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CVS Commit History:

   2011-12-16 13:15:16 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (4) | Imported package
Log message:
Importing devel/ruby-activesupport31 package version 3.1.3.

## Rails 3.1.1 (October 7, 2011) ##

*   ruby193: String#prepend is also unsafe *Akira Matsuda*

*   Fix obviously breakage of Time.=== for Time subclasses *jeremyevans*

*   Added fix so that file store does not raise an exception when cache dir does
    not exist yet. This can happen if a delete_matched is called before anything
    is saved in the cache. *Philippe Huibonhoa*

*   Fixed performance issue where TimeZone lookups would require tzinfo each \ 
time *Tim Lucas*

*   ActiveSupport::OrderedHash is now marked as extractable when using \ 
Array#extract_options! *Prem Sichanugrist*

## Rails 3.1.0 (August 30, 2011) ##

*   ActiveSupport::Dependencies#load and ActiveSupport::Dependencies#require now
    return the value from `super` *Aaron Patterson*

*   Fixed ActiveSupport::Gzip to work properly in Ruby 1.8 *Guillermo Iguaran*

*   Kernel.require_library_or_gem was deprecated and will be removed in Rails \ 
3.2.0 *Josh Kalderimis*

*   ActiveSupport::Duration#duplicable? was fixed for Ruby 1.8 *thedarkone*

*   ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger set log encoding to BINARY, but still use text
    mode to output portable newlines. *fxn*

*   ActiveSupport::Dependencies now raises NameError if it finds an existing \ 
constant in load_missing_constant. This better reflects the nature of the error \ 
which is usually caused by calling constantize on a nested constant. *Andrew \ 

*   Deprecated ActiveSupport::SecureRandom in favour of SecureRandom from the \ 
standard library *Jon Leighton*

*   New reporting method Kernel#quietly. *fxn*

*   Add String#inquiry as a convenience method for turning a string into a \ 
StringInquirer object *DHH*

*   Add Object#in? to test if an object is included in another object *Prem \ 
Sichanugrist, Brian Morearty, John Reitano*

*   LocalCache strategy is now a real middleware class, not an anonymous class
    posing for pictures.

*   ActiveSupport::Dependencies::ClassCache class has been introduced for
    holding references to reloadable classes.

*   ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Reference has been refactored to take direct
    advantage of the new ClassCache.

*   Backports Range#cover? as an alias for Range#include? in Ruby 1.8 *Diego \ 
Carrion, fxn*

*   Added weeks_ago and prev_week to Date/DateTime/Time. *Rob Zolkos, fxn*

*   Added before_remove_const callback to \ 
ActiveSupport::Dependencies.remove_unloadable_constants! *Andrew White*

*   JSON decoding now uses the multi_json gem which also vendors a json engine \ 
called OkJson. The yaml backend has been removed in favor of OkJson as a default \ 
engine for 1.8.x, while the built in 1.9.x json implementation will be used by \ 
default. *Josh Kalderimis*

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