./www/py-aiohttp, Async http client/server framework

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 3.11.13, Package name: py312-aiohttp-3.11.13, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

HTTP client/server for asyncio (PEP 3156).

* Supports both Client and HTTP Server.
* Supports both Server WebSockets and Client WebSockets out-of-the-box.
* Web-server has Middlewares, Signals and pluggable routing.

Required to run:
[devel/py-setuptools] [converters/py-chardet] [devel/py-cython] [devel/py-attrs] [databases/py-multidict] [www/py-yarl] [devel/py-async-timeout] [lang/python37]

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Filesize: 7494.418 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-25 14:06:50 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-aiohttp: updated to 3.11.13

3.11.13 (2025-02-24)

Bug fixes

- Removed a break statement inside the finally block in \ 
- Changed connection creation to explicitly close sockets if an exception is \ 
raised in the event loop's ``create_connection`` method -- by :user:`top-oai`.

Packaging updates and notes for downstreams

- Fixed test \ 
``test_write_large_payload_deflate_compression_data_in_eof_writelines`` failing \ 
with Python 3.12.9+ or 3.13.2+ -- by :user:`bdraco`.

Miscellaneous internal changes

- Added human-readable error messages to the exceptions for WebSocket \ 
disconnects due to PONG not being received -- by :user:`bdraco`.
  Previously, the error messages were empty strings, which made it hard to \ 
determine what went wrong.
   2025-02-06 10:43:33 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-aiohttp: updated to 3.11.12

3.11.12 (2025-02-05)

Bug fixes

- ``MultipartForm.decode()`` now follows RFC1341 7.2.1 with a ``CRLF`` after the \ 
- Restored the missing ``total_bytes`` attribute to ``EmptyStreamReader``


- Updated :py:func:`~aiohttp.request` to make it accept ``_RequestOptions`` kwargs.
- Improved logging of HTTP protocol errors to include the remote address

Improved documentation

- Added ``aiohttp-openmetrics`` to list of third-party libraries

Packaging updates and notes for downstreams

- Added missing files to the source distribution to fix ``Makefile`` targets.
  Added a ``cythonize-nodeps`` target to run Cython without invoking pip to \ 
install dependencies.
- Started building armv7l musllinux wheels

Contributor-facing changes

- The CI/CD workflow has been updated to use `upload-artifact` v4 and \ 
`download-artifact` v4 GitHub Actions

Miscellaneous internal changes

- Restored support for zero copy writes when using Python 3.12 versions 3.12.9 \ 
and later or Python 3.13.2+
  Zero copy writes were previously disabled due to :cve:`2024-12254` which is \ 
resolved in these Python versions.
   2024-12-25 11:00:50 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-aiohttp: updated to 3.11.11

3.11.11 (2024-12-18)

Bug fixes

- Updated :py:meth:`~aiohttp.ClientSession.request` to reuse the \ 
``quote_cookie`` setting from ``ClientSession._cookie_jar`` when processing \ 
cookies parameter.
- Fixed type of ``SSLContext`` for some static type checkers (e.g. pyright).
- Updated :meth:`aiohttp.web.StreamResponse.write` annotation to also allow \ 
:class:`bytearray` and :class:`memoryview` as inputs -- by :user:`cdce8p`.
- Fixed a hang where a connection previously used for a streaming
  download could be returned to the pool in a paused state.


- Enabled ALPN on default SSL contexts. This improves compatibility with some
  proxies which don't work without this extension.

Miscellaneous internal changes

- Fixed an infinite loop that can occur when using aiohttp in combination
  with `async-solipsism`_
   2024-12-06 09:08:53 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-aiohttp: updated to 3.11.10

3.11.10 (2024-12-05)

Bug fixes

- Fixed race condition in :class:`aiohttp.web.FileResponse` that could have \ 
resulted in an incorrect response if the file was replaced on the file system \ 
during ``prepare``
- Replaced deprecated call to :func:`mimetypes.guess_type` with \ 
:func:`mimetypes.guess_file_type` when using Python 3.13+
- Disabled zero copy writes in the ``StreamWriter``
   2024-12-04 10:26:23 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-aiohttp: updated to 3.11.9

3.11.9 (2024-12-01)

Bug fixes

- Fixed invalid method logging unexpected being logged at exception level on \ 
subsequent connections

Miscellaneous internal changes

- Improved performance of parsing headers when using the C parser

3.11.8 (2024-11-27)

Miscellaneous internal changes

- Improved performance of creating :class:`aiohttp.ClientResponse` objects when \ 
there are no cookies
- Improved performance of creating :class:`aiohttp.ClientResponse` objects
- Improved performances of creating objects during the HTTP request lifecycle
- Improved performance of constructing :class:`aiohttp.web.Response` with headers
- Improved performance of making requests when there are no auto headers to skip
- Downgraded logging of invalid HTTP method exceptions on the first request to \ 
debug level

  HTTP requests starting with an invalid method are relatively common, \ 
especially when connected to the public internet, because browsers or other \ 
clients may try to speak SSL to a plain-text server or vice-versa. These \ 
exceptions can quickly fill the log with noise when nothing is wrong.
   2024-11-24 08:27:08 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-aiohttp: updated to 3.11.7

3.11.7 (2024-11-21)

Bug fixes

- Fixed the HTTP client not considering the connector's ``force_close`` value \ 
when setting the ``Connection`` header

Miscellaneous internal changes

- Improved performance of serializing HTTP headers

3.11.6 (2024-11-19)

Bug fixes

- Restored the ``force_close`` method to the ``ResponseHandler``

3.11.5 (2024-11-19)

Bug fixes

- Fixed the ``ANY`` method not appearing in :meth:`~aiohttp.web.UrlDispatcher.routes`

3.11.4 (2024-11-18)

Bug fixes

- Fixed ``StaticResource`` not allowing the ``OPTIONS`` method after calling \ 

Miscellaneous internal changes

- Improved performance of creating web responses when there are no cookies

3.11.3 (2024-11-18)

Bug fixes

- Removed non-existing ``__author__`` from ``dir(aiohttp)``
- Restored the ``FlowControlDataQueue`` class
  This class is no longer used internally, and will be permanently removed in \ 
the next major version.

Miscellaneous internal changes

- Improved performance of resolving resources when multiple methods are \ 
registered for the same route
   2024-11-16 11:18:16 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-aiohttp: updated to 3.11.2

3.11.2 (2024-11-14)

Bug fixes

- Fixed improperly closed WebSocket connections generating an unhandled exception

3.11.1 (2024-11-14)

Bug fixes

- Added a backward compatibility layer to :class:`aiohttp.RequestInfo` to allow \ 
creating these objects without a ``real_url``
   2024-11-14 19:22:00 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-aiohttp: updated to 3.11.0

3.11.0 (2024-11-13)

Bug fixes

- Raise :exc:`aiohttp.ServerFingerprintMismatch` exception on client-side if \ 
request through http proxy with mismatching server fingerprint digest: \ 
`aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers, \ 
connector=TCPConnector(ssl=aiohttp.Fingerprint(mismatch_digest), \ 
- Modified websocket :meth:`aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse.receive_str`, \ 
:py:meth:`aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse.receive_bytes`, \ 
:py:meth:`aiohttp.web.WebSocketResponse.receive_str` & \ 
:py:meth:`aiohttp.web.WebSocketResponse.receive_bytes` methods to raise new \ 
:py:exc:`aiohttp.WSMessageTypeError` exception, instead of generic \ 
:py:exc:`TypeError`, when websocket messages of incorrect types are received
- Made ``TestClient.app`` a ``Generic`` so type checkers will know the correct \ 
type (avoiding unneeded ``client.app is not None`` checks)
- Fixed the keep-alive connection pool to be FIFO instead of LIFO
  Keep-alive connections are more likely to be reused before they disconnect.


- Added ``strategy`` parameter to \ 
  The value of this parameter is passed to the :func:`zlib.compressobj` \ 
function, allowing people
  to use a more sufficient compression algorithm for their data served by \ 
- Added ``server_hostname`` parameter to ``ws_connect``.
- Exported :py:class:`~aiohttp.ClientWSTimeout` to top-level namespace
- Added ``secure``/``httponly``/``samesite`` parameters to ``.del_cookie()``
- Updated :py:class:`~aiohttp.ClientSession`'s auth logic to include default \ 
auth only if the request URL's origin matches _base_url; otherwise, the auth \ 
will not be included
- Added ``proxy`` and ``proxy_auth`` parameters to :py:class:`~aiohttp.ClientSession`
- Added ``default_to_multipart`` parameter to ``FormData``.
- Added :py:meth:`~aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse.send_frame` and \ 
:py:meth:`~aiohttp.web.WebSocketResponse.send_frame` for WebSockets
- Updated :py:class:`~aiohttp.ClientSession` to support paths in ``base_url`` \ 
- Improved performance of reading WebSocket messages with a Cython implementation
- Added ``writer_limit`` to the :py:class:`~aiohttp.web.WebSocketResponse` to be \ 
able to adjust the limit before the writer forces the buffer to be drained
- Added an :attr:`~aiohttp.abc.AbstractAccessLogger.enabled` property to \ 
:class:`aiohttp.abc.AbstractAccessLogger` to dynamically check if logging is \ 

Deprecations (removal in next major release)

- Deprecate obsolete `timeout: float` and `receive_timeout: Optional[float]` in \ 
:py:meth:`~aiohttp.ClientSession.ws_connect`. Change default websocket receive \ 
timeout from `None` to `10.0`.

Removals and backward incompatible breaking changes

- Dropped support for Python 3.8
- Increased minimum yarl version to 1.17.0
- Removed the ``is_ipv6_address`` and ``is_ip4_address`` helpers are they are no \ 
longer used
- Changed ``ClientRequest.connection_key`` to be a `NamedTuple` to improve \ 
client performance
- ``FlowControlDataQueue`` has been replaced with the ``WebSocketDataQueue``
- Changed ``ClientRequest.request_info`` to be a `NamedTuple` to improve client \ 

Packaging updates and notes for downstreams

- Switched to using the :mod:`propcache <propcache.api>` package for \ 
property caching
  The :mod:`propcache <propcache.api>` package is derived from the \ 
property caching
  code in :mod:`yarl` and has been broken out to avoid maintaining it for multiple
- Separated ``aiohttp.http_websocket`` into multiple files to make it easier to \ 

Contributor-facing changes

- Changed diagram images generator from ``blockdiag`` to ``GraphViz``.
  Generating documentation now requires the GraphViz executable to be included \ 
in $PATH or sphinx build configuration.

Miscellaneous internal changes

- Added flake8 settings to avoid some forms of implicit concatenation.
- Enabled keep-alive support on proxies (which was originally disabled several \ 
years ago)
- Changed web entry point to not listen on TCP when only a Unix path is passed
- Disabled automatic retries of failed requests in \ 
:class:`aiohttp.test_utils.TestClient`'s client session
  (which could potentially hide errors in tests)
- Changed web ``keepalive_timeout`` default to around an hour in order to reduce \ 
race conditions on reverse proxies
- Reduced memory required for stream objects created during the client request \ 
- Improved performance of the internal ``DataQueue``
- Improved performance of calling ``receive`` for WebSockets for the most common \ 
message types
- Replace internal helper methods ``method_must_be_empty_body`` and \ 
``status_code_must_be_empty_body`` with simple `set` lookups
- Improved performance of :py:class:`aiohttp.BaseConnector` when there is no \ 
- Improved performance of sending HTTP requests when there is no body
- Improved performance of the ``WebsocketWriter`` when the protocol is not paused
- Implemented zero copy writes for ``StreamWriter``