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psi Psi XMPP/Jabber Client
psybnc Easy-to-use, multi-user, IRC-Bouncer with many features
py-axolotl Python port of the ratcheting forward secrecy protocol
py-axolotl-curve25519 Python wrapper for curve25519 with ed25519 signatures (V) Python wrapper for the Discord API
py-hangups Third-party instant messaging client for Google Hangouts
py-jabber-aimt (V) Transport connecting Jabber to the AOL IM network
py-jabber-icqt (V) Transport connecting Jabber to the ICQ IM network
py-jabber-idavoll (V) XMPP publish-subscribe (XEP-0060) component (via twisted)
py-jabber-palaver (V) XEP-0045 + XEP-0128 Multi-User Conferencing package
py-jabber-proxy65 (V) XEP-0065 proxy transport for XMPP
py-jabber-punjab (V) HTTP XMMP client interface implementing BOSH/XEP-0124
py-mastodon Python wrapper for the Mastodon API
py-matrix-common Common utilities for Synapse, Sydent and Sygnal
py-matrix-nio Matrix client library for Python
py-mautrix Python 3 asyncio Matrix framework
py-nbxmpp Asynchronous Python library for XMPP
py-telethon Full-featured Telegram client library for Python 3
py-tulir-telethon Full-featured Telegram client library for Python 3
py-xmpppy XMPP (Jabber) library for Python
py-zulip Bindings for the Zulip message API
py-zulip-term Zulip's official terminal client
quassel Modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client
quirc Stable and powerful graphical IRC client
riece IRC client for Emacs
roxirc Graphical IRC client written in tcl/tk
ruby-actionmessenger (V) Ruby convenience framework for instant messaging
ruby-net-irc Ruby IRC library
ruby-xmpp4r (V) XMPP/Jabber library for Ruby
scrollz Advanced IRC client based on ircII client
senpai Modern terminal IRC client
silc-client Client for the Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) protocol
silc-client-icb Plugin for accessing ICB networks via silc-client
silc-server Server for the Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) protocol
silc-toolkit (V) Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) protocol Toolkit
silky (V) Silky is an easy-to-use graphical SILC client
skypeweb-purple Skype (HTTP) plugin for libpurple messengers
soju User-friendly IRC bouncer
srain Modern IRC client written in GTK
ssh-chat Chat over SSH
swirc Console based ICB and IRC client
telegram-purple libpurple protocol plugin for the Telegram messenger
telepathy-farstream Farstream connection manager for Telepathy
telepathy-glib GObject-based C binding for the Telepathy D-Bus API
telepathy-haze Libpurple connection manager for Telepathy
telepathy-idle Full-featured IRC connection manager for Telepathy
telepathy-logger Logger module for telepathy
telepathy-mission-control5 Telepathy component providing abstractions for end-user applications
telepathy-qt5 Qt5 bindings for telepathy
tik Tcl/Tk AOL Instant Messenger client
tirc Token's 'Internet Relay Chat' Client
tkabber Free and Open Source TCL/TK jabber client
tkirc GUI for the ircII Internet Relay Chat client
tkirc2 GUI for the ircII Internet Relay Chat client
toot Command line client for the Mastodon social network API
tootstream Command line interface for interacting with Mastodon instances
toxcore Tox protocol library
twinkle (V) SIP-based VOIP client
twitch-tui Twitch chat in the terminal
unrealircd Advanced IRC server with IPv6 and SSL support
unrealircd6 Advanced IRC server with IPv6 and SSL support
weechat Lightweight and user friendly curses based IRC client
xaric IRC client similar to BitchX and ircII
ysm The 'You Sick Me' terminal based ICQ client
zenicb ICB client for Emacs
zenirc IRC client for Emacs
zircon X11 interface to Internet Relay Chat
znc Advanced IRC bouncer with IPv6 and SSL support