./textproc/py-sphinx, Python documentation generator

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 8.2.3, Package name: py312-sphinx-8.2.3, Maintainer: markd

Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful
documentation for Python projects (or other documents consisting of multiple
reStructuredText sources), written by Georg Brandl. It was originally
created to translate the new Python documentation, but has now been cleaned
up in the hope that it will be useful to many other projects.

Sphinx uses reStructuredText as its markup language, and many of its
strengths come from the power and straightforwardness of reStructuredText
and its parsing and translating suite, the Docutils.

Although it is still under constant development, the following features are
already present, work fine and can be seen "in action" in the Python docs:
* Output formats: HTML (including Windows HTML Help), plain text and LaTeX,
for printable PDF versions
* Extensive cross-references: semantic markup and automatic links for
functions, classes, glossary terms and similar pieces of information
* Hierarchical structure: easy definition of a document tree, with automatic
links to siblings, parents and children
* Automatic indices: general index as well as a module index
* Code handling: automatic highlighting using the Pygments highlighter
* Various extensions are available, e.g. for automatic testing of snippets
and inclusion of appropriately formatted docstrings.

Required to run:
[textproc/py-docutils] [time/py-pytz] [devel/py-babel] [textproc/py-pygments] [textproc/py-jinja2] [devel/py-requests] [textproc/py-snowballstemmer] [textproc/py-alabaster] [graphics/py-imagesize] [devel/py-packaging] [textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-devhelp] [textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-applehelp] [textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-jsmath] [textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml] [textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-qthelp] [textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp] [lang/python310]

Required to build:

Master sites:

Filesize: 8126.832 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-03-03 10:41:38 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-sphinx: updated to 8.2.3

Release 8.2.3 (released Mar 02, 2025)

Bugs fixed

* Define ``_StrPath.__radd__()``.
* Fix _CurrentDocument membership testing with '{c,cpp}:parent_symbol'.

Release 8.2.2 (released Mar 02, 2025)

Bugs fixed

* Fix argument type for ``jieba.load_userdict()``.
* Add workaround for ``nbsphinx`` implicit imports.
* Ensure inline ``<script/>`` tags are written exactly once.
* apidoc: Fix TOC file not having a title.
   2025-02-23 17:59:26 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (79)
Log message:
*: py-sphinx 8.2 drops support for Python 3.10
   2025-02-23 17:41:56 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-sphinx: update to 8.2.1.

Release 8.2.1 (released Feb 21, 2025)

Bugs fixed

* #13367: Correct spelling of ``highlighting_failure`` in warning sub-type.
  Patch by Bart Kamphorst.
* #13377: Restore support for using ``sphinx.testing.path`` paths with
  Patch by Kazuya Takei.
* #13380: viewcode: Fix importing modules more than once.
  Patch by Dave Hoese.
* #13382: Napoleon: Use the right valid types for configuration values.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* 13376: Fix copying assets from a relative :confval:`html_static_path` entry.
  Patch by Adam Turner.

Release 8.2.0 (released Feb 18, 2025)


* #13000: Drop Python 3.10 support.

Incompatible changes

* #13044: Remove the internal and undocumented ``has_equations`` data
  from the :py:class:`!MathDomain` domain.
  The undocumented :py:meth:`!MathDomain.has_equations` method
  now unconditionally returns ``True``.
  These are replaced by the ``has_maths_elements`` key of the page context dict.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #13227: HTML output for sequences of keys in the :rst:role:`kbd` role
  no longer uses a ``<kbd class="kbd compound">`` element to wrap
  the keys and separators, but places them directly in the relevant parent node.
  This means that CSS rulesets targeting ``kbd.compound`` or ``.kbd.compound``
  will no longer have any effect.
  Patch by Adam Turner.


* #13037: Deprecate the ``SingleHTMLBuilder.fix_refuris`` method.
  Patch by James Addison.
* #13083, #13330: Un-deprecate ``sphinx.util.import_object``.
  Patch by Matthias Geier.

Features added

* #13173: Add a new ``duplicate_declaration`` warning type,
  with ``duplicate_declaration.c`` and ``duplicate_declaration.cpp`` subtypes.
  Patch by Julien Lecomte and Adam Turner.
* #11824: linkcode: Allow extensions to add support for a domain by defining
  the keys that should be present.
  Patch by Nicolas Peugnet.
* #13144: Add a ``class`` option to the :rst:dir:`autosummary` directive.
  Patch by Tim Hoffmann.
* #13146: Napoleon: Unify the type preprocessing logic to allow
  Google-style docstrings to use the optional and default keywords.
  Patch by Chris Barrick.
* #13227: Implement the :rst:role:`kbd` role as a ``SphinxRole``.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #13065: Enable colour by default in when running on CI.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #13230: Allow supressing warnings from the :rst:dir:`toctree` directive
  when a glob pattern doesn't match any documents,
  via the new ``toc.empty_glob`` warning sub-type.
  Patch by Slawek Figiel.
* #9732: Add the new ``autodoc.mocked_object`` warnings sub-type.
  Patch by Cyril Roelandt.
* #7630, #4824: autodoc: Use :file:`.pyi` type stub files
  to auto-document native modules.
  Patch by Adam Turner, partially based on work by Allie Fitter.
* #12975: Enable configuration of trailing commas in multi-line signatures
  in the Python and Javascript domains, via the new
  :confval:`python_trailing_comma_in_multi_line_signatures` and
  configuration options.
* #13264: Rename the :rst:dir:`math` directive's ``nowrap`` option
  to :rst:dir:`math:no-wrap`.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #13269: Added the option to disable the use of type comments in
  via the new :confval:`autodoc_use_type_comments` option,
  which defaults to ``True`` for backwards compatibility.
  The default will change to ``False`` in Sphinx 10.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #9732: Add the new ``ref.any`` warnings sub-type
  to allow suppressing the ambiguous 'any' cross-reference warning.
  Patch by Simão Afonso and Adam Turner.
* #13272: The Python and JavaScript module directives now support
  the ``:no-index-entry:`` option.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #12233: autodoc: Allow directives to use ``:no-index-entry:``
  and include the ``:no-index:`` and ``:no-index-entry:`` options within
  Patch by Jonny Saunders and Adam Turner.
* #13172: Add support for short signatures in autosummary.
  Patch by Tim Hoffmann.
* #13271: Change the signature prefix for abstract methods
  in the Python domain to *abstractmethod* from *abstract*.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #13271: Support the ``:abstract:`` option for
  classes, methods, and properties in the Python domain.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #12507: Add the :ref:`collapsible <collapsible-admonitions>` option
  to admonition directives.
  Patch by Chris Sewell.
* #8191, #8159: Add :rst:dir:`inheritance-diagram:include-subclasses` option to
  the :rst:dir:`inheritance-diagram` directive.
  Patch by Walter Dörwald.
* #11995: autodoc: Add support for :confval:`python_display_short_literal_types`.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran and Adam Turner.
* #13163: Always print the full context when Sphinx encounters an internal error.
  Patch by Kevin Deldycke and Adam Turner.
* #13105: Introduce the :rst:role:`py:deco` role to cross-reference decorator
  functions and methods in the Python domain.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #9169: Add the :confval:`intersphinx_resolve_self` option
  to resolve an intersphinx reference to the current project.
  Patch by Jakob Lykke Andersen and Adam Turner.
* #11280: Add ability to skip a particular section using the ``no-search`` class.
  Patch by Will Lachance.
* #13326: Remove hardcoding from handling :class:`~sphinx.addnodes.productionlist`
  nodes in all writers, to improve flexibility.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #13335: Use ``misc.highlighting_failure`` subtype for Pygments unknown lexers.
  Patch by Bart Kamphorst.
* #13354: Insert abbreviation nodes (hover text) for positional- and keyword-only
  separators in Python signatures.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #13333: Add the :mod:`sphinx.ext.apidoc` extension,
  to automate API documentation generation from Python modules.
  Patch by Chris Sewell and Adam Turner.

Bugs fixed

* #12463: autosummary: Respect an empty module ``__all__``.
  Patch by Valentin Pratz
* #13060: HTML Search: use ``Map`` to store per-file term scores.
  Patch by James Addison
* #13130: LaTeX docs: ``pdflatex`` index creation may fail for index entries
  in French.  See :confval:`latex_use_xindy`.
  Patch by Jean-François B.
* #13152: LaTeX: fix a typo from v7.4.0 in a default for ``\sphinxboxsetup``.
  Patch by Jean-François B.
* #13096: HTML Search: check that query terms exist as properties in
  term indices before accessing them.
* #11233: linkcheck: match redirect URIs against :confval:`linkcheck_ignore` by
  overriding session-level ``requests.get_redirect_target``.
* #13195: viewcode: Fix issue where import paths differ from the directory
  Patch by Ben Egan and Adam Turner.
* #13188: autodoc: fix detection of class methods implemented in C.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* #1810: Always copy static files when building, regardless of whether
  any documents have changed since the previous build.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #13201: autodoc: fix ordering of members when using ``groupwise``
  for :confval:`autodoc_member_order`. Class methods are now rendered
  before static methods, which themselves are rendered before regular
  methods and attributes.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* #12975: Avoid rendering a trailing comma in C and C++ multi-line signatures.
* #13178: autodoc: Fix resolution for ``pathlib`` types.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #13136: autodoc: Correctly handle multiple inheritance.
  Patch by Pavel Holica
* #13273, #13318: Properly convert command-line overrides for Boolean types.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #13302, #13319: Use the correct indentation for continuation lines
  in :rst:dir:`productionlist` directives.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #13328: Fix parsing of PEP 695 functions with return annotations.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran. Initial work by Arash Badie-Modiri.


* #13224: Correctness fixup for ``test_html_multi_line_copyright``.
  Patch by Colin Watson, applied by James Addison.
   2024-12-06 11:47:03 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
py-sphinx: not for Python 3.9
   2024-10-19 18:12:30 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-sphinx: updated to 8.1.3

Release 8.1.3 (released Oct 13, 2024)

Bugs fixed
* Restore support for :func:`!cut_lines` with no object type.
   2024-10-14 08:46:10 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (325)
Log message:
*: clean-up after python38 removal
   2024-08-10 08:44:19 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
py-sphinx: not for Python 3.9; set correct DEPENDS
   2024-05-05 22:28:45 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
py-sphinx: add missing dependency

py-tomli is also needed for Python 3.10.