sysutils/dmenu-wld | Dynamic menu for Wayland | |
emulators/mednafen | Portable multi-system emulator | |
emulators/libretro-mgba | Libretro core based on the mGBA emulator | |
wip/libretro-mame2014 | Libretro core based on the MAME 0.159 arcade game emulator | |
games/etlegacy-server | Open source Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory server | |
audio/osstest | Command line program for testing OSSv4 sound devices | |
wip/advancemame | Arcade game emulator with advanced video support | |
x11/qt5-qtwebkit | Qt5 WebView module | |
wip/audacity-cmake | Multi-track audio editor and recorder | |
wip/lua-luv | Bare libuv bindings for Lua | |
audio/portaudio | Portable cross-platform audio API | |
audio/ossplay | Command line programs for playing/recording from OSSv4 devices | |
audio/strawberry | Music player and music collection organizer (based on Clementine) | |
www/arcticfox | Web browser for aging systems, forked from Firefox | |
devel/SDL2 | Simple DirectMedia Layer - cross-platform multimedia library | |
wm/swc | Small Wayland compositor implemented as a library | |
lang/mujs | Lightweight embedded JavaScript interpreter | |
audio/ossinfo | Command line program to display OSSv4 device information | |
audio/aiomixer | Terminal NetBSD audio mixer / volume control | |
audio/ossmix | Command line audio mixer from OSSv4 | |
audio/ossxmix | Audio mixer GUI from OSSv4 | |
audio/audacity | Multi-track audio editor and recorder | |
audio/lmms | Cross-platform music production software | |
emulators/blastem | Higly accurate Genesis/Mega Drive emulator | |
emulators/mgba | Emulator for running Game Boy Advance games (CLI version) | |
sysutils/htop | Enhanced version of top utility | |
wm/velox | Simple Wayland tiling window manager | |
wip/bulk-test-llvm | Meta-package for testing LLVM | |
emulators/fbneo | FinalBurn Neo - the arcade game emulator (SDL2 version) | |
emulators/mgba-qt | Emulator for running Game Boy Advance games (GUI version) | |
wip/picom | Lightweight compositor for X11 (fork of Compton) | |
meta-pkgs/bulk-test-essential | Meta-package for testing essential packages | |
devel/SDL2-legacy-darwin | Legacy SDL2 suitable for old Mac OS X versions | |
devel/macports-legacy-support | Support for missing functions in legacy Mac OS X | |
graphics/feh | Imlib2 based image viewer | |
games/sauerbraten-server | First-person shooter game based on Cube 2 (server) | |
meta-pkgs/bulk-test-boost | Meta-package for testing Boost | |
www/palemoon | Customizable web browser (unofficial distribution of Pale Moon) | |
wip/crystal | Statically typed, compiled language, with Ruby-like syntax | |
wip/melonds | Nintendo DS emulator, sorta | |
wip/shairport-sync | AirPlay audio player with multi-room audio synchronisation capability | |
games/openmw | Recreation of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind game engine |