wip/kde-baseapps4 | Base modules for the KDE 4 integrated X11 desktop | |
games/lskat | Lieutenant Skat card game for two players | |
games/kubrick | Game based on the Rubiks Cube puzzle | |
misc/kstars | KDE desktop planetarium | |
www/ap-auth-kerb | Module to allow Apache authentication using Kerberos | |
games/kspaceduel | Two player game with shooting spaceships flying around a sun | |
games/kmahjongg | Tile matching game for one or two players | |
emulators/suse100_libcups | Linux compatibility package for CUPS | |
emulators/suse100_openssl | Linux compatibility package for OpenSSL | |
misc/rocs | KDE graph theory IDE | |
misc/step | KDE interactive physical simulator | |
misc/kig | KDE interactive geometry | |
games/libkdegames | Common code and data for many KDE games | |
games/kolf | Miniature golf game for KDE | |
archivers/ark | Manages various archive formats within the KDE environment | |
misc/kcontacts | Address book API for KDE | |
x11/kwidgetsaddons | Addons to QtWidgets | |
x11/kglobalaccel | Add support for global workspace shortcuts | |
x11/konsole | Terminal emulator for the K Desktop Environment | |
security/p5-GSSAPI | Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library | |
x11/qqc2-desktop-style | Style for Qt Quick Controls 2 to make it follow your desktop theme | |
x11/kdesignerplugin | Integration of Frameworks widgets in Qt Designer/Creator | |
misc/kteatime | KDE Tea Cooker | |
security/kauth | Abstraction to system policy and authentication features | |
wip/khotkeys | KHotKeys | |
wip/kscreenlocker | Library and components for secure lock screen architecture | |
sysutils/solid | Hardware integration and detection | |
x11/kwindowsystem | Access to the windowing system | |
games/kanagram | KDE letter order game | |
wip/plasma-workspace | KDE Plasma Workspace | |
wip/powerdevil | Manages the power consumption settings of a Plasma Shell | |
games/klines | Inspired by well known game of Color Lines | |
www/p5-LWP-Authen-Negotiate | Library for enabling GSSAPI authentication in LWP | |
wip/breeze | Artwork, styles and assets for the Breeze visual style for the Plasma Desktop | |
math/cantor | KDE frontend to mathematical software | |
x11/kinit | Process launcher to speed up launching KDE applications | |
sysutils/k3b | DVD and CD authoring program | |
wip/polkit-kde-agent | Daemon providing a polkit authentication UI for KDE | |
www/kimagemapeditor | HTML Image Map Editor | |
sysutils/filelight | Graphical filesystem usage monitor | |
x11/kjobwidgets | Widgets for tracking KJob instances | |
sysutils/ksystemlog | System log viewer tool | |
emulators/suse100_32_openssl | Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenSSL | |
graphics/py-openexr | Python module for ILMs OpenEXR image format and library | |
graphics/libkdcraw | KDE digital camera raw image library wrapper | |
x11/kde-baseapps4 | Base modules for the KDE 4 integrated X11 desktop | |
textproc/redland | Libraries supporting the Resource Description Framework (RDF) | |
textproc/kcodecs | Collection of methods to manipulate strings using various encodings | |
devel/kpeople | Provides access to all contacts and aggregates them by person | |
sysutils/dolphin | KDE File Manager | |
devel/knotifyconfig | Configuration system for KNotify | |
wip/qt5-qjson | Qt5 library for handling JSON data | |
wip/kscreen | KDE screen management software | |
sysutils/kfilemetadata5 | Library for extracting file metadata | |
security/kwalletmanager | KDE wallet manager | |
net/ktorrent | Graphical BitTorrent client for KDE | |
textproc/shared-desktop-ontologies | Ontologies for Semantic Desktop | |
misc/kdav | DAV protocol implemention with KJobs | |
security/kwallet | Secure and unified container for user passwords | |
misc/kde-wallpapers4 | Wallpapers for the KDE integrated X11 desktop | |
misc/parley | KDE vocabulary trainer | |
x11/kitemviews | Widget addons for Qt Model/View | |
misc/kmag | KDE screen magnifier | |
misc/marble | KDE desktop globe | |
graphics/kipi-plugins | Collection of plugins extending the KDE graphics and image applications | |
graphics/libksane | SANE Library interface for KDE | |
graphics/kamera | KDE digital camera manager | |
net/zeroconf-ioslave | Monitors the network for DNS-SD services (Zeroconf) | |
net/kdenetwork-filesharing | Properties dialog plugin to share directory with local network | |
net/kdenetwork-strigi-analyzers | Strigi analyzers for various network protocols | |
games/kblackbox | Find the balls hidden in the black box by shooting laser beams | |
games/kigo | Open-source implementation of the popular Go game | |
games/ksirk | Computerized version of a well known strategy game | |
print/tex-logreq | Support for automation of the LaTeX workflow | |
print/tex-logreq-doc | Documentation for tex-logreq | |
print/tex-dashbox | Draw dashed boxes | |
print/tex-lkproof-doc | Documentation for tex-lkproof | |
print/tex-dashbox-doc | Documentation for tex-dashbox | |
print/libspectre | Small library for rendering Postscript documents | |
mail/kimap | Job-based API for interacting with IMAP server | |
devel/kio | Resource and network access abstraction | |
devel/okteta | Hex Editor | |
devel/extra-cmake-modules | Extra modules and scripts for CMake | |
graphics/libkexiv2 | KDE wrapper around exiv2 | |
devel/dolphin-plugins | Extra Dolphin plugins | |
devel/kwayland | Qt-style Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland libraries | |
games/ktuberling | Kids game: make your own potato | |
games/killbots | KDE port of the classic BSD console game robots | |
devel/kpackage | Installation and loading of additional content as packages | |
devel/poxml | Translates DocBook XML files using gettext po files | |
games/katomic | Build complex atoms with a minimal amount of moves | |
games/granatier | Clone of the classic Bomberman game | |
games/knavalbattle | Network-enabled implementation of the famous ship sinking game for KDE | |
games/kapman | Pac-Man clone | |
devel/cervisia | CVS frontend | |
devel/kapptemplate | KDE Template Generator | |
games/kbounce | Single player arcade game with the elements of puzzle | |
games/kbreakout | Breakout-like game | |
devel/kservice | Advanced plugin and service introspection | |
games/kiriki | Addictive and fun dice game for KDE | |
editors/kate | KDE Advanced Text Editor | |
misc/kbruch | KDE exercise fractions | |
sysutils/kcron | Configure and schedule tasks | |
misc/kidentitymanagement | Library for managing identitites | |
devel/kcmutils | Utilities for interacting with KCModules | |
misc/kquickcharts | QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts | |
misc/ktouch | KDE touch typing tutor | |
misc/kunitconversion | Support for unit conversion | |
multimedia/kmediaplayer | Plugin interface for media player features | |
graphics/koverartist | CD/DVD case designer | |
devel/purpose | Providing abstractions to get the developers purposes fulfilled | |
devel/kparts | Document centric plugin system | |
devel/kross | Multi-language application scripting | |
misc/attica-qt5 | Qt5 library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API | |
print/py-cups | Python bindings for the CUPS API | |
net/krfb | KDE desktop sharing | |
net/kxmlrpcclient | XML-RPC client library for KDE | |
misc/kemoticons | Support for emoticons and emoticons themes | |
devel/kde-dev-utils | Small utilities for developers using KDE/Qt libs/frameworks | |
games/kreversi | The old reversi board game, also known as Othello | |
games/blinken | Memory enhancement game | |
games/kjumpingcube | Simple tactical game for KDE | |
multimedia/audiocd-kio | Kioslave for accessing audio CDs | |
time/kcalutils | KDE calendar access library | |
devel/krunner | Framework for providing different actions given a string query | |
misc/kdeartwork4 | Artwork for the KDE integrated X11 desktop | |
misc/libkeduvocdocument | Common libraries for KDE Edu applications | |
multimedia/libkcompactdisc | Library for interfacing with CDs | |
multimedia/mplayerthumbs | thumbnail generator for all KDE file managers | |
graphics/kolourpaint | KDE paint program | |
net/kopete | Multi-protocol instant messenger client | |
games/kollision | Simple ball dodging game | |
print/tex-lkproof | LK Proof figure macros | |
print/okular | KDE universal document viewer | |
time/kholidays | KDE library for regional holiday information | |
devel/kompare | Diff/Patch Frontend | |
devel/kitemmodels | Models for Qt Model/View system | |
net/krdc | KDE remote desktop client | |
devel/kdesdk-thumbnailers | Plugins for the KDE thumbnailing system | |
graphics/kimageformats | Image format plugins for Qt5 | |
net/knewstuff | Support for downloading application assets from the network | |
net/kget | download manager for KDE | |
misc/kalzium | Periodic table of elements | |
graphics/kplotting | Lightweight plotting framework | |
x11/libkactivities4 | KDE Activity Manager | |
devel/kdeclarative | Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks | |
graphics/kiconthemes | Support for icon themes | |
devel/kio-extras | Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO | |
devel/libkgapi | KDE-based library to access various Google services | |
graphics/spectacle | KDE screenshot capture utility | |
games/khangman | KDE hangman game | |
devel/qjson | Qt library for handling JSON data | |
www/khtml | HTML rendering engine | |
mail/akonadi | PIM layer, which provides an asynchronous API to access all kind of PIM data | |
comms/libmal | MAL convenience library | |
multimedia/phonon-qt5-backend-gstreamer | Multimedia API for KF5 - GStreamer backend | |
multimedia/phonon-backend-gstreamer-shared | Multimedia API for KF5 - GStreamer backend shared files | |
multimedia/kmix | KDEs soundcard mixer program | |
multimedia/kmplayer | KDE frontend to mplayer | |
multimedia/dragon | Simple video player for KDE | |
multimedia/ffmpegthumbs | FFmpeg-based thumbnail creator for video files | |
multimedia/juk | Jukebox, tagger and music collection manager | |
textproc/sonnet | Spelling framework for Qt5 | |
textproc/py-sphinx | Python documentation generator | |
textproc/kpimtextedit | Textedit with PIM-specific features | |
fonts/oxygen-fonts | The Oxygen font family | |
archivers/karchive | Qt 5 addon providing access to numerous types of archives | |
chat/konversation | KDE IRC Client | |
emulators/suse100_32_libcups | Linux 32-bit compatibility package for CUPS | |
math/ocaml-zarith | OCaml arithmetic library for arbitrary precision integers | |
math/kalgebra | KDE graph calculator | |
math/analitza | KDE library for mathematical features | |
math/ess | Emacs Speaks Statistics | |
misc/kcharselect | KDE character selector | |
misc/klettres | KDE app to teach the alphabet and read some syllables in languages | |
misc/kgeography | KDE geography trainer | |
misc/kiten | KDE Japanese reference/learning tool | |
misc/kturtle | KDE educational programming environment | |
www/kjs | Support for JS scripting in applications | |
devel/kidletime | Monitoring user activity | |
devel/kcrash | Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps | |
devel/lokalize | Computer-Aided Translation System | |
devel/kbookmarks | Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format | |
devel/kdesdk-kioslaves | KIO-Slaves for subversion and perldoc | |
x11/kdelibs4 | Support libraries for the KDE integrated X11 desktop | |
x11/kactivities | KDE Activity Manager | |
x11/kactivities-stats | Core components for the KDEs Activities | |
x11/kactivities5 | Core components for the KDEs Activities | |
x11/frameworkintegration | Provide components to allow applications to integrate with a KDE Workspace | |
x11/kde-workspace4 | Base workspace for the KDE 4 integrated X11 desktop | |
x11/kconfigwidgets | Widgets for KConfig | |
security/gpgmepp | C++ bindings/wrapper for gpgme | |
graphics/kdegraphics-mobipocket | Library to support mobipocket ebooks | |
graphics/kdegraphics-thumbnailers | Graphics file format thumbnailers for KDE | |
graphics/ksanecore | SANE Library interface for KDE | |
graphics/svgpart | KDE svg part | |
graphics/kruler | KDE screen ruler | |
sysutils/baloo-widgets | Widgets for Baloo | |
games/kdiamond | Build lines of three similar diamonds | |
games/kpat | Multiplicity of different solitaire games | |
games/kgoldrunner | Action game where the hero runs through a maze | |
games/bovo | Five-in-a-row Board Game | |
games/ksquares | Game of Dots and Boxes | |
wip/kmenuedit | KDE menu editor | |
wip/kgamma5 | Adjust your monitors gamma settings | |
wip/kdecoration | Plugin based library to create window decorations | |
wip/kinfocenter | Utility that provides information about a computer system | |
wip/phonon-backend-xine | Multimedia API for KDE and QT - xine backend | |
wip/kactivitymanagerd | System service to manage users activities and track the usage patterns | |
wip/layer-shell-qt | Qt component to allow applications to use the Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol | |
net/netatalk22 | Netatalk appletalk file and print services | |
graphics/opencv-contrib-face | OpenCV face recognition contributed module | |
graphics/kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer | Graphics file format plugins for Strigi Desktop Search | |
audio/nas-auscope | Network Audio System Protocol Filter | |
multimedia/phonon-qt5-backend-vlc | Multimedia API for KF5 - VLC backend | |
wip/kde-cli-tools | Tools based on KDE Frameworks 5 to better interact with the system | |
wip/ksshaskpass | ssh-add helper that uses kwallet and kpassworddialog | |
wip/kwrited | Plasma5 daemon listening for wall and write messages | |
wip/plasma-workspace-wallpapers | Additional wallpapers for the Plasma Workspace | |
meta-pkgs/kde4 | meta-package for the KDE4 integrated X11 desktop | |
misc/kdeplasma-addons4 | Plasmoids | |
math/kcalc | KDE scientific calculator | |
devel/automoc4 | Automatic moc for Qt 4 packages | |
devel/kdoctools | Documentation generation from docbook | |
devel/libkomparediff2 | Library to compare files and strings | |
time/py-pytz | World timezone definitions, modern and historical | |
time/ktimer | KDE countdown launcher | |
wip/systemsettings | KDE system settings | |
misc/kdeedu-data | Common data for KDE Edu applications | |
misc/attica | Qt library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API | |
misc/sweeper | KDE system cleaner | |
misc/khelpcenter | Application to show KDE Applications documentation | |
misc/kwordquiz | KDE flash card trainer | |
mail/ksmtp | Job-based library to send email through an SMTP server | |
mail/kmbox | Library for accessing mail storages in MBox format | |
databases/kldap | LDAP access API for KDE | |
audio/nas | Network Audio System | |
mail/kmime | Library for handling mail messages and newsgroup articles | |
time/kcalendarcore | KDE calendar access library | |
games/kmines | KDE version of the classic minesweeper game | |
games/palapeli | Jigsaw puzzle game based on KDE technology | |
multimedia/phonon-qt5 | Multimedia API for KF5 | |
multimedia/phonon | Multimedia API for KDE and QT | |
wip/oxygen | KDE Oxygen style | |
textproc/syntax-highlighting | Syntax highlighting engine for structured text and code | |
time/rsibreak | RSI management tool | |
editors/texworks | Simple TeX front-end program | |
multimedia/kdenlive | KDE video editor | |
meta-pkgs/kf5 | meta-package for the KDE Frameworks 5 | |
devel/kconfig | Configuration system | |
devel/knotifications | Abstraction for system notifications | |
wip/kgrab | Screen Grabbing Program (KDE4) | |
mail/ktnef | API for handling TNEF data | |
sysutils/baloo5 | Framework for searching and managing metadata | |
misc/kmouth | KDE Speech Synthesizer frontend | |
x11/libkscreen | KDE screen management software | |
multimedia/libkcddb | KDE CDDB library | |
graphics/libkipi | KDE image plugin interface | |
textproc/kcompletion | Text completion helpers and widgets | |
misc/kmousetool | KDE mouse manipulation tool | |
devel/kcoreaddons | Addons to QtCore | |
graphics/kqtquickcharts | QtQuick plugin to render beautiful and interactive charts | |
textproc/kapidox | Frameworks API Documentation Tools | |
x11/kde-runtime4 | Runtime requirements for the KDE integrated X11 desktop | |
x11/kirigami2 | QtQuick based components set | |
x11/kxmlgui | User configurable main windows | |
wip/plasma-desktop | KDE Plasma Desktop | |
editors/kile | LaTeX source editor - TeX shell - Gnuplot front end | |
sysutils/kdbusaddons | Addons to QtDBus | |
games/picmi | Nonogram puzzle game for KDE | |
devel/kde-dev-scripts | Scripts useful during development of KDE software | |
graphics/gwenview | KDE image viewer | |
www/syndication | RSS/Atom parser library | |
misc/kfind | KDE Find Files/Folders | |
misc/kdialog | KDE utility for displaying dialog boxes from shell scripts | |
misc/kontactinterface | Kontact Plugin Interface Library | |
misc/keditbookmarks | KDE Bookmark Organizer and Editor | |
textproc/ktextaddons | Various text handling addons | |
misc/grantleetheme | Library for Grantlee theming support | |
security/libkleo | KDE PIM cryptographic library | |
www/konqueror | KDE File Manager & Web Browser | |
devel/kdebugsettings | Application to enable/disable qCDebug | |
security/kdesu | Integration with su for elevated privileges | |
time/kalarm | Personal alarm scheduler | |
time/akonadi-calendar | Akonadi calendar integration | |
time/akonadi-calendar-tools | CLI tools to manage akonadi calendars | |
devel/drkonqi | KDE crash handler | |
time/calendarsupport | Calendar support library | |
www/akregator | Feed Reader by KDE | |
mail/pim-sieve-editor | Mail sieve editor | |
mail/akonadi-mime | Libraries and daemons to implement basic email handling | |
security/kleopatra | Certificate Manager and Unified Crypto GUI | |
mail/libksieve | KDE PIM library for managing sieves | |
mail/mailcommon | KDE PIM library providing support for mail applications | |
misc/kontact | KDE Personal Information Manager | |
mail/mbox-importer | Import mbox files to KMail | |
mail/akonadi-import-wizard | Import data from other mail clients to KMail | |
misc/knotes | Popup notes | |
misc/libgravatar | KDE PIM library providing Gravatar support | |
misc/kaddressbook | KDE contact manager | |
misc/pim-data-exporter | Import and export KDE PIM settings | |
misc/akonadiconsole | Akonadi management and debugging console | |
misc/akonadi-contacts | Libraries and daemons to implement basic email handling | |
misc/pimcommon | Common libraries for KDE PIM | |
misc/akonadi-notes | Libraries and daemons to implement management of notes in Akonadi | |
net/messagelib | KDE PIM messaging library | |
sysutils/milou | Dedicated search application built on top of Baloo | |
mail/kmail | KDE mail client | |
mail/kmail-account-wizard | KMail account wizard | |
misc/eventviews | Library for creating events | |
misc/akonadi-search | Libraries and daemons to implement searching in Akonadi | |
time/korganizer | Calendar and scheduling Program | |
mail/mailimporter | Mail importer library | |
mail/kmailtransport | Mail Transport Service | |
sysutils/libksysguard | Library to track and control the processes running in your system | |
devel/kdevelop | Integrated Development Environment for Unix/X11/KDE | |
misc/kdepim-runtime | Extends the functionality of kdepim | |
misc/libkdepim | Libraries for KDE PIM applications | |
graphics/kgamma | KDE screen gamma values kcontrol module | |
graphics/kcolorchooser | KDE color chooser | |
graphics/breeze-icons | Breeze icon themes | |
graphics/kde-base-artwork | KDE KSplash theme | |
x11/plasma-framework | Plasma library and runtime components based upon KF5 and Qt5 | |
devel/threadweaver | High-level multithreading framework | |
x11/kded | Extensible deamon for providing system level services | |
x11/kirigami-addons | Add-ons for the Kirigami framework | |
misc/kuserfeedback | Collecting user feedback for applications via telemetry and surveys | |
security/krb5-strength | Kerberos kadmind strength checking plugin | |
misc/grantlee-editor | Editor for Grantlee themes | |
misc/incidenceeditor | KDE PIM incidence editor | |
devel/ki18n | Advanced internationalization framework | |
devel/kcachegrind | Visualization of Performance Profiling Data | |
devel/kpty | Pty abstraction | |
x11/kf6-kxmlgui | User configurable main windows | |
x11/kf6-kded | Extensible deamon for providing system level services | |
x11/kf6-kconfigwidgets | Widgets for KConfig | |
devel/kf6-kidletime | Monitoring user activity | |
devel/kf6-threadweaver | High-level multithreading framework | |
devel/kf6-kbookmarks | Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format | |
devel/kf6-ktexteditor | Advanced embeddable text editor | |
devel/kf6-knotifications | Abstraction for system notifications | |
devel/kf6-kcmutils | Utilities for interacting with KCModules | |
devel/kf6-kconfig | Configuration system | |
devel/kf6-kcrash | Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps | |
devel/kf6-kitemmodels | Models for Qt Model/View system | |
devel/kf6-ki18n | Advanced internationalization framework | |
devel/kf6-kparts | Document centric plugin system | |
devel/kf6-kservice | Advanced plugin and service introspection | |
devel/kf6-kdeclarative | Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks | |
devel/kf6-kpty | Pty abstraction | |
devel/kf6-kpackage | Installation and loading of additional content as packages | |
devel/kf6-kdoctools | Documentation generation from docbook | |
devel/kf6-kio | Resource and network access abstraction | |
devel/kf6-kcolorscheme | Classes to read and interact with KColorScheme | |
x11/kf6-kirigami | QtQuick based components set | |
x11/kf6-kguiaddons | Addons to QtGui | |
x11/kf6-kglobalaccel | Add support for global workspace shortcuts | |
x11/kf6-kitemviews | Widget addons for Qt Model/View | |
x11/kf6-kjobwidgets | Widgets for tracking KJob instances | |
x11/kf6-kwindowsystem | Access to the windowing system | |
x11/kf6-ktextwidgets | Advanced text editing widgets | |
x11/kf6-frameworkintegration | Provide components to allow applications to integrate with a KDE Workspace | |
x11/kf6-kwidgetsaddons | Addons to QtWidgets | |
textproc/kf6-kcompletion | Text completion helpers and widgets | |
textproc/kf6-ktexttemplate | Separate the structure of documents from the data they contain | |
textproc/kf6-kcodecs | Collection of methods to manipulate strings using various encodings | |
textproc/kf6-syntax-highlighting | Syntax highlighting engine for structured text and code | |
textproc/kf6-sonnet | Spelling framework for Qt6 | |
time/kf6-kcalendarcore | KDE calendar access library | |
time/kf6-kholidays | KDE library for regional holiday information | |
security/kf6-kdesu | Integration with su for elevated privileges | |
security/kf6-kwallet | Secure and unified container for user passwords | |
security/kf6-kauth | Abstraction to system policy and authentication features | |
archivers/kf6-karchive | Qt 6 addon providing access to numerous types of archives | |
graphics/kf6-kiconthemes | Support for icon themes | |
graphics/kf6-ksvg | Components for handling SVGs | |
graphics/kf6-prison | Barcode API to produce QRCode barcodes and DataMatrix barcodes | |
devel/kf6-kpeople | Provides access to all contacts and aggregates them by person | |
graphics/kf6-kplotting | Lightweight plotting framework | |
devel/kf6-krunner | Framework for providing different actions given a string query | |
graphics/kf6-kimageformats | Image format plugins for Qt5 | |
devel/kf6-purpose | Providing abstractions to get the developers purposes fulfilled | |
net/kf6-knewstuff | Support for downloading application assets from the network | |
net/kf6-kdnssd | Abstraction to system DNSSD features | |
sysutils/kf6-kfilemetadata | Library for extracting file metadata | |
sysutils/kf6-kdbusaddons | Addons to QtDBus | |
sysutils/kf6-solid | Hardware integration and detection | |
misc/kf6-attica | Qt5 library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API | |
misc/kf6-kquickcharts | QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts | |
misc/kf6-kcontacts | Address book API for KDE | |
misc/kf6-kunitconversion | Support for unit conversion | |
misc/kf6-kdav | DAV protocol implemention with KJobs | |
www/kf6-syndication | RSS/Atom parser library | |
devel/kf6-knotifyconfig | Configuration system for KNotify | |
converters/wv2 | Library to access Microsoft Word files | |
sysutils/kdf | Show mount points and disk usage under KDE desktop | |
sysutils/kf6-baloo | Framework for searching and managing metadata | |
x11/kguiaddons | Addons to QtGui | |
x11/kdelibs4support | Porting aid from KDELibs4 | |
x11/plasma6-layer-shell-qt | Qt component to allow applications to use the Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol | |
x11/plasma6-libkscreen | KDE screen management software | |
devel/plasma6-kwayland | Qt-style Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland libraries | |
net/kdnssd | Abstraction to system DNSSD features | |
graphics/prison | Barcode API to produce QRCode barcodes and DataMatrix barcodes | |
meta-pkgs/kde | meta-package for KDE applications | |
x11/kf6-qqc2-desktop-style | Style for Qt Quick Controls 2 to make it follow your desktop theme | |
devel/kf6-kcoreaddons | Addons to QtCore | |
wip/kde-runtime4 | Runtime requirements for the KDE integrated X11 desktop | |
wip/kde-gtk-config | Plasma5 GTK2 and GTK3 Configurator | |
wip/kuickshow | Very fast and comfortable imageviewer (KDE4) | |
wip/breeze-gtk | Breeze widget theme for GTK 2 and 3 | |
wip/plasma-integration | Integration of Qt application with KDE workspaces | |
games/knetwalk | Game for system administrators | |
games/bomber | Bomber game | |
games/kajongg | Maj Jong game | |
games/kfourinline | Four-in-a-row game for KDE | |
misc/kaccessible | Provides accessibility services like focus tracking for KDE | |
net/libktorrent | BitTorrent protocol implementation | |
security/kgpg | KDE encryption tool | |
games/libkmahjongg | Library for loading and rendering of Mahjongg tilesets | |
sysutils/strigi | Small fast desktop searching program | |
devel/kdesdk-strigi-analyzers | Strigi analyzers for various tools | |
x11/ktextwidgets | Advanced text editing widgets | |
devel/ktexteditor | Advanced embeddable text editor | |
graphics/oxygen-icons | Oxygen icon set for the KDE integrated X11 desktop | |
games/klickety | Strategy game for KDE, an adaption of the Clickomania game | |
games/konquest | Game of galactic conquest for KDE | |
games/kblocks | Classic falling blocks game | |
games/ksudoku | Logic-based symbol placement puzzle | |
pkgtools/texlive2pkg | Tool to automate initial steps in building a texlive package | |
games/ksnakeduel | Simple snake duel game for KDE | |
devel/umbrello | UML Modeller | |
wip/kwin | KDE Window manager | |
games/kshisen | Solitaire-like game played using the standard set of Mahjong tiles | |
www/kjsembed | Embedded JS | |
misc/kf6-kstatusnotifieritem | Implementation of Status Notifier Items |