Log message:
py-music21: update to 9.5.0
Music21 v9.5 is a small bug-fix release that fixes a few hard to find bugs, \
takes advantage of updated dependencies, and adds a bit more typing in various \
Fixes Introducing Tiny Incompatibilities
These incompatibilities have been removed from music21 in order to get correct \
typing. They were never documented nor promised to work, hence considering it \
okay with Semantic versioning.
interval.getWrittenLowerNote works on notes and pitches but both objects \
must be a Note or must be a Pitch. (This restriction guarantees that the type of \
object being returned as the lower one will not vary based on attributes, and \
lets these functions be properly typed). By @mscuthbert in #1749 (started in \
1747 by mistake) -- same is true for the parallel methods getWrittenHigherNote, \
getAbsoluteHigherNote, and getAbsoluteLowerNote. Now your IDE/mypy etc. should \
know the type of object being returned by these poorly-named functions!
Removed the "ability" to do this: p = \
pitch.Pitch(pitch.Pitch('D')) to get a D. Never was documented before: Pitches \
now cannot take other pitch objects as arguments; this ability was just used in \
the pre-typed past where we were mixing strings and Pitch objects \
interchangeably and was only used in music21 in one place (reduceChords.py). The \
newly created Pitch objects lost a lot of information about harmonics, \
accidental display, etc. so this was a good catch. Contributed by first-time \
contributor @float3 in #1746
What's Changed
Fixed links to generated documentation by @jacobtylerwalls in #1741
Take advantage of Astroid 1015 bug being fixed by @mscuthbert in #1745 -- \
many overloaded functions in music21 were very verbose with code that did not \
actually run in order to pass mypy with Astroid bug no. 1015 (a tough bug!). \
Major contributions to fixing the bug were given by @jacobtylerwalls. Also \
better docs about why music21 has its own StrEnum package. Also 'highestTime' \
will forever be equivalent to OffsetSpecial.AT_END -- if you know about this, \
it's great. Most will not care.
Added some typing to graph modules by @mscuthbert in PR1745 above.
Updated typing on tablature and intervals by @mscuthbert in #1747
Code of Conduct Clarify by @mscuthbert in #1748
Update interval Typing overloads by @mscuthbert in #1749
Fix a case where octave transposing instruments like piccolo or double bass \
imported from MusicXML could have incorrect octave information and bad \
enharmonic transposition (C#s becoming Dbs) fixed by @gregchapman-dev in #1752 \
(this is unrelated to a question recently here and in StackOverflow about the \
difference between transposing by P8 and by 12 semitones (thanks to @vanderstel \
for answering).)
Bug fix: corpora (including the built in core corpus) which were indexed \
using Python 3.13 could not be read on other systems (like Mac to Linux); a \
pathlib.Path was being stored in the corpus accidentally. Fixed by @mscuthbert \
in #1754
Log message:
py-music21: update to 9.1.0
Music21 v9 (June 2023) is the latest release of music21, a toolkit for \
computational music research.
Version 9 contains about 600 new commits and features from the version 8 release \
from September 2022. It is the latest and best release in the industry standard \
toolkit for doing music research and composition ("traditional" \
computation and AI/ML) with musical scores.
As a new Version X release, music21 gains a lot of its power with a few \
non-backwards compatible changes that make the system easier to use, faster, and \
more up to date. People using music21 in existing environments should read the \
change logs to make sure their systems work with it before upgrading.
A big change in music21 is that v9 is compatible with Python 3.10 and 3.11 only. \
The version 9 release will be updated to be compatible with at least Python 3.12 \
when it is released. Users on Python 3.8 and 3.9 should stick with v8 and those \
on older versions should look at the README to see what version will be \
installed for their systems.
Two weeks from the release of version 9 (July 1, 2023), Michael Asato Cuthbert, \
the lead developer of music21 will take a 6-12-month sabbatical from monitoring \
the mailing list, answering questions/issues, and merging PRs in order to focus \
on what he does best and what is best for the community: developing core parts \
of the system and documenting what already exists. Working with the user \
community has been amazing, but given that he only has about 10-15 hours per \
week to devote to the project, it often means deviating from efforts that help a \
large number of people to instead work through PRs and issues that are important \
to a smaller community. This news will probably not be welcomed by some, but the \
results should be better for the larger community.
What's Changed
Music21 v9 is for Python 3.10 and 3.11 only and uses tools and speedups only \
available to those versions. Music21 drops its prior policy of supporting \
previous 3 versions and now supports the latest 2 versions only (to improve \
developer experience).
Notebook/Jupyter: All pages are now shown on .show(). Compatible with \
Jupyter 7.0beta and JupyterLab. MIDI improvements (@mscuthbert in #1592)
Added to corpus: (1) Queen Liliuokalani’s Aloha Oe, (2) J.R. Johnson’s \
Lift Every Voice And Sing (3) Vincente Lusitano’s madrigal Allor che Ignuda \
– part of a larger project to make the music21 corpus more representative.
Lots more typing! Use music21 in a modern IDE to see it. Uses Python 3.10 \
TypeGuards. Add common.classTools.holdsType([‘a’, ‘b’], str) which \
asserts that everything in a collection has the same type. (@mscuthbert in \
#1447). converter and corpus are fully typed.
Docs! Documentation of equality explained better. braille, corpus, converter \
much improved. (1) Much better aesthetics and utility @mscuthbert in #1455 and \
#1452). (2) Add “developerReference/startingOver” – mistakes made in \
designing music21 that are too late to fix, but the next generation of software \
should not emulate. (3) add docs about abcFormat support (@mscuthbert in #1484). \
(4) coreInsert (@mscuthbert in #1549). (5) layout (@mscuthbert in #1554). (6) \
clercqTemperley (RS100 dataset) format (#1558)
RomanText and related formats: (1) Repeats in RT and TSV are improved \
(@malcolmsailor in #1434, #1435, #1503) (2) anacrusis support (@mscuthbert in \
#1532) (3) measure numbers on ClercqTemperley (@mscuthbert in #1558)
harmony: (1) RomanNumerals and ChordSymbols with front accidentals (flat II, \
sharp IV, etc.) now take their 7ths, 9ths, etc. from the underlying keys \
(@mscuthbert w/ thanks to @malcolmsailor in #1439), (2) RomanNumeral’s \
writeAsChord works properly (@mscuthbert in #1445)
and (3) transpose properly (@malcolmsailor in #1414). (4) \
roman.RomanNumeral(2, ‘C’) will now give d-minor, not d-major \
(@jacobtylerwalls in #1481), (5) preferSecondaryDominants implements V/x \
(@MarkGotham in #796).
MusicXML improvements: (1) TempoText is exported (@gregchapman-dev in #1437)
(2) harmony/numeral figures are MusicXML 4.0 compatible (@mscuthbert in \
#1445) (3) Preserve multiple fingerings on chords in musicxml import \
(@jacobtylerwalls in #1475) (4) Translate "implicit" attribute of \
MusicXML measures (@jacobtylerwalls in #1493) (5) Synchronize Measure IDs on \
Musicxml out (@rigaux in #1490) (6) MusicXML sound tag finds metronome marks \
(@TimFelixBeyer in #1579) (7) Add MusicXML security warning (@mscuthbert in \
Speed/Performance improvements on (1) deepcopy (@mscuthbert in #1464) (2) \
ABC (@mscuthbert in #1461) (3) LanguageDetector (@mscuthbert in #1456) (4) \
quantize() (@TimFelixBeyer in #1594) (5) use deques instead of pop(0) #1466, (6) \
searching/MetadataBundles cache in tests (@mscuthbert in #1511)
(7) findGaps() on gapless streams (@jacobtylerwalls in #1515) (8) \
ChordSymbols (@jacobtylerwalls in #1527)
Braille – add segment.BrailleElementGrouping. Good amount of refactoring. \
(@mscuthbert in #1495)
Converter/Corpus: converter.toData – like .write or .show but gives the \
raw data as a string or byte by @mscuthbert in #1451
Frozen/Immutable objects can be created now; this will allow for creating, \
for instance, one default 4/4 meter that cannot be changed but used as a default \
in many places. common.FrozenObject and duration.FrozenDuration (@mscuthbert in \
New subConverters register above default subConverters, so it is now \
possible to develop a subConverter like Greg’s converter21 project that \
handles a format music21 supports but do it differently or better. (@mscuthbert \
in #1520)
Ornaments/Expressions (all by @gregchapman-dev) – (1) ornament accidentals \
have a great new system and are aware of their measure and key context (#1545) \
(2) Mordents get placement like Turn and Trill (#1516) (3) Support for delayed \
turns (#1533)
Spanners: (1) Spanner.fill() – say you’ve set a slur to just include the \
first and last notes. .fill() will find all the intermediate notes. \
(@gregchapman-dev in #1486) (2) spanner.SpannerAnchor class allows a spanner to \
start and stop at a point where there is no other Music21Object at the offset \
(like a whole note crescendo that begins on beat 2 and ends on beat 3) \
(@gregchapman-dev in #1479). (3) Guitar: Hammer-on and Pull-off as Spanners \
(@louisbigo in #1142)
Streams – (1) new module stream.tools and stream.tools.removeDuplicates \
(e.g. keys, clefs, by @MarkGotham in #1454) . (2) \
stream.makeNotation.saveAccidentalDisplayStatus() context manager for restoring \
pitches’ accidentalDisplayStatus after a manipulation (like transposition by \
octave) @gregchapman-dev. (3) stream.makeNotation.makeOrnamentalAccidentals \
Percussion: (1) Implement useful PercussionChord.pitches property \
(@jacobtylerwalls in #1547), (2) Ignore Unpitched objects in key analysis \
(@jacobtylerwalls in #1543, (3) Search support (@mscuthbert in #1597)
MIDI: (1) Minimize gaps produced by quantization algorithm (@jacobtylerwalls \
in #1540) (2) fix jupyter/colab MIDI (@mscuthbert in #1565) (3) Increase default \
MIDI ticksPerQuarter for higher accuracy of tuplets (@TimFelixBeyer in #1577)
ABC: set version from I:abc-version information (@mscuthbert in #1589)
pitch module gets: isValidAccidentalName, standardizeAccidentalName.
Bug fixes
Ottava transposition bugs (in m21 and in musicxml output) (@gregchapman-dev \
in #1486)
diminished and half-diminished 11th chord types were incorrect \
(@jacobtylerwalls in #1497)
Avoid creating duplicative ChordStepModifications (@jacobtylerwalls in #1509)
Zero quarterLengths will not be represented as Fraction(0, 1)
MIDI: (1) Don't set status byte on Meta Message (@TimFelixBeyer in #1575) \
(2) unknown meta message still parses (@TimFelixBeyer in #1573)
Fix stripTies when accidentals are natural & none (@TimFelixBeyer in #1556)
Scores could previously change after .write()(@TimFelixBeyer in #1560)
requests should have been in the minimum requirements (@jacobtylerwalls in #1568)
Prevent doubly-flatted sevenths in chord symbols (@jacobtylerwalls in #1572)
Incompatible Changes not mentioned above:
Equality: == or __eq__ comparison on many objects has changed. – it is now \
based on a class hierarchy where the object needs to be equal in all of its \
super-classes (@mscuthbert in #1466 and #1459).
For time signatures: (@MarkGotham in #1457). For ChordStepModification \
(@jacobtylerwalls in #1482). An exception is made for RomanNumerals which do not \
need to have pitches in the same octave (like their chord.Chord superclass \
schumann folder is moved to schumann_robert to match (equally amazing) \
subConverter is consistently spelled with capital C in all contexts. Before \
it was a mismash of capital C and lowercase C. (in #1592)
Full Measure Rests taken into account Finale usage of the measure=”yes” \
tag on pickups (@mscuthbert in #1595)
All Music21Objects must be hashable and default instantiate (@mscuthbert in \
Duration, volume, and StreamStatus all keep string references to clients \
(major change if you were playing with _client private variables. Only a public \
change if you were counting on garbage collection to run more often)
contextSites that are derived fixes a bug.
Developers using the private _deepcopySubclassable should know that \
“removeFromIgnore” has been removed for performance reasons.
Spanner.prePostObjectSpanners is renamed “relatedSpanners()”
A number of cases where an attribute which is usually a string started with \
None now start with ‘’ instead (typing improvement)
Refactors to ipython21 and the IPython (now Jupyter), MIDI, MusicXML \
subconverters in #1592.
Music21Exception subclasses not used in the system are removed. Reduce 172 \
Exceptions to 154 (@mscuthbert in #1465)
musicxml.xmlToM21.textNotNone – use new strippedText() and check for False.
Already marked for deprecation and removed: common.cleanupFloat() (use \
opFrac), common.euclidGCD (use math.gcd), Metadata.setWorkId (use md.uniqueName \
= value), VoiceLeadingQuartet.color() (assign colors to individual notes with \
.style.color), (#1440)
Spanner.numberRange replaces Spanner.getNumberList() — they do the same \
thing. (#1447)
romanText.clercqTemperley – toScore() – call toPart() instead since that \
is what it does.
scale.next() – use scale.nextPitch() instead – since it shadows \
New Contributors
@sararocks made her first contribution in #1472
@rigaux made their first contribution in #1490
@TimFelixBeyer made his first contribution in #1560