The following packages were found for maintainer:
Restricting search to CURRENT branch. (Show all branches)

shells/pdksh Free clone of the AT&T Korn shell
www/wmd Simple, lightweight WYSIWYM Markdown editor
mail/qmail-autoresponder Rate-limited autoresponder for qmail
wip/py-p4 Perforce SCM Python API
sysutils/user_darwin Limited NetBSD-compatible useradd/groupadd commands
wip/p4d Perforce SCM server
devel/p5-Term-ProgressBar-Simple Simpler progress bars
security/knc Kerberised NetCat
sysutils/daemontools-run Configures daemontools to run supervised services
misc/wemux Easier, more powerful multi-user terminal multiplexing
sysutils/service-config Utility to create and configure svscan service directories
lang/execline The execline scripting language
misc/s6-portable-utils Tiny portable generic utilties
textproc/p5-Text-Nimble Elegant markup language for a more civilized age
sysutils/daemontools-encore Collection of tools for managing UNIX services
sysutils/checkpassword-pam PAM checkpassword-compatible authentication program
sysutils/etckeeper Store /etc in git, mercurial, bzr or darcs
textproc/py-feedparser5 Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python
sysutils/checkpassword Simple, uniform password-checking interface to all root applications
security/nacl Secure, usable, fast networking and cryptography library
math/djbfft Extremely fast library for floating-point convolution
audio/mp3splt Command line utility to split MP3 (VBR supported) and OGG files
devel/apenwarr-redo Python implementation of DJBs redo build tool
www/httpfile Secure HTTP server derived from publicfile
net/ucspi-tcp6 Command-line tools for building TCP client-server applications
pkgtools/rc.d-boot Run package rc.d scripts at boot on any supported OS
net/publicfile Secure read-only HTTP and FTP servers
net/ucspi-tools SOCKS proxy and TLS support for UCSPI
www/superscript-shttpd HTTP daemons designed to complement publicfile
textproc/lua-xapian Lua bindings for Xapian search engine
net/fd-proxy Glue for making a TCP proxy using ucspi-tcp tools
graphics/pikchr PIC-like markup language for diagrams
textproc/xapian Probabilistic Information Retrieval search engine
security/tlswrapper UCSPI/inetd-style TLS encryption wrapper
sysutils/sleepwatcher Run a Unix command on macOS sleep or wake events
devel/libtai Library for storing and manipulating dates and times
shells/sheldon Fast, configurable shell plugin manager
sysutils/xe Simple xargs and apply replacement
net/dq Recursive DNS/DNSCurve server
graphics/ruby-screengif Create animated gif screencasts
graphics/circos Concise, explanatory, unique and print-ready data visualization
net/ucspi-ipc UCSPI local-domain client-server command-line tools
net/djbdns Collection of secure and reliable DNS tools
net/s6-dns Suite of DNS client programs and libraries
net/ucspi-proxy Proxy between an UCSPI client and server
net/openconnect Open source VPN client
mail/swaks Featureful, flexible, scriptable SMTP test tool
mail/qmailanalog Collection of tools to help analyze qmails activity
mail/smtpd-starttls-proxy STARTTLS implementation for inetd-like mail servers
devel/mob Swift git handover during remote mob programming
devel/jdebp-redo C++ implementation of DJBs redo build tool
devel/cvsps Generates patchset information from a CVS repository
editors/ce Chets Emacs: small, fast emacs-like editor
sysutils/s6 The s6 supervision suite
devel/py-empty-files Null Object pattern for files
net/ucspi-udp Unix Client-Server interface utilities for UDP
net/ucspi-ssl Command-line tools for SSL client-server applications
net/fehqlibs State-of-the-art C routines for Internet services
devel/dlcompat Library for dlopen() emulation on Darwin
pkgtools/rcorder Print a dependency ordering of interdependent files
misc/toilet Free replacement for the FIGlet utility
net/prettyping Wrapper to colorize and simplify pings output
net/tinydyndns Simple and powerful dynamic DNS solution
sysutils/memtester Utility for testing the memory subsystem for faults
devel/p5-Pegex Create equivalent parsers in lots of programming languages
devel/p5-Reply Perl read, eval, print, loop, yay!
devel/py-approvaltests Assertion/verification library to aid testing
net/ucspi-tcp Command-line tools for building TCP client-server applications
net/vpnc-script Improved config script for OpenConnect and vpnc
mail/relay-ctrl Allows relaying via POP/IMAP-before-SMTP
mail/qmail-acceptutils TLS and AUTH for qmail without patching
mail/qsmtp Drop-in replacement for qmail-smtpd and qmail-remote
mail/greetdelay Introduces a small delay before an SMTP greeting
mail/bincimap IMAP server for Maildir using checkpassword
mail/queue-repair Check or correct most corruptions of the queue in qmail
devel/ruby-approvaltests Assertion/verification library to aid testing
devel/gng Run (or create) each projects own Gradle wrapper
devel/asdf Manage each of your project runtimes with a single tool
devel/p5-Class-XPath Perl5 module for XPath-style matching in object trees
devel/syncdir Synchronous open, link, rename, and unlink
mail/libsrs2 Implementation of the Sender Rewriting Scheme for SMTP forwarding
devel/check Unit test framework for C
devel/leahneukirchen-redo Redo build system implemented in portable C
devel/bglibs Collection of libraries by Bruce Guenter
mail/rss2email Get RSS feeds emailed to you
mail/qmail Community-driven open-source successor to qmail
security/py-tlslite SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, and TLS 1.1 in Python
print/lilypond GNU Music Typesetter
print/brlaser CUPS driver for Brother laser printers
mail/autorespond Simple autoresponder add-on package for qmail
mail/queue-fix Check and repair the qmail queue structure
mail/greylisting-spp Plugin for qmail-spp that provides greylisting
mail/fastforward Sendmail-style /etc/aliases support for qmail
mail/qmail-rejectutils Configurable SMTP rejection for qmail without patching
mail/nopop3d POP3 server for when you dont want mail
mail/qtraceaddr Illustrates how qmail would deliver to an address
mail/pymsgauth Automatically process qsecretary confirmation requests
mail/qconfirm Request delivery confirmation for mail
mail/qmHandle Tool to view and manage the qmail message queue
mail/qmail-lint Examine the qmail configuration for common errors
mail/qmqtool View and safely modify qmail queue
mail/serialmail Tools for passing mail across serial links
mail/qremote Experimental qmail-remote replacement with CurveCP support
mail/qgreylist Simple greylisting for qmail
mail/dot-forward Reads sendmails .forward files under qmail
mail/qmail-qfilter Multi-filter front end for qmail-queue
mail/p5-Mail-Ezmlm Perl5 module for managing ezmlm mailing lists
textproc/csharp-xapian C# bindings for Xapian search engine
textproc/py-feedparser Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python
textproc/py-html2text Convert HTML into easy-to-read plain ASCII text
textproc/discount Markdown C implementation
textproc/highlight Converts source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting
textproc/p5-sdf Simple Document Format to generate multiple output formats
textproc/p5-Xapian Perl bindings for Xapian search engine
textproc/py-xapian Python bindings for Xapian search engine
textproc/p5-Swim Plain text markup language that converts to many formats
textproc/p5-Search-Xapian Perl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library
textproc/p5-File-ReadBackwards Perl 5 module to read a file backwards by lines
textproc/p5-Text-WikiCreole Translate Wiki Creole markup into XHTML
textproc/p5-Text-Typography Markup ASCII text with correct typography for HTML
textproc/p5-highlight Converts source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting (Perl bindings)
audio/solfege Practice several musical ear training exercises
audio/mp3splt-gtk Utility to split MP3 (VBR supported) and OGG files
audio/libmp3splt Split mp3, ogg vorbis and FLAC without decoding
math/djbsort Library for sorting arrays of integers
meta-pkgs/qmail-server Ingredients for typical qmail-based mail server
net/tinydyndns-run Configures tinydyndns to serve and update records
devel/p5-Gravatar-URL Make URLs for Gravatars from an email address
devel/p5-FindBin-libs Locate and a use lib or export directories based on FindBin::Bin
devel/skalibs The C system programming library
sysutils/fdtools Manipulate file descriptor properties from shell scripts
sysutils/qpasswd Password-checking tools for many authentication schemes
sysutils/qlogtools Tools useful in analyzing logs from qmail and other pkgs
wip/ausweisapp2 Authenticate with your German ID or residence permit
textproc/xapian-omega Search engine application for websites using Xapian
textproc/tcl-xapian Tcl bindings for Xapian search engine
textproc/php-xapian PHP bindings for Xapian search engine
devel/p5-App-Prove-Plugin-ProgressBar-Each Per-test-script progress bar for Perl prove(1)
devel/texttest Tool for text-based Approval Testing
devel/py-approval-utilities Utilities for your production code that work well with approvaltests
devel/cpputest Unit testing and mocking framework for C/C++
devel/swagger-codegen Generate clients, server stubs, and docs from an OpenAPI spec
devel/p5-Test-BDD-Cucumber Feature-complete Cucumber-style testing in Perl
devel/shellspec Full-featured BDD unit testing for POSIX shells
time/leapsunpack Creates libtai leapsecs.dat from compressed table
devel/p5-Ouch Exceptions that dont hurt
devel/p5-Term-ProgressBar-Quiet Provide a progress meter if run interactively
devel/p5-Test-More-Behaviour BDD module for Perl modeled after Rspec
net/djbdns-run Configures djbdns to cache and serve queries
net/djbdnscurve6 Fork of djbdns with IPv6 and DNSCurve support
mail/mailfront Mail server network protocol front-ends
mail/spamdyke Filters incoming SMTP connections to qmail
mail/mb2md Converts one or more mboxes to maildirs
mail/safecat Write data safely to a maildir
mail/qmail-spp-spf Plugin for qmail-spp that performs SPF lookups
mail/qmail-run Configures qmail to receive and deliver mail
mail/newspipe Read RSS/Atom feeds as email messages
mail/ezmlm-idx Version of ezmlm with enhancements by third parties
mail/mess822 Library for parsing Internet mail messages
audio/qtplay QuickTime command-line player
devel/goredo Go implementation of djbs redo
mail/nullmailer Simple relay-only mail transport agent
multimedia/mp4tools Join and split MP4 files
databases/p5-App-Sqitch Sensible database change management
databases/cdb Creates and reads constant databases
www/p5-Playwright Perl client for Playwright
security/cvm Credential Validation Modules
misc/exercism Command line tool for
shells/bash-preexec Preexec and precmd hook functions a la zsh
textproc/libhighlight Converts source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting (shared library)
misc/chatgpt-shell-cli Shell script to use OpenAIs ChatGPT and DALL-E
sysutils/checkpw Password-checking tools for password files in Maildir
sysutils/fp-checkpassword DJB-style checkpassword program for Dovecot passdb
sysutils/daemontools Service monitoring and logging utilities by djb
devel/cvs-for-gits Make CVS a bit more Gittish
sysutils/checkpassword-phpbb DJB-style checkpassword for phpBB MySQL userdb
sysutils/qmail-dovecot-checkpassword DJB-style checkpassword for Dovecot auth socket
www/ikiwiki Flexible static site generator with dynamic features
mail/ezmlm Easy-to-use, high-speed mailing list manager for qmail
mail/feed2exec The programmable feed reader
mail/getmail Secure, flexible, reliable fetchmail replacement
devel/p5-App-Prove-Plugin-ProgressBar Progress bar for Perl prove(1)
textproc/p5-Text-Markdown-Discount Convert Markdown to (X)HTML
mail/qtools Utilities for filtering via .qmail
security/libtcpa TCPA libraries and test programs from IBM
devel/libowfat Library of general purpose APIs
devel/p5-Cucumber-TagExpressions Cucumber tag expression parser
net/p5-Net-OAuth2 OAuth 2.0 implementation in Perl
net/ucspi-unix UCSPI client and server for Unix domain sockets
net/tcpexec Minimal UCSPI inetd
net/s6-networking Suite of small networking utilities
devel/p5-Test-Continuous Run your Perl test suite continuously when developing
www/tipidee Minimalistic web server
devel/git-crawl Crawl through git commits
mail/qmail-conf Collection of tools for setting up qmail services
sysutils/ssh-agent-switcher SSH agent proxy for tmux
mail/smtp-delay Introduce SMTP banner delays for qmail
chat/twitch-tui Twitch chat in the terminal
mail/p5-Mail-Qmail-Queue Modules to talk to and/or help replace qmail-queue
net/shibari Collection of DNS tools for Unix systems
mail/p5-Mail-Qmail-Filter Modules for filtering between qmail-smtpd and qmail-queue
textproc/ruby-xapian Ruby bindings for Xapian search engine
mail/p5-Qmail-Deliverable Deliverability check daemon for qmail
mail/dkimproxy SMTP proxy that signs and/or verifies emails
mail/libdkim Portable library that signs and verifies emails
mail/qmail-dkim-wrappers Sign and verify DKIM without patching qmail
www/snac Simple, minimalistic ActivityPub instance
devel/sharness Shell library to test your tools like Git does
mail/php-vmailmgr Virtual domain manager for qmail (PHP bindings)
mail/py-vmailmgr Virtual domain manager for qmail (Python bindings)
mail/vmailmgr-base Virtual domain manager for qmail (base package)
mail/vmailmgr-cgi Virtual domain manager for qmail (cgi programs)
mail/vmailmgr-courier-imap Virtual domain manager for qmail (Courier authentication)
mail/vmailmgr-docs Virtual domain manager for qmail (docs)
devel/aceunit Advanced C and Embedded Unit test framework
mail/vmailmgr Virtual domain manager for qmail
sysutils/mlog Merge log files by timestamp
devel/ruby-jirametrics Export Jira data and generate reports
devel/go-tcr TCR (Test and Commit or Revert) utility
security/py-aws-sso-util Smooth out the rough edges of AWS SSO
devel/py-aws-sso-lib Library to make AWS SSO easier
devel/py-aws-error-utils Error-handling functions for boto3/botocore
wip/p4api Perforce SCM C/C++ API
wip/aws-session-manager-plugin AWS CLI plugin to start/end sessions to your instances
wip/p4 Perforce SCM command-line client
net/py-awscli-plugin-logs-tail CloudWatch Logs tail command plugin for AWS CLI
security/go-mkcert Make locally trusted development certificates
devel/myrepos Treat multiple repositories as one combined repository
devel/codeberg-cli CLI for codeberg and forgejo similar to gh, glab and tea