./fonts/py-fonttools, Library for manipulating fonts

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 4.53.1, Package name: py311-fonttools-4.53.1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

FontTools is a library for manipulating fonts, written in Python. It
supports TrueType, OpenType, AFM and to an extent Type 1 and some
Mac-specific formats.

This package also includes TTX: a tool to convert OpenType and TrueType
fonts to and from XML.

Required to run:
[textproc/py-expat] [devel/py-setuptools] [textproc/py-lxml] [filesystems/py-fs] [archivers/py-brotli] [lang/python310] [archivers/py-zopfli]

Required to build:

Master sites:

Filesize: 3371.872 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2024-04-07 23:16:35 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-fonttools: update to 4.51.0.

4.51.0 (released 2024-04-05)

- [ttLib] Optimization on loading aux fields (#3464).
- [ttFont] Add reorderGlyphs (#3468).
   2024-03-17 14:57:26 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-fonttools: update to 4.50.0.

4.50.0 (released 2024-03-15)

- [pens] Added decomposing filter pens that draw components as regular contours \ 
- [instancer] Drop explicit no-op axes from TupleVariations (#3457).
- [cu2qu/ufo] Return set of modified glyph names from fonts_to_quadratic (#3456).
   2024-02-18 21:58:08 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-fonttools: updated to 4.49.0

4.49.0 (released 2024-02-15)

- [otlLib] Add API for building ``MATH`` table
   2024-02-12 14:58:57 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-fonttools: updated to 4.48.1

4.48.1 (released 2024-02-06)

- Fixed uploading wheels to PyPI, no code changes since v4.48.0.

4.48.0 (released 2024-02-06)

- [varLib] Do not log when there are no OTL tables to be merged.
- [setup.py] Do not restrict lxml<5 any more, tests pass just fine with \ 
- [feaLib] Remove glyph and class names length restrictions in FEA
- [roundingPens] Added ``transformRoundFunc`` parameter to the rounding pens to allow
  for custom rounding of the components' transforms
- [feaLib] Keep declaration order of ligature components within a ligature set, \ 
  of sorting by glyph name
- [feaLib] Fixed ordering of alternates in ``aalt`` lookups, following the \ 
  order of feature references within the ``aalt`` feature block
- [varLib.instancer] Fixed a bug in the instancer's IUP optimization
- [sbix] Support sbix glyphs with new graphicType "flip"
- [svgPathPen] Added ``--glyphs`` option to dump the SVG paths for the named glyphs
  in the font (0572f78).
- [designspaceLib] Added "description" attribute to \ 
``<mappings>`` and ``<mapping>``
  elements, and allow multiple ``<mappings>`` elements to group \ 
``<mapping>`` elements
  that are logically related
- [otlLib] Correctly choose the most compact GSUB contextual lookup format
   2024-01-11 14:08:52 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-fonttools: updated to 4.47.2

4.47.2 (released 2024-01-11)

Minor release to fix uploading wheels to PyPI.

4.47.1 (released 2024-01-11)

- [merge] Improve help message and add standard command line options
- [otlLib] Pass ``ttFont`` to ``name.addName`` in ``buildStatTable``
- [featureVars] Re-use ``FeatureVariationRecord``'s when possible
   2023-12-30 11:28:07 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-fonttools: update to 4.47.0.

4.47.0 (released 2023-12-18)

- [varLib.models] New API for VariationModel: ``getMasterScalars`` and
- [varLib.interpolatable] Various bugfixes and rendering improvements. In particular,
  add a Summary page in the front, and an Index and Table-of-Contents in the back.
  Change the page size to Letter.
- [Docs/designspaceLib] Defined a new ``public.fontInfo`` lib key, not used \ 
anywhere yet (#3358).
   2023-12-07 09:30:20 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-fonttools: update to 4.46.0.

4.46.0 (released 2023-12-02)

- [featureVars] Allow to register the same set of substitution rules to multiple \ 
  The ``addFeatureVariations`` function can now take a list of featureTags; \ 
similarly, the
  lib key 'com.github.fonttools.varLib.featureVarsFeatureTag' can now take a
  comma-separateed string of feature tags (e.g. "salt,ss01") instead \ 
of a single tag (#3360).
- [featureVars] Don't overwrite GSUB FeatureVariations, but append new records to it
  for features which are not already there. But raise ``VarLibError`` if the \ 
feature tag
  already has feature variations associated with it (#3363).
- [varLib] Added ``addGSUBFeatureVariations`` function to add GSUB Feature Variations
  to an existing variable font from rules defined in a DesignSpace document (#3362).
- [varLib.interpolatable] Various bugfixes and rendering improvements. In particular,
  a new test for "underweight" glyphs. The new test reports quite a \ 
few false-positives
  though. Please send feedback.

4.45.1 (released 2023-11-23)

- [varLib.interpolatable] Various bugfixes and improvements, better reporting, \ 
  false positives.
- [ttGlyphSet] Added option to not recalculate glyf bounds (#3348).

4.45.0 (released 2023-11-20)

- [varLib.interpolatable] Vastly improved algorithms. Also available now is ``--pdf``
  and ``--html`` options to generate a PDF or HTML report of the interpolation \ 
  The PDF/HTML report showcases the problematic masters, the interpolated broken
  glyph, as well as the proposed fixed version.
   2023-11-16 07:36:06 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-fonttools: updated to 4.44.3

4.44.3 (released 2023-11-15)

- [subset] Only prune codepage ranges for OS/2.version >= 1, ignore otherwise
- [instancer] Ensure hhea vertical metrics stay in sync with OS/2 ones after \ 
  MVAR table containing 'hasc', 'hdsc' or 'hlgp' tags

4.44.2 (released 2023-11-14)

- [glyf] Have ``Glyph.recalcBounds`` skip empty components (base glyph with no \ 
  when computing the bounding box of composite glyphs. This simply restores the \ 
  behavior before some changes were introduced in fonttools 4.44.0