./textproc/py-sphinx, Python documentation generator

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 7.4.7, Package name: py311-sphinx-7.4.7, Maintainer: markd

Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful
documentation for Python projects (or other documents consisting of multiple
reStructuredText sources), written by Georg Brandl. It was originally
created to translate the new Python documentation, but has now been cleaned
up in the hope that it will be useful to many other projects.

Sphinx uses reStructuredText as its markup language, and many of its
strengths come from the power and straightforwardness of reStructuredText
and its parsing and translating suite, the Docutils.

Although it is still under constant development, the following features are
already present, work fine and can be seen "in action" in the Python docs:
* Output formats: HTML (including Windows HTML Help), plain text and LaTeX,
for printable PDF versions
* Extensive cross-references: semantic markup and automatic links for
functions, classes, glossary terms and similar pieces of information
* Hierarchical structure: easy definition of a document tree, with automatic
links to siblings, parents and children
* Automatic indices: general index as well as a module index
* Code handling: automatic highlighting using the Pygments highlighter
* Various extensions are available, e.g. for automatic testing of snippets
and inclusion of appropriately formatted docstrings.

Required to run:
[textproc/py-docutils] [time/py-pytz] [devel/py-babel] [textproc/py-pygments] [textproc/py-jinja2] [devel/py-requests] [textproc/py-snowballstemmer] [textproc/py-alabaster] [graphics/py-imagesize] [devel/py-packaging] [textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-devhelp] [textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-applehelp] [textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-jsmath] [textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml] [textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-qthelp] [textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp] [lang/python310]

Required to build:

Master sites:

Filesize: 7878.819 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2024-04-25 00:02:32 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
py-sphinx: fix depends path
   2024-04-21 17:44:44 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-sphinx: update to 7.3.7.

Release 7.3.7 (released Apr 19, 2024)

Bugs fixed

* #12299: Defer loading themes defined via entry points until
  their explicit use by the user or a child theme.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #12305: Return the default value for ``theme.get_config()`` with
  an unsupported theme configuration section.
  Patch by Adam Turner.

Release 7.3.6 (released Apr 17, 2024)

Bugs fixed

* #12295: Re-export all AST types in the C and C++ domains.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #12295: Re-export various objects from ``sphinx.domains.python._annotations``
  in ``sphinx.domains.python``.
  Patch by Jacob Chesslo and Adam Turner.

Release 7.3.5 (released Apr 17, 2024)

Bugs fixed

* #12295: Re-export various objects from ``sphinx.domains.python._object``
  in ``sphinx.domains.python``.
  Patch by Jacob Chesslo and Adam Turner.

Release 7.3.4 (released Apr 17, 2024)

Bugs fixed

* Handle cases when ``Any`` is not an instance of ``type``.
  Patch by Adam Turner.

Release 7.3.3 (released Apr 17, 2024)

Bugs fixed

* #12290: Fix a false-positive warning when setting a configuration value
  with ``Any`` as the valid type to a type other than the value's default.
  Patch by Adam Turner.

Release 7.3.2 (released Apr 17, 2024)

Bugs fixed

* Preload all themes defined via entry points.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* Fix a bad interaction between the ``'Furo'`` theme and the new-style for
  configuration values.
  Patch by Adam Turner.

Release 7.3.1 (released Apr 17, 2024)


* Require ``tomli`` on Python 3.10 and earlier.
  Patch by Adam Turner.

Release 7.3.0 (released Apr 16, 2024)


* #11858: Increase the minimum supported version of Alabaster to 0.7.14.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #11411: Support `Docutils 0.21`_. Patch by Adam Turner.

  .. _Docutils 0.21: \ 
* #12012: Use ``types-docutils`` instead of ``docutils-stubs``.


* #11693: Support for old-style :file:`Makefile` and :file:`make.bat` output
  in :program:`sphinx-quickstart`, and the associated options :option:`!-M`,
  :option:`!-m`, :option:`!--no-use-make-mode`, and :option:`!--use-make-mode`.
* #11285: Direct access to :attr:`!sphinx.testing.util.SphinxTestApp._status`
  or :attr:`!sphinx.testing.util.SphinxTestApp._warning` is deprecated. Use
  the public properties :attr:`!sphinx.testing.util.SphinxTestApp.status`
  and :attr:`!sphinx.testing.util.SphinxTestApp.warning` instead.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* tests: :func:`!sphinx.testing.util.strip_escseq` is deprecated in favour of
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.

Features added

* #12265: Support theme configuration via ``theme.toml``.
* #11701: HTML Search: Adopt the new `\<search\>`_ element.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.

  .. _`\<search\>`: \ 
* #11776: Add long option names to ``sphinx-build``.
  Patch by Hugo van Kemenade, Adam Turner, Bénédikt Tran, and Ezio Melotti.
* Organise the ``sphinx-build`` options into groups.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #11855: Defer computation of configuration values.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* Add ``:no-search:`` as an alias of the ``:nosearch:`` metadata field.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #11803: autodoc: Use an overriden ``__repr__()`` function in an enum,
  if defined. Patch by Shengyu Zhang.
* #11825: Allow custom targets in the manpage role.
  Patch by Nicolas Peugnet.
* #11892: Improved performance when resolving cross references in the C++ domain.
  Patch by Rouslan Korneychuk.
* #11905: Add a :rst:dir:`versionremoved` directive.
  Patch by Hugo van Kemenade, Adam Turner, and C.A.M. Gerlach.
* #11981: Improve rendering of signatures using ``slice`` syntax,
  e.g., ``def foo(arg: np.float64[:,:]) -> None: ...``.
* The manpage builder now adds `OSC 8`_ anchors to hyperlinks, using
  the `groff`_ device control command.

  .. _OSC 8: https://gist.github.com/egmontkob/eb114294efbcd5adb1944c9f3cb5feda
  .. _groff: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2021-10/msg00000.html
* #11015: Change the text of the :rst:dir:`versionadded` directive from
  ``New in [...]`` to ``Added in [...]``.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* #12131: Added :confval:`show_warning_types` configuration option.
  Patch by Chris Sewell.
* #12193: Improve ``external`` warnings for unknown roles.
  In particular, suggest related role names if an object type is mistakenly used.
  Patch by Chris Sewell.
* Add public type alias :class:`sphinx.util.typing.ExtensionMetadata`.
  This can be used by extension developers
  to annotate the return type of their ``setup`` function.
  Patch by Chris Sewell.

Bugs fixed

* #11668: Raise a useful error when ``theme.conf`` is missing.
  Patch by Vinay Sajip.
* #11622: Ensure that the order of keys in ``searchindex.js`` is deterministic.
  Patch by Pietro Albini.
* #11617: ANSI control sequences are stripped from the output when writing to
  a warnings file with :option:`-w <sphinx-build -w>`.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* #11666: Skip all hidden directories in ``CatalogRepository.pofiles``.
  Patch by Aryaz Eghbali.
* #9686: html builder: Fix MathJax lazy loading when equations appear in titles.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* #11483: singlehtml builder: Fix MathJax lazy loading when the index does not
  contain any math equations.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* #11697: HTML Search: add 'noindex' meta robots tag.
  Patch by James Addison.
* #11678: Fix a possible ``ZeroDivisionError`` in ``sphinx.ext.coverage``.
  Patch by Stephen Finucane.
* #11756: LaTeX: build error with recent TeXLive due to missing ``substitutefont``
  package (triggered if using ``fontenc`` with ``T2A`` option and document
  language is not a Cyrillic one).
  Patch by Jean-François B.
* #11675: Fix rendering of progression bars in environments that do not support
  ANSI control sequences.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* #11861: Whitelist more types with an incorrect ``__module__`` attribute.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #11715: Apply ``tls_verify`` and ``tls_cacerts`` config to
  Patch by Nick Touran.
* Allow hyphens in group names for :rst:dir:`productionlist` cross-references.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #11433: Added the :confval:`linkcheck_allow_unauthorized` configuration option.
  Set this option to ``False`` to report HTTP 401 (unauthorized) server
  responses as broken.
  Patch by James Addison.
* #11868: linkcheck: added a distinct ``timeout`` reporting status code.
  This can be enabled by setting :confval:`linkcheck_report_timeouts_as_broken`
  to ``False``.
  Patch by James Addison.
* #11869: Refresh the documentation for the ``linkcheck_timeout`` setting.
  Patch by James Addison.
* #11874: Configure a default 30-second value for ``linkcheck_timeout``.
  Patch by James Addison.
* #11886: Print the Jinja2 template path chain in ``TemplateNotFound`` exceptions.
  Patch by Colin Marquardt.
* #11598: Do not use query components in URLs for assets in EPUB rendering.
  Patch by David Runge.
* #11904: Support unary subtraction when parsing annotations.
  Patch by James Addison.
* #11925: Blacklist the ``sphinxprettysearchresults`` extension; the functionality
  it provides was merged into Sphinx v2.0.0.
  Patch by James Addison.
* #11917: Fix rendering of annotated inherited members for Python 3.9.
  Patch by Janet Carson.
* #11935: C Domain: Fix namespace-pop context.
  Patch by Frank Dana.
* #11923: Avoid zombie processes when parallel builds fail.
  Patch by Felix von Drigalski.
* #11353: Support enumeration classes inheriting from mixin or data types.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* #11962: Fix target resolution when using ``:paramtype:`` fields.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* #11944: Use anchor in search preview.
  Patch by Will Lachance.
* #12008: Fix case-sensitive lookup of ``std:label`` names in intersphinx inventory.
  Patch by Michael Goerz.
* #11958: HTML Search: Fix partial matches overwriting full matches.
  Patch by William Lachance.
* #11959: Fix multiple term matching when word appears in both title and document.
  Patch by Will Lachance.
* #11474: Fix doctrees caching causing files not be rebuilt in some cases,
  e.g., when :confval:`numfig` is ``True``.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* #11278: autodoc: Fix rendering of :class:`functools.singledispatchmethod`
  combined with :func:`@classmethod <classmethod>`.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* #11894: Do not add checksums to css files if building using the htmlhelp builder.
  Patch by reduerK akiM.
* #12052: Remove ``<script>`` and ``<style>`` tags from the content \ 
of search result
  summary snippets.
  Patch by James Addison.
* #11578: HTML Search: Order non-main index entries after other results.
  Patch by Brad King.
* #12147: autosummary: Fix a bug whereby the wrong file extension
  may be used,
  when multiple suffixes are specified in :confval:`source_suffix`.
  Patch by Sutou Kouhei.
* #10786: improve the error message when a file to be copied (e.g., an asset)
  is removed during Sphinx execution.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* #12040: HTML Search: Ensure that document titles that are partially-matched by
  the user search query are included in search results.
  Patch by James Addison.
* #11970: singlehtml builder: make target URIs to be same-document references in
  the sense of :rfc:`RFC 3986, §4.4 <3986#section-4.4>`, e.g., \ 
  becomes ``#foo``. Patch by Eric Norige.
* #12271: Partially revert Docutils' r9562__ to fix EPUB files.
  Patch by Adam Turner.

  __ https://sourceforge.net/p/docutils/code/9562/
* #12253: Escape reserved path characters in the remote images post-transform
  download cache.
  Patch by James Addison and Adam Turner.


* Reorganise tests into directories.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* Clean up global state in ``SphinxTestApp``.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* #11285: :func:`!pytest.mark.sphinx` and :class:`!sphinx.testing.util.SphinxTestApp`
  accept *warningiserror*, *keep_going* and *verbosity* as keyword arguments.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* #11285: :class:`!sphinx.testing.util.SphinxTestApp` *status* and *warning*
  arguments are checked to be :class:`io.StringIO` objects (the public API
  incorrectly assumed this without checking it).
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* Report the result of ``test_run_epubcheck`` as ``skipped`` instead of
  ``success`` when either Java or ``epubcheck`` are not available.
* Use dynamic allocation of unused port numbers for the test HTTP(S) servers.
  As a side-effect, this removes the need for test server lockfiles,
  meaning that any remaining ``tests/test-server.lock`` files can safely be
   2023-11-07 23:38:10 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (112)
Log message:
*: latest py-sphinx only support Python 3.9+
   2023-11-07 23:27:10 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-sphinx: update to 7.2.6.

Release 7.2.6 (released Sep 13, 2023)

Bugs fixed

* #11679: Add the :envvar:`!SPHINX_AUTODOC_RELOAD_MODULES` environment variable,
  which if set reloads modules when using autodoc with ``TYPE_CHECKING = True``.
  Patch by Matt Wozniski and Adam Turner.
* #11679: Use :py:func:`importlib.reload` to reload modules in autodoc.
  Patch by Matt Wozniski and Adam Turner.

Release 7.2.5 (released Aug 30, 2023)

Bugs fixed

* #11645: Fix a regression preventing autodoc from importing modules within
  packages that make use of ``if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:`` to guard circular
  imports needed by type checkers.
  Patch by Matt Wozniski.
* #11634: Fixed inheritance diagram relative link resolution
  for sibling files in a subdirectory.
  Patch by Albert Shih.
* #11659: Allow ``?config=...`` in :confval:`mathjax_path`.
* #11654: autodoc: Fail with a more descriptive error message
  when an object claims to be an instance of ``type``,
  but is not a class.
  Patch by James Braza.
* 11620: Cease emitting :event:`source-read` events for files read via
  the :dudir:`include` directive.
* 11620: Add a new :event:`include-read` for observing and transforming
  the content of included files via the :dudir:`include` directive.
* #11627: Restore support for copyright lines of the form ``YYYY``
  when ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`` is set.

Release 7.2.4 (released Aug 28, 2023)

Bugs fixed

* #11618: Fix a regression in the MoveModuleTargets transform,
  introduced in #10478 (#9662).
* #11649: linkcheck: Resolve hanging tests for timezones west of London
  and incorrect conversion from UTC to offsets from the UNIX epoch.
  Patch by Dmitry Shachnev and Adam Turner.

Release 7.2.3 (released Aug 23, 2023)


* #11576: Require sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.9.

Bugs fixed

* Fix regression in ``autodoc.Documenter.parse_name()``.
* Fix regression in JSON serialisation.
* #11543: autodoc: Support positional-only parameters in ``classmethod`` methods
  when ``autodoc_preserve_defaults`` is ``True``.
* Restore support string methods on path objects.
  This is deprecated and will be removed in Sphinx 8.
  Use :py:func:`os.fspath` to convert :py:class:`~pathlib.Path` objects to strings,
  or :py:class:`~pathlib.Path`'s methods to work with path objects.

Release 7.2.2 (released Aug 17, 2023)

Bugs fixed

* Fix the signature of the ``StateMachine.insert_input()`` patch,
  for when calling with keyword arguments.
* Fixed membership testing (``in``) for the :py:class:`str` interface
  of the asset classes (``_CascadingStyleSheet`` and ``_JavaScript``),
  which several extensions relied upon.
* Fixed a type error in ``SingleFileHTMLBuilder._get_local_toctree``,
  ``includehidden`` may be passed as a string or a boolean.
* Fix ``:noindex:`` for ``PyModule`` and ``JSModule``.

Release 7.2.1 (released Aug 17, 2023)

Bugs fixed

* Restored the the :py:class:`str` interface of the asset classes
  (``_CascadingStyleSheet`` and ``_JavaScript``), which several extensions \ 
relied upon.
  This will be removed in Sphinx 9.
* Restored calls to ``Builder.add_{css,js}_file()``,
  which several extensions relied upon.
* Restored the private API ``TocTree.get_toctree_ancestors()``,
  which several extensions relied upon.

Release 7.2.0 (released Aug 17, 2023)


* #11511: Drop Python 3.8 support.
* #11576: Require Pygments 2.14 or later.


* #11512: Deprecate ``sphinx.util.md5`` and ``sphinx.util.sha1``.
  Use ``hashlib`` instead.
* #11526: Deprecate ``sphinx.testing.path``.
  Use ``os.path`` or ``pathlib`` instead.
* #11528: Deprecate ``sphinx.util.split_index_msg`` and ``sphinx.util.split_into``.
  Use ``sphinx.util.index_entries.split_index_msg`` instead.
* Deprecate ``sphinx.builders.html.Stylesheet``
  and ``sphinx.builders.html.Javascript``.
  Use ``sphinx.application.Sphinx.add_css_file()``
  and ``sphinx.application.Sphinx.add_js_file()`` instead.
* #11582: Deprecate ``sphinx.builders.html.StandaloneHTMLBuilder.css_files`` and
  Use ``sphinx.application.Sphinx.add_css_file()``
  and ``sphinx.application.Sphinx.add_js_file()`` instead.
* #11459: Deprecate ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.preserve_defaults.get_function_def()``.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.

Features added

* #11526: Support ``os.PathLike`` types and ``pathlib.Path`` objects
  in many more places.
* #5474: coverage: Print summary statistics tables.
  Patch by Jorge Leitao.
* #6319: viewcode: Add :confval:`viewcode_line_numbers` to control
  whether line numbers are added to rendered source code.
  Patch by Ben Krikler.
* #9662: Add the ``:no-typesetting:`` option to suppress textual output
  and only create a linkable anchor.
  Patch by Latosha Maltba.
* #11221: C++: Support domain objects in the table of contents.
  Patch by Rouslan Korneychuk.
* #10938: doctest: Add :confval:`doctest_show_successes` option.
  Patch by Trey Hunner.
* #11533: Add ``:no-index:``, ``:no-index-entry:``, and ``:no-contents-entry:``.
* #11572: Improve ``debug`` logging of reasons why files are detected as out of
  Patch by Eric Larson.
* #10678: Emit :event:`source-read` events for files read via
  the :dudir:`include` directive.
  Patch by Halldor Fannar.
* #11570: Use short names when using :pep:`585` built-in generics.
  Patch by Riccardo Mori.
* #11300: Improve ``SigElementFallbackTransform`` fallback logic and signature
  text elements nodes. See :doc:`the documentation </extdev/nodes>` for more
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* Allow running Sphinx with ``python -m sphinx build ...``.

Bugs fixed

* #11077: graphviz: Fix relative links from within the graph.
  Patch by Ralf Grubenmann.
* #11529: Line Block in LaTeX builder outputs spurious empty token.
  Patch by Adrian Vollmer.
* #11196: autosummary: Summary line extraction failed with "e.g."
* #10614: Fixed a number of bugs in inheritance diagrams that resulted in
  missing or broken links.
  Patch by Albert Shih.
* #9428: Exclude substitution definitions when running the ``gettext`` builder.
  Patch by Alvin Wong.
* #10795: Raise a descriptive error if ``graphviz_dot`` is falsy.
* #11546: Translated nodes identical to their original text are now marked
  with the ``translated=True`` attribute.
* #10049: html: Change "Permalink" to "Link" for title text \ 
in link anchors.
* #4225: Relax Pygments parsing on lexing failures.
* #11246: Allow inline links in the first line of a docstring and one-line
  type comments ``#: :meta ...:`` when using :mod:`sphinx.ext.napoleon`.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* #10930: Highlight all search terms on the search results page.
  Patch by Dmitry Shachnev.
* #11473: Type annotations containing :py:data:`~typing.Literal` enumeration
  values now render correctly.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* #11591: Fix support for C coverage in ``sphinx.ext.coverage`` extension.
  Patch by Stephen Finucane.
* #11594: HTML Theme: Enhancements to horizontal scrolling on smaller
  devices in the ``agogo`` theme.
  Patch by Lukas Engelter.
* #11459: Fix support for async and lambda functions in
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.


* #11577: pytest: Fail tests on "XPASS".
* #11577: pytest: Use "importlib" import mode.
* #11577: pytest: Set PYTHONWARNINGS=error.
* #11577: pytest: Set strict config and strict markers.
   2023-10-28 21:57:26 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (516) | Package updated
Log message:
python/wheel.mk: simplify a lot, and switch to 'installer' for installation

This follows the recommended bootstrap method (flit_core, build, installer).

However, installer installs different files than pip, so update PLISTs
for all packages using wheel.mk and bump their PKGREVISIONs.
   2023-08-02 09:16:15 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-sphinx: updated to 7.1.2

Release 7.1.2 (released Aug 02, 2023)

Bugs fixed

* linkcheck: Properly respect :confval:`linkcheck_anchors`
  and do not spuriously report failures to validate anchors.
  Patch by James Addison.

Release 7.1.1 (released Jul 27, 2023)

Bugs fixed

* Fix ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`` in multi-line copyright footer.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.

Release 7.1.0 (released Jul 24, 2023)

Incompatible changes

* Releases are no longer signed, given the `change in PyPI policy`_.

  .. _change in PyPI policy: https://blog.pypi.org/posts/2023-05-23-removing-pgp/


* Emit warnings on using a deprecated Python-specific index entry type
  (namely, ``module``, ``keyword``, ``operator``, ``object``, ``exception``,
  ``statement``, and ``builtin``) in the :rst:dir:`index` directive, and
  set the removal version to Sphinx 9. Patch by Adam Turner.

Features added

* Add a checksum to JavaScript and CSS asset URIs included within
  generated HTML, using the CRC32 algorithm.
* :meth:`~sphinx.application.Sphinx.require_sphinx` now allows the version
  requirement to be specified as ``(major, minor)``.
* Allow configuring a line-length limit for object signatures, via
  :confval:`maximum_signature_line_length` and the domain-specific variants.
  If the length of the signature (in characters) is greater than the configured
  limit, each parameter in the signature will be split to its own logical line.
  This behaviour may also be controlled by options on object description
  directives, for example :rst:dir:`py:function:single-line-parameter-list`.
  Patch by Thomas Louf, Adam Turner, and Jean-François B.
* Support for multiline copyright statements in the footer block.
  Patch by Stefanie Molin
* ``sphinx.util.display.status_iterator`` now clears the current line
  with ANSI control codes, rather than overprinting with space characters.
* linkcheck: Treat SSL failures as broken links.
  Patch by James Addison.
* Keep the ``translated`` attribute on translated nodes.
* Improve the traceback displayed when using :option:`sphinx-build -T`
  in parallel builds. Patch by Bénédikt Tran
* linkcheck: Use session-basd HTTP requests.
* Add support for the :rst:dir:`py:class` and :rst:dir:`py:function`
  directives for PEP 695 (generic classes and functions declarations) and
  PEP 696 (default type parameters).  Multi-line support is enabled
  for type parameters list and can be locally controlled on object description
  directives, e.g., :rst:dir:`py:function:single-line-type-parameter-list`.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* linkcheck: Allow HTML anchors to be ignored on a per-URL basis
  via :confval:`linkcheck_anchors_ignore_for_url` while
  still checking the validity of the page itself.
  Patch by Bénédikt Tran
* Add translation progress statistics and inspection support,
  via a new substitution (``|translation progress|``) and a new
  configuration variable (:confval:`translation_progress_classes`).
  These enable determining the percentage of translated elements within
  a document, and the remaining translated and untranslated elements.

Bugs fixed

* Restored the ``footnote-reference`` class that has been removed in
  the latest (unreleased) version of Docutils.
* Use :rfc:`8081` font file MIME types in the EPUB builder.
  Using the correct MIME type will prevent warnings from ``epubcheck``
  and will generate a valid EPUB.
* Use microsecond-resolution timestamps for outdated file detection
  in ``BuildEnvironment.get_outdated_files``.
* Top-level headings starting with a reStructuredText role
  now render properly when :confval:`rst_prolog` is set.
  Previously, a file starting with the below would have
  improperly rendered due to where the prologue text
  was inserted into the document.

  .. code:: rst

     :mod:`lobster` -- The lobster module


  Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* Fix a ``MemoryError`` in ``sphinx.ext.intersphinx`` when using ``None``
  or ``typing.*`` as inline type references. Patch by Bénédikt Tran (picnixz)


* Always delete ``docutils.conf`` in test directories when running
   2023-08-02 01:20:57 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (158)
Log message:
*: remove more references to Python 3.7
   2023-05-15 23:01:45 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-sphinx: updated to 7.0.1



* Support `Docutils 0.20`_. Patch by Adam Turner.

Bugs fixed

* Clean up remaining references to ``sphinx.setup_command``
  following the removal of support for setuptools.
  Patch by Willem Mulder.