./www/py-tornado, Fast and non-blocking web framework

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 6.4.2, Package name: py312-tornado-6.4.2, Maintainer: imil

Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and
tools that power FriendFeed. The FriendFeed application is written using a web
framework that looks a bit like web.py or Google's webapp, but with additional
tools and optimizations to take advantage of the underlying non-blocking

The framework is distinct from most mainstream web server frameworks (and
certainly most Python frameworks) because it is non-blocking and reasonably
fast. Because it is non-blocking and uses epoll or kqueue, it can handle
thousands of simultaneous standing connections, which means it is ideal for
real-time web services. We built the web server specifically to handle
FriendFeed's real-time features -- every active user of FriendFeed maintains
an open connection to the FriendFeed servers.

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[www/py-curl] [devel/py-setuptools] [lang/python37]

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Filesize: 489.39 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-02 11:38:04 by Havard Eidnes | Files touched by this commit (28)
Log message:
lang/python and a number of python packages: re-do atomic64.mk issue.

Evidently, python 3.13 brought in the need to support 64-bit atomics.
This means that python extension packages built with C needs to
use mk/atomic64.mk to make -latomic available on the required 32-bit
ports.  Sadly, there is no reliable way to detect in the .mk files
whether the package is using C (or C++), so this change adds an
unconditional include of mk/atomic64.mk when the python version is
equal to or larger than 3.13 for packages using egg.mk or wheel.mk.

This undoes the individual package Makefile inclusions of mk/atomic64.mk
that I've added over the last few days.
   2025-01-19 17:56:06 by Havard Eidnes | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
www/py-tornado: use atomic64.mk to fix build on macppc w/python3.13.
   2024-11-22 09:25:28 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-tornado: updated to 6.4.2

What's new in Tornado 6.4.2

Security Improvements

- Parsing of the cookie header is now much more efficient. The older algorithm \ 
sometimes had
  quadratic performance which allowed for a denial-of-service attack in which \ 
the server would spend
  excessive CPU time parsing cookies and block the event loop. This change fixes \ 
   2024-11-11 08:29:31 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (862)
Log message:
py-*: remove unused tool dependency

py-setuptools includes the py-wheel functionality nowadays
   2023-12-07 18:08:05 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-tornado: updated to 6.4

What's new in Tornado 6.4.0

Nov 28, 2023

General Changes

- Python 3.12 is now supported. Older versions of Tornado will work on Python \ 
3.12 but may log
  deprecation warnings.

Deprecation Notices

- `.IOLoop.add_callback_from_signal` is suspected to have been broken since \ 
Tornado 5.0 and will be
  removed in version 7.0.  Use `asyncio.loop.add_signal_handler` instead.
- The ``client_secret`` argument to `.OAuth2Mixin.authorize_redirect` is \ 
deprecated and will be
  removed in Tornado 7.0. This argument has never been used and other similar \ 
methods in this module
  don't have it.
- `.TwitterMixin` is deprecated and will be removed in the future.


- The ``client_secret`` argument to `.OAuth2Mixin.authorize_redirect` is \ 
deprecated and will be
  removed in Tornado 7.0. This argument has never been used and other similar \ 
methods in this module
  don't have it.
- `.TwitterMixin` is deprecated and will be removed in the future.


- Autoreload can now be used when the program is run as a directory rather than \ 
a file or module.
- New CLI flag ``--until-success`` re-runs the program on any failure but stops \ 
after the first
  successful run.


- Fixed reference cycles that could lead to increased memory usage.


- Several methods in this module now simply pass through to their equivalents in \ 
the standard


- This module now holds a strong reference to all running `asyncio.Task` objects \ 
it creates. This
  prevents premature garbage collection which could cause warnings like \ 
"Task was destroyed but it
  is pending!".


- `.IOLoop.add_callback_from_signal` is suspected to have been broken since \ 
Tornado 5.0 and will be
  removed in version 7.0.  Use `asyncio.loop.add_signal_handler` instead.
- The type annotation for `.IOLoop.run_in_executor` has been updated to match \ 
the updated signature
  of `asyncio.loop.run_in_executor`.
- Fixed reference cycles that could lead to increased memory usage.


- `.format_timestamp` now supports "aware" datetime objects.


- The shutdown protocol for `.AddThreadSelectorEventLoop` now requires the use \ 
of `asyncio.run` or
  `asyncio.loop.shutdown_asyncgens` to avoid leaking the thread.
- Introduced `.SelectorThread` class containing the core functionality of
- The ``close()`` method of `.AddThreadSelectorEventLoop` is now idempotent.


- `.StaticFileHandler.get_modified_time` now supports "aware" datetime \ 
objects and the default
  implementation now returns aware objects.


- Unclosed client connections now reliably log a warning. Previously the warning \ 
was dependent on
  garbage collection and whether the ``ping_interval`` option was used.
- The ``subprotocols`` argument to `.WebSocketClientConnection` now defaults to \ 
None instead of an
  empty list (which was mutable and reused)
   2023-08-12 14:59:54 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-tornado: updated to 6.3.3

What's new in Tornado 6.3.3

Security improvements

- The ``Content-Length`` header and ``chunked`` ``Transfer-Encoding`` sizes are \ 
now parsed
  more strictly (according to the relevant RFCs) to avoid potential request-smuggling
  vulnerabilities when deployed behind certain proxies.
   2023-05-16 12:20:23 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-tornado: updated to 6.3.2

What's new in Tornado 6.3.2

Security improvements

- Fixed an open redirect vulnerability in StaticFileHandler under certain
   2023-04-25 12:53:27 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-tornado: updated to 6.3.1

What's new in Tornado 6.3.1

Apr 21, 2023


- `.RequestHandler.set_cookie` once again accepts capitalized keyword arguments
  for backwards compatibility. This is deprecated and in Tornado 7.0 only lowercase
  arguments will be accepted.

What's new in Tornado 6.3.0

Apr 17, 2023


- The new `.Application` setting ``xsrf_cookie_name`` can now be used to
  take advantage of the ``__Host`` cookie prefix for improved security.
  To use it, add ``{"xsrf_cookie_name": "__Host-xsrf", \ 
  {"secure": True}}`` to your `.Application` settings. Note that this \ 
  currently only works when HTTPS is used.
- `.WSGIContainer` now supports running the application in a \ 
``ThreadPoolExecutor`` so
  the event loop is no longer blocked.
- `.AsyncTestCase` and `.AsyncHTTPTestCase`, which were deprecated in Tornado 6.2,
  are no longer deprecated.
- WebSockets are now much faster at receiving large messages split into many

General changes

- Python 3.7 is no longer supported; the minimum supported Python version is 3.8.
  Python 3.12 is now supported.
- To avoid spurious deprecation warnings, users of Python 3.10 should upgrade
  to at least version 3.10.9, and users of Python 3.11 should upgrade to at least
  version 3.11.1.
- Tornado submodules are now imported automatically on demand. This means it is
  now possible to use a single ``import tornado`` statement and refer to objects
  in submodules such as `tornado.web.RequestHandler`.

Deprecation notices

- In Tornado 7.0, `tornado.testing.ExpectLog` will match ``WARNING``
  and above regardless of the current logging configuration, unless the
  ``level`` argument is used.
- `.RequestHandler.get_secure_cookie` is now a deprecated alias for
  `.RequestHandler.get_signed_cookie`. `.RequestHandler.set_secure_cookie`
  is now a deprecated alias for `.RequestHandler.set_signed_cookie`.
- `.RequestHandler.clear_all_cookies` is deprecated. No direct replacement
  is provided; `.RequestHandler.clear_cookie` should be used on individual
- Calling the `.IOLoop` constructor without a ``make_current`` argument, which was
  deprecated in Tornado 6.2, is no longer deprecated.
- `.AsyncTestCase` and `.AsyncHTTPTestCase`, which were deprecated in Tornado 6.2,
  are no longer deprecated.
- `.AsyncTestCase.get_new_ioloop` is deprecated.


- New method `.GoogleOAuth2Mixin.get_google_oauth_settings` can now be overridden
  to get credentials from a source other than the `.Application` settings.


- `contextvars` now work properly when a ``@gen.coroutine`` calls a native coroutine.


- `~.OptionParser.parse_config_file` now recognizes single comma-separated \ 
strings (in addition to
  lists of strings) for options with ``multiple=True``.


- New `.Application` setting ``xsrf_cookie_name`` can be used to change the
  name of the XSRF cookie. This is most useful to take advantage of the
  ``__Host-`` cookie prefix.
- `.RequestHandler.get_secure_cookie` and `.RequestHandler.set_secure_cookie`
  (and related methods and attributes) have been renamed to
  `~.RequestHandler.get_signed_cookie` and `~.RequestHandler.set_signed_cookie`.
  This makes it more explicit what kind of security is provided, and avoids
  confusion with the ``Secure`` cookie attribute and ``__Secure-`` cookie prefix.
  The old names remain supported as deprecated aliases.
- `.RequestHandler.clear_cookie` now accepts all keyword arguments accepted by
  `~.RequestHandler.set_cookie`. In some cases clearing a cookie requires certain
  arguments to be passed the same way in which it was set.
- `.RequestHandler.clear_all_cookies` now accepts additional keyword arguments
  for the same reason as ``clear_cookie``. However, since the requirements
  for additional arguments mean that it cannot reliably clear all cookies,
  this method is now deprecated.


- It is now much faster (no longer quadratic) to receive large messages that
  have been split into many fragments.
- `.websocket_connect` now accepts a ``resolver`` parameter.


- `.WSGIContainer` now accepts an ``executor`` parameter which can be used
  to run the WSGI application on a thread pool.