Restricting search to CURRENT branch. (
wip/tcptunnel | | Simple TCP port forwarder |
www/hs-cookie | | HTTP cookie parsing and rendering |
wip/rst-mode | | Emacs mode for reStructuredText documents |
www/hs-xss-sanitize | | Sanitize untrusted HTML to prevent XSS attacks |
www/hs-HTTP | | Haskell library for client-side HTTP |
wip/pwnat | | NAT to NAT client-server communication |
wip/undo-tree | | Treat Emacs undo history as a tree |
wip/tome2 | | Troubles of Middle Earth |
wip/ruby-ditz | | Simple, light-weight distributed issue tracker |
wip/ruby-trollop | | Commandline option parser for Ruby that gets out of your way |
wip/hengband | | Variant of ZAngband 2.2.8 |
wip/darcs-to-git | | Convert a Darcs repository into a Git repository |
sysutils/hs-process-extras | | Process extras |
sysutils/hs-fast-logger | | Fast logging system |
www/hs-wai | | Web Application Interface |
devel/hs-psqueues | | Pure priority search queues |
games/hengband | | Rogue-like game derived from Zangband |
wip/ETL | | C++ template library for synfig |
wip/gauche-pib | | Gauche library for the IRC protocol |
sysutils/hs-byteorder | | Exposes the native endianness or byte ordering of the system |
sysutils/hs-typed-process | | Run external processes, with strong typing of streams |
sysutils/hs-hslua-module-path | | Lua module to work with file paths |
textproc/tcl-tDOM | | High performance XML data handling library for Tcl using Expat |
math/hs-comonad | | Comonads, dual of Monads |
wip/auto-complete-mode | | The most intelligent auto-completion extension for GNU Emacs |
www/hs-http2 | | HTTP/2 library |
misc/hs-extra | | Extra functions for the standard Haskell libraries |
sysutils/hs-easy-file | | Cross-platform File handling |
wip/py-pymigemo | | Python bindings for C/Migemo |
math/hs-nats | | Haskell 98 natural numbers |
net/hs-mime-types | | Basic mime-type handling types and functions |
textproc/hs-regex-posix | | POSIX Backend for Text.Regex (regex-base) |
devel/hs-th-compat | | Backward- (and forward-)compatible Quote and Code types |
devel/hs-vector-binary-instances | | Instances of Data.Binary for vector |
textproc/hs-regex-pcre | | PCRE Backend for Text.Regex (regex-base) |
converters/hs-emojis | | Conversion between emoji characters and their names |
security/hs-cryptohash-sha256 | | Fast, pure and practical SHA-256 implementation |
security/hs-SHA | | Implementations of the SHA suite of message digest functions |
converters/hs-base16-bytestring | | Fast base16 (hex) encoding and decoding for ByteStrings |
converters/hs-text-conversions | | Safe conversions between textual types |
security/hs-pem | | Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer |
devel/hs-vector | | Efficient Arrays for Haskell |
math/hs-semigroups | | Anything that associates |
www/hs-wai-logger | | Logging system for WAI |
www/hs-http-client-tls | | TLS backend for Haskell http-client library |
textproc/hs-regex-base | | Replaces/Enhances Haskell Text.Regex |
devel/hs-shelly | | Shell-like (systems) programming in Haskell |
devel/hs-basement | | Foundation scrap box of array and string |
net/hs-network-byte-order | | Network byte order utilities |
net/hs-network | | Haskell Low-level networking interface |
net/hs-resolv | | Domain Name Service (DNS) lookup |
net/hs-socks | | Socks proxy (ver 5) |
net/hoogle | | Haskell API Search |
time/hs-time-manager | | Scalable timer |
devel/hs-unliftio-core | | The MonadUnliftIO typeclass for unlifting monads to IO |
devel/hs-mono-traversable | | Type classes for traversing monomorphic containers |
devel/hs-assoc | | Symmetric and Semigroupy Bifunctors |
devel/hs-auto-update | | Efficiently run periodic, on-demand actions |
devel/hs-lukko | | File locking |
devel/hs-splitmix | | Fast Splittable PRNG |
devel/hs-these | | Either-or-both data type |
devel/hs-parser-combinators | | Commonly useful parser combinators |
devel/hs-pretty-simple | | Pretty printer for data types with a Show instance |
devel/hs-StateVar | | Abstraction over state variables |
devel/hs-ipynb | | Data structure for working with Jupyter notebooks (ipynb) |
devel/hs-optparse-applicative | | Utilities and combinators for parsing command line options |
devel/hs-monad-control | | Lift control operations through monad transformers |
devel/hs-QuickCheck | | Random testing of program properties |
devel/hs-random | | Random number library |
devel/hs-th-lift | | Derive Template Haskells Lift class for datatypes |
devel/hs-strict | | Strict data types and String IO |
devel/hs-base-compat | | Compatibility layer for base |
devel/hs-ListLike | | Generalized support for list-like structures |
devel/hs-async | | Run IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results |
devel/hs-data-fix | | Fixpoint data types |
devel/hs-mmap | | Memory mapped files for POSIX and Windows |
devel/hs-cereal | | Binary serialization library |
devel/hs-base-unicode-symbols | | Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators |
devel/hs-hashable | | Class for types that can be converted to a hash value |
devel/hs-storable-tuple | | Storable instance for pairs and triples |
devel/hs-th-abstraction | | Nicer interface for reified information about data types |
devel/hs-foundation | | Alternative prelude with batteries and no dependencies |
devel/hs-fail | | Forward-compatible MonadFail class |
net/hs-iproute | | IP Routing Table |
devel/hs-either | | Combinators for working with sums |
devel/hs-data-default | | Class for types with a default value |
devel/hs-split | | Combinator library for splitting lists |
devel/hlint | | Haskell source code suggestions |
devel/hs-code-page | | Windows code page library for Haskell |
devel/hs-extensible-exceptions | | Extensible exceptions |
devel/hs-indexed-traversable | | FunctorWithIndex, FoldableWithIndex, TraversableWithIndex |
devel/hs-pretty-show | | Tools for working with derived Show instances |
devel/hs-colour | | Model for human colour/color perception |
devel/hs-storable-record | | Elegant definition of Storable instances for records |
time/hs-old-time | | Time library |
time/hs-hourglass | | Simple performant time related library |
net/hs-network-info | | Access basic network configuration of the local computer |
devel/hs-dlist | | Difference lists |
devel/hs-refact | | Specify refactorings to perform with apply-refact |
devel/hs-echo | | Cross-platform, cross-console way to handle echoing terminal input |
devel/hs-asn1-parse | | Simple monadic parser for ASN1 stream types |
devel/ETL | | C++ template library for synfig |
devel/hs-libffi | | Haskell binding to libffi |
devel/hs-asn1-encoding | | ASN1 data reader and writer in RAW, BER and DER forms |
devel/hs-hslua-module-system | | Lua module wrapper around Haskell System module |
devel/hs-bitarray | | Mutable and immutable bit arrays |
devel/hs-haskell-src-exts | | Manipulating Haskell source |
devel/hs-fingertree | | Generic finger-tree structure, with example instances |
devel/hs-streaming-commons | | Common lower-level functions for various streaming data libraries |
devel/hs-bitvec | | Space-efficient bit vectors |
textproc/hs-skylighting | | Syntax highlighting library |
textproc/hs-tagsoup | | Parsing and extracting information from HTML/XML documents |
textproc/hs-case-insensitive | | Case insensitive string comparison |
textproc/hs-appar | | Simple applicative parser |
textproc/hs-annotated-wl-pprint | | Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer, with annotation support |
textproc/hs-cheapskate | | Experimental markdown processor |
textproc/hs-cmark-gfm | | Fast, accurate GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and renderer |
textproc/hs-doctemplates | | Pandoc-style document templates |
textproc/hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema | | Regular expression library for W3C XML Schema regular expressions |
textproc/hs-libyaml | | Low-level, streaming YAML interface |
textproc/hs-skylighting-core | | Syntax highlighting library core |
textproc/hs-stringsearch | | Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings |
textproc/hs-xml-conduit | | Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with XML with the conduit package |
textproc/hs-xml-types | | Basic types for representing XML |
textproc/hs-hslua-module-text | | Lua module for text |
textproc/hs-prettyprinter | | Modern, easy to use, well-documented, extensible pretty-printer |
textproc/hs-unicode-transforms | | Unicode normalization |
textproc/hs-megaparsec | | Monadic parser combinators |
textproc/hs-hxt | | Collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell |
textproc/hs-hscolour | | Colourise Haskell code |
textproc/hs-doclayout | | Prettyprinting library for laying out text documents |
textproc/hs-commonmark | | Pure Haskell commonmark parser |
textproc/hs-HsYAML | | Pure Haskell YAML 1.2 processor |
textproc/hs-attoparsec | | Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text |
textproc/hs-regex-tdfa | | Pure Haskell Tagged DFA Backend for Text.Regex (regex-base) |
textproc/hs-jira-wiki-markup | | Handle Jira wiki markup |
textproc/hs-Glob | | Globbing library |
archivers/hs-tar | | Reading, writing, and manipulating .tar archive files |
archivers/hs-zlib | | Compression and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats |
math/hs-math-functions | | Collection of tools for numeric computations |
math/hs-semigroupoids | | Semigroupoids: Category sans id |
math/hs-contravariant | | Contravariant functors |
net/hs-network-uri | | URI manipulation |
net/hs-simple-sendfile | | Cross platform library for the sendfile system call |
www/hs-http-client | | HTTP client engine |
devel/hs-base-orphans | | Backwards-compatible orphan instances for base |
devel/hs-unordered-containers | | Efficient hashing-based container types |
devel/hs-asn1-types | | ASN.1 types |
devel/ecb | | Emacs Code Browser |
devel/hs-conduit-extra | | Batteries included conduit: adapters for common libraries |
devel/hs-data-array-byte | | Compatibility layer for Data.Array.Byte |
devel/hs-fmlist | | FoldMap lists |
devel/hs-vector-th-unbox | | Deriver for Data.Vector.Unboxed using Template Haskell |
devel/hs-word8 | | Word8 library |
devel/hs-ansi-terminal | | Simple ANSI terminal support for Haskell |
devel/hs-uuid-types | | Type definitions for Universally Unique Identifiers |
wip/synfig | | Vector-based 2D animation renderer |
wip/vimrc-mode | | Emacs major mode for editing .vimrc configuration files |
wip/elscreen-git | | Window manager within Emacs |
textproc/hs-hxt-charproperties | | Character properties and classes for XML and Unicode |
textproc/hs-commonmark-extensions | | Pure Haskell commonmark parser - extensions |
textproc/hs-css-text | | CSS parser and renderer |
time/hs-unix-time | | Unix time parser/formatter and utilities |
wip/n2n | | Layer Two Peer-to-Peer VPN |
misc/color-theme | | Emacs-lisp mode for skinning your emacs |
math/hs-integer-logarithms | | Integer logarithms |
devel/hs-uniplate | | Help writing simple, concise and fast generic operations |
devel/hs-terminal-size | | Get terminal window height and width |
devel/hs-ghc-paths | | Knowledge of GHC installation directories |
devel/hs-syb | | Haskell Scrap Your Boilerplate Library |
devel/hs-memory | | Memory and related abstraction stuff |
devel/hs-tagged | | Haskell 98 phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments |
time/hs-clock | | High-resolution clock functions: monotonic, realtime, cputime |
time/hs-time-compat | | Compatibility package for time |
devel/hs-ghc-lib-parser-ex | | Programming with GHC parse trees |
devel/hs-hint | | Runtime Haskell interpreter (GHC API wrapper) |
devel/hs-old-locale | | Locale library |
devel/hs-unix-compat | | Portable POSIX-compatibility layer |
security/hs-hackage-security | | Hackage security library |
textproc/hs-rfc5051 | | Simple unicode collation as per RFC5051 |
wip/csv-mode | | Emacs mode for editing comma-separated value files |
textproc/hs-haddock-library | | Library exposing some functionality of Haddock |
textproc/hs-commonmark-pandoc | | Bridge between commonmark and pandoc AST |
textproc/hs-citeproc | | Generates citations and bibliography from CSL styles |
www/hs-js-flot | | Obtain minified flot code |
misc/mic-paren | | Advanced highlighting of parenthesis |
graphics/hs-JuicyPixels | | Picture loading/serialization |
textproc/hs-ansi-wl-pprint | | Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output |
devel/pointfree | | Convert Haskell expressions to pointfree form |
devel/hs-transformers-base | | Lift computations from the bottom of a transformer stack |
wip/py-percol | | Filter lines interactively in a pipeline |
x11/xbanish | | Banish the mouse cursor when typing |
converters/hs-aeson-pretty | | JSON pretty-printing library and command-line tool |
converters/hs-base64-bytestring | | Fast base64 encoding and deconding for ByteStrings |
textproc/hs-blaze-html | | Blazingly fast HTML combinator library for Haskell |
textproc/hs-hxt-unicode | | Unicode en-/decoding functions used in the Haskell XML Toolbox |
textproc/hs-unicode-show | | Print and show in unicode |
textproc/hs-edit-distance | | Levenshtein and restricted Damerau-Levenshtein edit distances |
security/hs-tls | | TLS/SSL protocol native implementation (Server and Client) |
devel/hs-haskell-lexer | | Fully compliant Haskell 98 lexer |
security/hs-ed25519 | | Ed25519 cryptographic signatures |
www/hs-http-date | | HTTP Date parser/formatter |
devel/hs-foldable1-classes-compat | | Compatibility package for the Foldable1 and Bifoldable1 type classes |
textproc/hs-xml | | Simple XML library |
www/hs-bsb-http-chunked | | Chunked HTTP transfer encoding for bytestring builders |
devel/hs-errors | | Simplified error-handling |
www/hs-http-conduit | | HTTP client package with conduit interface and HTTPS support |
math/hs-ieee754 | | Utilities for dealing with IEEE floating point numbers |
math/hs-distributive | | Haskell 98 Distributive functors -- Dual to Traversable |
wip/p5-Test-XML | | Compare XML in perl tests |
wip/cedet | | Collection of Emacs Development Environment Tools |
wip/synfigstudio | | Animation studio for 2D animation renderer |
wip/tmuni-ttf | | Unicode Font for Tibetan, Dzongkha and Ladakhi |
wip/emacs-session | | Session Management for Emacs |
wip/ecb | | Emacs Code Browser |
wip/rnc-mode | | Emacs mode for editing compact RELAX NG schemas |
wip/textile-mode | | Emacs mode for editing Textile documents |
wip/tome | | Troubles of Middle Earth |
wip/p5-Sub-Recursive | | Anonymous memory leak free recursive subroutines |
wip/mpc-el | | Emacs front end to the Music Player Daemon |
wip/ruby-yaml_waml | | YAML WorkAround for Multibyte Language |
devel/hs-blaze-builder | | Efficient buffered output |
devel/hs-fsnotify | | Cross platform library for file change notification |
wip/mediawiki-mode | | Emacs frontend for MediaWiki |
games/wtf | | Translate common Internet acronyms |
lang/idris | | Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types |
wip/mic-paren | | Advanced highlighting of parenthesis |
devel/hs-utf8-string | | Support for reading and writing UTF8 Strings |
devel/hs-primitive | | Primitive memory-related operations |
sysutils/hs-filepattern | | File path glob-like matching |
www/hs-warp | | Fast, light-weight web server for WAI applications |
www/hs-js-jquery | | Obtain minified jQuery code |