./meta-pkgs/bulk-medium, Meta-package for a standard medium-sized limited bulk build

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 20250208, Package name: bulk-medium-20250208, Maintainer: dholland

This package contains a medium number of packages selected to be
maximally useful for bulk building. It is intended to take about
eight hours to build on a reasonably modern machine.

Required to build:
[chat/jabberd2] [chat/sirc] [sysutils/desktop-file-utils] [sysutils/libnotify] [converters/fribidi] [print/poppler] [print/xpdf] [print/poppler-utils] [www/seamonkey] [graphics/lcms] [graphics/py-matplotlib] [graphics/gnuplot] [graphics/ImageMagick] [graphics/hicolor-icon-theme] [graphics/icon-naming-utils] [graphics/netpbm] [graphics/cairo] [graphics/glew] [emulators/tme] [emulators/simh] [emulators/qemu] [emulators/wine] [databases/p5-DBI] [databases/py-gdbm] [databases/py-bsddb3] [databases/openldap-client] [databases/p5-DBD-mysql] [databases/py-postgresql] [databases/py-psycopg2] [databases/shared-mime-info] [databases/p5-DBD-postgresql] [databases/gdbm] [databases/p5-BerkeleyDB] [editors/xemacs-packages] [editors/emacs-packages] [editors/nvi] [multimedia/libogg] [audio/flac] [audio/cdparanoia] [audio/flac123] [audio/lame] [audio/mpg123] [audio/vorbis-tools] [audio/eawpatches] [audio/libvorbis] [audio/sox] [filesystems/fuse] [lang/gawk] [lang/tcl] [net/libpcap] [net/nmap] [pkgtools/pkglint] [math/lapack] [math/blas] [security/cyrus-sasl] [security/gnupg] [security/gnupg2] [security/tcp_wrappers] [security/openssl] [mail/mutt] [mail/fetchmail] [mail/imap-uw] [mail/mhonarc] [mail/spamassassin] [mail/mailman] [meta-pkgs/boost] [devel/atk] [devel/nasm] [devel/glib2] [devel/cmake] [devel/imake] [devel/libelf] [devel/ncurses] [devel/ncursesw] [devel/yasm] [devel/boehm-gc] [devel/popt] [devel/pango] [devel/pcre] [devel/mercurial] [devel/libltdl] [x11/tk] [x11/xlockmore] [net/youtube-dl] [pkgtools/lintpkgsrc] [net/clive] [databases/py-sqlite3] [print/poppler-includes] [net/wpa_supplicant] [audio/pulseaudio] [devel/lua-stdlib] [archivers/pigz] [mail/re-alpine] [devel/libf2c] [net/xymonclient] [net/xymon] [audio/mpg123-pulse] [databases/p5-BDB] [filesystems/perfuse] [graphics/openjpeg] [graphics/gdk-pixbuf2] [x11/gtk3] [graphics/lcms2] [sysutils/xe-guest-utilities] [devel/libusb1] [x11/motif] [meta-pkgs/bulk-small] [databases/mysql56-client] [print/ghostscript-agpl] [textproc/ispell] [devel/SDL2] [devel/git] [devel/git-base] [devel/git-docs] [meta-pkgs/suse131] [audio/SDL2_mixer] [graphics/SDL2_image] [audio/opusfile] [pkgtools/cwrappers] [sysutils/xentools45] [sysutils/xenkernel45] [lang/openjdk8] [chat/hexchat] [net/samba4] [net/libsoup] [databases/mysql57-client] [editors/emacs25] [editors/vim-gtk3] [devel/libidn2] [lang/ruby25-base] [multimedia/ffmpeg4] [lang/python37] [net/bind911] [lang/php73] [lang/ruby26-base] [net/bind914] [graphics/librsvg-c] [lang/openjdk11] [lang/ruby27-base]

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-08 05:10:27 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
meta-pkgs/bulk-medium: Switch PHP packages' name
   2024-10-14 08:46:10 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (325)
Log message:
*: clean-up after python38 removal
   2024-07-08 09:04:31 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
bulk-medium: Tighter selection of suse compat packages
   2024-06-02 17:40:14 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
meta-pkgs/bulk-medium: update to 20240602

Add lang/php83.
   2024-05-13 08:53:30 by Jonathan Perkin | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
bulk-medium: php80 was deleted.
   2024-02-27 15:25:07 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
meta-pkgs/bulk-medium: add ruby33

Remove a pkglint warning, too.

Bump to 20240227.
   2023-11-17 09:22:58 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
bulk-medium: latest versions of bind, unbound, nsd
   2023-10-30 14:02:49 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
bulk-*: Bump revs for previous.