The following packages were found for maintainer:
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [CURRENT] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/p5-Net-XWhois [CURRENT] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
wip/clixon-pyapi [CURRENT] Network services API for the Clixon controller
wip/cligen [CURRENT] Tool to generate interactive command-line interfaces
wip/clixon [CURRENT] YANG-based configuration manager
security/opendnssec2 [CURRENT] OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
devel/p5-CLASS [CURRENT] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/ldns [CURRENT] Library for simplified DNS programming
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [CURRENT] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [CURRENT] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
net/p5-IO-Interface [CURRENT] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
lang/pcc-current [CURRENT] Portable C compiler
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [CURRENT] Perl multicast socket IO
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [CURRENT] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
x11/asnap [CURRENT] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
x11/tk-Tix [CURRENT] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
net/fstrm [CURRENT] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [CURRENT] LDAP server side protocol handling
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [CURRENT] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/tcptraceroute6 [CURRENT] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [CURRENT] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [CURRENT] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
security/softhsm2 [CURRENT] Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
net/fmirror [CURRENT] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
lang/parrot [CURRENT] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
net/exabgp [CURRENT] BGP swiss army knife
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [CURRENT] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/drill [CURRENT] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2007Q2] MeCab perl module
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Java API of QDBM
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Full-text search system for communities
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Perl interface of QDBM
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2007Q2] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Create SWF (Macromedia Flash) files with this library
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Python bindings for Ming library
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2007Q2] System monitoring tool, documentation
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Ruby interface of QDBM
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2007Q2] C++ API for QDBM
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2007Q2] MeCab python module
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Pure Ruby XML parser
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2007Q2] MeCab ruby module
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2007Q2] MeCab java module
converters/p5-JSON [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Perl module converts between JSON and Perl data structure
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2007Q2] CGI scripts of QDBM
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2007Q2] PHP extension for Ming library
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Perl interface of Hyper Estraier
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2007Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2007Q2] IO::Socket::Multicast - perl multicast socket IO
databases/ruby-sqlite3 [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Ruby interface for the SQLite database engine
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Record vnc session as flash movie
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2007Q2] X application for displaying and manipulating images
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
graphics/ruby-imlib2 [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Imlib2 bindings for Ruby
devel/ruby-gettext [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Ruby L10n library like as GNU GetText
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2007Q2] VNC server for real X displays
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9's dumpfs
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2007Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
graphics/ruby-RMagick [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Ruby GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick extension
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2007Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Application to do presentation with RD document
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Flash-based photo album generator
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Java API of QDBM
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Application to do presentation with RD document
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Python bindings for Ming library
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Perl interface of QDBM
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Record vnc session as flash movie
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2007Q3] PHP extension for Ming library
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2007Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
graphics/ruby-imlib2 [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Imlib2 bindings for Ruby
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2007Q3] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Pure Ruby XML parser
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Flash-based photo album generator
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Perl interface of Hyper Estraier
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2007Q3] MeCab ruby module
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2007Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2007Q3] MeCab python module
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2007Q3] MeCab java module
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2007Q3] MeCab perl module
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Full-text search system for communities
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2007Q3] CGI scripts of QDBM
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
databases/ruby-sqlite3 [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Ruby interface for the SQLite database engine
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
misc/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Perl extension for Latitiude Longitude conversions
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2007Q3] VNC server for real X displays
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9's dumpfs
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Ruby interface of QDBM
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Create SWF (Macromedia Flash) files with this library
converters/p5-JSON [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Perl module converts between JSON and Perl data structure
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
graphics/ruby-RMagick [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Ruby GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick extension
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2007Q3] X application for displaying and manipulating images
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2007Q3] System monitoring tool, documentation
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2007Q3] IO::Socket::Multicast - perl multicast socket IO
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2007Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2007Q3] C++ API for QDBM
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
devel/ruby-gettext [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Ruby L10n library like as GNU GetText
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Ruby interface of QDBM
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2007Q4] PHP extension for Ming library
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2007Q4] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Create SWF (Macromedia Flash) files with this library
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2007Q4] System monitoring tool, documentation
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
graphics/ruby-RMagick [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Ruby GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick extension
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Python bindings for Ming library
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2007Q4] MeCab perl module
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2007Q4] MeCab ruby module
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Pure Ruby XML parser
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2007Q4] MeCab python module
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2007Q4] MeCab java module
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Flash-based photo album generator
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2007Q4] X application for displaying and manipulating images
converters/p5-JSON [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Perl module converts between JSON and Perl data structure
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
databases/ruby-sqlite3 [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Ruby interface for the SQLite database engine
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2007Q4] C++ API for QDBM
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2007Q4] VNC server for real X displays
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Java API of QDBM
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Full-text search system for communities
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2007Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Record vnc session as flash movie
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Application to do presentation with RD document
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2007Q4] IO::Socket::Multicast - perl multicast socket IO
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2007Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2007Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
graphics/ruby-imlib2 [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Imlib2 bindings for Ruby
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
misc/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Perl extension for Latitiude Longitude conversions
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Perl interface of QDBM
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2007Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
devel/ruby-gettext [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Ruby L10n library like as GNU GetText
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9's dumpfs
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2007Q4] CGI scripts of QDBM
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2008Q1] X application for displaying and manipulating images
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q1] MeCab java module
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2008Q1] M Emacs Lisp Library
databases/ruby-sqlite3 [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Ruby interface for the SQLite database engine
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Garbage collector supporting library
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Flash-based photo album generator
devel/ruby-gettext [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Ruby L10n library like as GNU GetText
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2008Q1] CGI scripts of QDBM
graphics/ruby-imlib2 [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Imlib2 bindings for Ruby
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Multilingualization library
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2008Q1] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2008Q1] System monitoring tool, documentation
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2008Q1] IO::Socket::Multicast - perl multicast socket IO
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2008Q1] LDAP server side protocol handling
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Application to do presentation with RD document
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9's dumpfs
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Ruby interface of QDBM
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
mail/im [pkgsrc-2008Q1] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
converters/p5-JSON [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Perl module converts between JSON and Perl data structure
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2008Q1] VNC server for real X displays
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Portable C compiler
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2008Q1] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2008Q1] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Documents for the m17n library
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2008Q1] The m17n database used by the m17n library
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Perl interface of QDBM
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2008Q1] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q1] MeCab python module
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Romaji-Kana conversion library
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Pure Ruby XML parser
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2008Q1] PRIME client for emacsen
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q1] MeCab ruby module
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Suffix array library and tools
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
misc/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Perl extension for Latitiude Longitude conversions
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Full-text search system for communities
graphics/ruby-RMagick [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Ruby binding to ImageMagick
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2008Q1] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Ruby Binding of Sary
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Thai language support routines
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2008Q1] PHP extension for Ming library
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Python bindings for Ming library
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2008Q1] C++ API for QDBM
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Suikyo conversion table
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Suikyo documents
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2008Q1] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Create SWF (Macromedia Flash) files with this library
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Java API of QDBM
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Record vnc session as flash movie
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q1] MeCab perl module
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2008Q2] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Python bindings for Ming library
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Java API of QDBM
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2008Q2] PHP extension for Ming library
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2008Q2] UIM helper program for Tomoe
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2008Q2] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Flash-based photo album generator
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Ruby interface of QDBM
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q2] MeCab ruby module
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Ruby Binding of Sary
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Suikyo for Ruby
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Record vnc session as flash movie
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Pure Ruby XML parser
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Suikyo conversion table
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Suffix array library and tools
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q2] MeCab python module
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q2] MeCab perl module
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q2] MeCab java module
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Full-text search system for communities
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Suikyo documents
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Romaji-Kana conversion library
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Garbage collector supporting library
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2008Q2] M Emacs Lisp Library
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Multilingualization library
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2008Q2] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Portable C compiler
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2008Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2008Q2] The m17n database used by the m17n library
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
misc/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Perl extension for Latitiude Longitude conversions
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Documents for the m17n library
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Handwriting recognition engine
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2008Q2] PRIME client for emacsen
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2008Q2] System monitoring tool, documentation
mail/im [pkgsrc-2008Q2] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Perl interface of QDBM
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract-Limit [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2008Q2] CGI scripts of QDBM
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2008Q2] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Media stream downloader
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2008Q2] IO::Socket::Multicast - perl multicast socket IO
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2008Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
converters/p5-JSON [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Perl module converts between JSON and Perl data structure
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Create SWF (Macromedia Flash) files with this library
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2008Q2] VNC server for real X displays
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2008Q2] C++ API for QDBM
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Application to do presentation with RD document
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2008Q2] X application for displaying and manipulating images
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2008Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2008Q2] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Thai language support routines
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
misc/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Perl extension for Latitiude Longitude conversions
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2008Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Full-text search system for communities
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2008Q3] System monitoring tool, documentation
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2008Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Full-text search system
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Documents for the m17n library
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2008Q3] The m17n database used by the m17n library
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Suikyo documents
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Perl interface of QDBM
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Handwriting recognition engine
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2008Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2008Q3] M Emacs Lisp Library
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Garbage collector supporting library
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
net/drill [pkgsrc-2008Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Python bindings for Ming library
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Record vnc session as flash movie
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Suffix array library and tools
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Multilingualization library
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q3] MeCab perl module
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Python syntax highlighter
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q3] MeCab java module
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Application to do presentation with RD document
devel/p5-Mac-Carbon [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Carbon API for perl on Mac OS X
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2008Q3] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2008Q3] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2008Q3] CGI scripts of QDBM
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q3] MeCab python module
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2008Q3] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2008Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Media stream downloader
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Portable C compiler
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Pure Ruby XML parser
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Suikyo conversion table
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Thai language support routines
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
mail/im [pkgsrc-2008Q3] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract-Limit [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Perl interface of lzmalib
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Ruby Binding of Sary
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Java API of QDBM
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2008Q3] PRIME client for emacsen
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q3] MeCab ruby module
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2008Q3] C++ API for QDBM
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Ruby interface of QDBM
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2008Q3] UIM helper program for Tomoe
converters/p5-JSON [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Perl module converts between JSON and Perl data structure
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2008Q3] X application for displaying and manipulating images
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Create SWF (Macromedia Flash) files with this library
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2008Q3] VNC server for real X displays
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Romaji-Kana conversion library
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2008Q3] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Flash-based photo album generator
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2008Q3] PHP extension for Ming library
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Modern implementation of DBM
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Romaji-Kana conversion library
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2008Q4] The m17n database used by the m17n library
misc/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Perl extension for Latitiude Longitude conversions
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q4] MeCab java module
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q4] MeCab perl module
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Perl interface of QDBM
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Ruby interface of QDBM
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Alias for __PACKAGE__
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Thai language support routines
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Ruby Binding of Sary
devel/p5-Mac-Carbon [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Carbon API for perl on Mac OS X
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Suikyo conversion table
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Create SWF (Macromedia Flash) files with this library
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
graphics/clutter-box2d [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Clutter Box2D integration library
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2008Q4] M Emacs Lisp Library
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
graphics/clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2008Q4] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Flash-based photo album generator
graphics/clutter [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Open GL based interactive canvas library
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Application to do presentation with RD document
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2008Q4] X application for displaying and manipulating images
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Record vnc session as flash movie
net/drill [pkgsrc-2008Q4] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2008Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2008Q4] PRIME client for emacsen
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract-Limit [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Modern implementation of DBM
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2008Q4] PHP extension for Ming library
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Ruby IRC library
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2008Q4] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Perl multicast socket IO
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Full-text search system
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2008Q4] VNC server for real X displays
graphics/goocanvas [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Cairo-based canvas widget for GTK+
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2008Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2008Q4] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2008Q4] System monitoring tool, documentation
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Garbage collector supporting library
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Multilingualization library
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Documents for the m17n library
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q4] MeCab python module
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Handwriting recognition engine
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2008Q4] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2008Q4] UIM helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Java API of QDBM
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Perl interface of lzmalib
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2008Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Media stream downloader
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Portable C compiler
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Python bindings for Ming library
multimedia/clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Clutter GStreamer integration
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
mail/im [pkgsrc-2008Q4] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2008Q4] C++ API for QDBM
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2008Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
graphics/p5-clutter [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Perl bindings to the Clutter OpenGL canvas
graphics/py-clutter [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Python modules for Clutter toolkit
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2008Q4] CGI scripts of QDBM
textproc/json-glib [pkgsrc-2008Q4] JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2008Q4] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Full-text search system for communities
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Suikyo documents
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Pure Ruby XML parser
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2008Q4] MeCab ruby module
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Suffix array library and tools
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Python syntax highlighter
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Handwriting recognition engine
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
net/drill [pkgsrc-2009Q1] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2009Q1] System monitoring tool, documentation
graphics/p5-clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Perl bindings to the Clutter OpenGL canvas
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Full-text search system
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q1] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Library for simplified DNS programming
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Create SWF (Macromedia Flash) files with this library
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q1] UIM helper program for Tomoe
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2009Q1] PHP extension for Ming library
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Pure Ruby XML parser
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q1] MeCab perl module
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2009Q1] VNC server for real X displays
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Flash-based photo album generator
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Full-text search system for communities
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Application to do presentation with RD document
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2009Q1] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2009Q1] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2009Q1] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2009Q1] The m17n database used by the m17n library
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Documents for the m17n library
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2009Q1] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Romaji-Kana conversion library
graphics/py-clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Python modules for Clutter toolkit
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Suffix array library and tools
multimedia/clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Clutter GStreamer integration
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Python bindings for Ming library
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Portable C compiler
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
misc/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Perl extension for Latitiude Longitude conversions
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Ruby IRC library
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Suikyo for Ruby
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2009Q1] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
graphics/clutter-box2d [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Clutter Box2D integration library
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q1] MeCab ruby module
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Record vnc session as flash movie
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
graphics/goocanvas [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Cairo-based canvas widget for GTK+
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Garbage collector supporting library
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2009Q1] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Perl multicast socket IO
graphics/clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q1] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2009Q1] C++ API for QDBM
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Perl interface of lzmalib
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Ruby Binding of Sary
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2009Q1] M Emacs Lisp Library
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Multilingualization library
devel/p5-Mac-Carbon [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Carbon API for perl on Mac OS X
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
mail/im [pkgsrc-2009Q1] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2009Q1] LDAP server side protocol handling
graphics/clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Open GL based interactive canvas library
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Java API of QDBM
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Modern implementation of DBM
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Ruby interface of QDBM
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2009Q1] CGI scripts of QDBM
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2009Q1] X application for displaying and manipulating images
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Perl interface of QDBM
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
textproc/json-glib [pkgsrc-2009Q1] JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Suikyo documents
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Python syntax highlighter
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Media stream downloader
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2009Q1] PRIME client for emacsen
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Thai language support routines
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q1] MeCab python module
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q1] MeCab java module
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Alias for __PACKAGE__
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Suikyo conversion table
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2009Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Python syntax highlighter
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Handwriting recognition engine
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2009Q2] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Java API of QDBM
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q2] MeCab perl module
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
mail/im [pkgsrc-2009Q2] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Documents for the m17n library
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
multimedia/clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Clutter GStreamer integration
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Python bindings for Ming library
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Create SWF (Macromedia Flash) files with this library
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2009Q2] CGI scripts of QDBM
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2009Q2] C++ API for QDBM
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Library for simplified DNS programming
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2009Q2] The m17n database used by the m17n library
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q2] MeCab java module
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q2] MeCab python module
graphics/goocanvasmm [pkgsrc-2009Q2] C++ wrappers for goocanvas
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/json-glib [pkgsrc-2009Q2] JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Suffix array library and tools
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Modern implementation of DBM
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
graphics/py-goocanvas [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Python bindings for GooCanvas
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2009Q2] VNC server for real X displays
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Flash-based photo album generator
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
graphics/clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q2] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
graphics/py-clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Python modules for Clutter toolkit
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
graphics/clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Open GL based interactive canvas library
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2009Q2] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2009Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2009Q2] PRIME client for emacsen
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q2] UIM helper program for Tomoe
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Full-text search system for communities
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q2] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Garbage collector supporting library
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Portable C compiler
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Ruby IRC library
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Suikyo conversion table
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
graphics/p5-clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Perl bindings to the Clutter OpenGL canvas
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2009Q2] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Application to do presentation with RD document
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2009Q2] PHP extension for Ming library
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q2] MeCab ruby module
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Record vnc session as flash movie
misc/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Perl extension for Latitiude Longitude conversions
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2009Q2] System monitoring tool, documentation
devel/p5-Mac-Carbon [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Carbon API for perl on Mac OS X
graphics/goocanvas [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Cairo-based canvas widget for GTK+
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Alias for __PACKAGE__
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Ruby interface of QDBM
graphics/clutter-box2d [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Clutter Box2D integration library
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Suikyo documents
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2009Q2] X application for displaying and manipulating images
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2009Q2] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Full-text search system
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Romaji-Kana conversion library
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2009Q2] M Emacs Lisp Library
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Pure Ruby XML parser
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Ruby Binding of Sary
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Media stream downloader
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2009Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
net/drill [pkgsrc-2009Q2] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Thai language support routines
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Multilingualization library
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Perl multicast socket IO
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Perl interface of QDBM
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Perl interface of lzmalib
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Modern implementation of DBM
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Suikyo documents
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Portable C compiler
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q3] MeCab java module
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q3] MeCab ruby module
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Romaji-Kana conversion library
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Ruby Binding of Sary
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2009Q3] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q3] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2009Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/drill [pkgsrc-2009Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Media stream downloader
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Ruby interface of QDBM
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2009Q3] C++ API for QDBM
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2009Q3] CGI scripts of QDBM
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Java API of QDBM
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Perl interface of QDBM
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Ruby IRC library
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2009Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2009Q3] PRIME client for emacsen
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2009Q3] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
graphics/py-goocanvas [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Python bindings for GooCanvas
graphics/clutter-box2d [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Clutter Box2D integration library
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2009Q3] M Emacs Lisp Library
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Garbage collector supporting library
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Suffix array library and tools
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Full-text search system for communities
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Handwriting recognition engine
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q3] UIM helper program for Tomoe
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2009Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q3] MeCab perl module
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2009Q3] System monitoring tool, documentation
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q3] MeCab python module
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
graphics/py-clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Python modules for Clutter toolkit
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
graphics/p5-clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Perl bindings to the Clutter OpenGL canvas
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2009Q3] The m17n database used by the m17n library
graphics/goocanvasmm [pkgsrc-2009Q3] C++ wrappers for goocanvas
misc/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Perl extension for Latitiude Longitude conversions
mail/im [pkgsrc-2009Q3] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Perl interface of lzmalib
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2009Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
graphics/clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Open GL based interactive canvas library
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
devel/p5-Mac-Carbon [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Carbon API for perl on Mac OS X
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2009Q3] X application for displaying and manipulating images
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Python bindings for Ming library
graphics/clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q3] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
graphics/goocanvas [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Cairo-based canvas widget for GTK+
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2009Q3] VNC server for real X displays
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Full-text search system
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Record vnc session as flash movie
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Flash-based photo album generator
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Application to do presentation with RD document
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2009Q3] PHP extension for Ming library
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Create SWF (Macromedia Flash) files with this library
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
multimedia/clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Clutter GStreamer integration
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Documents for the m17n library
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Pure Ruby XML parser
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/json-glib [pkgsrc-2009Q3] JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2009Q3] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Python syntax highlighter
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Suikyo conversion table
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Thai language support routines
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Multilingualization library
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Suikyo documents
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Multilingualization library
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2009Q4] CGI scripts of QDBM
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Create SWF (Macromedia Flash) files with this library
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Java API of QDBM
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2009Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Garbage collector supporting library
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2009Q4] The intelligent phonetic input method library
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2009Q4] PRIME client for emacsen
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Media stream downloader
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Library for simplified DNS programming
inputmethod/scim-bridge [pkgsrc-2009Q4] C wrapper library for SCIM
net/drill [pkgsrc-2009Q4] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2009Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2009Q4] SCIM onscreen input pad
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2009Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Full-text search system
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2009Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q4] MeCab python module
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2009Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
graphics/p5-clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Perl bindings to the Clutter OpenGL canvas
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Pure Ruby XML parser
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Display command output on the whole screen like top
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Record vnc session as flash movie
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Ruby interface of QDBM
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Suffix array library and tools
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2009Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Perl interface of lzmalib
textproc/json-glib [pkgsrc-2009Q4] JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2009Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Smart Common Input Method
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2009Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Suikyo conversion table
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
graphics/clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q4] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q4] MeCab java module
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2009Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2009Q4] VNC server for real X displays
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Full-text search system for communities
graphics/py-clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Python modules for Clutter toolkit
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Alias for __PACKAGE__
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q4] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
graphics/goocanvas [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Cairo-based canvas widget for GTK+
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2009Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2009Q4] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2009Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Portable C compiler
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Python syntax highlighter
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2009Q4] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
graphics/clutter08-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q4] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2009Q4] The m17n database used by the m17n library
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2009Q4] PHP extension for Ming library
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
graphics/clutter-qt [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Qt Integratin Library for Clutter
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
graphics/clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Open GL based interactive canvas library
misc/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Perl extension for Latitiude Longitude conversions
multimedia/clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Clutter GStreamer integration
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Handwriting recognition engine
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2009Q4] C++ API for QDBM
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2009Q4] System monitoring tool, documentation
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
mail/im [pkgsrc-2009Q4] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
devel/p5-Mac-Carbon [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Carbon API for perl on Mac OS X
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2009Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q4] MeCab ruby module
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2009Q4] LDAP extension module for Ruby
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2009Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Fcitx ported to SCIM
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Perl interface of QDBM
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2009Q4] X application for displaying and manipulating images
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2009Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2009Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2009Q4] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Ruby Binding of Sary
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
graphics/goocanvasmm [pkgsrc-2009Q4] C++ wrappers for goocanvas
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Application to do presentation with RD document
graphics/py-goocanvas [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Python bindings for GooCanvas
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Flash-based photo album generator
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Documents for the m17n library
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Romaji-Kana conversion library
graphics/clutter08 [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Open GL based interactive canvas library
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2009Q4] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2009Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Thai language support routines
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Modern implementation of DBM
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2009Q4] MeCab perl module
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
multimedia/clutter08-gst [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Clutter GStreamer integration
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2009Q4] M Emacs Lisp Library
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Ruby IRC library
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2009Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Perl multicast socket IO
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2009Q4] UIM helper program for Tomoe
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Python bindings for Ming library
graphics/clutter-box2d [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Clutter Box2D integration library
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q1] MeCab perl module
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Perl extension for Latitiude Longitude conversions
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
graphics/py-clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Python modules for Clutter toolkit
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2010Q1] VNC server for real X displays
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Suffix array library and tools
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2010Q1] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2010Q1] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Python bindings for Ming library
mail/im [pkgsrc-2010Q1] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Cyrus IMAP server
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Ruby IRC library
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Portable C compiler
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Display command output on the whole screen like top
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q1] MeCab python module
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Pure Ruby XML parser
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2010Q1] System monitoring tool, documentation
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2010Q1] LDAP server side protocol handling
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Romaji-Kana conversion library
graphics/clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Open GL based interactive canvas library
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Fcitx ported to SCIM
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Ruby interface of QDBM
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2010Q1] PHP extension for Ming library
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Python syntax highlighter
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
graphics/clutter08 [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Open GL based interactive canvas library
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q1] UIM helper program for Tomoe
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Perl interface of lzmalib
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2010Q1] X application for displaying and manipulating images
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2010Q1] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Library for simplified DNS programming
graphics/clutter08-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q1] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2010Q1] C++ API for QDBM
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Smart Common Input Method
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SJ3 Japanese input method server
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2010Q1] CGI scripts of QDBM
multimedia/clutter08-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Clutter GStreamer integration
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Record vnc session as flash movie
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Suikyo for Ruby
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Full-text search system for communities
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Handwriting recognition engine
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Suikyo documents
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q1] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Media stream downloader
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2010Q1] The intelligent phonetic input method library
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Thai language support routines
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SCIM onscreen input pad
textproc/json-glib [pkgsrc-2010Q1] JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2010Q1] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Modern implementation of DBM
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Multilingualization library
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SJ3 Japanese input method
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Ruby Binding of Sary
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Full-text search system
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2010Q1] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
graphics/goocanvasmm [pkgsrc-2010Q1] C++ wrappers for goocanvas
inputmethod/scim-bridge [pkgsrc-2010Q1] C wrapper library for SCIM
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q1] MeCab java module
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
multimedia/clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Clutter GStreamer integration
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2010Q1] M Emacs Lisp Library
graphics/clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q1] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Create SWF (Macromedia Flash) files with this library
graphics/py-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Python modules for Clutter-Gtk
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
graphics/p5-clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Perl bindings to the Clutter OpenGL canvas
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Suikyo conversion table
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Perl multicast socket IO
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Java API of QDBM
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Flash-based photo album generator
graphics/clutter-box2d [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Clutter Box2D integration library
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q1] MeCab ruby module
graphics/py-goocanvas [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Python bindings for GooCanvas
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Garbage collector supporting library
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
net/drill [pkgsrc-2010Q1] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Alias for __PACKAGE__
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2010Q1] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2010Q1] The m17n database used by the m17n library
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2010Q1] PRIME client for emacsen
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
graphics/clutter-qt [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Qt Integratin Library for Clutter
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Perl interface of QDBM
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2010Q1] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2010Q1] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
multimedia/py-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Python modules for Clutter-Gstreamer
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2010Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Documents for the m17n library
devel/p5-Mac-Carbon [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Carbon API for perl on Mac OS X
graphics/goocanvas [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Cairo-based canvas widget for GTK+
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2010Q1] LDAP extension module for Ruby
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Application to do presentation with RD document
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Python syntax highlighter
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
graphics/py-clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Python modules for Clutter toolkit
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2010Q2] ISC Standard Resolver Library
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Full-text search system
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SWF output library
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2010Q2] PHP extension for Ming library
graphics/goocanvasmm [pkgsrc-2010Q2] C++ wrappers for goocanvas
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Multilingualization library
graphics/py-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Python modules for Clutter-Gtk
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Suikyo documents
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Garbage collector supporting library
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2010Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Library for simplified DNS programming
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q2] UIM helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2010Q2] UPnP AV Mediaserver
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Ruby IRC library
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2010Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2010Q2] LDAP extension module for Ruby
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Modern implementation of DBM
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Flash-based photo album generator
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Python bindings for Ming library
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Application to do presentation with RD document
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2010Q2] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Thai language support routines
multimedia/py-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Python modules for Clutter-Gstreamer
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2010Q2] The m17n database used by the m17n library
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2010Q2] System monitoring tool, documentation
graphics/clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q2] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
graphics/clutter-qt [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Qt Integratin Library for Clutter
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2010Q2] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2010Q2] LDAP server side protocol handling
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2010Q2] M Emacs Lisp Library
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Record vnc session as flash movie
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2010Q2] YamCha ruby module
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2010Q2] X application for displaying and manipulating images
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2010Q2] YamCha python module
net/ruby-tweetstream [pkgsrc-2010Q2] RubyGem to access the Twitter Stream API
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Cyrus IMAP server
net/drill [pkgsrc-2010Q2] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
graphics/clutter08-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q2] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Ruby interface of QDBM
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2010Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2010Q2] VNC server for real X displays
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Twitter realtime API client
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
devel/p5-Mac-Carbon [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Carbon API for perl on Mac OS X
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Fcitx ported to SCIM
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2010Q2] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Milter to use milters effectively
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Tiny Support Vector Machines
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Perl interface of QDBM
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Smart Common Input Method
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Pure Ruby XML parser
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
inputmethod/scim-bridge [pkgsrc-2010Q2] C wrapper library for SCIM
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Display command output on the whole screen like top
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
graphics/goocanvas [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Cairo-based canvas widget for GTK+
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Alias for __PACKAGE__
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
graphics/clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Open GL based interactive canvas library
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
multimedia/clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Clutter GStreamer integration
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
multimedia/clutter08-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Clutter GStreamer integration
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Ruby Binding of Sary
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Suikyo conversion table
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q2] MeCab java module
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2010Q2] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q2] MeCab python module
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Java API of QDBM
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
mail/im [pkgsrc-2010Q2] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Zinnia ruby module
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
graphics/clutter-box2d [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Clutter Box2D integration library
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Romaji-Kana conversion library
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Zinnia python module
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Suffix array library and tools
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2010Q2] CaboCha perl module
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2010Q2] YamCha perl module
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2010Q2] CaboCha python module
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Suikyo for Ruby
graphics/py-goocanvas [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Python bindings for GooCanvas
textproc/json-glib [pkgsrc-2010Q2] JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2010Q2] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2010Q2] CaboCha ruby module
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Perl multicast socket IO
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Ruby bindings for cairo
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q2] MeCab ruby module
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2010Q2] CGI scripts of QDBM
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2010Q2] C++ API for QDBM
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SCIM onscreen input pad
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2010Q2] PRIME client for emacsen
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Perl extension for Latitiude Longitude conversions
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2010Q2] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2010Q2] The intelligent phonetic input method library
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2010Q2] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Zinnia perl module
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SJ3 Japanese input method server
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2010Q2] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Perl interface of lzmalib
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q2] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Handwriting recognition engine
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SJ3 Japanese input method
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Full-text search system for communities
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q2] MeCab perl module
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
graphics/clutter08 [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Open GL based interactive canvas library
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2010Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Documents for the m17n library
graphics/p5-clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Perl bindings to the Clutter OpenGL canvas
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Portable C compiler
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Media stream downloader
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2010Q3] The m17n database used by the m17n library
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Modern implementation of DBM
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2010Q3] YamCha ruby module
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Garbage collector supporting library
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Zinnia ruby module
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2010Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2010Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2010Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2010Q3] CGI scripts of QDBM
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Suikyo conversion table
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Display command output on the whole screen like top
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Java API of QDBM
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2010Q3] CaboCha python module
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SJ3 Japanese input method
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2010Q3] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
graphics/goocanvas [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Cairo-based canvas widget for GTK+
graphics/clutter08-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q3] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
graphics/py-goocanvas [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Python bindings for GooCanvas
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
graphics/clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q3] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tegaki integration in SCIM
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Ruby IRC library
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Documents for the m17n library
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2010Q3] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
inputmethod/ibus-table-extraphrase [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Chinese extra phrases for ibus-table based IME
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
graphics/clutter-box2d [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Clutter Box2D integration library
devel/p5-Mac-Carbon [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Carbon API for perl on Mac OS X
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2010Q3] System monitoring tool, documentation
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Perl interface of lzmalib
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
inputmethod/scim-bridge [pkgsrc-2010Q3] C wrapper library for SCIM
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2010Q3] pkg-config implemented by pure Ruby
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Perl interface of QDBM
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (light)
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Smart Common Input Method
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Zinnia python module
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Suffix array library and tools
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Full-text search system for communities
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Full-text search system
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
graphics/p5-clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Perl bindings to the Clutter OpenGL canvas
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2010Q3] YamCha perl module
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2010Q3] PRIME client for emacsen
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2010Q3] The intelligent phonetic input method library
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2010Q3] M Emacs Lisp Library
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tiny Support Vector Machines
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Multilingualization library
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Thai language support routines
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2010Q3] The Table engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2010Q3] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2010Q3] M17N engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Input Pad for IBus
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
security/ruby-soauth [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Ruby library that creates HTTP headers for OAuth Authorization
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Twitter realtime API client
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
net/ruby-tweetstream [pkgsrc-2010Q3] RubyGem to access the Twitter Stream API
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
graphics/clutter08 [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Open GL based interactive canvas library
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Ruby interface of QDBM
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Portable C compiler
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2010Q3] ISC Standard Resolver Library
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Zinnia perl module
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Media stream downloader
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Handwriting recognition engine
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2010Q3] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2010Q3] LDAP extension module for Ruby
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q3] MeCab ruby module
net/drill [pkgsrc-2010Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Python wrapper for Input Pad
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2010Q3] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Python syntax highlighter
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2010Q3] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
graphics/goocanvasmm [pkgsrc-2010Q3] C++ wrappers for goocanvas
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SCIM onscreen input pad
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Record vnc session as flash movie
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Application to do presentation with RD document
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2010Q3] IBus client for GNU Emacs
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SJ3 Japanese input method server
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SWF output library
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Ruby Binding of Sary
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2010Q3] C++ API for QDBM
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Pure Ruby XML parser
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2010Q3] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q3] MeCab java module
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Suikyo documents
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2010Q3] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q3] UIM helper program for Tomoe
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q3] MeCab perl module
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q3] MeCab python module
textproc/json-glib [pkgsrc-2010Q3] JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2010Q3] CaboCha perl module
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2010Q3] YamCha python module
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2010Q3] CaboCha ruby module
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tegaki integration in ibus
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Fcitx ported to SCIM
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2010Q3] IBus T9 Input Method
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q3] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2010Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/ibus-table-array30 [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Array30 Chinese input method for ibus
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
multimedia/clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Clutter GStreamer integration
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2010Q3] PHP extension for Ming library
multimedia/py-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Python modules for Clutter-Gstreamer
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2010Q3] UPnP AV Mediaserver
graphics/py-clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Python modules for Clutter toolkit
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Python bindings for Ming library
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Flash-based photo album generator
graphics/clutter-qt [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Qt Integratin Library for Clutter
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Ruby bindings for cairo
graphics/py-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Python modules for Clutter-Gtk
graphics/clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Open GL based interactive canvas library
mail/im [pkgsrc-2010Q3] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
security/ruby-roauth [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Simple Ruby OAuth library
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2010Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Cyrus IMAP server
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Milter to use milters effectively
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2010Q3] VNC server for real X displays
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2010Q3] X Virtual Keyboard Library
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
multimedia/clutter08-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Clutter GStreamer integration
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2010Q3] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2010Q3] X application for displaying and manipulating images
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2010Q3] ASCII art to image converter
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2010Q3] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Romaji-Kana conversion library
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2010Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Media stream downloader
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Perl multicast socket IO
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Ruby interface of QDBM
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2010Q4] ISC Standard Resolver Library
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2010Q4] CaboCha python module
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Thai language support routines
graphics/p5-clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Perl bindings to the Clutter OpenGL canvas
graphics/clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q4] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
graphics/py-goocanvas [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Python bindings for GooCanvas
graphics/py-clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Python modules for Clutter toolkit
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
graphics/clutter08 [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Open GL based interactive canvas library
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2010Q4] X application for displaying and manipulating images
graphics/goocanvas [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Cairo-based canvas widget for GTK+
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2010Q4] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Java API of QDBM
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Modern implementation of DBM
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Perl interface of QDBM
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Milter to use milters effectively
mail/im [pkgsrc-2010Q4] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Cyrus IMAP server
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tiny Support Vector Machines
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2010Q4] LDAP extension module for Ruby
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2010Q4] M17N engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2010Q4] IBus T9 Input Method
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2010Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
security/ruby-roauth [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Simple Ruby OAuth library
security/ruby-soauth [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Ruby library that creates HTTP headers for OAuth Authorization
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2010Q4] CaboCha ruby module
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Ruby IRC library
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
graphics/clutter [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Open GL based interactive canvas library
multimedia/clutter08-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Clutter GStreamer integration
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2010Q4] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Ruby bindings for cairo
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2010Q4] ASCII art to image converter
graphics/clutter08-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q4] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
graphics/py-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Python modules for Clutter-Gtk
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2010Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Record vnc session as flash movie
graphics/clutter-qt [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Qt Integratin Library for Clutter
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Flash-based photo album generator
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q4] MeCab perl module
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Ruby Binding of Sary
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Pure Ruby XML parser
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2010Q4] CaboCha perl module
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Suikyo conversion table
textproc/json-glib [pkgsrc-2010Q4] JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q4] MeCab ruby module
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2010Q4] pkg-config implemented by pure Ruby
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Multilingualization library
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2010Q4] CGI scripts of QDBM
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2010Q4] System monitoring tool, documentation
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2010Q4] VNC server for real X displays
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2010Q4] PHP extension for Ming library
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Portable C compiler
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2010Q4] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Cyrus IMAP server
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Application to do presentation with RD document
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
graphics/goocanvasmm [pkgsrc-2010Q4] C++ wrappers for goocanvas
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2010Q4] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2010Q4] The intelligent phonetic input method library
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Python wrapper for Input Pad
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SJ3 Japanese input method server
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (light)
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Handwriting recognition engine
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2010Q4] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q4] UIM helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Zinnia ruby module
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tegaki integration in SCIM
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2010Q4] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Input Pad for IBus
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2010Q4] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Fcitx ported to SCIM
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Smart Common Input Method
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tegaki integration in ibus
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Twitter realtime API client
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2010Q4] PRIME client for emacsen
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Zinnia python module
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2010Q4] IBus client for GNU Emacs
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
inputmethod/scim-bridge [pkgsrc-2010Q4] C wrapper library for SCIM
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
net/ruby-tweetstream [pkgsrc-2010Q4] RubyGem to access the Twitter Stream API
net/drill [pkgsrc-2010Q4] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Library for simplified DNS programming
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2010Q4] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Garbage collector supporting library
devel/gobject-introspection [pkgsrc-2010Q4] GObject Introspection
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2010Q4] M Emacs Lisp Library
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Alias for __PACKAGE__
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Perl interface of lzmalib
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Display command output on the whole screen like top
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Documents for the m17n library
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Suffix array library and tools
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Romaji-Kana conversion library
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q4] MeCab python module
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Full-text search system
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2010Q4] YamCha perl module
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2010Q4] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Python syntax highlighter
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2010Q4] YamCha ruby module
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q4] MeCab java module
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Suikyo documents
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2010Q4] C++ API for QDBM
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2010Q4] The m17n database used by the m17n library
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2010Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
multimedia/clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Clutter GStreamer integration
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
graphics/clutter-box2d [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Clutter Box2D integration library
devel/p5-Mac-Carbon [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Carbon API for perl on Mac OS X
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
multimedia/py-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Python modules for Clutter-Gstreamer
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SWF output library
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Python bindings for Ming library
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2010Q4] UPnP AV Mediaserver
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2010Q4] X Virtual Keyboard Library
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2010Q4] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SCIM onscreen input pad
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2010Q4] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2010Q4] The Table engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2010Q4] SJ3 Japanese input method
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Zinnia perl module
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2010Q4] YamCha python module
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Full-text search system for communities
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2011Q1] PHP extension for Ming library
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2011Q1] The intelligent phonetic input method library
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Fcitx ported to SCIM
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2011Q1] M17N engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Zinnia perl module
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
www/ruby-httpclient [pkgsrc-2011Q1] HTTP accessing library for Ruby
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Cyrus IMAP server
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
security/ruby-soauth [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby library that creates HTTP headers for OAuth Authorization
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Cyrus IMAP server
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
graphics/clutter08 [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Open GL based interactive canvas library
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Zinnia python module
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q1] UIM helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tegaki integration in ibus
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2011Q1] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2011Q1] IBus T9 Input Method
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Smart Common Input Method
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2011Q1] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tiny Support Vector Machines
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
mail/im [pkgsrc-2011Q1] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2011Q1] PRIME client for emacsen
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Multilingualization library
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2011Q1] M Emacs Lisp Library
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Pure Ruby XML parser
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q1] MeCab perl module
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q1] CaboCha perl module
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2011Q1] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q1] YamCha ruby module
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q1] CaboCha python module
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q1] YamCha perl module
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tegaki integration in SCIM
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2011Q1] LDAP server side protocol handling
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SJ3 Japanese input method server
net/drill [pkgsrc-2011Q1] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2011Q1] IBus client for GNU Emacs
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2011Q1] X Virtual Keyboard Library
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2011Q1] CGI scripts of QDBM
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby interface of QDBM
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Modern implementation of DBM
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2011Q1] C++ API for QDBM
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Alias for __PACKAGE__
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Garbage collector supporting library
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2011Q1] ASCII art to image converter
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Application to do presentation with RD document
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2011Q1] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2011Q1] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Flash-based photo album generator
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby bindings for cairo
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Handwriting recognition engine
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
multimedia/clutter08-gst [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Clutter GStreamer integration
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2011Q1] VNC server for real X displays
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
net/ruby-tweetstream [pkgsrc-2011Q1] RubyGem to access the Twitter Stream API
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2011Q1] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Zinnia ruby module
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Python bindings for Ming library
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2011Q1] System monitoring tool, documentation
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
inputmethod/scim-bridge [pkgsrc-2011Q1] C wrapper library for SCIM
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Milter to use milters effectively
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Documents for the m17n library
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Display command output on the whole screen like top
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2011Q1] The m17n database used by the m17n library
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Input Pad for IBus
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Python wrapper for Input Pad
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2011Q1] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q1] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q1] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2011Q1] The Table engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SCIM onscreen input pad
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Thai language support routines
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Portable C compiler
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q1] YamCha python module
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2011Q1] pkg-config implemented by pure Ruby
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (light)
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SJ3 Japanese input method
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby IRC library
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2011Q1] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Perl interface of lzmalib
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
security/ruby-roauth [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Simple Ruby OAuth library
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2011Q1] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2011Q1] ISC Standard Resolver Library
graphics/clutter08-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q1] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Twitter realtime API client
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2011Q1] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Record vnc session as flash movie
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Perl multicast socket IO
graphics/GraphicsMagick [pkgsrc-2011Q1] X application for displaying and manipulating images
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2011Q1] UPnP AV Mediaserver
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2011Q1] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2011Q1] SWF output library
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q1] CaboCha ruby module
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q1] MeCab ruby module
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Full-text search system for communities
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q1] MeCab java module
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q1] MeCab python module
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Suikyo documents
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Suikyo conversion table
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Python syntax highlighter
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Full-text search system
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Romaji-Kana conversion library
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Suffix array library and tools
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby Binding of Sary
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Perl interface of QDBM
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2011Q1] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Java API of QDBM
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2011Q1] LDAP extension module for Ruby
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2011Q1] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Media stream downloader
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2011Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2011Q2] IBus T9 Input Method
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2011Q2] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Media stream downloader
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2011Q2] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Java API of QDBM
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q2] MeCab python module
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q2] YamCha ruby module
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Full-text search system
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SCIM onscreen input pad
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Garbage collector supporting library
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Record vnc session as flash movie
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2011Q2] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Flash-based photo album generator
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2011Q2] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
security/ruby-soauth [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby library that creates HTTP headers for OAuth Authorization
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Perl interface of lzmalib
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2011Q2] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
security/ruby-simple_oauth [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Fcitx ported to SCIM
www/ruby-httpclient [pkgsrc-2011Q2] HTTP accessing library for Ruby
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Cyrus IMAP server
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Suffix array library and tools
net/ruby-tweetstream [pkgsrc-2011Q2] RubyGem to access the Twitter Stream API
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2011Q2] CGI scripts of QDBM
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Twitter realtime API client
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2011Q2] ISC Standard Resolver Library
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Display command output on the whole screen like top
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2011Q2] The Table engine for IBus platform
mail/im [pkgsrc-2011Q2] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby IRC library
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
net/mikutter [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Moest Twitter Client
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Cyrus IMAP server
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Zinnia python module
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Smart Common Input Method
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Zinnia ruby module
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2011Q2] The intelligent phonetic input method library
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2011Q2] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2011Q2] IBus client for GNU Emacs
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2011Q2] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
graphics/clutter08-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q2] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
graphics/clutter08 [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Open GL based interactive canvas library
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2011Q2] PRIME client for emacsen
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2011Q2] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SWF output library
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Documents for the m17n library
security/ruby-roauth [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Simple Ruby OAuth library
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Perl interface of QDBM
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q2] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tegaki integration in SCIM
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Application to do presentation with RD document
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Multilingualization library
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Python bindings for Ming library
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2011Q2] C++ API for QDBM
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Library for simplified DNS programming
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2011Q2] M Emacs Lisp Library
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
devel/py-msgpack [pkgsrc-2011Q2] MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby bindings for cairo
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2011Q2] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Milter to use milters effectively
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Portable C compiler
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
devel/ruby-ole [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2011Q2] PHP extension for Ming library
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q2] MeCab java module
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Suikyo documents
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q2] CaboCha perl module
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tiny Support Vector Machines
net/zeromq [pkgsrc-2011Q2] The ZeroMQ messaging library
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SJ3 Japanese input method
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby interface of QDBM
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SJ3 Japanese input method server
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q2] YamCha python module
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q2] CaboCha ruby module
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q2] UIM helper program for Tomoe
net/drill [pkgsrc-2011Q2] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Pure Ruby XML parser
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Romaji-Kana conversion library
textproc/swath [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Smart Word Analysis for THai
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tegaki integration in ibus
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q2] CaboCha python module
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Python syntax highlighter
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Python wrapper for Input Pad
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Zinnia perl module
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2011Q2] UPnP AV Mediaserver
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Modern implementation of DBM
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2011Q2] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2011Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2011Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2011Q2] LDAP extension module for Ruby
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Input Pad for IBus
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Suikyo for Ruby
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
inputmethod/scim-bridge [pkgsrc-2011Q2] C wrapper library for SCIM
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Perl multicast socket IO
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q2] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
devel/msgpack [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Binary-based efficient object serialization library
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (light)
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q2] YamCha perl module
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q2] MeCab ruby module
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q2] MeCab perl module
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2011Q2] VNC server for real X displays
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2011Q2] The m17n database used by the m17n library
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
multimedia/gnome-mplayer [pkgsrc-2011Q2] GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2011Q2] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2011Q2] ASCII art to image converter
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2011Q2] pkg-config implemented by pure Ruby
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Handwriting recognition engine
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
multimedia/clutter08-gst [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Clutter GStreamer integration
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2011Q2] System monitoring tool, documentation
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2011Q2] M17N engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Full-text search system for communities
textproc/groonga [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Fulltext search engine and column store
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2011Q2] X Virtual Keyboard Library
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby Binding of Sary
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Alias for __PACKAGE__
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Thai language support routines
math/ruby-spreadsheet [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Suikyo conversion table
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2011Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Suikyo for Ruby
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2011Q3] M17N engine for IBus platform
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Cyrus IMAP server
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2011Q3] System monitoring tool, documentation
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
security/cy2-login [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q3] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2011Q3] PHP extension for Ming library
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
devel/py-msgpack [pkgsrc-2011Q3] MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
security/cy2-gssapi [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Cyrus SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
net/ruby-tweetstream [pkgsrc-2011Q3] RubyGem to access the Twitter Stream API
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tegaki integration in SCIM
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SWF output library
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2011Q3] pkg-config implemented by pure Ruby
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
net/zeromq [pkgsrc-2011Q3] The ZeroMQ messaging library
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
devel/ruby-ole [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2011Q3] X Virtual Keyboard Library
textproc/swath [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Smart Word Analysis for THai
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Milter to use milters effectively
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2011Q3] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Fcitx ported to SCIM
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Zinnia perl module
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q3] MeCab java module
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Perl interface of QDBM
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (light)
security/cyrus-saslauthd [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2011Q3] VNC server for real X displays
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Handwriting recognition engine
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Suffix array library and tools
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
devel/py-testtools [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
mail/im [pkgsrc-2011Q3] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Garbage collector supporting library
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2011Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
graphics/py-nwdiag [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Simple network-diagram image generator
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
security/cy2-crammd5 [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q3] MeCab ruby module
devel/py-funcparserlib [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
graphics/py-actdiag [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Simple activity-diagram image generator
graphics/py-blockdiag [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2011Q3] PRIME client for emacsen
graphics/py-seqdiag [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Simple sequence-diagram image generator
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q3] YamCha ruby module
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Thai language support routines
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Python wrapper for Input Pad
security/cy2-otp [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2011Q3] IBus client for GNU Emacs
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q3] UIM helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2011Q3] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
www/ruby-sinatra [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2011Q3] RD-document-based presentation application
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SJ3 Japanese input method server
security/cy2-ldapdb [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2011Q3] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2011Q3] The Table engine for IBus platform
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2011Q3] LDAP extension module for Ruby
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q3] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Smart Common Input Method
net/drill [pkgsrc-2011Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Cyrus IMAP server
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2011Q3] IBus T9 Input Method
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SCIM onscreen input pad
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
inputmethod/scim-bridge [pkgsrc-2011Q3] C wrapper library for SCIM
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2011Q3] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby interface of QDBM
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Input Pad for IBus
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Zinnia ruby module
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Zinnia python module
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2011Q3] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Flash-based photo album generator
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2011Q3] SJ3 Japanese input method
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Record vnc session as flash movie
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tegaki integration in ibus
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Multilingualization library
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
security/ruby-roauth [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Simple Ruby OAuth library
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Display command output on the whole screen like top
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2011Q3] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Portable C compiler
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby bindings for cairo
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q3] CaboCha perl module
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q3] MeCab perl module
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Perl interface of lzmalib
security/cy2-scram [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2011Q3] ASCII art to image converter
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tiny Support Vector Machines
math/ruby-spreadsheet [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
security/ruby-simple_oauth [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2011Q3] The m17n database used by the m17n library
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
www/py-webcolors [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q3] CaboCha python module
security/cy2-digestmd5 [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
textproc/groonga [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Fulltext search engine and column store
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q3] MeCab python module
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q3] YamCha python module
security/ruby-soauth [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby library that creates HTTP headers for OAuth Authorization
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2011Q3] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q3] CaboCha ruby module
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2011Q3] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Media stream downloader
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2011Q3] ISC Standard Resolver Library
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2011Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby Binding of Sary
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2011Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
textproc/ruby-tilt [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Pure Ruby XML parser
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Romaji-Kana conversion library
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Twitter realtime API client
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Suikyo conversion table
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Suikyo documents
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Full-text search system
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
www/ruby-httpclient [pkgsrc-2011Q3] HTTP accessing library for Ruby
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Python bindings for Ming library
security/cy2-ntlm [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2011Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
multimedia/clutter08-gst [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Clutter GStreamer integration
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2011Q3] UPnP AV Mediaserver
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
security/cy2-anonymous [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
security/cy2-plain [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2011Q3] M Emacs Lisp Library
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
security/cyrus-sasl [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Simple Authentication and Security Layer
net/mikutter [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Simply, powerfully, and moefully twitter client
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Documents for the m17n library
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2011Q3] CGI scripts of QDBM
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Modern implementation of DBM
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2011Q3] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
multimedia/gnome-mplayer [pkgsrc-2011Q3] GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
devel/msgpack [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Binary-based efficient object serialization library
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Java API of QDBM
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Python syntax highlighter
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Full-text search system for communities
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
security/ruby-twitter_oauth [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2011Q3] C++ API for QDBM
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2011Q3] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby IRC library
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
graphics/clutter08 [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Open GL based interactive canvas library
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
www/ruby-http_parser.rb [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q3] YamCha perl module
graphics/clutter08-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q3] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
security/cy2-sql [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Cyrus SASL SQL authentication plugin
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2011Q3] The intelligent phonetic input method library
devel/py-funcparserlib [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
inputmethod/scim-bridge [pkgsrc-2011Q4] C wrapper library for SCIM
graphics/py-nwdiag [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Simple network-diagram image generator
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
security/cy2-crammd5 [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2011Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
devel/py-msgpack [pkgsrc-2011Q4] MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Zinnia perl module
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
security/cyrus-sasl [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Simple Authentication and Security Layer
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2011Q4] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2011Q4] LDAP extension module for Ruby
textproc/ruby-tilt [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2011Q4] PRIME client for emacsen
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2011Q4] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Java API of QDBM
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Portable C compiler
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2011Q4] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
graphics/py-actdiag [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Simple activity-diagram image generator
graphics/py-seqdiag [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Simple sequence-diagram image generator
devel/cmake-fedora [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Python wrapper for Input Pad
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q4] CaboCha perl module
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Zinnia python module
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2011Q4] IBus client for GNU Emacs
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2011Q4] M17N engine for IBus platform
graphics/clutter08 [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Open GL based interactive canvas library
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby bindings for cairo
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2011Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Twitter realtime API client
security/ruby-roauth [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Simple Ruby OAuth library
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q4] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
www/ruby-sinatra [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
multimedia/clutter08-gst [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Clutter GStreamer integration
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SCIM onscreen input pad
security/cy2-otp [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Fcitx ported to SCIM
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
security/cy2-ntlm [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (light)
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q4] MeCab ruby module
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2011Q4] X Virtual Keyboard Library
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2011Q4] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q4] MeCab perl module
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Documents for the m17n library
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Full-text search system for communities
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2011Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2011Q4] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Python syntax highlighter
security/ruby-twitter_oauth [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q4] YamCha perl module
graphics/clutter08-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q4] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Perl interface of QDBM
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Milter to use milters effectively
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2011Q4] The m17n database used by the m17n library
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q4] MeCab java module
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2011Q4] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
devel/py-ordereddict [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Drop-in substitute for Py2.7s new collections.OrderedDict
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Romaji-Kana conversion library
security/cy2-scram [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
devel/py-testtools [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2011Q4] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tiny Support Vector Machines
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SWF output library
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2011Q4] PHP extension for Ming library
security/cyrus-saslauthd [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Python bindings for Ming library
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2011Q4] UPnP AV Mediaserver
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2011Q4] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Cyrus IMAP server
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
mail/im [pkgsrc-2011Q4] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2011Q4] CGI scripts of QDBM
textproc/groonga [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Fulltext search engine and column store
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Suikyo conversion table
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2011Q4] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Perl interface of lzmalib
multimedia/gnome-mplayer [pkgsrc-2011Q4] GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
net/zeromq [pkgsrc-2011Q4] The ZeroMQ messaging library
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2011Q4] ASCII art to image converter
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q4] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
security/ruby-simple_oauth [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
net/mikutter [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Simply, powerfully, and moefully twitter client
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby IRC library
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby interface of QDBM
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Flash-based photo album generator
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Alias for __PACKAGE__
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Pure Ruby XML parser
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2011Q4] C++ API for QDBM
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Multilingualization library
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Modern implementation of DBM
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q4] CaboCha ruby module
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tegaki integration in ibus
www/py-webcolors [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS
graphics/py-blockdiag [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Input Pad for IBus
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
devel/ruby-ole [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Thai language support routines
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Display command output on the whole screen like top
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2011Q4] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Perl multicast socket IO
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q4] YamCha ruby module
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Record vnc session as flash movie
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2011Q4] MeCab python module
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Cyrus IMAP server
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2011Q4] YamCha python module
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
www/ruby-http_parser.rb [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2011Q4] System monitoring tool, documentation
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
security/cy2-anonymous [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
net/drill [pkgsrc-2011Q4] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2011Q4] pkg-config implemented by pure Ruby
math/py-roman [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2011Q4] M Emacs Lisp Library
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2011Q4] ISC Standard Resolver Library
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Media stream downloader
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2011Q4] CaboCha python module
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Garbage collector supporting library
math/ruby-spreadsheet [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2011Q4] The Table engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Smart Common Input Method
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2011Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Suffix array library and tools
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2011Q4] IBus T9 Input Method
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2011Q4] RD-document-based presentation application
security/cy2-plain [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Zinnia ruby module
www/ruby-httpclient [pkgsrc-2011Q4] HTTP accessing library for Ruby
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SJ3 Japanese input method
security/cy2-ldapdb [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SJ3 Japanese input method server
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby Binding of Sary
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Suikyo for Ruby
net/ruby-tweetstream [pkgsrc-2011Q4] RubyGem to access the Twitter Stream API
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2011Q4] UIM helper program for Tomoe
security/ruby-soauth [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Ruby library that creates HTTP headers for OAuth Authorization
devel/msgpack [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Binary-based efficient object serialization library
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Library for simplified DNS programming
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2011Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
textproc/swath [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Smart Word Analysis for THai
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2011Q4] VNC server for real X displays
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2011Q4] The intelligent phonetic input method library
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Intelligent Input Bus
devel/npapi-sdk [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Reusable, released NPAPI-SDK
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Full-text search system
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Handwriting recognition engine
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tegaki integration in SCIM
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Suikyo documents
security/cy2-digestmd5 [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
security/cy2-gssapi [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Cyrus SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
security/cy2-login [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
security/cy2-sql [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Cyrus SASL SQL authentication plugin
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2012Q1] PHP extension for Ming library
devel/py-ipython [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Interactive computing environment for Python
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SWF output library
devel/cmake-fedora [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Smart Common Input Method
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Zinnia perl module
math/ruby-spreadsheet [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q1] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Full-text search system
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q1] MeCab java module
textproc/swath [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Smart Word Analysis for THai
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Full-text search system for communities
textproc/groonga [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Fulltext search engine and column store
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Suikyo conversion table
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Romaji-Kana conversion library
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Fcitx ported to SCIM
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Python wrapper for Input Pad
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
graphics/py-seqdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Simple sequence-diagram image generator
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Zinnia python module
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
math/py-roman [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Milter to use milters effectively
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2012Q1] M17N engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Handwriting recognition engine
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2012Q1] PRIME client for emacsen
security/ruby-simple_oauth [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2012Q1] ASCII art to image converter
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2012Q1] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2012Q1] VNC server for real X displays
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2012Q1] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q1] YamCha python module
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2012Q1] RD-document-based presentation application
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q1] CaboCha perl module
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
security/cyrus-saslauthd [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
security/cy2-ldapdb [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2012Q1] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby Binding of Sary
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Pure Ruby XML parser
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q1] YamCha ruby module
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
textproc/ruby-tilt [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q1] MeCab perl module
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Suffix array library and tools
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
security/cy2-sql [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Cyrus SASL SQL authentication plugin
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q1] CaboCha ruby module
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2012Q1] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q1] CaboCha python module
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q1] YamCha perl module
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2012Q1] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2012Q1] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
graphics/clutter08-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q1] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
graphics/clutter08 [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Open GL based interactive canvas library
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
graphics/py-blockdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby bindings for cairo
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tegaki integration in SCIM
devel/gmtk [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Gnome-mplayer toolkit
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Garbage collector supporting library
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SJ3 Japanese input method
inputmethod/scim-bridge [pkgsrc-2012Q1] C wrapper library for SCIM
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q1] UIM helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2012Q1] The Table engine for IBus platform
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tiny Support Vector Machines
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Alias for __PACKAGE__
devel/msgpack [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Binary-based efficient object serialization library
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2012Q1] M Emacs Lisp Library
devel/ruby-ole [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Thai language support routines
www/ruby-httpclient [pkgsrc-2012Q1] HTTP accessing library for Ruby
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
devel/py-testtools [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby IRC library
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Java API of QDBM
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2012Q1] C++ API for QDBM
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Modern implementation of DBM
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2012Q1] ISC Standard Resolver Library
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Perl multicast socket IO
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Twitter realtime API client
devel/py-funcparserlib [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
devel/py-msgpack [pkgsrc-2012Q1] MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
devel/npapi-sdk [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Reusable, released NPAPI-SDK
security/ruby-soauth [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby library that creates HTTP headers for OAuth Authorization
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
security/cy2-anonymous [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Flash-based photo album generator
security/ruby-twitter_oauth [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth
security/cy2-plain [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
security/ruby-roauth [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Simple Ruby OAuth library
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q1] MeCab ruby module
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2012Q1] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
www/ruby-http_parser.rb [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2012Q1] IBus T9 Input Method
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
graphics/py-nwdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Simple network-diagram image generator
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Record vnc session as flash movie
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
net/ruby-tweetstream [pkgsrc-2012Q1] RubyGem to access the Twitter Stream API
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
security/cy2-crammd5 [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
security/cy2-otp [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Perl interface of lzmalib
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2012Q1] System monitoring tool, documentation
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2012Q1] X Virtual Keyboard Library
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
mail/im [pkgsrc-2012Q1] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q1] MeCab python module
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2012Q1] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
graphics/py-actdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Simple activity-diagram image generator
devel/py-ordereddict [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Drop-in substitute for Py2.7s new collections.OrderedDict
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Cyrus IMAP server
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Cyrus IMAP server
security/cyrus-sasl [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Simple Authentication and Security Layer
security/cy2-scram [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
security/cy2-gssapi [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Cyrus SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2012Q1] The intelligent phonetic input method library
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SCIM onscreen input pad
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
security/cy2-digestmd5 [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
misc/colorblind [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Pixel Filter for colorblind accessibility
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2012Q1] The m17n database used by the m17n library
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Python bindings for Ming library
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
multimedia/clutter08-gst [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Clutter GStreamer integration
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2012Q1] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2012Q1] CGI scripts of QDBM
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Perl interface of QDBM
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby interface of QDBM
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2012Q1] LDAP extension module for Ruby
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Suikyo documents
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Python syntax highlighter
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Zinnia ruby module
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tegaki integration in ibus
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2012Q1] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Documents for the m17n library
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (light)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q1] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Display command output on the whole screen like top
www/py-webcolors [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
www/ruby-sinatra [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SJ3 Japanese input method server
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2012Q1] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2012Q1] IBus client for GNU Emacs
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2012Q1] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
multimedia/gnome-mplayer [pkgsrc-2012Q1] GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Portable C compiler
net/mikutter [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Simply, powerfully, and moefully twitter client
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2012Q1] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Media stream downloader
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
net/zeromq [pkgsrc-2012Q1] The ZeroMQ messaging library
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Input Pad for IBus
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2012Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
net/drill [pkgsrc-2012Q1] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2012Q1] LDAP server side protocol handling
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2012Q1] pkg-config implemented by pure Ruby
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2012Q1] UPnP AV Mediaserver
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Multilingualization library
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
security/cy2-ntlm [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
security/cy2-login [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Flash-based photo album generator
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Portable C compiler
math/py-roman [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
net/zeromq [pkgsrc-2012Q2] The ZeroMQ messaging library
graphics/py-nwdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Simple network-diagram image generator
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
graphics/py-seqdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Simple sequence-diagram image generator
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
www/ruby-http_parser.rb [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2012Q2] PHP extension for Ming library
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Record vnc session as flash movie
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q2] MeCab ruby module
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q2] UIM helper program for Tomoe
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Library for simplified DNS programming
textproc/swath [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Smart Word Analysis for THai
www/ruby-sinatra [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2012Q2] PRIME client for emacsen
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Suikyo documents
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Suikyo conversion table
math/ruby-spreadsheet [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Suikyo for Ruby
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2012Q2] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
devel/py-ipython012 [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Interactive computing environment for Python
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Perl interface of lzmalib
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Handwriting recognition engine
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q2] YamCha perl module
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
devel/gmtk [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Gnome-mplayer toolkit
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2012Q2] The intelligent phonetic input method library
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2012Q2] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q2] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2012Q2] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2012Q2] ISC Standard Resolver Library
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Python wrapper for Input Pad
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2012Q2] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
textproc/groonga [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Fulltext search engine and column store
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
graphics/clutter08-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q2] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
security/cy2-crammd5 [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2012Q2] IBus client for GNU Emacs
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
devel/py-funcparserlib [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2012Q2] M17N engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2012Q2] IBus T9 Input Method
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tegaki integration in ibus
security/ruby-roauth [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Simple Ruby OAuth library
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
security/ruby-twitter_oauth [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Zinnia ruby module
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2012Q2] M Emacs Lisp Library
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/scim-bridge [pkgsrc-2012Q2] C wrapper library for SCIM
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SJ3 Japanese input method
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Modern implementation of DBM
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Zinnia python module
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q2] MeCab perl module
security/cy2-digestmd5 [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
security/cyrus-saslauthd [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SWF output library
security/cy2-ldapdb [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
inputmethod/libskk [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Library to deal with Japnese kana-to-kanji conversion method
security/cy2-plain [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Media stream downloader
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
security/cy2-sql [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Cyrus SASL SQL authentication plugin
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
security/cyrus-sasl [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Simple Authentication and Security Layer
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2012Q2] pkg-config implemented by pure Ruby
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby bindings for cairo
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Input Pad for IBus
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
devel/ruby-ole [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
www/py-webcolors [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Smart Common Input Method
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Cyrus IMAP server
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2012Q2] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
security/cy2-ntlm [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q2] YamCha python module
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Milter to use milters effectively
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2012Q2] VNC server for real X displays
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
mail/im [pkgsrc-2012Q2] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
misc/colorblind [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Pixel Filter for colorblind accessibility
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2012Q2] The Table engine for IBus platform
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2012Q2] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2012Q2] X Virtual Keyboard Library
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
security/ruby-soauth [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby library that creates HTTP headers for OAuth Authorization
net/drill [pkgsrc-2012Q2] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby IRC library
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2012Q2] UPnP AV Mediaserver
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2012Q2] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
security/ruby-simple_oauth [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
security/cy2-login [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Perl interface of QDBM
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2012Q2] System monitoring tool, documentation
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2012Q2] C++ API for QDBM
devel/py-msgpack [pkgsrc-2012Q2] MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
multimedia/clutter08-gst [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Clutter GStreamer integration
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2012Q2] ASCII art to image converter
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Perl multicast socket IO
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q2] MeCab python module
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Alias for __PACKAGE__
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2012Q2] RD-document-based presentation application
www/ruby-httpclient [pkgsrc-2012Q2] HTTP accessing library for Ruby
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Python syntax highlighter
net/mikutter [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Simply, powerfully, and moefully twitter client
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2012Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Full-text search system for communities
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q2] CaboCha python module
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby interface of QDBM
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2012Q2] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2012Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q2] CaboCha ruby module
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q2] CaboCha perl module
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q2] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
multimedia/gnome-mplayer [pkgsrc-2012Q2] GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Garbage collector supporting library
devel/py-ordereddict [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Drop-in substitute for Py2.7s new collections.OrderedDict
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Suffix array library and tools
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Romaji-Kana conversion library
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2012Q2] The m17n database used by the m17n library
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Display command output on the whole screen like top
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Intelligent Input Bus
devel/py-ipython [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Interactive computing environment for Python
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Cyrus IMAP server
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Documents for the m17n library
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2012Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Pure Ruby XML parser
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
security/cy2-scram [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
graphics/py-actdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Simple activity-diagram image generator
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2012Q2] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Java API of QDBM
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
textproc/ruby-tilt [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2012Q2] LDAP extension module for Ruby
devel/py-testtools [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby Binding of Sary
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SCIM onscreen input pad
devel/cmake-fedora [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Python bindings for Ming library
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q2] MeCab java module
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tiny Support Vector Machines
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
security/cy2-gssapi [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Cyrus SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Zinnia perl module
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SJ3 Japanese input method server
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
security/cy2-anonymous [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
security/cy2-otp [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Twitter realtime API client
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Fcitx ported to SCIM
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
graphics/py-blockdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
devel/npapi-sdk [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Reusable, released NPAPI-SDK
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
editors/medit [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Programming and around-programming text editor
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tegaki integration in SCIM
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2012Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2012Q2] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Thai language support routines
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Full-text search system
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (light)
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q2] YamCha ruby module
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Multilingualization library
graphics/clutter08 [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Open GL based interactive canvas library
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
devel/msgpack [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Binary-based efficient object serialization library
net/ruby-tweetstream [pkgsrc-2012Q2] RubyGem to access the Twitter Stream API
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2012Q2] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2012Q2] CGI scripts of QDBM
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Pure Ruby XML parser
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
mail/im [pkgsrc-2012Q3] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Romaji-Kana conversion library
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Suikyo documents
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Thai language support routines
devel/ruby-ole [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
textproc/ruby-tilt [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
math/py-roman [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q3] MeCab python module
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2012Q3] RD-document-based presentation application
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Garbage collector supporting library
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q3] YamCha ruby module
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
textproc/groonga [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Fulltext search engine and column store
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Java API of QDBM
math/ruby-spreadsheet [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2012Q3] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
devel/py-ordereddict [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Drop-in substitute for Py2.7s new collections.OrderedDict
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2012Q3] The m17n database used by the m17n library
devel/cmake-fedora [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
graphics/clutter08 [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Open GL based interactive canvas library
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
devel/gmtk [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Gnome-mplayer toolkit
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Perl interface of QDBM
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2012Q3] pkg-config implemented by pure Ruby
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
security/ruby-soauth [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby library that creates HTTP headers for OAuth Authorization
security/cy2-digestmd5 [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2012Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q3] MeCab ruby module
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
security/cy2-scram [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2012Q3] VNC server for real X displays
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tiny Support Vector Machines
security/cy2-ldapdb [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2012Q3] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
www/ruby-httpclient [pkgsrc-2012Q3] HTTP accessing library for Ruby
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
graphics/py-nwdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Simple network-diagram image generator
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2012Q3] M Emacs Lisp Library
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2012Q3] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
security/ruby-roauth [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Simple Ruby OAuth library
misc/colorblind [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Pixel Filter for colorblind accessibility
security/ruby-simple_oauth [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Full-text search system
security/ruby-twitter_oauth [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth
security/cy2-login [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Zinnia python module
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Handwriting recognition engine
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2012Q3] CGI scripts of QDBM
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Full-text search system for communities
devel/msgpack [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Binary-based efficient object serialization library
devel/py-msgpack [pkgsrc-2012Q3] MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q3] CaboCha perl module
textproc/py-markdown2 [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown
devel/py-funcparserlib [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2012Q3] The intelligent phonetic input method library
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2012Q3] ASCII art to image converter
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
graphics/py-blockdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2012Q3] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Zinnia ruby module
security/cy2-otp [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2012Q3] X Virtual Keyboard Library
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Smart Common Input Method
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2012Q3] M17N engine for IBus platform
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
security/cy2-crammd5 [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
security/cy2-anonymous [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
security/cy2-ntlm [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2012Q3] LDAP extension module for Ruby
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Zinnia perl module
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
security/cy2-sql [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Cyrus SASL SQL authentication plugin
security/cyrus-saslauthd [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Python wrapper for Input Pad
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
security/cyrus-sasl [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Simple Authentication and Security Layer
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SJ3 Japanese input method server
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
security/cy2-plain [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Record vnc session as flash movie
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
www/ruby-http_parser.rb [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
devel/npapi-sdk [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Reusable, released NPAPI-SDK
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby interface of QDBM
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Multilingualization library
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q3] YamCha perl module
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tegaki integration in SCIM
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q3] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
devel/py-ipython012 [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Interactive computing environment for Python
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2012Q3] The Table engine for IBus platform
www/ruby-sinatra [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby IRC library
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2012Q3] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2012Q3] System monitoring tool, documentation
graphics/py-seqdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Simple sequence-diagram image generator
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (light)
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2012Q3] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2012Q3] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q3] CaboCha ruby module
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q3] MeCab perl module
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Modern implementation of DBM
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
textproc/swath [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Smart Word Analysis for THai
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2012Q3] C++ API for QDBM
devel/py-testtools [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Suikyo conversion table
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby Binding of Sary
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
multimedia/clutter08-gst [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Clutter GStreamer integration
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2012Q3] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
multimedia/gnome-mplayer [pkgsrc-2012Q3] GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Python bindings for Ming library
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
net/ruby-tweetstream [pkgsrc-2012Q3] RubyGem to access the Twitter Stream API
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Flash-based photo album generator
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2012Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby bindings for cairo
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Twitter realtime API client
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Cyrus IMAP server
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2012Q3] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
editors/medit [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Programming and around-programming text editor
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Suffix array library and tools
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Perl interface of lzmalib
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
security/cy2-gssapi [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Cyrus SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
net/mikutter [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Simply, powerfully, and moefully twitter client
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2012Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2012Q3] UPnP AV Mediaserver
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Documents for the m17n library
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Input Pad for IBus
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tegaki integration in ibus
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2012Q3] IBus client for GNU Emacs
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
graphics/clutter08-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q3] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2012Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q3] MeCab java module
devel/py-ipython [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Interactive computing environment for Python
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
inputmethod/libskk [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Library to deal with Japnese kana-to-kanji conversion method
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SJ3 Japanese input method
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SCIM onscreen input pad
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q3] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2012Q3] PRIME client for emacsen
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Fcitx ported to SCIM
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
graphics/py-actdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Simple activity-diagram image generator
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Portable C compiler
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Cyrus IMAP server
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q3] YamCha python module
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q3] CaboCha python module
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q3] UIM helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2012Q3] IBus T9 Input Method
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
www/py-webcolors [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Python syntax highlighter
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2012Q3] PHP extension for Ming library
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Milter to use milters effectively
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Display command output on the whole screen like top
net/drill [pkgsrc-2012Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/zeromq [pkgsrc-2012Q3] The ZeroMQ messaging library
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2012Q3] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2012Q3] SWF output library
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2012Q3] ISC Standard Resolver Library
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Media stream downloader
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Portable C compiler
security/ruby-simple_oauth [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Python bindings for Ming library
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2012Q4] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
multimedia/gnome-mplayer [pkgsrc-2012Q4] GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Zinnia perl module
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2012Q4] X Virtual Keyboard Library
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2012Q4] The intelligent phonetic input method library
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2012Q4] PRIME client for emacsen
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2012Q4] IBus client for GNU Emacs
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2012Q4] RD-document-based presentation application
graphics/py-actdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Simple activity-diagram image generator
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q4] YamCha python module
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
security/cy2-ldapdb [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
textproc/ruby-tilt [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (light)
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
security/cy2-crammd5 [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
security/cy2-gssapi [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Cyrus SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2012Q4] System monitoring tool, documentation
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
security/cy2-digestmd5 [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
security/ruby-twitter_oauth [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth
security/cyrus-saslauthd [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby Binding of Sary
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Full-text search system
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2012Q4] UPnP AV Mediaserver
multimedia/clutter08-gst [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Clutter GStreamer integration
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2012Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/zeromq [pkgsrc-2012Q4] The ZeroMQ messaging library
net/ruby-tweetstream [pkgsrc-2012Q4] RubyGem to access the Twitter Stream API
net/mikutter [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Simple, powerful, and moeful twitter client
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2012Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
devel/py-msgpack [pkgsrc-2012Q4] MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
textproc/groonga [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Fulltext search engine and column store
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
www/ruby-sinatra [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q4] MeCab ruby module
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Garbage collector supporting library
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
math/py-roman [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Romaji-Kana conversion library
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby bindings for cairo
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2012Q4] ASCII art to image converter
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Pure Ruby XML parser
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2012Q4] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Suikyo documents
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tiny Support Vector Machines
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Perl interface of lzmalib
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q4] YamCha perl module
security/cy2-otp [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Input Pad for IBus
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q4] UIM helper program for Tomoe
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SCIM onscreen input pad
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Suikyo for Ruby
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
devel/py-ipython [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Interactive computing environment for Python
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q4] MeCab java module
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Alias for __PACKAGE__
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
net/drill [pkgsrc-2012Q4] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2012Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Thai language support routines
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2012Q4] M Emacs Lisp Library
devel/gmtk [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Gnome-mplayer toolkit
devel/msgpack [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Binary-based efficient object serialization library
devel/npapi-sdk [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Reusable, released NPAPI-SDK
devel/py-ordereddict [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Drop-in substitute for Py2.7s new collections.OrderedDict
devel/py-testtools [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
devel/py-funcparserlib [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Multilingualization library
devel/ruby-ole [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
textproc/py-markdown2 [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown
devel/py-ipython012 [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Interactive computing environment for Python
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2012Q4] pkg-config implemented by pure Ruby
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2012Q4] C++ API for QDBM
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2012Q4] LDAP extension module for Ruby
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2012Q4] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Documents for the m17n library
security/ruby-soauth [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby library that creates HTTP headers for OAuth Authorization
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
devel/py-ipython013 [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Interactive computing environment for Python
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
graphics/py-seqdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Simple sequence-diagram image generator
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Cyrus IMAP server
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Cyrus IMAP server
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2012Q4] The Table engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2012Q4] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Zinnia python module
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SJ3 Japanese input method
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/libskk [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Library to deal with Japnese kana-to-kanji conversion method
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Python wrapper for Input Pad
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Smart Common Input Method
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tegaki integration in SCIM
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby interface of QDBM
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Java API of QDBM
www/ruby-http_parser.rb [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser
graphics/clutter08-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q4] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2012Q4] CGI scripts of QDBM
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Perl interface of QDBM
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Full-text search system for communities
editors/medit [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Programming and around-programming text editor
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
www/py-webcolors [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Python syntax highlighter
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby IRC library
textproc/swath [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Smart Word Analysis for THai
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Milter to use milters effectively
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q4] CaboCha ruby module
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q4] CaboCha python module
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
security/cy2-plain [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
security/cy2-sql [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Cyrus SASL SQL authentication plugin
security/cyrus-sasl [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Simple Authentication and Security Layer
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q4] MeCab perl module
security/cy2-anonymous [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
security/cy2-ntlm [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2012Q4] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2012Q4] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
devel/cmake-fedora [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
graphics/py-nwdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Simple network-diagram image generator
security/cy2-scram [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Media stream downloader
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2012Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2012Q4] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2012Q4] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Display command output on the whole screen like top
www/ruby-httpclient [pkgsrc-2012Q4] HTTP accessing library for Ruby
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2012Q4] ISC Standard Resolver Library
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2012Q4] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Suffix array library and tools
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Twitter realtime API client
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Perl multicast socket IO
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Flash-based photo album generator
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Handwriting recognition engine
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2012Q4] VNC server for real X displays
graphics/clutter08 [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Open GL based interactive canvas library
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2012Q4] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SJ3 Japanese input method server
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2012Q4] M17N engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Zinnia ruby module
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tegaki integration in ibus
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2012Q4] The m17n database used by the m17n library
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2012Q4] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Fcitx ported to SCIM
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
mail/im [pkgsrc-2012Q4] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
graphics/py-blockdiag [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2012Q4] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Record vnc session as flash movie
misc/colorblind [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Pixel Filter for colorblind accessibility
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2012Q4] IBus T9 Input Method
security/cy2-login [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
security/ruby-roauth [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Simple Ruby OAuth library
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2012Q4] PHP extension for Ming library
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2012Q4] SWF output library
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Modern implementation of DBM
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Suikyo conversion table
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2012Q4] YamCha ruby module
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2012Q4] CaboCha perl module
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q4] MeCab python module
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
math/ruby-spreadsheet [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Zinnia perl module
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2013Q1] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2013Q1] UPnP AV Mediaserver
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Fcitx ported to SCIM
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SCIM onscreen input pad
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tegaki integration in SCIM
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
devel/py-funcparserlib [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
devel/gmtk [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Gnome-mplayer toolkit
multimedia/clutter08-gst [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Clutter GStreamer integration
net/rabbiter [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Twitter client for Rabbit
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Garbage collector supporting library
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2013Q1] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Thai language support routines
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Twitter realtime API client
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
net/zeromq [pkgsrc-2013Q1] The ZeroMQ messaging library
devel/msgpack [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Binary-based efficient object serialization library
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tiny Support Vector Machines
devel/npapi-sdk [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Reusable, released NPAPI-SDK
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
misc/colorblind [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Pixel Filter for colorblind accessibility
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2013Q1] PHP extension for Ming library
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Python bindings for Ming library
graphics/py-blockdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2013Q1] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
devel/py-ipython [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Interactive computing environment for Python
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2013Q1] pkg-config implemented by pure Ruby
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2013Q1] M Emacs Lisp Library
devel/cmake-fedora [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
devel/py-ipython013 [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Interactive computing environment for Python
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
devel/py-ordereddict [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Drop-in substitute for Py2.7s new collections.OrderedDict
math/py-roman [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
devel/py-testtools [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Multilingualization library
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2013Q1] C++ API for QDBM
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
textproc/py-markdown2 [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby interface of QDBM
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q1] YamCha ruby module
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q1] CaboCha python module
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Full-text search system for communities
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Perl interface of lzmalib
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q1] MeCab python module
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Perl interface of QDBM
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2013Q1] CGI scripts of QDBM
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Documents for the m17n library
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q1] CaboCha ruby module
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q1] YamCha perl module
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2013Q1] The m17n database used by the m17n library
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q1] MeCab java module
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Java API of QDBM
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q1] MeCab perl module
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q1] MeCab ruby module
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
editors/medit [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Programming and around-programming text editor
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
textproc/ruby-tilt [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Romaji-Kana conversion library
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Portable C compiler
misc/ruby-typed-array [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Provides methods for creating type-enforced Arrays
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2013Q1] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Intelligent Input Bus
math/ruby-spreadsheet [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
net/ruby-tweetstream [pkgsrc-2013Q1] RubyGem to access the Twitter Stream API
security/ruby-twitter_oauth [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Media stream downloader
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2013Q1] LDAP server side protocol handling
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby Binding of Sary
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby IRC library
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q1] CaboCha perl module
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Alias for __PACKAGE__
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
www/py-webcolors [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
security/ruby-simple_oauth [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
www/ruby-http_parser.rb [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2013Q1] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
security/cy2-ldapdb [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
www/ruby-sinatra [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
net/drill [pkgsrc-2013Q1] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2013Q1] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
textproc/groonga [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Fulltext search engine and column store
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
www/ruby-multipart-post [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
security/cy2-gssapi [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Cyrus SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Suikyo documents
security/cy2-digestmd5 [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
graphics/clutter08-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q1] GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
security/ruby-soauth [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby library that creates HTTP headers for OAuth Authorization
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Milter to use milters effectively
graphics/clutter08 [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Open GL based interactive canvas library
graphics/py-actdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Simple activity-diagram image generator
security/cyrus-saslauthd [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
graphics/clutter-cairo [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Clutter Cairo integrarion library
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2013Q1] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Display command output on the whole screen like top
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Cyrus IMAP server
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2013Q1] ASCII art to image converter
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Cyrus IMAP server
security/ruby-roauth [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Simple Ruby OAuth library
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
www/ruby-faraday [pkgsrc-2013Q1] HTTP/REST API client library
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
security/cy2-anonymous [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby bindings for cairo
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2013Q1] RD-document-based presentation application
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2013Q1] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2013Q1] VNC server for real X displays
graphics/ruby-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2013Q1] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Suikyo conversion table
mail/im [pkgsrc-2013Q1] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
textproc/swath [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Smart Word Analysis for THai
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Suffix array library and tools
devel/py-msgpack [pkgsrc-2013Q1] MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Full-text search system
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
devel/py-ipython012 [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Interactive computing environment for Python
devel/ruby-ole [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
security/cy2-login [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Modern implementation of DBM
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2013Q1] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2013Q1] LDAP extension module for Ruby
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
security/cy2-crammd5 [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
security/cy2-otp [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
security/cy2-ntlm [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
security/cyrus-sasl [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Simple Authentication and Security Layer
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
security/cy2-sql [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Cyrus SASL SQL authentication plugin
security/cy2-scram [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Pure Ruby XML parser
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q1] YamCha python module
security/cy2-plain [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2013Q1] X Virtual Keyboard Library
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2013Q1] System monitoring tool, documentation
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
www/ruby-httpclient [pkgsrc-2013Q1] HTTP accessing library for Ruby
devel/gyp [pkgsrc-2013Q1] GYP can Generate Your Projects
graphics/py-seqdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Simple sequence-diagram image generator
graphics/ruby-clutter-core [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SJ3 Japanese input method
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2013Q1] ISC Standard Resolver Library
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q1] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Smart Common Input Method
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Python syntax highlighter
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2013Q1] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (light)
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
net/mikutter [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Simply, powerfully, and moefully twitter client
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2013Q1] PRIME client for emacsen
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/libskk [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Library to deal with Japnese kana-to-kanji conversion method
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q1] UIM helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Python wrapper for Input Pad
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Zinnia python module
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SJ3 Japanese input method server
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Record vnc session as flash movie
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2013Q1] The intelligent phonetic input method library
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Handwriting recognition engine
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Zinnia ruby module
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Flash-based photo album generator
graphics/ruby-clutter [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2013Q1] IBus T9 Input Method
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2013Q1] M17N engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
sysutils/user_cygwin [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Limited NetBSD-compatible useradd/groupadd commands
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2013Q1] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2013Q1] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2013Q1] SWF output library
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Perl multicast socket IO
graphics/py-nwdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Simple network-diagram image generator
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2013Q1] IBus client for GNU Emacs
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Input Pad for IBus
multimedia/gnome-mplayer [pkgsrc-2013Q1] GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2013Q1] The Table engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Tegaki integration in ibus
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q1] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
security/cy2-gssapi [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Cyrus SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
security/cy2-crammd5 [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
textproc/ruby-text [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Collection of text algorithms for Ruby
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Full-text search system for communities
multimedia/gnome-mplayer [pkgsrc-2013Q2] GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2013Q2] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Ruby interface of QDBM
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2013Q2] UPnP AV Mediaserver
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2013Q2] LDAP extension module for Ruby
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Python syntax highlighter
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Library for simplified DNS programming
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2013Q2] PHP extension for Ming library
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q2] MeCab java module
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2013Q2] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
security/ruby-twitter_oauth [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
graphics/py-nwdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Simple network-diagram image generator
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2013Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
graphics/py-actdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Simple activity-diagram image generator
devel/gyp [pkgsrc-2013Q2] GYP can Generate Your Projects
net/zeromq [pkgsrc-2013Q2] The ZeroMQ messaging library
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Cyrus IMAP server
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
devel/py-ordereddict [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Drop-in substitute for Py2.7s new collections.OrderedDict
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Flash-based photo album generator
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2013Q2] CGI scripts of QDBM
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Full-text search system
security/cy2-plain [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2013Q2] The m17n database used by the m17n library
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
devel/npapi-sdk [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Reusable, released NPAPI-SDK
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2013Q2] RD-document-based presentation application
www/ruby-sinatra [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
www/ruby-http_parser.rb [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/drill [pkgsrc-2013Q2] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
graphics/py-blockdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
misc/colorblind [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Pixel Filter for colorblind accessibility
devel/py-ipython013 [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Interactive computing environment for Python
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Perl multicast socket IO
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2013Q2] C++ API for QDBM
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2013Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Java API of QDBM
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Media stream downloader
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SWF output library
textproc/CRF++ [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Yet Another CRF toolkit
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
devel/msgpack [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Binary-based efficient object serialization library
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2013Q2] X Virtual Keyboard Library
sysutils/user_cygwin [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Limited NetBSD-compatible useradd/groupadd commands
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2013Q2] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
www/ruby-httpclient [pkgsrc-2013Q2] HTTP accessing library for Ruby
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Thai language support routines
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2013Q2] M Emacs Lisp Library
security/cy2-scram [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
security/cy2-login [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Fcitx ported to SCIM
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SJ3 Japanese input method
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2013Q2] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
www/ruby-faraday [pkgsrc-2013Q2] HTTP/REST API client library
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
www/py-webcolors [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Zinnia perl module
devel/gmtk [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Gnome-mplayer toolkit
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Cyrus IMAP server
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2013Q2] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
security/cy2-digestmd5 [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
security/cy2-anonymous [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Suikyo documents
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tegaki integration in ibus
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
devel/py-ipython [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Interactive computing environment for Python
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese Tegaki project handwriting model (light)
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2013Q2] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
security/cy2-ntlm [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2013Q2] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Ruby IRC library
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2013Q2] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
security/ruby-soauth [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Ruby library that creates HTTP headers for OAuth Authorization
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2013Q2] The intelligent phonetic input method library
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q2] MeCab perl module
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2013Q2] IBus client for GNU Emacs
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
security/ruby-roauth [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Simple Ruby OAuth library
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
security/ruby-simple_oauth [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q2] YamCha perl module
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Milter to use milters effectively
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Portable C compiler
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Zinnia python module
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Ruby Binding of Sary
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2013Q2] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Python wrapper for Input Pad
security/cyrus-saslauthd [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2013Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
math/ruby-spreadsheet [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q2] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tiny Support Vector Machines
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q2] YamCha ruby module
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Handwriting recognition engine
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
misc/ruby-typed-array [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Provides methods for creating type-enforced Arrays
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Multilingualization library
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tegaki integration in SCIM
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q2] YamCha python module
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q2] CaboCha python module
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Zinnia ruby module
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2013Q2] PRIME client for emacsen
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SJ3 Japanese input method server
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SCIM onscreen input pad
textproc/py-markdown2 [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
security/cy2-otp [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
editors/medit [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Programming and around-programming text editor
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2013Q2] System monitoring tool, documentation
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
graphics/py-seqdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Simple sequence-diagram image generator
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Pure Ruby XML parser
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
devel/cmake-fedora [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2013Q2] ISC Standard Resolver Library
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
devel/py-msgpack [pkgsrc-2013Q2] MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q2] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Display command output on the whole screen like top
security/cy2-ldapdb [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
math/py-roman [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Suffix array library and tools
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q2] CaboCha ruby module
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Perl interface of lzmalib
net/rabbiter [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Twitter client for Rabbit
security/cy2-sql [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Cyrus SASL SQL authentication plugin
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2013Q2] VNC server for real X displays
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2013Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q2] MeCab python module
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2013Q2] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2013Q2] The Table engine for IBus platform
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Record vnc session as flash movie
net/mikutter [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Simple, powerful, and moeful twitter client
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2013Q2] M17N engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Smart Common Input Method
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Garbage collector supporting library
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q2] CaboCha perl module
textproc/swath [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Smart Word Analysis for THai
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q2] MeCab ruby module
security/cyrus-sasl [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Simple Authentication and Security Layer
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
textproc/ruby-tilt [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Perl interface of QDBM
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
devel/py-funcparserlib [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Suikyo conversion table
devel/py-testtools [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Input Pad for IBus
textproc/groonga [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Fulltext search engine and column store
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
net/ruby-tweetstream [pkgsrc-2013Q2] RubyGem to access the Twitter Stream API
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2013Q2] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
devel/py-ipython012 [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Interactive computing environment for Python
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Twitter realtime API client
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Ruby bindings for cairo
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
mail/im [pkgsrc-2013Q2] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Modern implementation of DBM
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Romaji-Kana conversion library
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Python bindings for Ming library
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Pure Ruby implementation of pkg-config
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2013Q2] ASCII art to image converter
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Alias for __PACKAGE__
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Documents for the m17n library
www/ruby-multipart-post [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP
inputmethod/libskk [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Library to deal with Japnese kana-to-kanji conversion method
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
devel/ruby-ole [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2013Q2] IBus T9 Input Method
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q2] UIM helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
devel/py-ipython012 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Interactive computing environment for Python
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2013Q3] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Python syntax highlighter
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2013Q3] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q3] YamCha perl module
misc/ruby-typed-array [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Provides methods for creating type-enforced Arrays
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Display command output on the whole screen like top
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
textproc/ruby-xmlscan [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Pure Ruby XML parser
misc/colorblind [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Pixel Filter for colorblind accessibility
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby Binding of Sary
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2013Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q3] MeCab ruby module
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2013Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby IRC library
textproc/py-markdown2 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown
security/ruby-roauth [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Simple Ruby OAuth library
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Intelligent Input Bus
textproc/groonga [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Fulltext search engine and column store
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q3] CaboCha perl module
security/cy2-anonymous [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Perl interface of lzmalib
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of GTK+-2.x
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
security/ruby-twitter_oauth [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2013Q3] C++ API for QDBM
www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Fcitx ported to SCIM
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2013Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2013Q3] ISC Standard Resolver Library
net/drill [pkgsrc-2013Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/ruby-tweetstream [pkgsrc-2013Q3] RubyGem to access the Twitter Stream API
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
security/cyrus-saslauthd [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
security/cy2-ntlm [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
security/cy2-otp [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
security/cy2-digestmd5 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
security/cy2-gssapi [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Cyrus SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
security/cy2-plain [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
security/cy2-crammd5 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
security/ruby-soauth [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby library that creates HTTP headers for OAuth Authorization
security/cy2-login [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2013Q3] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
security/cy2-ldapdb [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Multilingualization library
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Full-text search system
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
devel/gyp [pkgsrc-2013Q3] GYP can Generate Your Projects
www/ruby-multipart-post [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Suikyo conversion table
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q3] CaboCha ruby module
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Suffix array library and tools
devel/ruby-gnome2-pango [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of pango-1.x
sysutils/ruby-libnotify [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding for libnotify
net/mikutter [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Simple, powerful, and moeful twitter client
textproc/swath [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Smart Word Analysis for THai
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
textproc/CRF++ [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Yet Another CRF toolkit
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q3] MeCab python module
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2013Q3] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Thai language support routines
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2013Q3] System monitoring tool, documentation
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2013Q3] X Virtual Keyboard Library
editors/medit [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Programming and around-programming text editor
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Python wrapper for Input Pad
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Handwriting recognition engine
devel/py-msgpack [pkgsrc-2013Q3] MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Pure Ruby implementation of pkg-config
devel/py-funcparserlib [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2013Q3] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
devel/py-testtools [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
devel/py-ipython013 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Interactive computing environment for Python
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2013Q3] CGI scripts of QDBM
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
devel/py-ipython [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Interactive computing environment for Python
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2013Q3] PRIME client for emacsen
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2013Q3] The intelligent phonetic input method library
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q3] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Zinnia python module
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SJ3 Japanese input method server
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
devel/py-ordereddict [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Drop-in substitute for Py2.7s new collections.OrderedDict
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Twitter realtime API client
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview3 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of gtksourceview3
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
devel/ruby-gnome2-glib [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of GLib-2.x
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
devel/npapi-sdk [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Reusable, released NPAPI-SDK
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk3 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of GTK+-3.x
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2013Q3] VNC server for real X displays
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
x11/ruby-gnome2-vte [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of vte
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Modern implementation of DBM
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
devel/ruby-gnome2-atk [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x or later
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
www/ruby-httpclient [pkgsrc-2013Q3] HTTP accessing library for Ruby
devel/gmtk [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Gnome-mplayer toolkit
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
devel/msgpack [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Binary-based efficient object serialization library
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Documents for the m17n library
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2013Q3] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Python bindings for Ming library
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2013Q3] M Emacs Lisp Library
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2013Q3] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SWF output library
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2013Q3] UPnP AV Mediaserver
security/cyrus-sasl [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Simple Authentication and Security Layer
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview2 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of gtksourceview2
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Perl interface of QDBM
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
net/rabbiter [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Twitter client for Rabbit
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Java API of QDBM
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2013Q3] LDAP extension module for Ruby
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
devel/ruby-ole [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2013Q3] PHP extension for Ming library
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
math/ruby-spreadsheet [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
devel/cmake-fedora [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Media stream downloader
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese Tegaki project handwriting model (light)
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
math/py-roman [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tegaki integration in SCIM
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SCIM onscreen input pad
security/cy2-scram [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
security/cy2-sql [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Cyrus SASL SQL authentication plugin
www/ruby-faraday [pkgsrc-2013Q3] HTTP/REST API client library
security/ruby-simple_oauth [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] IBus T9 Input Method
inputmethod/libskk [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Library to deal with Japnese kana-to-kanji conversion method
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tegaki integration in ibus
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
sysutils/user_cygwin [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Limited NetBSD-compatible useradd/groupadd commands
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Zinnia ruby module
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
print/ruby-gnome2-poppler [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of poppler-glib
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Garbage collector supporting library
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2013Q3] IBus client for GNU Emacs
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2013Q3] The Table engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Smart Common Input Method
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q3] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SJ3 Japanese input method
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
www/py-webcolors [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS
graphics/ruby-gnome2-rsvg [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of librsvg
graphics/py-actdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Simple activity-diagram image generator
www/ruby-sinatra [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
meta-pkgs/ruby-gnome2 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Set of Ruby language bindings for GNOME2
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdk3 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of GDK3
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2013Q3] RD-document-based presentation application
graphics/py-seqdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Simple sequence-diagram image generator
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Flash-based photo album generator
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Record vnc session as flash movie
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby bindings for cairo
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdkpixbuf [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x
graphics/ruby-gnome2-goocanvas [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of GooCanvas
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Portable C compiler
graphics/ruby-gnome2-cairo-gobject [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of cairo-gobject
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2013Q3] ASCII art to image converter
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Cyrus IMAP server
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2013Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q3] MeCab perl module
textproc/ruby-tilt [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Full-text search system for communities
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
graphics/py-nwdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Simple network-diagram image generator
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Suikyo documents
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q3] YamCha ruby module
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Romaji-Kana conversion library
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Milter to use milters effectively
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Suikyo for Ruby
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2013Q3] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Input Pad for IBus
www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk2 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+ for GTK2+
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
mail/im [pkgsrc-2013Q3] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
multimedia/ruby-gnome2-gstreamer [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of GStreamer 1.0.x or later
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2013Q3] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
inputmethod/ibus-libthai [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Thai imput method engine for IBus based on libthai library
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2013Q3] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
multimedia/gnome-mplayer [pkgsrc-2013Q3] GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Cyrus IMAP server
www/ruby-http_parser.rb [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Zinnia perl module
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2013Q3] The m17n database used by the m17n library
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
devel/ruby-gnome2-gio [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of gio-2.0.x
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2013Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q3] MeCab java module
graphics/py-blockdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Tiny Support Vector Machines
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q3] UIM helper program for Tomoe
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q3] CaboCha python module
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q3] YamCha python module
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby interface of QDBM
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2013Q3] M17N engine for IBus platform
devel/ruby-gnome2-gobject-introspection [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Ruby binding of Gobject Introspection
textproc/ruby-text [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Collection of text algorithms for Ruby
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Zinnia perl module
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
print/ruby-gnome2-poppler [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of poppler-glib
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Garbage collector supporting library
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
devel/ruby-gnome2-pango [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of pango-1.x
devel/py-ordereddict [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Drop-in substitute for Py2.7s new collections.OrderedDict
devel/msgpack [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Binary-based efficient object serialization library
devel/gyp [pkgsrc-2013Q4] GYP can Generate Your Projects
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
devel/ruby-test-unit-notify [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Test result notify extension for Ruby Test::Util
devel/gmtk [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Gnome-mplayer toolkit
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview2 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of gtksourceview2
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2013Q4] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q4] YamCha perl module
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q4] CaboCha python module
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Python syntax highlighter
textproc/swath [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Smart Word Analysis for THai
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
mail/im [pkgsrc-2013Q4] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q4] MeCab python module
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2013Q4] PHP extension for Ming library
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q4] YamCha python module
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Suffix array library and tools
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q4] MeCab ruby module
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby Binding of Sary
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Suikyo documents
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Suikyo conversion table
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Full-text search system
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
sysutils/ruby-libnotify [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding for libnotify
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
inputmethod/ibus-python [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Python library for Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2013Q4] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2013Q4] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] IBus T9 Input Method
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SJ3 Japanese input method server
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tegaki integration in SCIM
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q4] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2013Q4] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Python wrapper for Input Pad
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Smart Common Input Method
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tegaki integration in ibus
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
inputmethod/ibus-libthai [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Thai imput method engine for IBus based on libthai library
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Zinnia ruby module
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SJ3 Japanese input method
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Input Pad for IBus
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Fcitx ported to SCIM
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2013Q4] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Zinnia python module
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q4] UIM helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/libskk [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Library to deal with Japnese kana-to-kanji conversion method
editors/medit [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Programming and around-programming text editor
graphics/py-blockdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdkpixbuf [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2013Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
graphics/py-Pillow [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Python Imaging Library (Fork)
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Record vnc session as flash movie
multimedia/ruby-gnome2-gstreamer [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of GStreamer 1.0.x or later
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2013Q4] ASCII art to image converter
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby bindings for cairo
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2013Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2013Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
sysutils/user_cygwin [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Limited NetBSD-compatible useradd/groupadd commands
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk2 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+ for GTK2+
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2013Q4] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
www/ruby-faraday [pkgsrc-2013Q4] HTTP/REST API client library
security/cyrus-sasl [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Simple Authentication and Security Layer
security/cy2-sql [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Cyrus SASL SQL authentication plugin
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tiny Support Vector Machines
devel/ruby-ole [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
devel/ruby-gnome2-glib [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of GLib-2.x
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Full-text search system for communities
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Cyrus IMAP server
net/rabbiter [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Twitter client for Rabbit
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby IRC library
devel/ruby-gnome2-gio [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of gio-2.0.x
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2013Q4] UPnP AV Mediaserver
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2013Q4] ISC Standard Resolver Library
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
security/cyrus-saslauthd [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Modern implementation of DBM
www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+
devel/ruby-gnome2-atk [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x or later
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2013Q4] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
graphics/py-seqdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Simple sequence-diagram image generator
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Pure Ruby implementation of pkg-config
graphics/ruby-gnome2-rsvg [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of librsvg
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
graphics/ruby-gnome2-cairo-gobject [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of cairo-gobject
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdk3 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of GDK3
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Media stream downloader
net/drill [pkgsrc-2013Q4] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
security/cy2-gssapi [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Cyrus SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
misc/ruby-typed-array [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Provides methods for creating type-enforced Arrays
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Display command output on the whole screen like top
security/ruby-simple_oauth [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
devel/ruby-gnome2-gobject-introspection [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of Gobject Introspection
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2013Q4] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
security/cy2-plain [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2013Q4] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SWF output library
security/cy2-scram [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
security/cy2-ntlm [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
devel/py-funcparserlib [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2013Q4] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Flash-based photo album generator
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2013Q4] M17N engine for IBus platform
devel/py-msgpack [pkgsrc-2013Q4] MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
textproc/groonga [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Fulltext search engine and column store
textproc/ruby-text [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Collection of text algorithms for Ruby
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2013Q4] System monitoring tool, documentation
graphics/ruby-gnome2-goocanvas [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of GooCanvas
misc/colorblind [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Pixel Filter for colorblind accessibility
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Alias for __PACKAGE__
graphics/py-nwdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Simple network-diagram image generator
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Cyrus IMAP server
www/py-webcolors [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk3 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of GTK+-3.x
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
net/mikutter [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Simple, powerful, and moeful twitter client
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
security/cy2-digestmd5 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview3 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of gtksourceview3
devel/npapi-sdk [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Reusable, released NPAPI-SDK
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Library for simplified DNS programming
devel/cmake-fedora [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
meta-pkgs/ruby-gnome2 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Set of Ruby language bindings for GNOME2
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q4] MeCab java module
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby interface of QDBM
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2013Q4] VNC server for real X displays
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Perl interface of lzmalib
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
math/py-roman [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
multimedia/gnome-mplayer [pkgsrc-2013Q4] GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2013Q4] M Emacs Lisp Library
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2013Q4] C++ API for QDBM
math/ruby-spreadsheet [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2013Q4] LDAP extension module for Ruby
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Perl interface of QDBM
devel/py-testtools [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
www/ruby-multipart-post [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Multilingualization library
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2013Q4] CGI scripts of QDBM
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Documents for the m17n library
x11/ruby-gnome2-vte [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of vte
graphics/py-actdiag [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Simple activity-diagram image generator
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2013Q4] The m17n database used by the m17n library
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
security/cy2-ldapdb [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
security/cy2-crammd5 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Java API of QDBM
security/ruby-twitter_oauth [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth
security/cy2-login [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Ruby binding of GTK+-2.x
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
security/cy2-otp [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2013Q4] PRIME client for emacsen
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
security/cy2-anonymous [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2013Q4] IBus client for GNU Emacs
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Romaji-Kana conversion library
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Thai language support routines
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Portable C compiler
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Handwriting recognition engine
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SCIM onscreen input pad
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Table engine for IBus platform
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2013Q4] MeCab perl module
textproc/py-markdown2 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2013Q4] RD-document-based presentation application
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Python bindings for Ming library
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2013Q4] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Twitter realtime API client
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q4] CaboCha perl module
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese Tegaki project handwriting model (light)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
textproc/CRF++ [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Yet Another CRF toolkit
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2013Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2013Q4] The intelligent phonetic input method library
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
devel/ruby-msgpack [pkgsrc-2013Q4] MessagePack implementation for Ruby
converters/pyzy [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2013Q4] YamCha ruby module
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2013Q4] CaboCha ruby module
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Milter to use milters effectively
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Perl multicast socket IO
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2013Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2013Q4] X Virtual Keyboard Library
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2014Q1] ISC Standard Resolver Library
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Perl interface of lzmalib
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Pure Ruby implementation of pkg-config
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SWF output library
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
textproc/ruby-text [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Collection of text algorithms for Ruby
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of GTK+-2.x
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Portable C compiler
graphics/ruby-gnome2-cairo-gobject [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of cairo-gobject
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdkpixbuf [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview2 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of gtksourceview2
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
devel/ruby-gnome2-atk [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x or later
security/ruby-twitter_oauth [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2014Q1] ASCII art to image converter
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2014Q1] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q1] YamCha python module
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Cyrus IMAP server
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/py-markdown2 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q1] YamCha ruby module
security/cyrus-saslauthd [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
meta-pkgs/ruby-gnome2 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Set of Ruby language bindings for GNOME2
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Library for simplified DNS programming
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2014Q1] The intelligent phonetic input method library
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SJ3 Japanese input method
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q1] UIM helper program for Tomoe
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2014Q1] VNC server for real X displays
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Zinnia python module
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Flash-based photo album generator
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2014Q1] The m17n database used by the m17n library
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q1] MeCab python module
net/drill [pkgsrc-2014Q1] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2014Q1] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
inputmethod/ibus-python [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Python library for Intelligent Input Bus
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Documents for the m17n library
devel/ruby-gnome2-gobject-introspection [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of Gobject Introspection
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2014Q1] CGI scripts of QDBM
security/cy2-digestmd5 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
graphics/ruby-gnome2-clutter [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of Clutter
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
security/cy2-plain [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Full-text search system
security/cy2-sql [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Cyrus SASL SQL authentication plugin
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q1] CaboCha perl module
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q1] MeCab java module
security/cyrus-sasl [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Simple Authentication and Security Layer
www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk2 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+ for GTK2+
devel/py-msgpack [pkgsrc-2014Q1] MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q1] CaboCha python module
graphics/ruby-gnome2-goocanvas [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of GooCanvas
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Thai language support routines
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2014Q1] RD-document-based presentation application
devel/msgpack [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Binary-based efficient object serialization library
www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+
devel/npapi-sdk [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Reusable, released NPAPI-SDK
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Garbage collector supporting library
misc/ruby-typed-array [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Provides methods for creating type-enforced Arrays
sysutils/ruby-libnotify [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding for libnotify
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2014Q1] System monitoring tool, documentation
devel/gyp [pkgsrc-2014Q1] GYP can Generate Your Projects
www/ruby-multipart-post [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Full-text search system for communities
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2014Q1] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Suikyo conversion table
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Perl multicast socket IO
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
www/py-webcolors [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2014Q1] LDAP extension module for Ruby
print/ruby-gnome2-poppler [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of poppler-glib
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby interface of QDBM
math/py-roman [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Suffix array library and tools
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2014Q1] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
graphics/py-Pillow [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Python Imaging Library (Fork)
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby IRC library
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Modern implementation of DBM
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
mail/im [pkgsrc-2014Q1] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
devel/py-funcparserlib [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
devel/ruby-gnome2-gio [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of gio-2.0.x
converters/pyzy [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Record vnc session as flash movie
sysutils/user_cygwin [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Limited NetBSD-compatible useradd/groupadd commands
graphics/py-blockdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk3 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of GTK+-3.x
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Milter to use milters effectively
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Cyrus IMAP server
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2014Q1] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
textproc/groonga [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Fulltext search engine and column store
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
editors/medit [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Programming and around-programming text editor
www/ruby-faraday [pkgsrc-2014Q1] HTTP/REST API client library
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Multilingualization library
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
devel/py-testtools [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
security/cy2-ntlm [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
devel/ruby-ole [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
devel/ruby-test-unit-notify [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Test result notify extension for Ruby Test::Util
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2014Q1] M Emacs Lisp Library
devel/ruby-gnome2-pango [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of pango-1.x
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q1] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
devel/cmake-fedora [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese Tegaki project handwriting model (light)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2014Q1] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
textproc/swath [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Smart Word Analysis for THai
devel/ruby-msgpack [pkgsrc-2014Q1] MessagePack implementation for Ruby
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
graphics/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of Clutter-GTK
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q1] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2014Q1] X Virtual Keyboard Library
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Input Pad for IBus
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Zinnia perl module
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Smart Common Input Method
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
security/cy2-ldapdb [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
security/cy2-gssapi [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Cyrus SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tiny Support Vector Machines
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Zinnia ruby module
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tegaki integration in ibus
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2014Q1] UPnP AV Mediaserver
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q1] MeCab perl module
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2014Q1] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Python bindings for Ming library
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/libskk [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Library to deal with Japnese kana-to-kanji conversion method
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SJ3 Japanese input method server
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] IBus T9 Input Method
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SCIM onscreen input pad
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Handwriting recognition engine
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q1] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2014Q1] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2014Q1] PRIME client for emacsen
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
textproc/CRF++ [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Yet Another CRF toolkit
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q1] CaboCha ruby module
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2014Q1] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
math/ruby-spreadsheet [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
multimedia/gnome-mplayer [pkgsrc-2014Q1] GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Twitter realtime API client
devel/ruby-gnome2-glib [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of GLib-2.x
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2014Q1] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
graphics/ruby-gnome2-rsvg [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of librsvg
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2014Q1] IBus client for GNU Emacs
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2014Q1] M17N engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Python wrapper for Input Pad
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
inputmethod/ibus-libthai [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Thai imput method engine for IBus based on libthai library
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2014Q1] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
net/mikutter [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Simple, powerful, and moeful twitter client
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tegaki integration in SCIM
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Media stream downloader
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Table engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Java API of QDBM
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
graphics/py-actdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Simple activity-diagram image generator
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q1] MeCab ruby module
graphics/py-seqdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Simple sequence-diagram image generator
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
graphics/py-nwdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Simple network-diagram image generator
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2014Q1] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Suikyo for Ruby
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Alias for __PACKAGE__
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdk3 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of GDK3
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
misc/colorblind [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Pixel Filter for colorblind accessibility
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby bindings for cairo
multimedia/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gstreamer [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of Clutter-GStreamer
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2014Q1] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
multimedia/ruby-gnome2-gstreamer [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of GStreamer 1.0.x or later
devel/gmtk [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Gnome-mplayer toolkit
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Fcitx ported to SCIM
security/cy2-crammd5 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Intelligent Input Bus
security/cy2-anonymous [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
security/cy2-login [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby Binding of Sary
devel/py-ordereddict [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Drop-in substitute for Py2.7s new collections.OrderedDict
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2014Q1] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
security/ruby-simple_oauth [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Display command output on the whole screen like top
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2014Q1] PHP extension for Ming library
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
net/rabbiter [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Twitter client for Rabbit
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview3 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of gtksourceview3
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Suikyo documents
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q1] YamCha perl module
security/cy2-otp [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
security/cy2-scram [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2014Q1] C++ API for QDBM
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Perl interface of QDBM
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Romaji-Kana conversion library
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Python syntax highlighter
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
x11/ruby-gnome2-vte [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Ruby binding of vte
devel/npapi-sdk [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Reusable, released NPAPI-SDK
misc/colorblind [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Pixel Filter for colorblind accessibility
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Twitter realtime API client
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2014Q2] The m17n database used by the m17n library
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby interface of QDBM
net/drill [pkgsrc-2014Q2] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tegaki integration in SCIM
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Alias for __PACKAGE__
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
devel/cmake-fedora [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
devel/ruby-test-unit-notify [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Test result notify extension for Ruby Test::Util
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview3 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of gtksourceview3
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk3 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of GTK+-3.x
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
multimedia/ruby-ming [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
devel/ruby-gnome2-gobject-introspection [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of Gobject Introspection
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q2] YamCha perl module
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Library for simplified DNS programming
misc/ruby-typed-array [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Provides methods for creating type-enforced Arrays
devel/gyp [pkgsrc-2014Q2] GYP can Generate Your Projects
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk2 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+ for GTK2+
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q2] MeCab python module
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Multilingualization library
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q2] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2014Q2] VNC server for real X displays
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q2] YamCha python module
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
multimedia/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gstreamer [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of Clutter-GStreamer
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2014Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2014Q2] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2014Q2] C++ API for QDBM
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
devel/py-testtools [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Documents for the m17n library
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SJ3 Japanese input method server
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Handwriting recognition engine
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
lang/sigscheme [pkgsrc-2014Q2] R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
net/rabbiter [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Twitter client for Rabbit
devel/py-msgpack [pkgsrc-2014Q2] MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Suffix array library and tools
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Cyrus IMAP server
devel/py-funcparserlib [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Pure Ruby implementation of pkg-config
devel/ruby-ole [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
devel/libgcroots [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Garbage collector supporting library
devel/ruby-gnome2-gio [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of gio-2.0.x
devel/ruby-gnome2-atk [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x or later
devel/py-ordereddict [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Drop-in substitute for Py2.7s new collections.OrderedDict
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2014Q2] M Emacs Lisp Library
multimedia/gnome-mplayer [pkgsrc-2014Q2] GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
security/cy2-digestmd5 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
security/cyrus-saslauthd [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2014Q2] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
security/cy2-ntlm [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2014Q2] LDAP extension module for Ruby
security/ruby-twitter_oauth [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth
security/cy2-login [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
inputmethod/ibus-python [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Python library for Intelligent Input Bus
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2014Q2] CGI scripts of QDBM
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Perl interface of QDBM
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SCIM onscreen input pad
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2014Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2014Q2] RD-document-based presentation application
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Smart Common Input Method
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
meta-pkgs/ruby-gnome2 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Set of Ruby language bindings for GNOME2
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tegaki integration in ibus
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q2] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Java API of QDBM
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
math/ruby-spreadsheet [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Zinnia perl module
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2014Q2] PRIME client for emacsen
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Zinnia python module
sysutils/ruby-libnotify [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding for libnotify
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Zinnia ruby module
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Fcitx ported to SCIM
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2014Q2] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Input Pad for IBus
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Full-text search system for communities
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
devel/msgpack [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Binary-based efficient object serialization library
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
security/cy2-plain [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
multimedia/ruby-gnome2-gstreamer [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of GStreamer 1.0.x or later
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Thai language support routines
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Table engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2014Q2] IBus client for GNU Emacs
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdk3 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of GDK3
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Full-text search system
graphics/ruby-gnome2-cairo-gobject [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of cairo-gobject
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2014Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2014Q2] M17N engine for IBus platform
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Media stream downloader
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2014Q2] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Display command output on the whole screen like top
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Perl multicast socket IO
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
graphics/py-actdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Simple activity-diagram image generator
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2014Q2] LDAP server side protocol handling
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2014Q2] ASCII art to image converter
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SJ3 Japanese input method
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q2] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
devel/ruby-gnome2-pango [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of pango-1.x
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Romaji-Kana conversion library
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby IRC library
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q2] CaboCha python module
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2014Q2] ISC Standard Resolver Library
editors/medit [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Programming and around-programming text editor
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] IBus T9 Input Method
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2014Q2] The intelligent phonetic input method library
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q2] MeCab perl module
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Python wrapper for Input Pad
devel/ruby-delayer [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby module to delay the processing
security/cyrus-sasl [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Simple Authentication and Security Layer
graphics/py-Pillow [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Python Imaging Library (Fork)
print/ruby-gnome2-poppler [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of poppler-glib
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
security/cy2-gssapi [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Cyrus SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
www/py-webcolors [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q2] YamCha ruby module
devel/gmtk [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Gnome-mplayer toolkit
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
math/py-roman [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2014Q2] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
inputmethod/ibus-libthai [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Thai imput method engine for IBus based on libthai library
inputmethod/libskk [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Library to deal with Japnese kana-to-kanji conversion method
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
security/cy2-crammd5 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
security/cy2-otp [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
security/cy2-sql [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Cyrus SASL SQL authentication plugin
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2014Q2] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
graphics/py-blockdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
converters/pyzy [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Perl interface of lzmalib
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q2] MeCab java module
net/mikutter [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Simple, powerful, and moeful twitter client
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Suikyo conversion table
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
devel/ruby-gnome2-glib [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of GLib-2.x
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
graphics/py-nwdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Simple network-diagram image generator
textproc/swath [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Smart Word Analysis for THai
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
security/ruby-simple_oauth [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
misc/libkkc-data [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Language model data for libkkc
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
inputmethod/ibus-kkc [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Japanese KKC input method for ibus
inputmethod/uim-chewing [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Chewing im for uim
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
security/cy2-scram [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
textproc/libpinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Library to deal with pinyin
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
graphics/ruby-gnome2-clutter [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of Clutter
www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tiny Support Vector Machines
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Modern implementation of DBM
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
graphics/ruby-gnome2-rsvg [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of librsvg
inputmethod/ibus-libpinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Intelligent Pinyin engine based on libpinyin for IBus
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese Tegaki project handwriting model (light)
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby bindings for cairo
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
textproc/CRF++ [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Yet Another CRF toolkit
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview2 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of gtksourceview2
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
converters/libkkc [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Japanese Kana Kanji conversion library
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q2] MeCab ruby module
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2014Q2] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
www/ruby-faraday [pkgsrc-2014Q2] HTTP/REST API client library
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby Binding of Sary
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Suikyo documents
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q2] CaboCha perl module
multimedia/ming [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SWF output library
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Record vnc session as flash movie
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of GTK+-2.x
x11/ruby-gnome2-vte [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of vte
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
devel/ruby-msgpack [pkgsrc-2014Q2] MessagePack implementation for Ruby
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
graphics/py-seqdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Simple sequence-diagram image generator
graphics/ruby-gnome2-goocanvas [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of GooCanvas
www/ruby-multipart-post [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Flash-based photo album generator
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
mail/im [pkgsrc-2014Q2] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
textproc/py-markdown2 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
textproc/groonga [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Fulltext search engine and column store
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Cyrus IMAP server
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
graphics/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of Clutter-GTK
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
graphics/jbigkit [pkgsrc-2014Q2] JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdkpixbuf [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x
security/cy2-ldapdb [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Milter to use milters effectively
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
multimedia/php-ming [pkgsrc-2014Q2] PHP extension for Ming library
multimedia/py-ming [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Python bindings for Ming library
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2014Q2] System monitoring tool, documentation
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2014Q2] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
textproc/ruby-text [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Collection of text algorithms for Ruby
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Portable C compiler
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2014Q2] UPnP AV Mediaserver
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
sysutils/user_cygwin [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Limited NetBSD-compatible useradd/groupadd commands
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2014Q2] X Virtual Keyboard Library
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Suikyo for Ruby
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
security/cy2-anonymous [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Python syntax highlighter
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q2] CaboCha ruby module
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q2] UIM helper program for Tomoe
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
devel/py-funcparserlib [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q3] MeCab perl module
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Python wrapper for Input Pad
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Fcitx ported to SCIM
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Zinnia perl module
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SJ3 Japanese input method server
inputmethod/ibus-python [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Python library for Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/libskk [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Library to deal with Japnese kana-to-kanji conversion method
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Zinnia python module
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Table engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Smart Common Input Method
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SJ3 Japanese input method
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk2 [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+ for GTK2+
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Suffix array library and tools
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Perl interface of QDBM
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Java API of QDBM
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2014Q3] C++ API for QDBM
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
graphics/py-Pillow [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Python Imaging Library (Fork)
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Flash-based photo album generator
graphics/ruby-gnome2-cairo-gobject [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of cairo-gobject
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2014Q3] RD-document-based presentation application
multimedia/ruby-gnome2-gstreamer [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of GStreamer 1.0.x or later
multimedia/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gstreamer [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of Clutter-GStreamer
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q3] MeCab java module
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2014Q3] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Full-text search system
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby Binding of Sary
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
textproc/CRF++ [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Yet Another CRF toolkit
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q3] YamCha perl module
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q3] CaboCha perl module
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q3] MeCab ruby module
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q3] YamCha ruby module
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
meta-pkgs/ruby-gnome2 [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Set of Ruby language bindings for GNOME2
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q3] MeCab python module
graphics/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of Clutter-GTK
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q3] CaboCha ruby module
graphics/py-actdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Simple activity-diagram image generator
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby interface of QDBM
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2014Q3] PRIME client for emacsen
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q3] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Input Pad for IBus
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Modern implementation of DBM
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
x11/libfakekey [pkgsrc-2014Q3] X Virtual Keyboard Library
net/mikutter [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Simple, powerful, and moeful twitter client
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of GTK+-2.x
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2014Q3] System monitoring tool, documentation
sysutils/ruby-libnotify [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding for libnotify
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Cyrus IMAP server
graphics/py-seqdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Simple sequence-diagram image generator
graphics/ruby-gnome2-clutter [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of Clutter
graphics/ruby-gnome2-goocanvas [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of GooCanvas
devel/ruby-gnome2-pango [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of pango-1.x
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2014Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
graphics/py-nwdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Simple network-diagram image generator
devel/ruby-gnome2-gobject-introspection [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of Gobject Introspection
textproc/ruby-text [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Collection of text algorithms for Ruby
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2014Q3] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q3] YamCha python module
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Milter to use milters effectively
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby IRC library
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2014Q3] IBus T9 Input Method
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tegaki integration in ibus
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
inputmethod/ibus-kkc [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Japanese KKC input method for ibus
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tegaki integration in SCIM
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese Tegaki project handwriting model (light)
converters/pyzy [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
www/py-webcolors [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q3] CaboCha python module
www/ruby-faraday [pkgsrc-2014Q3] HTTP/REST API client library
security/ruby-simple_oauth [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
security/cy2-scram [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2014Q3] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
inputmethod/uim-chewing [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Chewing im for uim
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
inputmethod/ibus-libthai [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Thai imput method engine for IBus based on libthai library
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/drill [pkgsrc-2014Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
devel/py-msgpack [pkgsrc-2014Q3] MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2014Q3] LDAP extension module for Ruby
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2014Q3] CGI scripts of QDBM
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
www/ruby-multipart-post [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/ibus-libpinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Intelligent Pinyin engine based on libpinyin for IBus
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby bindings for cairo
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+
x11/ruby-gnome2-vte [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of vte
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2014Q3] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
graphics/ruby-gnome2-rsvg [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of librsvg
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2014Q3] UPnP AV Mediaserver
multimedia/gnome-mplayer [pkgsrc-2014Q3] GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview2 [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of gtksourceview2
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk3 [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of GTK+-3.x
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Display command output on the whole screen like top
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Documents for the m17n library
security/cy2-sql [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Cyrus SASL SQL authentication plugin
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2014Q3] VNC server for real X displays
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2014Q3] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview3 [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of gtksourceview3
devel/ruby-gnome2-gio [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of gio-2.0.x
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
devel/cmake-fedora [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Portable C compiler
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tiny Support Vector Machines
math/ruby-spreadsheet [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
editors/medit [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Programming and around-programming text editor
math/py-roman [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
security/cy2-login [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
security/cyrus-sasl [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Simple Authentication and Security Layer
security/cy2-digestmd5 [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
security/cy2-crammd5 [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
security/cy2-otp [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
security/cy2-gssapi [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Cyrus SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
security/cyrus-saslauthd [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
security/cy2-ldapdb [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
security/cy2-anonymous [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
misc/ruby-typed-array [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Provides methods for creating type-enforced Arrays
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2014Q3] The m17n database used by the m17n library
misc/libkkc-data [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Language model data for libkkc
misc/m17n-contrib [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
net/rabbiter [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Twitter client for Rabbit
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2014Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/libbind [pkgsrc-2014Q3] ISC Standard Resolver Library
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2014Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2014Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Media stream downloader
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Twitter realtime API client
devel/ruby-ole [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
devel/gmtk [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Gnome-mplayer toolkit
devel/ruby-delayer [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby module to delay the processing
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Python syntax highlighter
devel/py-ordereddict [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Drop-in substitute for Py2.7s new collections.OrderedDict
devel/ruby-msgpack [pkgsrc-2014Q3] MessagePack implementation for Ruby
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Thai language support routines
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2014Q3] M Emacs Lisp Library
devel/msgpack [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Binary-based efficient object serialization library
devel/ruby-gnome2-glib [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of GLib-2.x
devel/ruby-test-unit-notify [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Test result notify extension for Ruby Test::Util
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Multilingualization library
devel/ruby-gnome2-atk [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x or later
devel/py-testtools [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Pure Ruby implementation of pkg-config
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
print/ruby-gnome2-poppler [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of poppler-glib
textproc/swath [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Smart Word Analysis for THai
textproc/groonga [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Fulltext search engine and column store
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
textproc/libpinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Library to deal with pinyin
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Romaji-Kana conversion library
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Suikyo conversion table
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Suikyo documents
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Full-text search system for communities
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Cyrus IMAP server
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdkpixbuf [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdk3 [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby binding of GDK3
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2014Q3] ASCII art to image converter
converters/libkkc [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Japanese Kana Kanji conversion library
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2014Q3] IBus client for GNU Emacs
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q3] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2014Q3] M17N engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q3] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q3] UIM helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
security/cy2-ntlm [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
devel/npapi-sdk [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Reusable, released NPAPI-SDK
graphics/py-blockdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2014Q3] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
sysutils/user_cygwin [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Limited NetBSD-compatible useradd/groupadd commands
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Record vnc session as flash movie
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Perl interface of lzmalib
security/ruby-twitter_oauth [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth
security/cy2-plain [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
mail/im [pkgsrc-2014Q3] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2014Q3] The intelligent phonetic input method library
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Zinnia ruby module
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Handwriting recognition engine
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2014Q3] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q3] SCIM onscreen input pad
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
security/cy2-digestmd5 [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
security/cy2-ldapdb [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
mail/libsieve [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk2 [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+ for GTK2+
sysutils/pdumpfs [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9s dumpfs
multimedia/ushare [pkgsrc-2014Q4] UPnP AV Mediaserver
textproc/p5-cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q4] CaboCha perl module
textproc/p5-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q4] MeCab perl module
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
textproc/py-cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q4] CaboCha python module
textproc/py-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q4] MeCab python module
multimedia/gnome-mplayer [pkgsrc-2014Q4] GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
multimedia/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gstreamer [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of Clutter-GStreamer
devel/ruby-test-unit-notify [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Test result notify extension for Ruby Test::Util
sysutils/user_cygwin [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Limited NetBSD-compatible useradd/groupadd commands
textproc/suikyo-elisp [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
devel/py-ordereddict [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Drop-in substitute for Py2.7s new collections.OrderedDict
math/py-roman [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
misc/ruby-progressbar [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
textproc/ruby-escape [pkgsrc-2014Q4] HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
textproc/ruby-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q4] MeCab ruby module
inputmethod/scim-hangul [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
math/TinySVM [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tiny Support Vector Machines
textproc/ruby-sary [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby Binding of Sary
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk3 [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of GTK+-3.x
textproc/ruby-suikyo [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Suikyo for Ruby
inputmethod/scim-anthy [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
textproc/ruby-text [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Collection of text algorithms for Ruby
textproc/py-yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q4] YamCha python module
inputmethod/scim-unikey [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
textproc/ruby-yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q4] YamCha ruby module
inputmethod/ibus-m17n [pkgsrc-2014Q4] M17N engine for IBus platform
inputmethod/brise [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Official Rime Schema repository
devel/ruby-msgpack [pkgsrc-2014Q4] MessagePack implementation for Ruby
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q4] UIM helper program for Tomoe
inputmethod/m17n-im-config [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Configuration input methods of the m17n library
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tegaki integration in ibus
textproc/tokyodystopia [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Full-text search system
inputmethod/sj3-server [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SJ3 Japanese input method server
inputmethod/scim-python [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
mail/cyrus-imapd24 [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Cyrus IMAP server
inputmethod/uim-chewing [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Chewing im for uim
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Kimera helper program for Tomoe
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
www/mimetex [pkgsrc-2014Q4] CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Portable C compiler
meta-pkgs/ruby-gnome2 [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Set of Ruby language bindings for GNOME2
textproc/CRF++ [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Yet Another CRF toolkit
inputmethod/ibus-rime [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Rime Input Method Engine for Linux/IBus
inputmethod/scim-prime [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese Tegaki project handwriting model (light)
inputmethod/scim-pinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
inputmethod/sj3 [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SJ3 Japanese input method
textproc/suikyo-docs [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Suikyo documents
textproc/mecab-jumandic [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
inputmethod/scim-chewing [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
inputmethod/kimera [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
textproc/p5-yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q4] YamCha perl module
inputmethod/scim-tomoe [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
inputmethod/scim-tables [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
textproc/java-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
inputmethod/input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q4] On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2014Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
misc/libkkc-data [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Language model data for libkkc
inputmethod/ibus-table-others [pkgsrc-2014Q4] All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
inputmethod/ibus-pinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/ibus-libpinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Intelligent Pinyin engine based on libpinyin for IBus
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of GTK+-2.x
inputmethod/ibus-chewing [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Chewing engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/ibus-array [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Array 30 Input Method for iBus
inputmethod/ibus-anthy [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Anthy engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/gtk-im-libthai [pkgsrc-2014Q4] GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
textproc/suikyo [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Romaji-Kana conversion library
textproc/py-xlrd [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files
devel/gmtk [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Gnome-mplayer toolkit
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview3 [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of gtksourceview3
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
textproc/groonga [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Fulltext search engine and column store
inputmethod/tegaki-tools [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
archivers/lzmalib [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Thin wrapper library of LZMA
archivers/p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Perl interface of lzmalib
textproc/sary [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Suffix array library and tools
x11/eekboard [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Virtual keyboard for GNOME
math/ruby-spreadsheet [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
inputmethod/ibus-handwrite [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Handwrite recognizer for ibus
inputmethod/scim-thai [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
devel/m17n-lib [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Multilingualization library
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
graphics/py-aafigure [pkgsrc-2014Q4] ASCII art to image converter
inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Chinese tables for IBus-Table
databases/qdbm-plus [pkgsrc-2014Q4] C++ API for QDBM
inputmethod/prime [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
graphics/ruby-rcairo [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby bindings for cairo
inputmethod/tomoe [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Handwriting recognition engine
databases/qdbm-cgi [pkgsrc-2014Q4] CGI scripts of QDBM
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdkpixbuf [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x
graphics/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of Clutter-GTK
inputmethod/ibus-skk [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
devel/ruby-gnome2-glib [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of GLib-2.x
inputmethod/p5-zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Zinnia perl module
inputmethod/scim-canna [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
inputmethod/scim-ccinput [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
textproc/py-pygments [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Python syntax highlighter
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdk3 [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of GDK3
graphics/ruby-gnome2-clutter [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of Clutter
inputmethod/scim-fcitx [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Fcitx ported to SCIM
databases/ruby-qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby interface of QDBM
textproc/swath [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Smart Word Analysis for THai
textproc/cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
inputmethod/py-input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Python wrapper for Input Pad
devel/ruby-gnome2-gio [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of gio-2.0.x
textproc/hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Full-text search system for communities
inputmethod/scim-m17n [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
textproc/mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
net/libdlna [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Reference DLNA open-source implementation
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2014Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/drill [pkgsrc-2014Q4] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/rabbiter [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Twitter client for Rabbit
graphics/py-seqdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Simple sequence-diagram image generator
inputmethod/scim-skk [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for skk
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2014Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
textproc/mecab-base [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
graphics/py-nwdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Simple network-diagram image generator
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Library for simplified DNS programming
graphics/libotf [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
inputmethod/ibus-libthai [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Thai imput method engine for IBus based on libthai library
devel/libthai [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Thai language support routines
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Perl multicast socket IO
inputmethod/ibus-input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Input Pad for IBus
graphics/py-actdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Simple activity-diagram image generator
textproc/yaml-cpp [pkgsrc-2014Q4] YAML parser and emitter for C++
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
misc/m17n-docs [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Documents for the m17n library
security/cy2-login [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
security/cy2-scram [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
security/cyrus-sasl [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Simple Authentication and Security Layer
security/cyrus-saslauthd [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
misc/topless [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Display command output on the whole screen like top
audio/ruby-mp3info [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
multimedia/ruby-gnome2-gstreamer [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of GStreamer 1.0.x or later
inputmethod/ibus-qt [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
net/msdl [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Media stream downloader
inputmethod/ibus-kkc [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Japanese KKC input method for ibus
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2014Q4] System monitoring tool, documentation
databases/java-qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Java API of QDBM
devel/cmake-fedora [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
inputmethod/ibus-python [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Python library for Intelligent Input Bus
inputmethod/scim-array [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
graphics/ruby-gnome2-cairo-gobject [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of cairo-gobject
textproc/py-cElementTree [pkgsrc-2014Q4] C implementation of Python ElementTree API
textproc/libpinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Library to deal with pinyin
net/ruby-twitter-stream [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Twitter realtime API client
graphics/ruby-gnome2-rsvg [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of librsvg
security/cy2-crammd5 [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
inputmethod/ibus-table [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Table engine for IBus platform
graphics/py-Pillow [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Python Imaging Library (Fork)
inputmethod/im-ja [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
graphics/py-blockdiag [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
devel/py-extras [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Useful extra bits for Python
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
inputmethod/libchewing [pkgsrc-2014Q4] The intelligent phonetic input method library
databases/ruby-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
devel/ruby-memoize [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
devel/ruby-pkg-config [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Pure Ruby implementation of pkg-config
devel/ruby-gnome2-pango [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of pango-1.x
devel/npapi-sdk [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Reusable, released NPAPI-SDK
inputmethod/py-zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Zinnia python module
inputmethod/tegaki-train [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
devel/py-funcparserlib [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
devel/libdatrie [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Implementation of Double-Array Trie
devel/ruby-gnome2-gobject-introspection [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of Gobject Introspection
devel/msgpack [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Binary-based efficient object serialization library
inputmethod/ruby-zinnia [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Zinnia ruby module
devel/ruby-ole [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
databases/qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
databases/tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/lua-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
inputmethod/scim-sinhala [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
inputmethod/novel-pinyin [pkgsrc-2014Q4] HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
textproc/ruby-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
graphics/rabbit [pkgsrc-2014Q4] RD-document-based presentation application
databases/p5-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Modern implementation of DBM
databases/ruby-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/ruby-ldap [pkgsrc-2014Q4] LDAP extension module for Ruby
databases/java-tokyocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
databases/p5-qdbm [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Perl interface of QDBM
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
textproc/java-mecab [pkgsrc-2014Q4] MeCab java module
devel/ruby-delayer [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby module to delay the processing
archivers/ruby-bz2 [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
textproc/ruby-htree [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
textproc/yamcha [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
devel/cutter [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
graphics/vnc2swf [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Record vnc session as flash movie
mail/enma [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
multimedia/gmediaserver [pkgsrc-2014Q4] UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
textproc/ruby-hikidoc [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
devel/py-babel [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
textproc/ruby-pure-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
mail/im [pkgsrc-2014Q4] E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
devel/py-msgpack [pkgsrc-2014Q4] MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
inputmethod/scim-tegaki [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tegaki integration in SCIM
textproc/suikyo-conv-table [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Suikyo conversion table
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
x11/x11vnc [pkgsrc-2014Q4] VNC server for real X displays
security/ruby-twitter_oauth [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth
print/ruby-gnome2-poppler [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of poppler-glib
textproc/java-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
security/cy2-otp [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
security/pam-af [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Anti-bruteforce PAM module
security/cy2-sql [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Cyrus SASL SQL authentication plugin
devel/mell [pkgsrc-2014Q4] M Emacs Lisp Library
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
misc/m17n-db [pkgsrc-2014Q4] The m17n database used by the m17n library
databases/p5-tokyotyrant [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
databases/kyotocabinet [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Straightforward implementation of DBM
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2014Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
mail/cyrus-imapd23 [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Cyrus IMAP server
inputmethod/scim [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Smart Common Input Method
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
security/cy2-plain [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
inputmethod/ibus-hangul [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Hangul engine for IBus input platform
inputmethod/scim-uim [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
inputmethod/prime-el [pkgsrc-2014Q4] PRIME client for emacsen
security/ruby-simple_oauth [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
inputmethod/scim-input-pad [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SCIM onscreen input pad
inputmethod/ibus-unikey [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
graphics/x11rec [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
inputmethod/ibus-el [pkgsrc-2014Q4] IBus client for GNU Emacs
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview2 [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of gtksourceview2
inputmethod/libskk [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Library to deal with Japnese kana-to-kanji conversion method
inputmethod/prime-dict [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
www/ruby-multipart-post [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP
www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+
www/ruby-div [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
www/py-webcolors [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS
inputmethod/zinnia-tomoe [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
mail/milter-manager [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Milter to use milters effectively
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk [pkgsrc-2014Q4] GUI library for tomoes GTK+ GUI parts
chat/ruby-net-irc [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby IRC library
net/libupnp [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/sj3-client [pkgsrc-2014Q4] SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
x11/ruby-gnome2-vte [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of vte
converters/opencc [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Convertion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese
converters/libkkc [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Japanese Kana Kanji conversion library
textproc/ruby-cabocha [pkgsrc-2014Q4] CaboCha ruby module
inputmethod/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
inputmethod/scim-tables-vietnamese-ext [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
converters/pyzy [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library
security/cy2-gssapi [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Cyrus SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
security/ruby-oauth [pkgsrc-2014Q4] OAuth Core Ruby implementation
net/mikutter [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Simple, powerful, and moeful twitter client
security/cy2-anonymous [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
security/cy2-ntlm [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
www/ruby-faraday [pkgsrc-2014Q4] HTTP/REST API client library
misc/ruby-typed-array [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Provides methods for creating type-enforced Arrays
inputmethod/tegaki-python [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Base Python library for the Tegaki project
editors/medit [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Programming and around-programming text editor
www/ja-trac [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
inputmethod/ibus-t9 [pkgsrc-2014Q4] IBus T9 Input Method
inputmethod/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
inputmethod/tegaki-recognize [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Tegaki project integration in the desktop
graphics/zphoto [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Flash-based photo album generator
www/py-genshi [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
converters/skf [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
converters/kcc [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
devel/ruby-gnome2-atk [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x or later
sysutils/ruby-notify [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
net/corebird [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Native Gtk+ Twitter Client
sysutils/ruby-libnotify [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Ruby binding for libnotify
textproc/mecab-ipadic [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
devel/py-testtools [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
textproc/p5-native-hyperestraier [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
inputmethod/librime [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Rime input method engine
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2015Q1] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/drill [pkgsrc-2015Q1] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2015Q1] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2015Q1] System monitoring tool, documentation
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Perl multicast socket IO
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2015Q1] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Portable C compiler
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2015Q1] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Secure radius proxy
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2015Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2015Q2] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2015Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Portable C compiler
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2015Q2] System monitoring tool, documentation
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Perl multicast socket IO
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Secure radius proxy
net/drill [pkgsrc-2015Q2] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2015Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Alias for __PACKAGE__
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/net/drill [pkgsrc-2015Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/net/ldns [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2015Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Secure radius proxy
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2015Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
misc/libreoffice43 [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Office productivity suite, 4.x branch
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2015Q3] System monitoring tool, documentation
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2015Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2015Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2015Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2015Q3] System monitoring tool, documentation
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Portable C compiler
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2015Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Secure radius proxy
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2015Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice43 [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Office productivity suite, 4.x branch
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Portable C compiler
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
net/drill [pkgsrc-2015Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2015Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2015Q4] System monitoring tool, documentation
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2015Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2015Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2015Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
net/drill [pkgsrc-2015Q4] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2015Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Library for simplified DNS programming
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
misc/libreoffice43 [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Office productivity suite, 4.x branch
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Perl multicast socket IO
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Portable C compiler
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Secure radius proxy
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2016Q1] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2016Q1] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Perl multicast socket IO
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Alias for __PACKAGE__
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Secure radius proxy
net/drill [pkgsrc-2016Q1] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2016Q1] System monitoring tool, documentation
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Portable C compiler
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2016Q1] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
misc/libreoffice43 [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Office productivity suite, 4.x branch
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2016Q1] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Library for simplified DNS programming
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2016Q2] LDAP server side protocol handling
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2016Q2] System monitoring tool, documentation
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2016Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
misc/libreoffice43 [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Office productivity suite, 4.x branch
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Portable C compiler
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2016Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Library for simplified DNS programming
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Secure radius proxy
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
net/drill [pkgsrc-2016Q2] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2016Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Perl multicast socket IO
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Portable C compiler
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2016Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2016Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Secure radius proxy
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2016Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2016Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/drill [pkgsrc-2016Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2016Q3] System monitoring tool, documentation
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
misc/libreoffice43 [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Office productivity suite, 4.x branch
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2016Q4] System monitoring tool, documentation
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Perl multicast socket IO
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
misc/libreoffice43 [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Office productivity suite, 4.x branch
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Portable C compiler
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2016Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Secure radius proxy
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2016Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/drill [pkgsrc-2016Q4] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2016Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2016Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Portable C compiler
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2017Q1] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2017Q1] System monitoring tool, documentation
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Library for simplified DNS programming
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/drill [pkgsrc-2017Q1] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Perl multicast socket IO
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2017Q1] LDAP server side protocol handling
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Secure radius proxy
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2017Q1] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Alias for __PACKAGE__
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2017Q1] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2017Q2] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
net/drill [pkgsrc-2017Q2] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Library for simplified DNS programming
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Perl multicast socket IO
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2017Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2017Q2] System monitoring tool, documentation
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2017Q2] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2017Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2017Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Alias for __PACKAGE__
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Secure radius proxy
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Portable C compiler
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
net/drill [pkgsrc-2017Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2017Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2017Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2017Q3] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2017Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2017Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2017Q3] System monitoring tool, documentation
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Portable C compiler
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Secure radius proxy
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2017Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2017Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Library for simplified DNS programming
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Perl multicast socket IO
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Secure radius proxy
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2017Q4] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2017Q4] System monitoring tool, documentation
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2017Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/drill [pkgsrc-2017Q4] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Portable C compiler
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2017Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2018Q1] LDAP server side protocol handling
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/drill [pkgsrc-2018Q1] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Perl multicast socket IO
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2018Q1] System monitoring tool, documentation
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2018Q1] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2018Q1] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2018Q1] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2018Q1] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Portable C compiler
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Library for simplified DNS programming
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Secure radius proxy
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Alias for __PACKAGE__
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Portable C compiler
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Secure radius proxy
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Perl multicast socket IO
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2018Q2] System monitoring tool, documentation
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2018Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2018Q2] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
net/drill [pkgsrc-2018Q2] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2018Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2018Q2] LDAP server side protocol handling
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Alias for __PACKAGE__
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2018Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
net/drill [pkgsrc-2018Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2018Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2018Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2018Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2018Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Portable C compiler
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2018Q3] System monitoring tool, documentation
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2018Q3] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Secure radius proxy
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2018Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Perl multicast socket IO
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2018Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Alias for __PACKAGE__
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Secure radius proxy
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2018Q4] System monitoring tool, documentation
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Portable C compiler
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2018Q4] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2018Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2018Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/drill [pkgsrc-2018Q4] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2019Q1] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2019Q1] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Portable C compiler
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2019Q1] LDAP server side protocol handling
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2019Q1] System monitoring tool, documentation
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2019Q1] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/drill [pkgsrc-2019Q1] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Secure radius proxy
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2019Q1] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2019Q1] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Perl multicast socket IO
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/radsecproxy [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Secure radius proxy
net/drill [pkgsrc-2019Q2] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Portable C compiler
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2019Q2] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2019Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Perl multicast socket IO
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2019Q2] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2019Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2019Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2019Q2] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
sysutils/munin-doc [pkgsrc-2019Q2] System monitoring tool, documentation
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/drill [pkgsrc-2019Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2019Q3] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2019Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2019Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2019Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2019Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Portable C compiler
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2019Q3] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Library for simplified DNS programming
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Portable C compiler
net/drill [pkgsrc-2019Q4] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
security/softhsm2 [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2019Q4] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2019Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2019Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
security/opendnssec2 [pkgsrc-2019Q4] OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Perl multicast socket IO
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2019Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2019Q4] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2019Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Alias for __PACKAGE__
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
security/softhsm2 [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Portable C compiler
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Alias for __PACKAGE__
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
net/drill [pkgsrc-2020Q1] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2020Q1] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2020Q1] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2020Q1] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2020Q1] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Perl multicast socket IO
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2020Q1] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
security/opendnssec2 [pkgsrc-2020Q1] OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2020Q1] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2020Q2] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Portable C compiler
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Library for simplified DNS programming
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2020Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Alias for __PACKAGE__
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/drill [pkgsrc-2020Q2] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
security/softhsm2 [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2020Q2] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2020Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
security/opendnssec2 [pkgsrc-2020Q2] OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2020Q2] LDAP server side protocol handling
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2020Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Perl multicast socket IO
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2020Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2020Q3] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2020Q3] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
security/opendnssec2 [pkgsrc-2020Q3] OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Portable C compiler
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2020Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/drill [pkgsrc-2020Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2020Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2020Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
security/softhsm2 [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Perl multicast socket IO
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2020Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2020Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2020Q4] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2020Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
net/drill [pkgsrc-2020Q4] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
security/opendnssec2 [pkgsrc-2020Q4] OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Alias for __PACKAGE__
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2020Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2020Q4] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Portable C compiler
security/softhsm2 [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2021Q1] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2021Q1] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2021Q1] LDAP server side protocol handling
security/opendnssec2 [pkgsrc-2021Q1] OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2021Q1] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
www/ap-auth-mellon [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Alias for __PACKAGE__
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Perl multicast socket IO
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
security/softhsm2 [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
net/drill [pkgsrc-2021Q1] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Portable C compiler
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2021Q1] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2021Q1] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Perl multicast socket IO
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2021Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2021Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2021Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
security/opendnssec2 [pkgsrc-2021Q2] OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Portable C compiler
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2021Q2] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2021Q2] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/drill [pkgsrc-2021Q2] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2021Q2] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
security/softhsm2 [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2021Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
security/py-denyhosts [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2021Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Portable C compiler
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
security/opendnssec2 [pkgsrc-2021Q3] OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
security/softhsm2 [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2021Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2021Q3] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2021Q3] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/drill [pkgsrc-2021Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2021Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
net/drill [pkgsrc-2021Q4] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Portable C compiler
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
security/softhsm2 [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2021Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Alias for __PACKAGE__
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
security/opendnssec2 [pkgsrc-2021Q4] OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2021Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2021Q4] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2021Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Perl multicast socket IO
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2021Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2021Q4] ExaBGP is a userspace BGP daemon written in python
security/opendnssec2 [pkgsrc-2022Q1] OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Library for simplified DNS programming
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2022Q1] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
net/drill [pkgsrc-2022Q1] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Portable C compiler
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
security/softhsm2 [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Alias for __PACKAGE__
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2022Q1] BGP swiss army knife
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2022Q1] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Perl multicast socket IO
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2022Q1] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2022Q1] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2022Q1] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Library for simplified DNS programming
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Portable C compiler
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2022Q2] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2022Q2] BGP swiss army knife
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2022Q2] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2022Q2] LDAP server side protocol handling
net/drill [pkgsrc-2022Q2] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2022Q2] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Perl multicast socket IO
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
security/softhsm2 [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2022Q2] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
security/opendnssec2 [pkgsrc-2022Q2] OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Perl multicast socket IO
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2022Q3] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/drill [pkgsrc-2022Q3] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2022Q3] LDAP server side protocol handling
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2022Q3] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Portable C compiler
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2022Q3] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2022Q3] BGP swiss army knife
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Library for simplified DNS programming
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2022Q3] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Alias for __PACKAGE__
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
security/softhsm2 [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
security/opendnssec2 [pkgsrc-2022Q3] OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
net/p5-IO-Interface [pkgsrc-2022Q4] IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
geography/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server [pkgsrc-2022Q4] LDAP server side protocol handling
security/softhsm2 [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
security/opendnssec2 [pkgsrc-2022Q4] OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
graphics/p5-Chart-ThreeD [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Perl multicast socket IO
math/p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
x11/tk-Tix [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler [pkgsrc-2022Q4] MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
x11/asnap [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Generate SQL from Perl data structures
net/tcptraceroute6 [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
net/drill [pkgsrc-2022Q4] DNSSEC debugging tool ala dig
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Random password generator based on FIPS-181
lang/pcc-current [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Portable C compiler
graphics/p5-GIFgraph [pkgsrc-2022Q4] GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
net/p5-DNS-LDNS [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
net/fmirror [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
lang/parrot [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
net/p5-Net-XWhois [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
net/ldns [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Library for simplified DNS programming
devel/p5-CLASS [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Alias for __PACKAGE__
net/exabgp [pkgsrc-2022Q4] BGP swiss army knife
net/fstrm [pkgsrc-2022Q4] C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol