./games/etlegacy, Open source Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory client and server

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 2.83.1nb4, Package name: etlegacy-2.83.1nb4, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Enemy Territory: Legacy is an open source project that aims to
create a fully compatible client and server for the popular online
FPS game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

Required to run:
[www/curl] [graphics/MesaLib] [graphics/hicolor-icon-theme] [graphics/freetype2] [graphics/jpeg] [graphics/glu] [graphics/glew] [multimedia/libtheora] [audio/libvorbis] [devel/SDL2] [lang/lua53] [audio/openal-soft]

Required to build:
[pkgtools/x11-links] [x11/xcb-proto] [x11/fixesproto4] [pkgtools/cwrappers] [x11/xorgproto]

Package options: freetype, lua, ogg, sqlite3, theora

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-12 07:45:45 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (850)
Log message:
*: Recursive revbump from audio/flac-1.5.0
   2025-01-21 12:00:19 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (80)
Log message:
*: Drop maintainership.
   2024-11-17 10:48:21 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (5)
Log message:
etlegacy[-server]: Update to 2.83.1

Release notes:
   2024-11-14 23:22:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2429)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76 shlib major version bump
   2024-11-01 13:55:19 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2426)
Log message:
*: revbump for icu downgrade
   2024-11-01 01:54:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2427)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76.1 shlib bump
   2024-08-25 08:19:21 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (575)
Log message:
   2024-08-10 13:12:16 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (10) | Package updated
Log message:
etlegacy[-server]: Update to 2.82.1

2.82.1 - Patches Again! (released 19/04/2024)



     * Fixed the download cancellation state not being properly checked
     * Added 64+ players server support to ETLTV
     * Added chaining support to ETLTV
     * Reverted removal of CL_GetTag


     * Fixed client being stuck on loading screen after kick
     * Fixed dynamic shaders memory leak and crash on some systems
     * Don't clear keystate when toggling console, this breaks any +commands
       and vstr scripts that use +commands whenever console is toggled


     * Made sure the render commands are properly aligned in memory
     * Forced r_depthbits range to 0-24



     * Fixed class command 2nd weapon selection was always selecting best
     * Fixed HUD conversion from V2 to V3 could failed if V2 HUD is
       duplicated name or invalid parent
     * Fixed reload getting out of sync between client<->server when client
       is holding +reload before revived
     * Increased objective XP reward
          * 3 -> 5 pts Taking objective item
          * 5 -> 5 pts Returning objective item
          * 8 -> 10 pts Capturing objective item
          * 2 -> 5 pts Capturing spawn flag (flag pole / checkpoint)
          * 3 -> 5 pts Killing objective carrier
          * 2 -> 3 pts Killing near TOI
     * Prevented gaining XP on self drop objective
     * Fixed crosshair alignment from center screen
     * Fixed crosshair blurrines effect when size was below 24px

    Stability & Performance

     * Fixed division by 0 in CG_Cabinet when entity is setup incorrectly


     * Fixed artillery bomb falling sound not always playing
     * Removed EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE to artillery marker bombs (no sound played
       on bounce)


     * Fixed blood flash alpha value overflowing normalized range
     * Fixed issue with wrong calculation of fov for hiding coronas
     * Used correct fov for corona frustum culling, which culled coronas at
       the sides of the screen too early on > 4:3 aspect ratio


     * Fixed numericfield keyhandler ignoring maxChars data
     * Fixed scoreboard and mapvote panels were displaying swapped mapbias
     * Fix Shoutcaster Allies team name was using axis custom name
     * Fixed Shoutcaster Axis and Allies reinforcement time swap
     * Fixed various HUDs components size, position, colors, alignment ...


     * Changed fireDelayTime from 100ms to 0ms for following weapons :
          * Flamethrower
          * Scoped Garand
          * Garand
          * Scoped K43
          * K43
          * Mobile Browning set and unset
          * Mobile MG42 set and unset
          * FG42
          * MP34
          * Sten
          * Akimbo Silenced Luger
          * Akimbo Silenced Colt
          * Akimbo Luger
          * Akimbo Colt
          * Silenced Luger
          * Silenced Colt
          * Colt
          * Luger
          * Thompson
          * MP40
     * Fixed animations of smgs, pistols, rifles, mgs when fireDelayTime is
       set to 0
     * Reduced mobile MG jiggle effect by half
     * Reduced mortar jiggle effect by quarter + add fade effect
     * Fixed FG42 1st person firing animation

2.82.0 - Better late than never (released 08/03/2024)



     * Allowed sending some extra chars in messages, such as %, ; or "
     * Switched splash image to a svg version
     * Fixed pointer issues with Q_TrimStr causing access overflow
     * Added custom entity loading (ETL only)
     * Added ettv protocol support to etlded and add custom tvgame for ettv,
       see ETLTV
     * Added possibility for etlded to act as a client (ettv)



     * Added console history. The entries are saved in etl-history file and
       can stored up to 2048 characters
     * Fixed issues where the keycather changes to console, ui or cgame and
       some keys or +/- actions bleed thrue
     * Allowed console resizing while open. No need to close and open with a
       new size with key shortcut.
     * Reworked/Better Support for Gamepads
     * Prevented paste from clipboard using AltGr + V, which on some layouts
       causes problems when trying to type specifics characters suh as @
     * Added previously removed ui_finalURL
     * Fixed ui_finalURL line ending
     * Increased CMD_BACKUP to 128 via extension
     * Changed com_maxfps cvar up to 500


     * Added Trackbase statistic functionality
     * Reworked server demos
     * Enforced temporary ban on both GUID and IP
     * Added cleartempbans command to clear temporary ban list
     * Fixed Z_malloc allocation failure on download when netchan is already
       buffering too much block


     * Added automatic svg scaling
     * Fixed garbage font where cached image were sharing the same hash
       values on registration
     * Added back r_sdlDriver cvar for setting video driver (mainly useful on
       Linux OS)
     * Fixed VRAM usage grows after continuous vid_restarts



     * Fixed ref commands list not set on ref promote
     * Improved vote by requiring more than threshold vote ammount
     * Prevented pushing lagged out players
     * Cleared viewDamage buffer on demo rewind
     * Fixed negative total map vote on client disconnection
     * Fixed Last Played count for not eligible map in map vote draw
     * Changed the next map loaded to random instead of nextmap in MAP VOTE
       game type when no vote has been casted by players
     * Prevented dynamite to be trigger on sudden death for defenders
     * Added passvote and cancelvote commands
     * Added XP Battle Sense reward on differents objectives condition :
          * 3pts Taking objective item
          * 5pts Returning objective item
          * 8pts Capturing objective item
          * 2pts Capturing spawn flag (flag pole / checkpoint)
          * 3pts Killing objective carrier
          * 2pts Killing player on TOI (objective area)
     * Added cg_teamVoiceChatsOnly cvar for better chat filtering
     * Added qsay command to print message without prefix
     * Forced mapnames lowercase for map command
     * Fixed objective disappearing when a player carrying it is revived by
       using revive command
     * Fixed forcetapout command was possible while game in pause or player
     * Fixed kill was possible when player was wounded while game in pause or
       player frozen
     * Removed cg_shoutcastDrawPlayers and cg_shoutcastDrawTeamNames
       shoutcaster cvars
     * Removed cg_drawReinforcementTime cvar
     * Fixed shoutcast keycatcher event handling when limbo menu / HUD editor
       is showed or resolution has been changed
     * Allowed ref and callvote commands in server console
     * Fixed intermission impkd stats showing only zeros for some players by
       splitting stats in two differents commands impkd0 and impkd1
     * Fixed Lua modules won't load if one has a syntax error during
     * Improved vsay commands, clients can choose which variant of the vsay
       they want to play. Everyone hears the chosen variant.
     * Fixed custom vsay was truncated after first word
     * Fixed velocity was reset when landing on nodamage surface
     * Added g_logTimestamp cvar to control and keep add backward compatible
       log timestamp formats for parsers
          * 0 - no timestamp
          * 1 - integer (ms)
          * 2 - startup relative time (mmm:ss)
          * 3 - vanilla ("hh:mm.ss")
     * Updated HUD file version to v3, using HUD name as indentifier instead
       of index. Old HUD index are compatible as they are converted
     * Protected Alternative HUD, Comp HUD and Shoutcaster against edition.
       They must be cloned first before modification
     * Fixed landmine limit to prevent overflow when changing
       team_maxLandmines cvar value
     * Removed rank text from "You have been revived..." center print text
     * Changed default secondary weapon selection to the best one
     * Fixed team command on swapping team was selecting default weapons in
       case of command flooding or first team join
     * Fixed log stats when player disconnects from limbo were not written to
       the log file
     * Fixed omni-bot mg42 goal names
     * Enabled spawning when changing entity classname with "set"
     * Fixed dlights not updating if spawned after initial map load

    Stability & Performance

     * Removed send EV_SHAKE event if out of range of the shake wave
     * Added client prediction optimization (instead of iterating over whole
       CMD_BACKUP array every frame oldest valid cmd will be saved during
       snapshot transition frame as future starting point)


     * Added cg_bloodPuff to toggle showing blood puff effect when players
       are shot
     * Fixed FT icon display on enemies when sprites are disabled
     * Added .svg version of simple items icons
     * Improved brass ejection position to ensure it doesn't obstruct view


     * Added missing shader for Fire in the hole icon

     * Fixed wrong computation of x coordinate for environment awareness when
       icons was behind the player

     * Added cg_drawEnvAwarenessScale cvar for moving icons position relative
       to screen center

     * Added cg_drawEnvAwarenessIconSize cvar to resize icons

     * Fixed scope mask draw over scoreboard

     * Added larges score abbreviation by thousands

     * Enhanced server browser selection by retaining last selected server
       during server list load

     * Added focus on connect to IP textBox when opened

     * Removed cg_numPopups cvar

     * Improved bot flag readability

     * Fixed chat button usage in shoutcaster mode

     * Added cg_commandMapTime to control +mapexpand animation speed

     * Fixed animation cut-off when expanding map as a spectator

     * Fixed team map data position for players with noclip on

     * Fixed spectator freecam was not speclocked correctly

     * Updated huds.hud file to json format

     * Fixed scoreboard tooltip show if alternative features are disabled

     * Added .svg version of crosshairs

     * Added cg_shoutcasterhud cvar to toggle hud to selected from it when
       becoming shoutcaster

     * Suppressed fireteam invites and proposals from ignored clients

     * Fixed speaker editor handle drag and panels resolution / position on

     * Fixed antiwarp lagometer

     * HUD changes :

          * Fixed crosshair name revealing disguised enemy covert ops
          * Fixed crosshair name in 3rd person
          * Fixed Popup Messages alpha and fade effect
          * Fixed objectives HUD icon scaling
          * Added Always draw style option for compass to keep compass draw
            while map extend is displayed
          * Changed default component visibility to 0 for
            fps/ping/speed/lagometer/localtime on default HUD 0 (ETmain)
          * Fixed no clip weapon dynamic color ammo count
          * Adjusted icons and spacing on fireteam overlay
          * Fixed unscaled spacing on fireteam overlay
          * Added cg_drawCrosshairFade cvar to control delay before fading
            crosshair information
          * Fixed crosshair name fade effect for dynamite and mines
          * Adjusted icons size on follow text
          * Added thin white border to the simple compass and smaller letters
            and lines
          * Fixed weapon icon alignment and alpha color
          * Fixed proposition/invitation vote text was not displayed
          * Fixed vote text color
          * Fixed warmup text color
          * Added background and border for bar comp
          * Changed Color Main and Color Secondary to modify bar color
            instead of background and border color
          * Changed Background Color and Color Border to modify both
            background/border of comp and bar
          * Enable Lerp Color for bar comp
          * Added Dynamic Color style for healthbar and crosshairbar comp
          * Changed maximum popup message to be displayed in popupmessage
            from 7 to 32, depending of componement free space.
          * Added multiline support to popupmessage component
          * Added Scroll Down style option to popupmessage component,
            starting popup to draw from top instead of bottom
          * Added popupmessage2and popupmessage3 comps which behave the same
            as popupmessage comp
          * Added Colorless Name, Status Color Row and Status Color Row style
            to fireteam comp to show player status as color in ft and allow
            forced white names
          * Added scPlayerListAxis, scPlayerListAllies, scTeamNamesAxis,
            scTeamNamesAllies shoutcaster componement
          * Added HUD 5 Shoutcaster HUD
          * Replace status comp with shoutcaster player status
          * Enhanced RoundTimer comp to work with shoutcaster
          * Enhanced weapon icons in popup messages point towards the victim
            when Swap V<->K is toggle
          * Added draw suffix style option to healthtext, breathtext,
            sprinttext, chargeweapontext and xptext
     * HUD Editor

          * Added a toggle for noise generator in HUD Editor (n key)
          * Removed temporisation on save button from HUD Editor
          * Added warning message about HUD 0 can't be modify from HUD Editor
          * Added a toogle for fullscreen display in HUD editor (f key)
          * Added option to show visible component layout only
          * Added blinking warning message on default HUDs as they can't be
            modified until cloned
          * Changes HUD selection by name instead of index
          * Added grid support for elements alignment (o, c and d keys)
          * Added grid alignment option to force element when moved / rezised
            to be aligned with the grid depending of the grid scale (a key)
     * Debriefing

          * Fixed LAST played map indicator index on map vote panel
          * Fixed "Participation" percent on on map vote panel
          * Enhanced map vote panel popularity score
          * Fixed map bias on map vote panel
          * Enhanced map bias by showing computed map bias for the team
            advantaged for the selected map on map vote panel
          * Added panels windows with quick access buttons to each panels
          * Added blinking effects for map vote button when the vote isn't
          * Fixed campaign map list wasn't draw when at least 1 maps was
            missing localy
     * UI Menu

          * Added back crosshair cvar in option menu
          * Added cg_dynamicIcons* cvars on Option View menu
          * Improved server browser filter description


     * Fixed binocular switching multiple time while moving
     * Added jiggle effect on mobile MG and tank MG
     * Added spread visual crosshair to nested MG and tank MG
     * Increased mines spotting update frequency from 1000 to 500 ms, back to
       default vanilla value
     * Fixed an issue where current weapon gets changed even if the removed
       weapon is not the one currently being held
     * Fixed exploit by ensuring weapalt will not be executed if binoc are
     * Fixed extra ammo gain for soldier SMG due to add secondary weapon
       again if it's already added as a primary
     * Fixed flamethrower spawns too many flames with cg_drawGun 0 and 2
     * Fixed riflegrenade being equipped again if player shoots and dies
       right after
     * Fixed altweapon state not being properly restored when revived
     * Fixed riflegrenade grenade model disappearing if player dies and gets
     * Improved flying nade effect fix when getting revived
     * Improved weapon selection when player dies and upon revive has invalid
       weapon equipped
     * Improved altweapon initialization on respawn (silenced pistols)
     * Fixed pliers not working near TOI on some maps (such as fixed MG on
       Railgun / Radar or 1st barrier in Bremen)
     * Changed satchel charge fade on player dead instead of wounded
     * Changed mgs nested fire rate from 50ms to 66ms to match ETpro