NOTICE: This package has been removed from pkgsrc

./www/drupal9, Open source content management system

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 9.3.22, Package name: php74-drupal-9.3.22, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Drupal is a free web Content Management System (CMS) that allows an
individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize
a wide variety of content on a website.

Drupal is ready to go from the moment you download it. It even has an
easy-to-use web installer! The built-in functionality, combined with dozens
of freely available add-on modules, will enable features such as: Content
Management Systems, Blogs, Collaborative authoring environments, Forums,
Peer-to-peer networking, Newsletters, Podcasting, Picture galleries, File
uploads/downloads and much more.

Package options: apache, mysql

Master sites:

Filesize: 20562.991 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-02 10:38:30 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (7) | Package removed
Log message:
www/drupal9: remove package

Drupal 9 was eol 2023-11-07.
   2024-05-12 16:36:46 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (12)
Log message:
Drop support for php80 (PHP 8.0).
   2023-12-30 22:52:22 by Zafer Aydogan | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
update master site
   2022-10-06 16:09:50 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/drupal9: update to 9.3.22

9.3.21 (2022-08-03)

* Issue #3301495 by lauriii, nod_: Update CKEditor 5 to 35.0.1
* Issue #3300773 by bradjones1, xjm, catch, andypost, Spokje: Fix failed
  test on `symfony/http-foundation` 4.4.44/6.1.3 and later

9.3.22 (2022-09-28)

This release fixes security vulnerabilities. Sites are urged to update
immediately after reading the notes below and the security announcement:

* Drupal core - Critical - Multiple vulnerabilities - SA-CORE-2022-016

No other fixes are included.
   2022-07-31 16:26:59 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/drupal9: update to 9.3.20

9.3.20 (2022-07-28)

This is a patch (bugfix) release of Drupal 9 and is ready for use on
production sites.  Learn more about Drupal 9.

* Drupal core uses the third-party Diactoros library as its PSR-7
  implementation. Diactoros has issued a security advisory:

* CVE-2022-31109: Diactoros before 2.11.1 vulnerable to HTTP Host Header

Drupal core is unlikely to be vulnerable.  This bugfix release updates the
version of Diactoros used in drupal/core-recommended to a secure version as
a precaution.

9.3.19 (2022-07-20)

This is a security release of the Drupal 9 series.

This release fixes security vulnerabilities.  Sites are urged to update
immediately after reading the notes below and the security announcement:

* Drupal core - Moderately critical - Information Disclosure -

* Drupal core - Moderately critical - Access Bypass - SA-CORE-2022-013

* Drupal core - Critical - Arbitrary PHP code execution - SA-CORE-2022-014

* Drupal core - Moderately critical - Multiple vulnerabilities -

No other changes are included.
   2022-05-28 06:46:39 by Wen Heping | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Update to 9.3.14

Upstream changes:
This is a security release of the Drupal 9 series.

This release fixes security vulnerabilities. Sites are urged to update \ 
immediately after reading the notes below and the security announcements:

    Drupal core - Moderately critical - Third-party libraries - SA-CORE-2022-010

Changes since 9.3.12
    Issue #3278163 by xjm, nod_, lauriii: yarn upgrade for latest security \ 
    Issue #3266912 by nod_, Wim Leers, lauriii, xjm, mmjvb: Review version \ 
constraints for production yarn dependencies
    Issue #3230541 by cliddell, jday, yogeshmpawar, neclimdul, cmlara, Charlie \ 
ChX Negyesi: Queue items only reserved by cron for 1 second
    Revert "Issue #3230541 by cliddell, jday, yogeshmpawar, neclimdul, \ 
cmlara, Charlie ChX Negyesi: Queue items only reserved by cron for 1 \ 
    Issue #3230541 by cliddell, jday, yogeshmpawar, neclimdul, cmlara, Charlie \ 
ChX Negyesi: Queue items only reserved by cron for 1 second
    Issue #3270709 by Shashwat Purav, Chi, apaderno: Remove reference to \ 
contextual_pre_render_placeholder() function
    Issue #3277309 by phjou, mradcliffe, benjifisher, markie: Update links to \ 
Drupal documentation pages in Umami
    Issue #2995367 by quietone, xjm, Lendude: Fix update module test fixture \ 
names for 8.2.0-rc2 sample data
    Issue #3277274 by richardrobinson, saki007ster, ApocalypticJake, bnjmnm, \, mcolebank, joshmiller, markie, mradcliffe, pilot3, \ 
W01F: Dialog css references nonexistient --color-whitesmoke css variable
    Issue #3277743 by xjm, RainbowArray: Update contributor name and username in \ 
    Issue #3228691 by Wim Leers, lauriii, nod_: Restrict allowed additional \ 
attributes to prevent self XSS
    Issue #3276974 by hooroomoo, Wim Leers: [drupalMedia] Media View Modes don't \ 
work if alignment not enabled
    Issue #3261599 by hooroomoo, Wim Leers, lauriii: Use CKEditor 5's native \ 
<ol start> support (and also support <ol reversed>)
    Issue #3277405 by Wim Leers, nod_: Update @ckeditor/ckeditor5-list to v34.0.1
    Issue #3231334 by Wim Leers, bnjmnm: Global attributes (<* lang> and \ 
<* dir="ltr rtl">): validation + support (fix data loss)
    Issue #3229078 by scott_euser, Wim Leers, hooroomoo, brentg, yogeshmpawar, \ 
catch: Unit tests for all @CKEditor5Plugin plugin classes
    Issue #3248425 by nod_, yogeshmpawar, Wim Leers, lauriii, bnjmnm, \ 
marcvangend: Ensure that all classes and functions in Drupal-specific CKEditor 5 \ 
plugins are documented
    Issue #3269085 by alexpott, larowlan, danflanagan8, Matroskeen: [random test \ 
failure] Random test fail in EntityAutocompleteTest
    Issue #3276627 by Wim Leers, hooroomoo: \ 
CKEditor5::shouldHaveVisiblePluginSettingsForm() does not correctly handle \ 
configurable CKE5 plugin that has a filter condition
    Issue #3276670 by hooroomoo, Wim Leers: Some configurations of allowed view \ 
modes cause CKE to fail to initialize
    Issue #2717921 by gaurav.kapoor, drnikki, subhashuyadav, pratik_specbee, \ 
hmendes, jhodgdon, joachim, effulgentsia, shashikant_chauhan, Wim Leers, \ 
larowlan: undocumented #has_garbage_value property of render elements
    Issue #3245720 by hooroomoo, nod_, Wim Leers, lauriii, yash.rode: \ 
[drupalMedia] Support choosing a view mode for
    Issue #3261943 by bnjmnm, lauriii, Wim Leers, andreasderijcke, ifrik: \ 
Confusing behavior after pressing "Apply changes to allowed tags" with \ 
invalid value
    Issue #3230230 by bnjmnm, johnwebdev, Wim Leers, lauriii, Anna_CKSource, \ 
Reinmar: Enable table captions; override CKE5's default downcast to generate \ 
<table><caption></table> instead of \ 
    Issue #3272035 by mherchel, andy-blum: Add "linktext" and \ 
"canvastext" to cspell dictionary.
    Issue #3273056 by kmonahan, mherchel, Johnny Santos, rkoller, ckrina: Active \ 
and hover state of skip to main content has a too low color contrast
    Issue #3130305 by mherchel, cindytwilliams, bnjmnm, saschaeggi, \ 
andrewmacpherson: Ensure all of Claro's background images are visible in forced \ 
colors mode
    Issue #3269341 by mherchel, KurtTrowbridge: Claro element not rendering \ 
properly in forced colors
    Back to dev.
    Merged 9.3.12.
    Issue #3269091 by gambry, yogeshmpawar, jonathanshaw, joachim, alexpott: \ 
Undocumented behaviour for Schema::findTables() when an underscore is used
    Issue #3273325 by Dom., Wim Leers, andregp, ifrik: CKE5 and contrib: better \ 
"next action" description on upgrade path messages
    Issue #3274278 by Wim Leers, jcnventura, yogeshmpawar, andregp, bnjmnm: \ 
Migrate "codetag" contrib CKEditor 4 plugin to built-in equivalent in \ 
core's CKEditor 5
   2022-05-05 13:10:51 by Wen Heping | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Fix non-existent script interpreters.
   2022-05-02 01:35:35 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
drupal9: use php/