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Generators for easily creating and building padrino applications
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 0.15.3,
Package name: ruby31-padrino-gen-0.15.3,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-users= Agnostic Application Generators (padrino-gen)
=== Overview
Padrino comes preloaded with flexible code generators powered in part by the
excellent Thor gem (incidentally also used in the Rails 3 generators).
These generators are intended to allow for easy code generation both in
creating new applications and building on existing ones.
The generators have been built to be as library agnostic as possible,
supporting a myriad of test frameworks, js libraries, mocking libraries, etc.
Required to run:[
misc/ruby-bundler] [
www/ruby-padrino-core] [
Required to build:[
Master sites:
Filesize: 636.5 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2023-02-26) Updated to version: ruby31-padrino-gen-0.15.3
- (2023-01-04) Updated to version: ruby31-padrino-gen-0.15.2
- (2021-10-07) Updated to version: ruby27-padrino-gen-0.15.1
- (2021-06-02) Updated to version: ruby26-padrino-gen-0.15.1
- (2020-05-18) Updated to version: ruby26-padrino-gen-0.15.0
- (2019-03-05) Updated to version: ruby24-padrino-gen-0.14.4nb1
CVS history: (Expand)
2023-02-26 14:30:20 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (8) |  |
Log message:
www/ruby-padrino: update to 0.15.3
0.15.3 (2023-02-25)
* FIX #2266 Update ORM generator for ActiveRecord changes (@jkowens)
* FIX #2267 activerecord in gen task (@DimitriosLisenko)
2023-01-04 16:33:37 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (16) |  |
Log message:
www/ruby-padrino: update to 0.15.2
0.15.2 (2022-12-23)
* FIX #2261 Resolve failures in CI Build and update Circle config (@jkowens)
* FIX #2263 Padrino-gen fix for ActiveRecord 6.1 (@jkowens)
* FIX #2260 Pin HAML to newer version 5 (@jkowens)
* NEW #2259 Add Sinatra 3 compatibility (@jkowens)
* NEW #2251 Sets up CircleCI for new builds (@wikimatze)
* FIX #2243 for cascading mailer path when using partials (@HR-Partner)
* FIX #2250 I18n translation issue on Ruby 3.0 (@jinshen1983)
* FIX #2246 Various routing upgrades and fixes (@takeshi-yashiro)
2021-10-26 13:31:15 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1030) |
Log message:
www: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
Not committed (merge conflicts):
Unfetchable distfiles (almost certainly fetched conditionally...):
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo array-var-nginx-module-0.05.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo echo-nginx-module-0.62.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo encrypted-session-nginx-module-0.08.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo form-input-nginx-module-0.12.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo headers-more-nginx-module-0.33.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo lua-nginx-module-0.10.19.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo naxsi-1.3.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo nginx-dav-ext-module-3.0.0.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo nginx-rtmp-module-1.2.2.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo nginx_http_push_module-1.2.10.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo ngx_cache_purge-2.5.1.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo ngx_devel_kit-0.3.1.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo ngx_http_geoip2_module-3.3.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo njs-0.5.0.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo set-misc-nginx-module-0.32.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo array-var-nginx-module-0.05.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo echo-nginx-module-0.62.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo encrypted-session-nginx-module-0.08.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo form-input-nginx-module-0.12.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo headers-more-nginx-module-0.33.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo lua-nginx-module-0.10.19.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo naxsi-1.3.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo nginx-dav-ext-module-3.0.0.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo nginx-rtmp-module-1.2.2.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo nginx_http_push_module-1.2.10.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo ngx_cache_purge-2.5.1.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo ngx_devel_kit-0.3.1.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo ngx_http_geoip2_module-3.3.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo njs-0.5.0.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo set-misc-nginx-module-0.32.tar.gz
2021-10-07 17:09:00 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1033) |
Log message:
www: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2021-06-02 17:09:54 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (13) |  |
Log message:
www/ruby-padrino: update to 0.15.1
0.15.1 (2021-04-25)
* FIX Adds readline as a dep (@nesquena)
* FIX #2229 Fix polish translations (@tiwi)
* FIX #2234 Avoid mocha warning in tests (@olleolleolle)
* FIX #2235 Update thor to a more recent version (@basex)
2020-05-18 16:59:48 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
www/ruby-padrino-gen: fix typo
Fix accidential typo.
2020-05-18 16:57:28 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
www/ruby-padrino-gen: update to 0.15.0
Update ruby-padrino-gen to 0.15.0.
pkgsrc change:
* update dependency to ruby-bundler.
* Remove obsolete rubyforge_project from gemspec.
2019-03-05 08:52:19 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
www/ruby-padrino-gen: switch to depends on ruby-bundler1
Change denepdency to ruby-bundler1 from ruby-bunder.