The following packages were found for maintainer:
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x11/gtksourceview3 Text widget that extends GTK3s GtkTextView widget (v3)
www/libecap C++ implementation of eCAP API
x11/gtksourceview4 Text widget that extends GTK3s GtkTextView widget (v4)
x11/gnome-desktop3 GNOME3 desktop-wide documents and libgnome-desktop library
wip/swig4 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 4)
wip/frida-glib2 Some useful routines for C programming (glib2)
graphics/vtk-docs Documentation for VTK (HTML)
devel/py-at-spi2 Python Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
textproc/sdop Simple DocBook processor
print/pmw High quality music typesetting program
graphics/adwaita-icon-theme Standard GNOME icons
devel/swig3 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 3)
devel/accerciser Interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop
devel/py-gobject3 Python bindings for glib2 gobject
editors/ne Terminal text editor
devel/asio Header-only C++ library for asynchronous programming
editors/gedit Lightweight GNOME UTF-8 text editor
print/tex-textcase Case conversion ignoring mathematics, etc
graphics/graphene Thin layer of graphic data types
devel/gdbus-codegen Generate code and/or documentation for one or more D-Bus interfaces
devel/py-gobject3-common Python version independent files for glib2 gobject bindings
textproc/gspell Spell checking API for GTK+ applications
print/tex-textcase-doc Documentation for tex-textcase
textproc/yelp-xsl XSL stylesheets for Yelp help browser
math/gnome-calculator Desktop calculator for GNOME
math/py-lmfit Least-squares minimization with bounds and constraints
www/e2guardian Web content filtering proxy
devel/libwnck3 Library to write pagers and tasklists
games/hitori Logic game similar to Sudoku
wip/gnome-desktop3 GNOME3 desktop-wide documents and libgnome-desktop library
benchmarks/glmark2 OpenGL 2.0 and ES 2.0 benchmark
games/qqwing Sudoku puzzle generator and solver
devel/glib2-tools GLib2/gobject python-dependent tools
games/gnome-sudoku Number grid logic puzzle
x11/py-Xlib XLib in pure Python
textproc/PEGTL C++ header-only parser combinator library
graphics/py-imageio Python library to read and write images
textproc/aspic Textual description of line art to EPS or SVG converter
misc/yelp3 Mallard capable help browser
textproc/xfpt Converts simple plain text markup into DocBook XML
textproc/utf8-cpp UTF-8 header library for C++
textproc/itstool ITS Tool allows you to translate XML documents with PO files
graphics/eog Eye of GNOME: an image viewing and cataloging program
x11/gtksourceview5 Text widget that extends GTK4s GtkTextView widget (v5)
devel/glib2 Some useful routines for C programming (glib2)
security/ecap_clamav_adapter eCAP ClamAV adapter
wip/gnome-calculator Desktop calculator for GNOME
devel/at-spi2-core Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface Core