./wip/py-homeassistant, Meta-package for prereqs for Home Assistant

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 0.07nb1, Package name: py313-homeassistant-0.07nb1, Maintainer: gdt

This is a package that, for the moment, does nothing, but depends on
packages required when installing Home Assistant in a virtual
environment. Eventually, it will contain scripts to manage building
and using Home Assistant in that environment

(This package exists because it is too hard to package Home Assistant,
because almost all dependencies are exact.)

Required to run:
[textproc/py-yaml] [devel/py-setuptools] [time/py-pytz] [databases/py-sqlite3] [textproc/py-jinja2] [devel/py-pip] [devel/py-requests] [security/py-cryptography] [security/py-bcrypt] [security/py-certifi] [devel/py-attrs] [devel/py-ruamel-yaml] [www/py-aiohttp] [devel/py-async-timeout] [wip/py-voluptuous] [lang/python37] [devel/py-python-slugify] [devel/py-importlib-metadata]

Required to build:

Master sites:

Version history: (Expand)