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py-resampy Efficient sample rate conversion in Python
py-resonance Learning mechanical vibrations through computation
py-retrying General-purpose retrying library, written in Python
py-revolve Python wrapper for Revolve checkpointing
py-rf Receiver function calculation in seismology
py-riccipy Tensor algebra calculator for General Relativity
py-rigidbodysimulator Rigidbodysimulator simulator
py-rlcompleter2 Python command line completion
py-rns Self-configuring, encrypted and resilient mesh networking stack
py-Robinhood Python Framework to make trades with Robinhood Private API
py-rogues Python and numpy port of Nicholas Higham's m*lab test matrices
py-ropemode Ropemode, a helper for using rope refactoring library in IDEs
py-ropgadget Search gadgets on binaries to facilitate ROP exploitation
py-rpaths Path manipulation library
py-rpncalc RPN Calculator For Python
py-rql Relationship query language (RQL) utilities
py-rst2html5 ReStructuredText to HTML5 converter
py-rtree R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS
py-ruffus Lightweight python module to run computational pipelines
py-RXP Validating XML parser for Python)
py-rxpy3 Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Python, aliased for Rx3
py-sabctools C implementations of functions for use within SABnzbd
py-sabyenc3 yEnc decoding library
py-safersympify Safer way to sympify unsanitized input
py-safety Safety checks your installed dependencies
py-samplerate Monolithic Python wrapper for libsamplerate
py-sas7bdat This module will read sas7bdat files using pure Python (2.6+, 3+)
py-sasa SAIL/AIL Sentiment Analyzer
py-sbapp GUI LXMF client for Android, Linux and macOS
py-scalpy ScalPy: A python tool to study dynamical systems in cosmology
py-scan-build Static code analyzer wrapper for Clang
py-scanapi Automated Testing and Documentation for your REST API
py-scanless Online port scan scraper
py-schema Simple data validation library
py-scholarmetrics Compute scholarly metrics in Python with Pandas and NumPy
py-scikit-aero Aeronautical engineering calculations in Python
py-scikit-glpk Python linprog interface for GLPK
py-scikit-monaco Python modules for Monte Carlo integration
py-scikit-nano Python toolkit for generating nano-structures
py-scikits_bvp1lg Boundary value problem (legacy) solvers for ODEs
py-scikits_datasmooth Scikits data smoothing package
py-scikits_image Image processing routines for SciPy
py-scikits_optimization Python module for numerical optimization
py-scikits_samplerate Python module for high quality audio resampling
py-scikits_scattpy Light Scattering methods for Python
py-scikits_talkbox Talkbox, a set of python modules for speech/signal processing
py-scikits_timeseries Time series manipulation
py-scikits_vectorplot Vector fields plotting algorithms
py-scikits-bvp_solver Python package for solving two-point boundary value problems
py-scimath Scientific and Mathematical calculations
py-sciproc Process scientific multidimensional data
py-scipy-data_fitting Data fitting system with SciPy
py-scooby Lightweight tool for easily reporting Python environment
py-scramp Implementation of the SCRAM protocol
py-screenkey Screencast tool to display your keys
py-screenutils Lib for gnu-screen: creates/close/list/log sessions, injects commands
py-scrobbler Python implementation of the Audioscrobbler API
py-scs Scs: splittling cone solver
py-sdeint Numerical integration of stochastic differential equations
py-sdnotify Python implementation of systemd service notification protocol
py-sdt_metrics Signal Detection Theory (SDT) metrics for Python
py-secretpy Classical cipher algorithms Python package
py-seeds Stochastic Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics System
py-selection API to extract content from HTML & XML documents
py-selectolax Fast HTML5 parser with CSS selectors
py-selenium-generator TODO: Short description of the package
py-semidbm Cross platform (fast) DBM interface in python
py-semopy Structural Equation Modeling Optimization in Python
py-sempy Python implementation of the spectral element method
py-sentinels Various objects to denote special meanings in python
py-sentry Realtime logging and aggregation server
py-sep Astronomical source extraction and photometry library
py-serial-asyncio Python Serial Port Extension, Asynchronous I/O support
py-serialize Multiple serialization formats with support for custom classes
py-setupdocs Setuptools plugin that automates building of docs from reST source
py-setuptools_git Setuptools revision control system plugin for Git
py-setuptools-git-versioning Use git repo data for building a version number according PEP-440
py-sfepy Simple finite elements in Python
py-sfg Python package for symbolic signal flow graph analysis
py-shapely Geometric objects, predicates, and operations
py-shedskin Python-to-c++ compiler
py-shodan Python library and command-line utility for Shodan
py-shp Pure Python read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format
py-shtoom Software VoIP telephony in Python
py-shutilwhich Shutil.which for those not using Python 3.3 yet
py-siginterrupt Python interface to the siginterrupt system function
py-sima Software for analysis of sequential imaging data
py-simpleparse-mxtexttools SimpleParse is a Python providing a simple and fast parser generator
py-simulators Tools to build an instrument model
py-singer-python utility library
py-singer-tap-github Singer Tap to extract data from the GitHub API
py-singer-tap-jira Singer Tap to extract data from the JIRA API
py-singer-target-csv target for writing CSV files
py-singletonify Singleton pattern for python
py-sip4 Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
py-sipvicious Set of tools that can be used to audit SIP based VoIP systems
py-slixmpp Async Python library for XMPP (aka Jabber)
py-smart-open Utils for streaming large files
py-smcp Python extension for solving sparse matrix cone programs
py-smell Autocompletion library for Python
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