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lisp-sound sound file modification system (AIF/AIFF, WAV based using AI)
lissac Lisaac is the first compiled POO based on prototype concepts
litecoin Lite version of Bitcoin using scrypt as a proof-of-work algorithm
lives Linux Video Editing System
lizardfs Open source, distributed file system
llama.cpp LLM inference in C/C++
lld The LLVM Linker
lldb Next generation, high-performance debugger
llvm Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lmdbg-current Lightweight Modular malloc Debugger
LMtester sound file modification system (AIF/AIFF based using AI)
lnd Lightning Network Daemon
lodepng-git PNG encoder and decoder in C and C++
logcli Grafana Loki's command-line interface
logfmon-git Log file monitor
logrotate-git Daemon to rotate, compress, remove and mail system log files
logwatch Customizable log analysis system
loki Like Prometheus, but for logs
lorder Determine interdependencies in a list of object files
lpc55-host Host-side tooling to interact with LPC55 chips via the ROM bootloader
lpdsrv Non-spooling LPD server (RFC1179)
lpjs Lightweight, Portable Job Scheduler
lrslib Enumerate vertices and extreme rays of a convex polyhedron
lsw Lists the titles of all running X windows to stdout
lsyncd Live syncing daemon
ltc-tools Tools to deal with linear-timecode (LTC)
ltp-git Testing Linux, one syscall at a time
ltrace Track runtime library calls in dynamically linked programs
ltsmin The LTSmin model checking toolset
lua-cffi Portable C FFI for Lua
lua-htmlparser Parse HTML text into a tree of elements with selectors
lua-lbn Arbitrary precision library for Lua based on OpenSSL bn
lua-ldoc LuaDoc-compatible documentation generation system
lua-luacheck Tool for linting and static analysis of Lua code
lua-luv Bare libuv bindings for Lua
lua-MessagePack MessagePack library for Lua
luabind Lua bindings for C++
LuaJIT-git Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language
LuaJIT2 Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language
LuaJIT21 Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language
luakit-git Webkit based browser framework extensible by Lua
lucene Full-text search engine for Java
lumina Lumina Desktop Environment
lumina-desktop Lightweight desktop for Unix-like operating systems
lvm2 Linux userspace toolset for volume management facilities
lwc Lightweight C++
lwtools Cross-development tools for the M6809 and H6309 microprocessors
lxdm Lxde login manager
lxmusic Minimalist XMMS2-based music player
lzs-lkm NetBSD kernel module for LZS decompression with PPP
m4ri Library for fast arithmetic with dense matrices over F2
mac-icon-standard 30th anniversary Macintosh icon font
mac-robber Collect mac-times from a computer
macaulay2 Macaulay2 a software system for research in algebraic geometry
mackerel-agent Client software for
mackerel-agent-plugins Plugin pack for mackerel-agent
macos-libptytty OS independent and secure pty/tty and utmp/wtmp/lastlog handling
macro11 PDP-11 crossassembler
madonctl Command line client for the Mastodon distributed social network API
magit-git Emacs client for scm Git
mago Library and harness for desktop testing
mailfilter Filter mail on a POP3 server
mailsend-go Multi-platform command line tool to send mail via SMTP protocol
majordomo-devel The Majordomo mailing list manager, version 2
makedict Dictionary converting tool
makejvf Make Japanese VF file from Japanese TeX TFM file
makepp Compatible and reliable make replacement written in Perl
maker Genome annotation pipeline
malaga Grammar development and application for natural languages
maloc Minimal Abstraction Layer for Object-oriented C
man Man page viewer and utilities
man-db Manual pager and related man page utilities
manatee Web-based gene evaluation and genome annotation tool
mapnik Toolkit for mapping applications
marathon-scenarios Game data for numerous scenarios playable with the Aleph One engine
marathon-tempus-irae Game data for Tempus Irae scenario, playable with Aleph One
mark Sync markdown files with Confluence pages
marsyas Music Analysis, Retrieval and Synthesis for Audio Signals
mashpodder Podcatching client based on BashPodder
masscan TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously
mat Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit
matanza Multiplayer space shooter ascii-art game
mathopd Very small, yet very fast HTTP server
matiec-hg IEC61131-3 Compiler
matrixssl Small embedded SSL implementation
mattermost-server TODO: Short description of the package
mauliasproxy Maunium Matrix room alias proxy
mawk-libc AWK clone by Mike Brennan
mawk-onig AWK clone by Mike Brennan
mawk-rxspencer AWK clone by Mike Brennan
mawk-tre AWK clone by Mike Brennan
mawk-uxre AWK clone by Mike Brennan
maxima-git Computer algebra system
mc-mp Midnight Commander clone
mcats Catalog converter
mcats-iodbc MCatS iODBC module
mccs Multi Criteria CUDF Solver
mce The DBus method calls provided by the Mode Control Entity
mcl Fast and scalable unsupervised cluster algorithm for graphs
mctcli Simple tool for mapping and reading MIFARE Classic tags
mk Subfolder