2024-10-30 23:12:08 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
(math/R-car) Updated 3.1.2 to 3.1.3
Changes to Version 3.1-3
o Clarify docs to explain that ... argument is not passed to .vcov
when it's a function in calls to Anova(), confidence Elliipse(),
Confint(), deltaMethod(), linearHypothesis(), and S() (suggestion of
Joe Ritter).
o make dataEllipse() generic and add default and formula methods
(with help of Michael Friendly).
o linearHypothesis() no longer issues a warning when a hypothesis
matrix is supplied for coefficients whose names include arithmetic
operators (following report by Robert Baer about unnecessary
warnings printed by Anova(), which calls linearHypothesis()).
o deltaMethod() now allows models with aliased coefficients when
argument singular.ok=TRUE.
o Anova() method for "coxph" objects no longer computes incorrect LR
tests for models using the tt argument; in this case, Wald tests are
substituted (following bug report by Ken Beath).
o crPlot(), crPlots(), crPlot3d(), and avPlot3d() now invisibly
return coordinates rather than NULL, as avPlot() and avPlots()
already did (following query by Jeff Reichman).
o poTest() supports "polr" models with weights (suggestion of Ken
o Anova() now supports "clm" and "clmm" objects created by \
in the ordinal package (after report by Karl Ove Hufthammer that the
default method doesn't work).
o Anova.default() does more checking for potential problems (after
report by Karl Ove Hufthammer).
o Anova.lme() correctly handles models with contrasts different from
the default contr.treatment (fixing a bug reported by Ben Bolker).
o Small changes to docs.
2023-06-13 16:13:53 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
(math/R-car) Update 3.1.1 to 3.1.2
Changes to Version 3.1-2
o Fixed bugs in interface for residualPlots() and residualPlot()
o Fixed hccm() to return a correct error message when regressors are
o Use t-distribution for score tests in boxTidwell() and add omnibus
score test (suggestions of Peter Dalgaard).
o residualPlots() is no longer confused by a one-column matrix
regressor, produced, e.g., by scale() (issue reported by Tom
o Make the printed formating of hypotheses in linearHypothesis()
more tolerant of coefficients with certain non-standard names (after
issue reported by Matthieu Stigler).
o Tweak linearHypothesis() for multinom models and add example.
o Update scatter3d() and crPlot3d() to use rgl::*3d() functions;
requires rgl (>= 0.111.3) (patch courtesy of Duncan Murdoch).
2022-12-18 11:19:13 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
(math/R-car) Updated 3.0.13 to 3.1.1
Changes to Version 3.1-1
o Fixed bug in hccm(): when some cases are fit exactly all versions
of the hccm estimate are singular and inconsistent. A error message
is now returned.
o Fixed bug in Anova.survreg() for Wald tests (reported by Megan
Taylor Jones), which failed with a spurious "missing residual df"
o Made Anova.lm() more robust when there are aliased coefficients
(following report of cryptic output by Taiwo Fagbohungbe).
o Added reg.function, reg.function.col, and mouseMode arguments to
scatter3d(), and mouseMode to crPlot3d().
o Added fill and associated arguments to influencePlot() (initial
implementation of Michael Friendly).
o Added confidenceEllipses() function to create matrix of all
pairwise confidence ellipses for a regression model (suggestion of
Michael Friendly).
o Moved the pointLabel() function from the maptools package in
anticipation of the retirement of that package, and with the
permission of the function author, Tom Short.
Changes to Version 3.1-0
o New 3D added-variable and component+residual plots, avPlot3d() and
o More flexible recode()/Recode().
o Added Anova.svycoxph() to prevent selection of test.statistic="LR".
o New take on vif.lm().
2022-05-22 01:09:12 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
(math/R-car) Updated 3.0.11 to 3.0.13
Changes to Version 3.0-13
o Handle singularities better in Anova.mlm() (suggestion of Marius Barth).
o Fixed error reporting in logit() (bug reported by Collin Erickson).
o Added pt.cex and cex sub-arguments to legend argument of
scatterplotMatrix() (implicit suggestion of Duncan Mackay).
o New vif.lm() method with options for handling linear models with interactions.
o Fixed bug in cooks.distance.influence.lme() (in effect, incorrect
division by the error variance twice rather than once), and a sign
error in dfbeta.influence.lme() and dfbetas.influence.lme()
(following report by Ben Bolker).
o Added an error.df argument to the default methods of
linearHypothesis() and Anova() for computing F-tests; if the
argument is unspecified, then df.residual() is applied to the model,
and if df.residual() returns NULL or NA, then an asymptotic
chi-square test is substituted for the F-test (in response to a
report by Adrian Olszewski that Anova() fails for gls models when an
F-test is requested).
Changes to Version 3.0-12
o The 'rio` package is now suggested, not required. To use the
Import() and Export() functions users may need to install rio using
o hccm() now reports an interpretable error, except for type = "hc0"
or "hc1", when there are cases with hatvalues = 1 (following problem
reported by Peng Ding).
o Fix bug in rownames in dfbetasPlots.lm() (reported by Shu Fai
o Package 'rio' was moved from Imports to Suggests. Both Import()
and Export() now check for the availability of 'rio' first and
report an error otherwise.
2021-10-26 12:56:13 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (458) |
Log message:
math: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
2021-10-07 16:28:36 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (458) |
Log message:
math: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2021-09-11 14:31:42 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
(math/R-car) Updated 3.0.10 to 3.0.11
Changes to Version 3.0-11
o boxCox() function now allows the use of any of the usual graphics
parameters in the plot() function. If particuar boxCox(model,
main="my title") will add a title to the plot, and boxCox(model,
main="") will suppress it.
o car::Boot(object, method="residual") will work for
method="residual" only if the car package has been previously
attached via either library(car) or require(car).
o Added error checking with vcov. argument. Changed vcov.boot to
print a warning of bootstrap replicates that returned NA
o Introduced brief.tbl(), which simply calls print(), to cope with
changes to tibbles.
o qqPlot() fills (shades) confidence envelopes by default, and
smoothers for scatterplots fill variance (spread) envelopes by
default (suggestions of Michael Friendly).
o Fixed problem in infIndexPlot.influence.lme() (reported by Francis
L. Huang).
o New "polr" and "svyolr" methods for vif() (following \
report by
Abra Jeffers).
o Make linearHypothesis() and Anova() work with "svyolr" objects via
their default methods.
o Regularize handling of vcov. argument in Anova() and
o vcov. argument now works with Anova() for models produced by
lme4::lmer() and glmer(), (fixing a bug reported by Amy MacDougall).
o New linearHypothesis.lmList() method.
o New "lm" method for symbox().
o New cex and pt.wts arguments for avPlot() "lm" and "glm" \
and for mcPlot.lm().
o Fix handling of imatrix argument to Anova.mlm() (suggestion of
Benedikt Langenberg).
o Remove influence.merMod() and related methods in favor of versions
of these methods in the lme4 package.
o Rewrite "embedding" vignette.
o Small fixes and improvements.
2020-10-02 12:31:59 by Wen Heping | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update to 3.0.10
Upstream changes:
Changes to Version 3.0-10
o Fixed as error when using parameter name "(Intercept)" with \
o Several changes to Boot() to correct bugs, support the plinear algorithm, to \
correct use of weights for lm, and allow use of weights for nls.
o Fix quantregLine() to work with development version 5.69 of quantreg package \
(following heads-up from Roger Koenker).
2020-09-21 01:46:00 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
(math/R-car) Updated 3.0.3 to 3.0.9. make test fails
Changes to Version 3.0-9
o Declare linearHypothesis.survreg() method, previously omitted from
NAMESPACE (following question by Robert Dinterman); tweaks to survreg
methods for linearHypothesis(), Anova(), and deltaMethod() to make them
more robust.
o Fix bug in hccm() when model matrix includes just one column (reported by
Justin Yap).
o Fix buglet in scatterplotMatrix.formula() when groups specified.
o Several functions are now generic: avPlots(), ceresPlots(), crPlots(),
o Enable spread smoothers for crPlot(), ceresPlot(), and residualPlot()
(suggestion of Dave Armstrong).
o Small changes to docs.
Changes to Version 3.0-8
o Import() now defaults to stringsAsFactors=FALSE to match the default
behavior of read.table() as of R 4.0.0.
o New strings2factors() function to convert character variables in a data
frame to factors.
o Added data.frame method for S().
o Fixed a bug in estimateTransform.lm() that returned the correct answer
with an unneeded warning.
o Fixed Anova.coxph() to handle weights properly (problem reported by
Daniel Morillo Cuadrado).
Changes to Version 3.0-7
o Fixed boxCox(), powerTransform() to work when 'car' package is not attached
o Fixed Anova() to work with "lme" models without an intercept (to \
fix bug
reported by Benjamin Tyner).
Changes to Version 3.0-6
o Explicitly import utils::globalVariables() (suggestion of Vince Carey).
Changes to Version 3.0-5
o Change class(x) == "y" to inherits(x, "y") throughout \
code (thanks to Martin Maechler).
Changes to Version 3.0-4
o Scoping improvements to deltaMethod(), which now also takes an optional
hypothesized value; contribution and suggestion by Pavel Krivitsky.
o Make Anova() work for coxph() models with strata (following problem
reported by Susan Galloway Hilsenbeck).
o Modify carPalette() to provide a colorblind-friendly palette as an option
(suggestion of Sercan Kahveci).
o Small improvements.
2019-08-08 21:53:58 by Brook Milligan | Files touched by this commit (189) |  |
Log message:
Update all R packages to canonical form.
The canonical form [1] of an R package Makefile includes the
- The first stanza includes R_PKGNAME, R_PKGVER, PKGREVISION (as
needed), and CATEGORIES.
- HOMEPAGE is not present but defined in math/R/Makefile.extension to
refer to the CRAN web page describing the package. Other relevant
web pages are often linked from there via the URL field.
This updates all current R packages to this form, which will make
regular updates _much_ easier, especially using pkgtools/R2pkg.
[1] http://mail-index.netbsd.org/tech-pkg/2019/08/02/msg021711.html