py-jplephem | | Python module to load a JPL ephemeris for dynamical calculations |
py-kabuki (V) | | Easy creation of hierarchical bayesian models |
py-kenv (V) | | Solver of the Kapchinsky-Vladimirsky envelope equation |
py-Keras-Applications | | Reference implementations of popular deep learning models |
py-Keras-Preprocessing | | Data preprocessing and augmentation for deep learning models |
py-kineticlib (V) | | Library for kinetic theory calculations in the multi-temperature |
py-kiwisolver | | Fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver |
py-krylov (V) | | Python package implementing common Krylov methods |
py-krypy (V) | | Krylov subspace methods for linear systems |
py-larry (V) | | Label the rows, columns, any dimension, of your NumPy arrays |
py-lbmpy (V) | | Code Generation for Lattice Boltzmann Methods |
py-lds (V) | | Learning and inference for Gaussian linear dynamical systems |
py-lea (V) | | Discrete probability distributions in Python |
py-lemma (V) | | Mathematical notation for executable and testable Python |
py-lempel-Ziv_Complexity (V) | | Lempel-Ziv complexity for a binary sequence, in naive Python code |
py-libixion | | General purpose formula parser & interpreter |
py-lifelines (V) | | Including Kaplan Meier, Nelson Aalen and regression |
py-linop (V) | | Pythonic abstraction for linear mathematical operators |
py-lmfit | | Least-squares minimization with bounds and constraints |
py-louvain (V) | | Methods of community detection in large networks |
py-lsqfit (V) | | Utilities for nonlinear least-squares fits |
py-math-braid (V) | | Pure python braid group implementation based on sympy |
py-math-snappy (V) | | Program for studying the topology and geometry of 3-manifolds |
py-math3d (V) | | 3D Special Euclidean mathematics package for Python |
py-mathjspy (V) | | Evaluate mathematical expressions in the same manner as MathJS |
py-mathopt (V) | | Optimize mathematical formulas for speed with SymPy |
py-mathpad (V) | | Interface to Sympy for solving physics, engineering and maths problems |
py-mave (V) | | Library for Measurement and Verification |
py-mcerp (V) | | Real-time latin-hypercube-sampling-based Monte Carlo Error Propagation |
py-mcint (V) | | Simple tool to perform numerical integration using MC techniques |
py-mcview (V) | | 3D/graph event viewer for high-energy physics event simulations |
py-mdp (V) | | Modular toolkit for data processing |
py-mpi4y-fft (V) | | Parallel Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) using MPI for Python |
py-mpmath | | Python library for arbitrary-precision FP arithmetic |
py-mpop (V) | | Meteorological post processing package |
py-msdas (V) | | Mass Spectrometry analysis |
py-msumastro (V) | | Process FITS files |
py-multivar-horner (V) | | Multivariate Horner scheme for evaluating multivariate polynomials |
py-munkres | | Munkres algorithm for the Assignment Problem |
py-myfitter (V) | | Maximum Likelihood Fits in Python |
py-mystic (V) | | Constrained non-convex optimization and uncertainty quantification |
py-ncomb (V) | | Python combinatorics library |
py-ncpol2sdpa (V) | | Converter from noncommutative variables to sparse SDPA |
py-netCDF4 | | Object-oriented python interface to netCDF version 4 |
py-networkx | | Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks |
py-neumann (V) | | Python Library for Applied Mathematics in Physical Sciences |
py-neurolab (V) | | Simple and powerfull neural network library for python |
py-nfg (V) | | Python package for implementing and solving Network form games |
py-nimfa (V) | | Python Library for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Techniques |
py-nodepy (V) | | Numerical ODE solvers in Python |
py-noise | | Perlin noise for Python |
py-nphelper (V) | | Convenient numpy helper functions |
py-nptdms (V) | | NumPy based module for reading TDMS files produced by LabView |
py-nptyping | | Type hints for NumPy |
py-nsim (V) | | Simulate systems from ODEs or SDEs, analyze time series |
py-numba | | NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM |
py-numdifftools (V) | | Solves automatic numerical differentiation problems |
py-numexpr | | Numerical expression evaluator for NumPy |
py-numpoly (V) | | Polynomials as a numpy datatype |
py-numpy | | Array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects |
py-numpy-quaternion (V) | | Add a quaternion dtype to NumPy |
py-numpydoc (V) | | Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format |
py-nzmath (V) | | Number theory oriented calculation system |
py-odeint (V) | | Python binding for odeint from boost |
py-openai (V) | | OpenAI Python Library |
py-openopt (V) | | Python module for numerical optimization |
py-opentmm (V) | | OpenTMM is an object-oriented electrodynamic S-matrix |
py-optlang (V) | | Formulate optimization problems and solve using SymPy |
py-ortho (V) | | Generate orthogonal set of functions |
py-OT (V) | | Python Optimal Transport Library |
py-pandas | | Python Data Analysis Library |
py-pandas-datareader | | Remote data access for pandas |
py-pandera (V) | | Flexible validation package for pandas data structures |
py-parakeet (V) | | Runtime compiler for numerical Python |
py-patsy | | Python package for describing statistical models |
py-pebl (V) | | Python Environment for Bayesian Learning |
py-pennyLane-PQ (V) | | PennyLane plugin for ProjectQ |
py-photutils | | Astropy coordinated module for astronomical photometry |
py-pint (V) | | Physical quantities module |
py-poisson-approval (V) | | Poisson Approval studies the Poisson Game of Approval Voting |
py-poissongeometry (V) | | Local Poisson-Nijenhuis calculus on Poisson manifolds |
py-polynomial (V) | | Package defining mathematical single-variable polynomials |
py-poppy (V) | | Physical optics propagation for optical simulations |
py-powerlaw | | Toolbox for analysis of heavy-tailed distributions |
py-ppscore (V) | | Python implementation of the Predictive Power Score |
py-pulp (V) | | PuLP is an LP modeler written in python |
py-pyamg (V) | | Algebraic multigrid solvers in Python |
py-pydy (V) | | Python tool kit for multi-body dynamics |
py-pyerfa | | Python wrapper for ERFA library |
py-pyflation (V) | | Calculating cosmological perturbations during an inflationary |
py-pykit-shared (V) | | Collection of modules shared amongst my other projects |
py-pylith (V) | | Finite element code for solving dynamic and quasi-static tectonic deformation problems |
py-pymc3 | | Bayesian modeling and probabilistic machine learning |
py-pyomo (V) | | OO algebraic modeling language in Python for structured optimization |
py-pyrr (V) | | 3D mathematical functions using NumPy |
py-pysal (V) | | Python Spatial Analysis Library |
py-pyslha (V) | | Parsing, manipulating and visualising SUSY Les Houches Accord data |
py-pythran | | Ahead of Time compiler for numeric kernels |
py-pywavelets | | Discrete Wavelet Transforms in Python |
py-qclib (V) | | Quantum computing library using qiskit |
mk | | Subfolder |