security improvements
- Various bug fixes, optimizations and improvements

Drupal 7.100, 2024-03-06
- Security improvements
- Announcements module added
   2024-02-28 16:34:32 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/drupal7: update to 7.99

pkgsrc change: exclude php83 since Drupal 7 dose not supoprt it.

7.98 (2023-06-07)

* Session IDs are now hashed in the database in Drupal 7 - read this change
  record before running the database update

* Double click prevention introduced in Drupal 7

* Update info is fetched over https by default in Drupal 7

* Content of phpinfo() admin status page is now configurable in Drupal 7

7.99 (2023-12-06)

* Menu link 'Parent link' is limited to the current menu when creating new
  custom menu links through the UI in Drupal 7

* hook_field_schema_alter() was added in Drupal 7

* file_validate_image_resolution() now validates minimum dimensions against
  the resized image in Drupal 7

* Node translations table now contains a link to delete translation in
  Drupal 7

* ModuleUpdater::getSchemaUpdates() was removed in Drupal 7

* When a user fails login, the reset password link no longer pre-fills the
  username in Drupal 7

* Drupal 7's aggregator feed now displays up to 255 characters from
  description if no title is found

* Protection against abuse of DrupalCacheArray::__destruct() in Drupal 7
   2023-05-01 16:34:00 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
www/drupal7: update to 7.97

7.96 (2023-04-19)

This is a security release of the Drupal 7 series.

This release fixes security vulnerabilities.  Sites are urged to update
immediately after reading the notes below and the security announcements:

* Drupal core - Moderately critical - Access bypass - SA-CORE-2023-005

No other fixes are included.

7.97 (2023-04-21)

This is a "hotfix" release to address a PHP 5.x regression caused by

Changes since 7.96:

* #3355216 by poker10: Fix PHP 5.x regression caused by ::class constant
   2023-03-19 14:21:16 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/drupal7: update to 7.95

Drupal 7.95, 2023-03-15
- Fixed security issues:
   - SA-CORE-2023-004

Drupal 7.94, 2022-12-14
- Hotfix for book.module and Select query properties

Drupal 7.93, 2022-12-07
- Improved support for PHP 8.2
- Minimum PHP version changed to PHP 5.3
- Various security hardenings
- Various bug fixes, optimizations and improvements

Drupal 7.92, 2022-09-07
- Improved support for PHP 8.1
- Various security hardenings
- Various bug fixes, optimizations and improvements
   2022-07-31 16:23:22 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/drupal7: update to 7.91

7.91 (2022-07-20)

Maintenance and security release of the Drupal 7 series.

This release fixes security vulnerabilities.  Sites are urged to update
immediately after reading the notes below and the security announcement:

* Drupal core - Moderately critical - Information Disclosure - SA-CORE-2022-012

No other changes are included.
   2022-04-30 10:50:35 by Wen Heping | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update to 7.89

Upstream changes:
Drupal 7.89, 2022-03-02
- Bug fixes for PHP 8.1
- Fix tests for PostgreSQL

Drupal 7.88, 2022-02-15
- Fixed security issues:
   - SA-CORE-2022-003

Drupal 7.87, 2022-01-19
- Fix regression caused by jQuery UI position() backport