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Configuration management tool for infrastructure automation
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 18.2.7,
Package name: ruby31-chef-18.2.7,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersChef is a configuration management tool. It uses a pure-Ruby,
domain-specific language (DSL) for writing system configuration
"recipes". Chef is used to streamline the task of configuring and
maintaining a company's servers, and can integrate with cloud-based
platforms such as Rackspace, Amazon EC2, and Microsoft Azure to
automatically provision and configure new machines.
Required to run:[
security/ruby-net-sftp] [
devel/ruby-highline] [
textproc/ruby-diff-lcs] [
textproc/ruby-plist] [
devel/ruby-uuidtools] [
misc/ruby-bundler] [
devel/ruby-ffi] [
www/ruby-erubis] [
devel/ruby-mixlib-log] [
devel/ruby-mixlib-authentication] [
devel/ruby-mixlib-cli] [
sysutils/ruby-chef-zero] [
misc/ruby-ohai] [
security/ruby-net-ssh-multi] [
sysutils/ruby-chef-config] [
devel/ruby-iniparse] [
net/ruby-proxifier] [
archivers/ruby-mixlib-archive] [
sysutils/ruby-syslog-logger] [
security/ruby-bcrypt_pbkdf] [
lang/ruby26-base] [
archivers/ruby-ffi-libarchive] [
devel/ruby-tty-screen] [
misc/ruby-license-acceptance] [
net/ruby-train-winrm] [
net/ruby-train-core] [
security/ruby-ed25519] [
Required to build:[
Master sites:
Filesize: 1694 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2023-04-30) Updated to version: ruby31-chef-18.2.7
- (2023-03-19) Updated to version: ruby31-chef-18.1.29
- (2023-01-16) Updated to version: ruby31-chef-18.1.0nb1
- (2023-01-09) Updated to version: ruby31-chef-18.1.0
- (2022-12-05) Updated to version: ruby31-chef-18.0.185
- (2022-09-04) Updated to version: ruby27-chef-17.10.0
CVS history: (Expand)
2024-01-03 16:57:15 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
sysutils/ruby-chef: remove extra RUBY_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED
2023-04-30 17:29:06 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (7) |  |
Log message:
sysutils/ruby-chef: update to 18.2.7
18.2.7 (2023-04-04)
Merged Pull Requests
* Edit resources description text #13495 (IanMadd)
* Rewriting the zypper code to run only on openSUSE 15 #13490 (johnmccrae)
* Docs and release details #13484 (tpowell-progress)
* update verify pipeline and omnibus build/test to use containers #13489
* Update expired certificate used in kitchen tests #13527 (neha-p6)
* Example of bash resource doubled escape characters #13509 (sean-horn)
* revert chef-foundation changes in chef omnibus config #13528 (evanahlberg)
* Change to github commit sha. #13507 (gcs-devel)
* Run Amazon Linux 2 kitchen tests on ubuntu-20.04 #13531 (tpowell-progress)
* Bumping gems to pull in a valid license_scout version #13547 (johnmccrae)
* Fix for missing S3 region if run with EC2 instance profile #13525
* Updating gems #13551 (johnmccrae)
* add esoteric platforms to validate adhoc/release pipelines #13546
* fix(apt_repository): Detect changes to expiration in key #13535 (tmccombs)
* Bump omnibus-software from db8acc3 to b83f579 in /omnibus #13556
* Add rest of windows platforms to be tested on; Fixing syntax issue in
build-test-omnibus #13565 (jesseprieur)
* fixing the path here #13573 (sean-simmons-progress)
* hab debugging doc #13571 (tpowell-progress)
* Update pre-install cleanup #13562 (vkarve-chef)
* launchd - array instead of a hash for Apple's associated_bundle_ident…
#13477 (Arequ)
* Updating Omnibus #13590 (johnmccrae)
* Add more details about releasing chocolatey package #13577 (neha-p6)
* Tp/infc 437 nightlies #13604 (tpowell-progress)
* Bump omnibus-software from 6c14e85 to 87f418b in /omnibus #13605
* Bump kitchen-vagrant from 1.14.0 to 1.14.1 in /omnibus #13599
* Force errors after bundler in omnibus_chef_build #13613 (tpowell-progress)
* chore: Use the chef_dictionary directly. #13467 (Jason3S)
* Updated the proxifier dependency #13617 (nikhil2611)
* Correcting cert retrieval issues for multiple user scenarios #13552
* Add selinux_user and selinux_login resources #13511 (wheatevo)
* set default values for user and host on userdefaults #12791 (rishichawda)
* Update chef-foundation for proxifier2 #13623 (vkarve-chef)
* Update test certificates #13625 (vkarve-chef)
* Temporarily build 18.2 without AIX and without Windows 10/11 testers
#13642 (tpowell-progress)
* FIx kitchen test failures in windows boxes due to dependency issue in
proxifier #13644 (neha-p6)
* Sean simmons progress/bugfix/precommand #13646 (sean-simmons-progress)
* Update bundled dependencies for both chef and chef/omnibus #13643
* Fix issues in habitat/test pipeline #13649 (neha-p6)
* Updating cert code to adjust user vs localmachine keys #13651 (johnmccrae)
* Update ssl cert used in kitchen tests #13658 (neha-p6)
* Sean simmons progress/bugfix/build docker image #13657
* fixing one small missed step #13661 (sean-simmons-progress)
* minor gem update to get the version bumped #13668 (johnmccrae)
* "FFI Yajl" fix #13662 (tpowell-progress)
2023-03-19 14:50:22 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (7) |  |
Log message:
sysutils/ruby-chef: update to 18.1.29
18.1.29 (2023-03-02)
Merged Pull Requests
* Correcting cert retrieval issues for multiple user scenarios #13552
* Updated the proxifier dependency #13617 (nikhil2611)
* chore: Use the chef_dictionary directly. #13467 (Jason3S)
* Force errors after bundler in omnibus_chef_build #13613 (tpowell-progress)
* Bump kitchen-vagrant from 1.14.0 to 1.14.1 in /omnibus #13599
* Bump omnibus-software from 6c14e85 to 87f418b in /omnibus #13605
* Tp/infc 437 nightlies #13604 (tpowell-progress)
* Add more details about releasing chocolatey package #13577 (neha-p6)
* Updating Omnibus #13590 (johnmccrae)
* launchd - array instead of a hash for Apple's associated_bundle_ident…
#13477 (Arequ)
* Update pre-install cleanup #13562 (vkarve-chef)
* hab debugging doc #13571 (tpowell-progress)
* fixing the path here #13573 (sean-simmons-progress)
* Add rest of windows platforms to be tested on; Fixing syntax issue in
build-test-omnibus #13565 (jesseprieur)
* Bump omnibus-software from db8acc3 to b83f579 in /omnibus #13556
* fix(apt_repository): Detect changes to expiration in key #13535 (tmccombs)
* add esoteric platforms to validate adhoc/release pipelines #13546
* Updating gems #13551 (johnmccrae)
* Fix for missing S3 region if run with EC2 instance profile #13525
* Bumping gems to pull in a valid license_scout version #13547 (johnmccrae)
* Run Amazon Linux 2 kitchen tests on ubuntu-20.04 #13531 (tpowell-progress)
* Change to github commit sha. #13507 (gcs-devel)
* revert chef-foundation changes in chef omnibus config #13528 (evanahlberg)
* Example of bash resource doubled escape characters #13509 (sean-horn)
* Update expired certificate used in kitchen tests #13527 (neha-p6)
* update verify pipeline and omnibus build/test to use containers #13489
* Docs and release details #13484 (tpowell-progress)
* Rewriting the zypper code to run only on openSUSE 15 #13490 (johnmccrae)
* Edit resources description text #13495 (IanMadd)
2023-01-21 14:57:31 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (7) |
Log message:
Add ruby32 support.
2023-01-19 02:49:54 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
sysutils/ruby-chef: not yet ruby32
2023-01-16 15:43:15 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
sysutils/ruby-chef: relax dependency
Relax dependency to ruby-net-sftp.
2023-01-11 16:03:34 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
sysutils/ruby-chef: drop ruby30
Dose not support Ruby 3.0 any more. Noted from wiz@ via private e-mail.
2023-01-09 14:03:17 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (7) |  |
Log message:
sysutils/ruby-chef: update to 18.1.0
18.1.0 (2023-01-05)
Merged Pull Requests
* Res validation should be aware of action prop
reqs. [#13069](
* Update omnibus-software for FIPS issues #13375 (tpowell-progress)
* Added option to set release version when using activation keys #13352
* Lock ruby to 3.1.2 for GitHub Actions unit specs #13393 (tpowell-progress)
* New launchd key for associating a bundle identifier with Login Items
#13288 (chilcote)
* Update deprecated "hab sup status" call (do not merge until hab / test
pipeline is green again) #13314 (gene1wood)
* Chef-16 does not appear to have a 'current' channel, falling back to …
#13362 (johnmccrae)
* Updating Gem versions - specifically updating Chef for omnibus #13391
* Switch main back to current for kitchen #13397 (tpowell-progress)
* Remove redundant code for chef16/17 nightlies from main branch #13405
* Bump omnibus-software from 57fbed5 to a4f5cff in /omnibus #13418
* Jfm/chef18 version bumps #13421 (johnmccrae)
* Patch for CVE-2022-29181 and CVS-2022-24836 #13398 (tpowell-progress)
* Updated post Chef-18 to clarify how to release #13428 (johnmccrae)
* Fix indentation of condition for disabling repos #13327 (darnaut)
* macos_userdefaults: Use string for property deprecated message #13350
* Correcting the habitat pipeline issue for Windows #13440 (johnmccrae)
* Bump omnibus-software from a4f5cff to 2be3816 in /omnibus #13448
* Added or Corrected spelling and corrected a Python exception handler ...
#13454 (johnmccrae)
* Bump test-kitchen from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 in /omnibus #13444 (dependabot[bot])
* Bump omnibus from 8314373 to f7386ad in /omnibus #13463 (dependabot[bot])
* updating file_system to send back the copy status #13107 (vinay-satish)
* Adds 'makecache_fast' property to yum_repository minimise cached repodata
#12915 (lanky)
* Updating Zypper to overcome repository errors #13470 (johnmccrae)