Contact us Category listing - net
((V)irtual = Package is only listed here)
3proxy Multi-protocol proxy
6tunnel Tunnelling for applications that don't speak IPv6
adns Asynchronous-capable DNS client library and utilities
aget Multithreaded HTTP download accelerator
aiccu Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility
amap (V) Applications and Services scanner
amazon-ecs-cli Amazon ECS Cli
amfora Terminal browser for the Gemini protocol
amule Another Emule P2P client
aoe-vblade ATA over Ethernet (AoE) server - thin, LAN-based storage protocol
ap-maxminddb MaxMind DB geolocalisation Apache Module
apollo Messaging broker built from the foundations of ActiveMQ
argus System and Network Monitoring Application
aria2 Multi-threaded, multi-protocol, flexible download accelerator
arla-3.99.14 (V) Free AFS implementation from KTH
arp-scan Discovery and fingerprinting tool using ARP
arpd ARP daemon
arping ARP-level ping utility
arpwatch Monitor ARP activity on a network, maintaining a database
arti Implementation of tor in Rust
asterisk11-vicidial (V) The Asterisk Software PBX
asterisk13 (V) The Asterisk Software PBX
asterisk16 (V) The Asterisk Software PBX
asterisk18 (V) The Asterisk Software PBX
asterisk19 (V) The Asterisk Software PBX
asterisk20 (V) The Asterisk Software PBX
asterisk21 (V) The Asterisk Software PBX
asterisk22 (V) The Asterisk Software PBX
asuka Gemini Project client written in rust with ncurses
autonet Automatically configure network interface & WEP keys
avahi Facilitate service discovery on a local network
avahi-ui Facilitate service discovery on a local network (GUI)
awhois All-encompassing whois client wrapper
balance TCP loadbalancer with roundrobin and failover
bandcamp-dl Simple Python script to download Bandcamp albums
bandsnatch CLI batch downloader for your Bandcamp collection
baresip (V) SIP User-Agent with audio and video support
barnyard Fast output system for snort
batchftp Automatically download files via the FTP protocol
bbk_cli Bandwidth measurement tool for Nordic ISPs
beanstalkd Simple, fast work queue
bftpd Small and fast FTP server
bind918 Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.18
bird The BIRD Internet Routing Daemon
bird6 The BIRD Internet Routing Daemon
bmon Interface bandwidth monitor
bombadillo Gopher/Gemini client for the terminal
bounce Tool to forward TCP connection from one IP to another
bridge-utils (V) Ethernet bridging utilities for GNU/Linux
bridged Userland ethernet bridge daemon
bropages CLI to interact with
bsddip Dialup IP program
btget Fast bittorrent client and library written in C
btpd Daemon for file sharing over bittorrent
bwm-ng Console-based bandwidth monitor
bwping Tool to measure bandwidth and RTT between two hosts using ICMP
cacti Web frontend to rrdtool for monitoring systems and services
cacti-spine Cacti poller for large installations
castor Client for plain-text protocols like Gemini, Gopher and Finger
cclive Command line video extraction tool for user-uploaded video hosts
ccrtp RTP and RTSP protocol implementation using GNU CommonCpp
cdpd Simple daemon to send Cisco Discovery Protocol packets
cdpr (V) Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter
checkbot (V) Verify links on a set of HTML pages
chksniff Small tool to check for promiscuous interfaces
choparp Simple proxy arp daemon
choqok Twitter and StatusNet client for KDE
chrony Daemon for maintaining the accuracy of computer clocks
cia Simple IP accounting software
cidr RFC 1878 subnet calculator / helper
cisco-mibs Public SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 MIBs from Cisco
citrix_ica Citrix(R) ICA client for the Citrix(R) Presentation Server(TM)
clisp-rawsock CLISP rawsock module
clive Command line video extraction tool for user-uploaded video hosts
cmu-dhcpd CMU BootP and DHCP server, plus Princeton patches
cntlm NTLM/NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy
coda Coda distributed fileystem
coilmq Simple, lightweight, and easily extensible STOMP message broker
connect Open a TCP connection using a SOCKS4/5 or HTTP proxy server
corebird Native Gtk+ Twitter Client
corkscrew Tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies
coturn TURN and STUN server (for VoIP/webrtc)
couriertcpd Courier TCP socket and TLS servers
coursera-dl Download course ressources for Coursera classes
cowpatty (V) Designed to audit the security of PSKs selected in WPA networks
cppzmq C++ binding for libzmq
croc Fast, simple, and secure file transfer between any two computers
cryptcat (V) Standard netcat enhanced with twofish encryption
csup Rewrite of the CVSup file updating client in C
czds Client to the CZDS REST API
czmq High-level C binding for ZeroMQ
dante BSD-licensed socks 4/5 proxy suite
daq Abstraction layer for libpcap
darkstat Network statistics gatherer
DarwinStreamingServer Open source version of Apple QuickTime Streaming Server
dbip-asn-lite DB-IP IP to ASN Lite: IPv4/v6 address to ASN
dbip-city-lite DB-IP IP to City Lite: IPv4/v6 address to city
dbip-country-lite DB-IP IP to Country Lite: IPv4/v6 address to country
ddclient Client to update dynamic DNS entries
ddns-route53 Dynamic DNS for Amazon Route 53 on a time-based schedule
ddos-scan (V) Scan for a limited set of distributed denial of service (ddos) agents
deforaos-vncviewer DeforaOS desktop VNC viewer
delegate General purpose TCP/IP proxy system
deskflow (V) Let a user share a mouse and keyboard among computers
deviceatlas-enterprise-c (V) DeviceAtlas Device Detection C API
dgd Object-oriented programmable server
dhcpcd DHCP / IPv4LL / IPv6RA / DHCPv6 client
dhcpcd-dbus DBus binding for dhcpcd
dhcpcd-gtk GTK+ system tray monitor for dhcpcd
dhcpcd-icons Shared icons for dhcpcd-gtk and dhcpcd-qt
dhcpcd-qt Qt system tray monitor for dhcpcd
dhcpd-pools ISC dhcpd lease analysis and reporting
dhid Dynamic Host Information System client daemon
dhisd DynDNS server
divoom (V) Rust Library for controlling divoom devices that support REST APIs
djbdns Collection of secure and reliable DNS tools
djbdns-run Configures djbdns to cache and serve queries
djbdnscurve6 Fork of djbdns with IPv6 and DNSCurve support
dlint Internet Domain Name System (DNS) error checking utility
dnc CLI tool to check domain names configuration
dnscap Network capture utility designed specifically for DNS traffic
dnscheck DNSCheck is a DNS quality checker
dnscontrol Opinionated platform for managing DNS configuration
dnscrypt-proxy2 DNS proxy with support for encrypted protocols
dnsdist Highly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer
dnsmasq Lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder
dnstop Diagnose tcpdump trace for DNS queries/replies
dnstracer Tool to trace dns queries
docsis Utility for manipulating DOCSIS-compliant cable modems
doh A tool for resolving host names using DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)
dq Recursive DNS/DNSCurve server
driftnet Real-time image sniffer
drill DNSSEC debugging tool a'la dig
dtcp Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol daemon and client
dtcpclient Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol client
dtorrent Enhanced CTorrent, a BitTorrent console client written in C/C++
duplicity (V) Remote encrypting incremental backup utility
dynipclient Client for the dynamic DNS service
echoping Test performance of a remote TCP service
ed2k-gtk-gui GUI for the eDonkey2000 and Overnet
edonkey2k Yet another P2P file sharing tool
enet Network communication layer that runs on top of UDP
entropy Anonymous peer-to-peer networking node (similar to Freenet)
erlang-esip ProcessOne SIP server component in Erlang
erlang-idna Pure Erlang IDNA implementation following the RFC5891
erlang-stun STUN and TURN library for Erlang / Elixir
erlang-xmpp XMPP parsing and serialization library on top of Fast XML
ether2dns Converter from /etc/ethers to IPv6 DNS records
etherape Graphical network monitor
ethtool (V) Display or change ethernet card settings
ettercap Suite for man in the middle attacks
ettercap-gtk Suite for man in the middle attacks (with GTK GUI)
eventd (V) Small daemon to act on remote or local events
exabgp BGP swiss army knife
expiretable (V) Removes entries from pf tables based on their age
ez-ipupdate Client to update dynamic DNS entries
fabric (V) Simple Pythonic remote deployment tool
fair-identd Fast RFC-1413 identd running under inetd that returns no useful info
fastd Fast and small VPN tunnelling daemon
fd-proxy Glue for making a TCP proxy using ucspi-tcp tools
fehqlibs State-of-the-art C routines for Internet services
fetch Client to fetch URLs
filezilla FTP, FTPS, and SFTP client with intuitive GUI
firewalk Determines the filter rules on a packet forwarding device
flickcurl Flickr API library
flodo Simple network flow sampling tool
flow-tools Collect and store NetFlow data
fmirror Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
fpdns Fingerprinting DNS servers
fping Quickly ping many hosts w/o flooding the network
freeDiameter Open source Diameter protocol implementation
freenet-tools Freenet Tools, freesite manipulation tools for Freenet and Entropy
freeradius Free RADIUS server implementation
freeradius-freetds Free RADIUS FreeTDS support
freeradius-iodbc Free RADIUS iODBC support
freeradius-krb5 Free RADIUS rlm_krb5 module
freeradius-ldap Free RADIUS rlm_ldap module
freeradius-memcached Free RADIUS support for memcached
freeradius-mysql Free RADIUS MySQL support
freeradius-perl Free RADIUS rlm_perl module
freeradius-pgsql Free RADIUS PostgreSQL support
freeradius-python Free RADIUS rlm_python module
freeradius-rest Free RADIUS rlm_rest module
freeradius-sqlite3 Free RADIUS SQLite support
freeradius-unixodbc Free RADIUS UNIXODBC support
freeradius-yubikey Free RADIUS rlm_yubikey module
freerdp2 Free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (major version 2)
frr Frr routing multi protocol suite
fstrm C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
ftplibpp C++ class providing ftp client functionality
ftpproxy Application level gateway for FTP
fusionpbx (V) Full-featured multi-tenant GUI for FreeSwitch
fwknop Port knocking via Single Packet Authorization (SPA)
gallery-dl Command-line program to download image galleries and collections
ganglia-monitor-core (V) Ganglia cluster monitor, monitoring daemon
GeoIP GeoIP Legacy C API
Geomyidae Gopher daemon
get_iplayer Search, index, record or stream BBC iPlayer broadcasts
get-flash-videos Tool for using various Flash-based video hosting sites
gethost Hostname and IP resolver for testing /etc/hosts and nsswitch.conf
gh GitHub CLI
gift Modular daemon that abstracts filesharing protocols
gift-fasttrack Fasttrack plugin for giFT
gift-gnutella Gnutella plugin for giFT
gift-openft OpenFT Plugin for the gift daemon
giftcurs Curses frontend to the giFT daemon
gini Free streaming media server
gitsome (V) Supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI)
gkrellm-multiping Pings several machines and prints out stats
gkrellm-snmp GKrellM plugin to display values collected from a SNMP agent
gkrellm-wireless Wavelan signal strength monitor for gkrellm
glib-networking Network-related giomodules for glib
gmrender-resurrect-git (V) Resource efficient UPnP/DLNA renderer
gnapfetch Update/maintain opennap servers for gnapster/TekNap
gnet Simple network library
gnet1 Simple network library (older version)
gnetcat Read and write data across network connections
gnome-nettool GNOME interface for various network tools
gnome-online-accounts Service that allows online accounts to be used with GNOME
gnugk H.323 Gatekeeper
gnunet Framework for secure P2P networking
gnunet-gtk GTK user interfaces for GNUnet
go-dnstap Go language implementation of framestream protocol
go-websocket Go implementation of the WebSocket protocol
gofish Gopher server
gopher Distributed document delivery client
gopherus Lightweight ncurses-based Gopher client
gping Ping, but with a graph
grilo Media browser framework
grilo-plugins Plugins for grilo media browser
grive2 Independent open source implementation of Google Drive client
grpc High performance, open-source universal RPC framework
grpc-go Go implementation of gRPC
grpc-java (V) The Java gRPC implementation. HTTP/2 based RPC
grpcurl Command-line tool that lets you interact with gRPC servers
gsnmp SNMP library
gssdp Simple Service Discovery Protocol library and device sniffer
gst-plugins1-adaptivedemux2 Open source multimedia framework - adaptive format (HLS/DASH) plugin
gst-plugins1-libnice IETF's Interactive Connectivity Establishment standard implementation
gst-plugins1-resindvd (V) Open source multimedia framework - DVD navigation plugin
gst-plugins1-rtmp Open source multimedia framework - RTMP streaming plugin
gst-plugins1-soup Open source multimedia framework - HTML (soup) plugin
gst-rtsp-server GStreamer RTSP server
gt-itm GT Internetwork Topology Models
gtk_wicontrol GTK+-based Wavelan status meter
gtk-gnutella GTK-based gnutella client
gtk-vnc VNC viewer widget for GTK
guacamole-server Clientless remote desktop gateway
gunison GTK3 frontend for unison
gupnp Framework for UPnP devices
gupnp-av Helpers for audio/video applications using GUPnP
gupnp-dlna Small DLNA-related utility library
gupnp-igd Library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping
gupnp-tools Framework for UPnP devices
gvproxy Replacement for libslirp and VPNKit, written in pure Go
haproxy Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer
hdl-dump Install games in HDLoader format to a PS2 hard drive
hercules4sdl-telnet The SoftDevLabs version of telnet library for Hercules 4.x
hesiod Hesiod network database client and library
hf6to4 Enables 6to4 IPv6 automatic tunnels
hlfl High Level Firewall Language
hoogle Haskell API Search
host Powerful DNS query and testing tool
howl Zeroconf (Rendezvous) implementation
hping Command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer
hping3 Command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer
hs-aws Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Haskell
hs-crypton-connection Simple and easy network connection API
hs-io-streams-haproxy HAProxy protocol 1.5 support for io-streams
hs-ip Library for IP and MAC addresses
hs-iproute IP Routing Table
hs-mime Working with MIME types
hs-mime-types Basic mime-type handling types and functions
hs-modern-uri Modern library for working with URIs
hs-network Haskell Low-level networking interface
hs-network-bsd POSIX network database (<netdb.h>) API
hs-network-byte-order Network byte order utilities
hs-network-control Library to control network protocols
hs-network-info Access basic network configuration of the local computer
hs-network-multicast Simple multicast library
hs-network-uri URI manipulation
hs-recv Efficient network recv
hs-resolv Domain Name Service (DNS) lookup
hs-simple-sendfile Cross platform library for the sendfile system call
hs-socks Socks proxy (ver 5)
hs-torrent BitTorrent file parser and generater
hs-uri-encode Unicode aware uri-encoding
httping Like 'ping' but for http-requests
httpstat Visualise curl(1) statistics
httptunnel Encapsulate TCP/IP connections in HTTP requests
hub Command-line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub
iana-enterprise-numbers IANA Private Enterprise Numbers (PENs)
iana-etc Tools to process the IANA source files into services and protocols
icinga-base Enterprise grade open source monitoring system
icinga2 Monitoring system
icingaweb2 PHP-based Web UI for Icinga
icsi-finger Distributed finger service
ifstat (V) Tool to report network interface bandwidth
iftop Display bandwidth usage on an interface
IglooFTP Easy to use FTP client for X Window System
iisemulator (V) IIS emulator
inadyn Dynamic DNS client
inetutils GNU network utilities
iodine Tool to tunnel IPv4 over DNS
ipcalc IP Calculator
ipcheck Python client for the dyndns service
iperf2 TCP and UDP bandwidth performance measurement tool
iperf3 TCP and UDP bandwidth performance measurement tool
ipget Retrieve files over IPFS and save them locally
ipgrab Verbose packet sniffer for UNIX hosts
iplog Iplog is a tool using pcap to log IP traffic
ipv6calc Manipulates IPv6 addresses
ipw whois replacement that automatically queries several databases
irrd Internet Routing Registry Daemon
irrtoolset5 The Internet Routing Registry Toolset - client to IRRd
isc-dhclient4 ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Client
isc-dhcp4 ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Base
isc-dhcpd4 ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server
isc-dhcrelay4 ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Relay
ishell Allow remote shell using ICMP
isic Ip Stack Integrity Checker (IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP et. al.)
istgt Configurable iSCSI target
jftpgw FTP gateway/proxy
jigdo Tool to ease downloading of large files from the Internet
jumpgate TCP connection forwarder with capture and syslog support
jwhois Configurable WHOIS client
k6 Modern load testing tool using Go and JavaScript
kdenetwork-filesharing Properties dialog plugin to share directory with local network
kdenetwork-strigi-analyzers Strigi analyzers for various network protocols
kdnssd Abstraction to system DNSSD features
kdsoap Qt-based client-side and server-side SOAP component
kea Next-generation ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server
kf6-kdnssd Abstraction to system DNSSD features
kf6-knewstuff Support for downloading application assets from the network
kget download manager for KDE
khal (V) CLI calendar application built around CalDAV
khard (V) CLI contacts application built around CardDAV
kismet 802.11 wireless network detector, sniffer and IDS
knewstuff Support for downloading application assets from the network
knock Port knocking server
knot Knot (auth) DNS server
kopete Multi-protocol instant messenger client
krdc KDE remote desktop client
krfb KDE desktop sharing
ktorrent Graphical BitTorrent client for KDE
kubectl Command line tool lets you control Kubernetes clusters
kxmlrpcclient XML-RPC client library for KDE
lagrange Desktop GUI client for browsing Gemini
lambdamoo The definitive MOO software
lambdamoo-core Generic core classes for lambdamoo
lambdamoo-doc Documentation for lambdamoo
latd The linux-decnet project's LAT protocol suite
ldns Library for simplified DNS programming
lft Layer four traceroute capable of tracing protocol paths
lftp Powerful command line file transfer client
libares Asynchronous DNS resolver library
libasr Asynchronous DNS resolver library
libasyncns C library for executing name service queries asynchronously
libbind ISC Standard Resolver Library
libcares Asynchronous resolver library, c-ares
libcmis Client library for the CMIS interface
libdlna Reference DLNA open-source implementation
libdnet C interface to several low-level networking routines
libexosip The Extended Open SIP library
libfetch Library to access HTTP/FTP server
libfilezilla Library for building high-performing, platform-independent programs
libgdata Google Data API based Glib client library
libgdata0.6 Google Data API based Glib client library
libIDL CORBA Interface Definition Language parser
libifstat (V) Tool to report network interface bandwidth, shared library version
libiscsi iscsi client library and utilities
libktorrent BitTorrent protocol implementation
liblive Set of C++ libraries for multimedia streaming
libmicrodns Minimal mDNS resolver (and announcer) cross-platform library
libmms Library for parsing mms:// and mmsh:// type network streams
libnice IETF's Interactive Connectivity Establishment standard implementation
libnids Network monitoring library with TCP/IP reassembly
libnipper Performs security audits of network device configuration
libnpupnp C++ reimplementation of the libupnp
libpcap System-independent interface for user-level packet capture
libquic Multiplexed stream transport over UDP
libquvi Library for quvi
libquvi-scripts Scripts for libquvi
libradius RADIUS client library
librem (V) Portable library for real-time audio and video processing
librsync Rsync-like rolling checksum library
libslirp User-mode networking library
libsoup HTTP library implementation in C (major version 2)
libsoup3 HTTP library implementation in C (major version 3)
libsscript Simple library for creating network oriented software in C
libtelnet RFC-complient TELNET implementation as a C library
libtorrent BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nix
libtorrent-rasterbar Feature complete C++ bittorrent implementation
libtrace Library for trace processing
libupnp Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
libvncserver Easy API to write one's own vnc server
libzrtpcpp ZRTP extension for GNU ccRTP
linc Network client/server library
linuxdcpp (V) DC++-based p2p filesharing application
lldpd 802.1ab (LLDP) implementation
llnlxdir Advanced graphical FTP client
llnlxftp Motif FTP client
lopster Yet another Gtk+ Napster clone
lua-copas Dispatcher based on coroutines that can be used by TCP_IP servers
lua-socket Network support for the Lua language
lua-unbound Binding of libunbound for the Lua language
madonctl (V) Command line client for the Mastodon distributed social network API
mangos Pure Golang implementation of nanomsg's Scalability Protocols
maradns Secure DNS server for *NIX systems
mate-user-share MATE user-level file sharing
mbrowse Graphical SNMP MIB browser
mcast-tools IPv6 multicast routing daemons and tools
md-whois Improved whois client
mDNSResponder Apple's mDNS responder
mDNSResponder-nss Apple's mDNS responder - NetBSD nsswitch module
megacmd CLI and scriptable application to access MEGA
megatools Command line client for
messagelib KDE PIM messaging library
mikutter Simple, powerful, and moeful twitter client
mimms MMS (e.g. mms://) stream downloader
minikube Local kubernetes cluster
minitube YouTube desktop application
miniupnpc Client and library for UPnP IGD services
miniupnpd UPnP IGD service with NAT-PMP support
miredo Teredo IPv6 tunneling
mirror Mirror packages on remote sites
miruo Pretty-print TCP session monitor/analyzer
mitmproxy Interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy
mkvserver_mk2 Streaming solution to end all streaming problems
modpcap Command line utility to modify pcap capture files
mono-nat C# library for uPnP management
monotorrent Open source bittorrent library
mosh Remote terminal application which allows roaming
mosquitto Open Source MQTT broker
mouse-pppoe PPP over Ethernet program by der Mouse
mping Mping network statistics collector
mps-youtube (V) Terminal based YouTube player and downloader
mrstat Track load and number of users on specified hosts
mrtg The Multi-Router Traffic Grapher
msdl Media stream downloader
mtftpd Open-loop multicast TFTP server
mtr Traceroute and ping in a single graphical network diagnostic tool
mydns-mysql MySQL-based DNS server
mydns-pgsql PostgreSQL-based DNS server
nagios-base Network monitor
nagios-nrpe Nagios remote program execution daemon
nagios-nsca Remote/passive network service for nagios
nagios-plugin-apachecerts Apache certificate expiration monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-dnsmaster Domain NS record monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-dnsrbl DNSRBL monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-dotpid /var/run/*.pid monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-dumpdates /etc/dumpdates monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-fstab Mount points and swaps monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-gfbricks GlusterFS bricks monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-ipf IP filter states monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-ldap Nagios ldap plugin
nagios-plugin-lpd BSD LPD queue monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-milter Milter monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-mqueue Sendmail queue monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-mysql Nagios mysql plugin
nagios-plugin-mysqlslave MySQL and MariaDB slave monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-pgsql Nagios pgsql plugin
nagios-plugin-printer Gather supply metrics from a printer via SNMP query
nagios-plugin-radius Nagios radius plugin
nagios-plugin-raidctl RAIDframe monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-snmp Nagios snmp plugins
nagios-plugin-snmp_environment Check various hardware environmental sensors
nagios-plugin-spamd Nagios plugin for monitoring the SpamAssassin daemon
nagios-plugin-syncrepl LDAP replication monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-x509 x509 certificate validation plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugins Nagios plugins
nam The UCB/LBNL Network Animator
nanomsg Scalability protocols library
nanomsgxx Nanomsg binding for C++11
nanotodon CUI/C99 mastodon client
nap Terminal based Napster client similar to ircII
napshare Fully featured Gnutella P2P client made to run 24/7 unattended
nasd Prototype storage implementation
nats-server Simple, secure and high performance messaging system
nbtscan NetBIOS name network scanner
ncdc Modern and lightweight direct connect client (curses interface)
ncftp3 FTP replacement with advanced user interface
ncgopher Gopher and gemini client for the modern internet
ndiff Compares Nmap scans
ndpi Library for deep-packet inspection
nemesis Nemesis is a command-line UNIX network packet injection suite
net-snmp Extensible SNMP implementation
net-tools (V) Network configuration and status tools for Linux
netatalk22 Netatalk appletalk file and print services
netatalk3 Netatalk AFP file services
netatalk4 AFP file and AppleTalk print services
netbsd-iscsi-initiator NetBSD's iSCSI initiator (per iSCSI RFC 3720)
netbsd-iscsi-target NetBSD's iSCSI target (per iSCSI RFC 3720)
netcat Read and write data across network connections
netcat-openbsd Arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
netcat6 Network swiss army knife
netdisco Open Source web-based network management tool
netgroup Netgroup membership listing and testing functions
netname Return the canonical network name of a host
netop Network top
netpipes Utilities for communicating via sockets
netwake Wake-on-LAN utility with lookup file support
nextcloud-client Nextcloud Desktop Client
nfdump Tools to collect and process netflow data
nfsbug (V) NFS security verification suite
ngrep Network grep
ngtcp2 Implements RFC9000 QUIC protocol
nicotine-plus Graphical client for the Soulseek file sharing network
nicotine+ (V) Client for the SoulSeek, a peer-to-peer network for music
nidentd IPv4, IPv6, NAT, fake, and random supporting identd
nipper Performs security audits of network device configuration
nload Monitoring network traffic and bandwidth usage
nmap Network/port scanner with OS detection
nng Light-weight brokerless messaging
nocol Extensible network and system monitoring utility
nostui TUI client for Nostr
nprobe Monitor a network interface and generate NetFlow data
ns The UCB/LBNL Network Simulator Version 2
nsca-ng Send/accept passive check results to/from nagios
nsd Authoritative-only DNS server
nslint Perform consistency checks on DNS zone files
nstx Nameserver Transfer Protocol
ntopng Network traffic probe
ntp4 Network Time Protocol Version 4
nyx Command-line monitor for the tor daemon
obfs4proxy Look-like nothing obfuscation protocol
ocaml-conduit Dereference URIs into OCaml communication channels
ocaml-curl (V) OCaml bindings to the CURL library
ocaml-domain-name RFC 1035 Internet domain name library for OCaml
ocaml-ipaddr Library for manipulation of IP and MAC addresses
ocaml-mimic Dynamic instantiation of transmission protocols
ocaml-protocol_version_header Protocol-aware version negotiation for OCaml
ocamlnet Library focusing on application-level network protocols (OCaml)
ocsinventory-agent Keep track of the computers configuration and software
ocsync File synchronization program for OwnCloud
offpunk (V) Offline first command-line browser for the smolnet
oidentd Configurable IDENT server that supports NAT/IP masq
oinkmaster Manage snort rule updates
omniNotify CORBA Notification Service
openafs-git (V) File system for sharing, scalability and transparent data migration
openag Open Audio Galaxy client
openbfdd BFD link monitoring protocol
openconnect Open source VPN client
openh323 Open H.323 library
openntpd Free implementation of the Network Time Protocol
openresolv Framework for managing /etc/resolv.conf
openrrcp RealTek Remote Control Protocol tools
openrsync BSD-licensed implementation of rsync
openslp Open-source implementation of the Service Location Protocol
opentofu Free infrastructure orchestration tool
opentracker Bittorrent tracker
openvmps GPL implementation of the VMPS protocol
openvpn Easy-to-use SSL VPN daemon
openvpn-acct-wtmpx Log OpenVPN logins and logouts to wtmpx
openvpn-nagios OpenVPN certificate checks for Nagios
ORBit2 High-performance CORBA ORB with C language support
ortp Real-time Transport Protocol stack
overnet Peer-to-peer file sharing client (binary pkg)
owncloudclient Synchronization program for ownCloud
p5-Cisco-Abbrev Perl 5 module to translate to/from Cisco interface abbbreviations
p5-Danga-Socket Event loop and event-driven async socket base class
p5-Data-Stream-Bulk N at a time iteration API for data transfers
p5-DNS-LDNS Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
p5-DNS-ZoneParse Perl5 module for parsing DNS zone files
p5-File-Rsync Perl module interface to rsync(1)
p5-File-RsyncP Perl Rsync client
p5-Frontier-RPC (V) Perl module to handle client/server xmlrpc
p5-FusionInventory-Agent Fusion Inventory agent
p5-Geo-IP Gets country name by IP or hostname
p5-Geo-IPfree Gets country name by IP or hostname
p5-GeoIP2 Perl API for MaxMind's GeoIP2 web services and databases
p5-Google-API-Client (V) Perl module for accessing Google APIs
p5-HTTP-Response-Encoding (V) Perl5 module to add encoding() to HTTP::Response
p5-IO-Interface IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
p5-IO-SessionData Supporting module for SOAP::Lite
p5-IO-Socket-INET6 Perl object interface for AF_INET/AF_INET6 domain sockets
p5-IO-Socket-Multicast Perl multicast socket IO
p5-IO-Socket-SSL (V) Perl5 SSL socket interface class
p5-IO-Socket-Timeout IO::Socket with read/write timeout
p5-IP-Country Fast lookup of country codes from IP addresses
p5-LWP-Online (V) Does your process have access to the web
p5-LWP-UserAgent-Determined (V) Perl5 virtual browser that retries errors
p5-MARC (V) Perl5 module for manipulating MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) data
p5-MaxMind-DB-Common Code shared by the MaxMind DB reader and writer modules
p5-MaxMind-DB-Reader Read MaxMind DB files and look up IP addresses
p5-MaxMind-DB-Writer Create MaxMind DB database files
p5-Net Perl5 modules to access and use network protocols
p5-Net-Akismet Perl 5 interface to Akismet - comment and trackback spam fighter
p5-Net-Amazon Framework for accessing via SOAP and XML/HTTP
p5-Net-Amazon-S3 Framework for accessing via SOAP and XML/HTTP
p5-Net-AMQP Advanced Message Queue Protocol (de)serialization and representation
p5-Net-Bind Perl5 module to grovel DNS resolver information
p5-Net-Bonjour Module for DNS service discovery (Apple's Bonjour/Rendezvous)
p5-Net-CIDR (V) Perl5 module to manipulate IPv4/IPv6 netblocks in CIDR notation
p5-Net-CIDR-Lite Perl extension for merging IPv4/v6 CIDR addresses
p5-Net-CIDR-Set Perl 5 module to manipulate sets of IP addresses
p5-Net-Daemon Perl5 module for writing networking daemons
p5-Net-DBus Perl extension for the DBus message system
p5-Net-Delicious (V) OOP for the API
p5-Net-Dev-MIBLoadOrder Perl5 module to determine MIB files load order
p5-Net-DHCP Object methods to create a DHCP packet
p5-Net-Dict (V) Client API for the DICT protocol defined in RFC2229
p5-Net-DNS Perl5 module for DNS resolution
p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Mock Mock a DNS Resolver object for testing
p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable Net::DNS::Resolver descendant class for offline emulation of DNS
p5-Net-DNS-SEC (V) DNSSEC extension to Net::DNS Perl DNS Resolver Module
p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key (V) DNSSEC key and key-set maintenance classes and tool
p5-Net-DNS-Zone-Parser Perl5 module for normalizing zone files
p5-Net-DNSServer Perl5 module to be used as a domain name server
p5-Net-Domain-TLD Work with TLD names
p5-Net-DRI Perl5 module to access DNS registries/registrars w/EPP
p5-Net-eBay Perl Interface to XML based eBay API
p5-Net-Frame The base framework for frame crafting
p5-Net-Frame-Device Get network device information and gateway
p5-Net-Frame-Dump Base class for a tcpdump-like implementation
p5-Net-Frame-Layer-ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol v6 layer object
p5-Net-Frame-Layer-IPv6 Internet Protocol v6 layer object
p5-Net-Frame-Simple Frame crafting made easy
p5-Net-FTPSSL Perl FTP over SSL/TLS class
p5-Net-GitHub Perl 5 interface for
p5-Net-Google-AuthSub Perl module for interacting with sites using Google-style AuthSub
p5-Net-Google-Code Perl 5 simple client library for google code
p5-Net-Ident Perl module implementing the client side of the ident protocol
p5-Net-INET6Glue Make common Perl modules IPv6 ready by hotpatching
p5-Net-Interface Perl extension to access network interfaces
p5-Net-IP Perl extension for manipulating IPv4/IPv6 addresses
p5-Net-IPv4Addr Perl extension for manipulating IPv4 addresses
p5-Net-IPv6Addr Check the validity of IPv6 addresses
p5-Net-Jifty Interface to online Jifty applications
p5-Net-LDAP-Batch (V) Perl 5 module to perform a batch of LDAP actions
p5-Net-LDAP-Class (V) Perl 5 module providing an object-relational mapper for Net::LDAP
p5-Net-LDAP-Server LDAP server side protocol handling
p5-Net-LDAP-Server-Test (V) Perl 5 module to test Net::LDAP code
p5-Net-Libdnet Perl interface to libdnet
p5-Net-Libdnet6 Adds IPv6 support to Net::Libdnet
p5-Net-LibIDN Perl bindings for GNU Libidn
p5-Net-LibIDN2 Perl bindings for GNU libidn2
p5-Net-MAC Perl 5 module for representing and manipulating MAC addresses
p5-Net-NBName Perl extension to perform simple NetBIOS Name Service Requests
p5-Net-OAuth Perl5 extension for OAuth protocol support
p5-Net-OAuth2 OAuth 2.0 implementation in Perl
p5-Net-OpenID-Common Common - Libraries shared between Net::OpenID::Consumer and ::Server
p5-Net-OpenID-Consumer Perl library for consumers of OpenID identities
p5-Net-OpenSSH (V) Perl SSH client package implemented on top of OpenSSH
p5-Net-Packet Modules to assemble/disassemble network packets
p5-Net-Patricia Patricia Trie perl module for fast IP address lookups
p5-Net-Pcap Perl interface to pcap(3) LBL packet capture library
p5-Net-PcapUtils (V) Utility routines for Net::Pcap module
p5-Net-RawIP Perl extension to manipulate raw ip packets with interface to libpcap
p5-Net-SenderBase (V) Query the service
p5-Net-Server Perl5 modules for network services engine
p5-Net-Server-SS-PreFork Hot-deployable variant of Perl 5 module Net::Server::PreFork
p5-Net-SFTP-Foreign SSH File Transfer Protocol client
p5-Net-SMTP-TLS Perl5 SMTP client module supporting TLS and AUTH
p5-Net-SNMP Perl5 module for SNMP queries
p5-Net-SNMP-Mixin Perl 5 module providing a mixin framework for Net::SNMP
p5-Net-SSH (V) Perl implementations of SSH1 and SSH2 protocols
p5-Net-SSH-Expect Perl5 module implementing expect-like functions over SSH
p5-Net-SSH2 (V) Perl implementations of the SSH2 protocol
p5-Net-Stomp Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol Client
p5-Net-Syslog (V) Extension for sending syslog messages directly to a remote syslogd
p5-Net-Telnet Perl5 module to use telnet
p5-Net-Telnet-Cisco Perl5 module for communicating with Cisco routers via telnet
p5-Net-TFTP Perl5 module for TFTP transfers
p5-Net-Trac Perl 5 module to interact with a remote Trac instance
p5-Net-Twitter Perl interface to the Twitter API
p5-Net-Twitter-Lite (V) Perl interface to the Twitter API (lite)
p5-Net-Whois-RIPE (V) Implementation of RIPE Whois
p5-Net-Works Sane APIs for IP addresses and networks
p5-Net-Write Portable interface to open and send raw data to network
p5-Net-XMPP Provide a Perl Developer access to the XMPP protocol
p5-Net-XWhois Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
p5-Net-Z3950-ZOOM Perl extension for talking to Z39.50 servers
p5-NetAddr-IP Perl5 module for managing IP addresses
p5-NetAddr-MAC Perl5 module handling hardware MAC Addresses (EUI-48 and EUI-64)
p5-NetPacket Modules to assemble/disassemble network packets
p5-Nmap-Parser Parse nmap scan data with perl
p5-ParallelUserAgent (V) CPAN Bundle for the LWP Parallel User Agent extension
p5-perl-ldap (V) Perl class to access LDAP servers
p5-Plack-Middleware-CrossOrigin (V) Adds headers to allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
p5-POE-Component-Client-DNS Non-blocking, concurrent DNS requests
p5-POE-Component-Client-Ident Non-blocking ident lookups to your sessions
p5-POE-Component-SNMP Event-driven SNMP interface
p5-PV (V) Perl5 library for text-mode user interface widgets
p5-RADIUS Perl5 module for RADIUS queries
p5-RadiusPerl Provide simple Radius client facilities
p5-Raisin (V) A REST API microframework for Perl5
p5-Regexp-Common-net-CIDR Provide patterns for CIDR blocks
p5-Regexp-IPv6 Regular expression for IPv6 addresses
p5-RPC-PlClient (V) All that's needed to run PlRPC-Server and Client
p5-RPC-XML XML-RPC client and server library for Perl
p5-RT-Client-REST Perl 5 module to talk to RT using REST protocol
p5-Set-Scalar (V) Perl5 module for basic set operations
p5-SNMP_Session Perl5 module providing rudimentary access to remote SNMP agents
p5-SNMP-Info Perl5 object oriented interface to SNMP informations
p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
p5-SOAP-Lite Perl5 module providing a lightweight interface to SOAP
p5-SOAP-WSDL SOAP with WSDL support (deprecated)
p5-Socket6 Perl5 module to support getaddrinfo() and getnameinfo()
p5-Spread (V) Perl5 module interface to Spread network utilities
p5-SSH-Batch (V) Cluster operations based on parallel SSH, set and interval arithmetic
p5-Test-DNS Perl 5 module to test DNS queries and zone configuration
p5-Test-RequiresInternet Test::RequiresInternet - Easily test network connectivity
p5-Test-TCP Perl 5 module to test TCP program
p5-Text-DHCPLeases (V) Perl 5 module to parse DHCP leases file from ISC dhcpd
p5-URI (V) Perl5 Uniform Resource Identifiers class (URI, RFC 2396)
p5-URI-Escape-XS (V) Escape and unescape unsafe characters in URIs
p5-URI-FromHash (V) Build a URI from a set of named parameters
p5-URI-Query (V) Perl5 module providing URI query string manipulation
p5-VRML (V) Set of VRML classes for Perl
p5-WebService-Google-Reader Perl 5 module providing an interface to Google Reader
p5-WebService-MusicBrainz Perl 5 module providing an interface to MusicBrainz
p5-X500-DN Handle X.500 DNs (Distinguished Names), parse and format them
p5-XML-RPC Pure Perl implementation for an XML-RPC client and server
p5-XMLRPC-Lite Client and server implementation of XML-RPC protocol
p5-Zabbix-Sender Pure-perl implementation of zabbix-sender
packit Network auditing tool with the ability to manipulate IP traffic
paris-traceroute Traceroute-like network diagnosis and measurement tool
parpd RFC1027 compliant Proxy ARP Daemon
partysip SIP proxy server
pchar Tool for measuring Internet path characteristics
pconsole Parallel console tool to access several host via one input tty
pear-Net_DIME PHP classes that implements DIME encoding
pear-Net_IDNA2 Punycode encoding and decoding
pear-Net_LDAP2 Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries
pear-Net_LDAP3 Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries
pear-Net_Sieve PHP classes that handles talking to timsieved
pear-Net_SMTP PHP classes to provide SMTP Interface
pear-Net_Socket PHP classes to provide Network Socket Interface
pear-Net_URL PHP classes to easy parsing of URLs
pear-Net_URL2 PHP class for parsing and handling URL
pear-SOAP SOAP Client/Server for PHP
pen Load balancer for simple tcp based protocols
perlbal Very configurable load balancer in perl
pfnet Minimal FNET-like ICB client written in Perl
phetch Quick lil gopher client for your terminal
php-baikal Lightweight CalDAV+CardDAV server
php-ftp PHP extension for FTP access
php-geoip PHP module to map IP address to geographic places
php-snmp PHP extension for SNMP
php-soap PHP extension for SOAP functions
php-sockets PHP extension for sockets support
php-xmlrpc PHP extension for XML-RPC support
php-yaz PHP extension for YAZ
php-zmq (V) PHP bindings to the functions of ZeroMQ
pim6dd IPv6 PIM dense mode daemon
pim6sd IPv6 PIM sparse mode daemon
piratebay CLI tool to search for torrents on piratebay
pload Network interface monitor for X11, monitoring totals and in/out rates
podcastdl CLI podcast client
poink Nosuid, absolutely secure version of ping utility
poptop PPTP server with support for Microsoft VPN clients
portmap RPC portmapper with access control
powerdns Modern, advanced and high performance nameserver
powerdns-geoip GeoIP backend module for PowerDNS
powerdns-ldap LDAP backend module for PowerDNS
powerdns-mysql MySQL backend module for PowerDNS
powerdns-odbc ODBC backend module for PowerDNS
powerdns-pgsql PostgreSQL backend module for PowerDNS
powerdns-recursor PowerDNS resolver/recursing nameserver
pppd PPP Daemon
pptp PPTP client package for Microsoft VPN servers
prettyping Wrapper to colorize and simplify ping's output
proftpd Highly configurable FTP server software
proftpd-geoip Geolocation module for proftpd
proftpd-ldap LDAP module for ProFTPD
proftpd-memcached Memcache module for ProFTPD
proftpd-mysql MySQL module for proftpd
proftpd-odbc ODBC module for ProFTPD
proftpd-postgresql PostgreSQL module for ProFTPD
proftpd-sqlite SQLite module for ProFTPD
proxycheck Tester for open (promiscuous) proxy systems
proxytunnel Connect stdin/stdout to a remote host through a standard HTTPS proxy
publicfile Secure read-only HTTP and FTP servers
publicfile-run Configures publicfile to serve public files
puf Parallel URL fetcher
pulledpork Script for Snort and Suricata rule management
pure-ftpd Secure FTP daemon with optional SQL support
pxe Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) daemon
py-adns Python interface to the GNU asynchronous DNS resolver library
py-aio-pika Wrapper for the aiormq for asyncio and humans
py-aiodns Simple DNS resolver for asyncio
py-aiohappyeyeballs Happy Eyeballs for Python
py-aioresponses Mock out requests made by ClientSession from aiohttp package
py-aiormq Pure python AMQP asynchronous client library
py-aiorpcX Generic async RPC implementation, including JSON-RPC
py-aioxmpp (V) Pure-python XMPP library for asyncio
py-altgraph (V) Graph (network) package for constructing graphs
py-amqp Low-level AMQP client for Python
py-apache-libcloud Python library for interacting with cloud service providers
py-asyncio-nats-client NATS client for Python asyncio
py-awscli Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services
py-awscli-plugin-logs-tail CloudWatch Logs tail command plugin for AWS CLI
py-awslogs (V) AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans
py-azure-core (V) Microsoft Azure Core Library for Python
py-azure-identity (V) Microsoft Azure Identity Library for Python
py-azure-storage-blob (V) Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Client Library for Python
py-bandicoot (V) Toolbox to analyze mobile phone metadata
py-beanstalkc Simple beanstalkd client library for Python
py-bitcoinlib (V) Python bitcoin library
py-bonjour Python interface to interact with Bonjour
py-boto Python interface to Amazon web services
py-boto3 Amazon Web Services SDK for Python
py-botocore Low-level interface to a growing number of Amazon Web Services
py-buildbot (V) Continuous integration system
py-buildbot-badges (V) Badges Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-console-view (V) Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-grid-view (V) Grid View Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-pkg (V) Packaging tools for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-waterfall-view (V) Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-worker (V) Worker for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-www (V) Web frontend for the buildbot CI system
py-cares Python interface for c-ares
py-celery Asynchronous task/job queue based on distributed message passing
py-cfscrape (V) Python module for dealing with Cloudfare protection
py-cloudflare Python wrapper for the Cloudflare v4 API
py-comm Jupyter Python Comm implementation
py-cookies (V) RFC 6265-compliant cookie parser/renderer
py-cymruwhois Client for the service
py-digitalocean Python module to manage Digital Ocean droplets
py-dns Python DNS toolkit
py-dns1 Python DNS toolkit (v1)
py-dnsdiag DNS Diagnostics and Performance Measurement Tools
py-docker-hub (V) Access docker hub from your terminal
py-doh-proxy (V) Client and proxy implementation of DoH (DNS over HTTPS)
py-dpkt Fast, simple packet creation/parsing
py-dropbox Dropbox Python API
py-eapi (V) Library for Arista's eAPI command API implementation
py-ec2instanceconnectcli AWS EC2 Instance Connect Client
py-ephemeral_port_reserve Bind to ephemeral port, force it into TIME_WAIT state, and unbind it
py-etesync (V) Python client library for EteSync
py-flower Real-time monitor and web admin for Celery task queue
py-foolscap RPC protocol for Twisted
py-fritzconnection Communicate with the AVM FRITZ!Box
py-GeoIP GeoIP Legacy Python API
py-gevent Python-gevent a coroutine-based Python networking library
py-geventhttpclient HTTP client library for gevent
py-google-api-python-client (V) Python client library for Google's discovery based APIs
py-google-cloud-core (V) Google Cloud API client core library
py-google-cloud-sdk Google Cloud SDK (for Compute Engine etc.)
py-google-cloud-storage (V) Google Cloud Storage API client library
py-grequests Requests + Gevent
py-grpcio HTTP/2-based RPC framework
py-grpcio-testing gRPC Python testing package
py-grpcio-tools Protobuf code generator for gRPC
py-hatop Interactive client and monitoring tool for HAProxy
py-hpack Pure-Python HPACK header compression
py-ifaddr Enumerates all IP addresses on all network adapters of the system
py-impacket Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols
py-internetarchive (V) Interface to the internet archive
py-IP Python module to handle IPv4 and IPv6 address
py-ipaddress Port of the python 3.3+ ipaddress module to 2.6 and 2.7
py-ipcalc IP subnet calculator
py-irclib Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol client library
py-jsonrpc-server (V) Asynchronous JSON RPC server for Python
py-jsonrpclib (V) Implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification
py-jsonrpclib-pelix (V) Implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification
py-junos-eznc Python library to manage JunOS devices
py-kenosis P2P RPC system
py-kombu Messaging framework for Python
py-ldapdomaindump Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols
py-lexicon Manipulate DNS records on various DNS providers
py-libdnet Python wrapper for libdnet
py-libpcap Python wrapper for libpcap
py-librabbitmq (V) AMQP Client using the rabbitmq-c library
py-libtorrent-rasterbar (V) Python binding of rasterbar libtorrent library
py-lsp-jsonrpc (V) Asynchronous JSON RPC server for Python (fork of python-jsonrpc-server)
py-magic-wormhole Securely transfer data between computers
py-magic-wormhole-mailbox-server Main server for Magic Wormhole
py-magic-wormhole-transit-relay Transit Relay server for Magic-Wormhole
py-medusa Framework for writing asynchronous socket-based servers
py-metar Downloads weather reports
py-minio MinIO Python SDK for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage
py-mitmproxy_rs Mitmproxy's Rust bits
py-modbus (V) Fully featured modbus protocol stack in python
py-modbus-cli Command line tool to access Modbus devices
py-mohawk (V) Library for Hawk HTTP authorization
py-moto Mock-up of the boto library
py-moznetwork (V) Library of network utilities for use in Mozilla testing
py-msal (V) Python library to access the Microsoft Cloud
py-msal-extensions (V) Persistence API that can save your data on disk
py-msrest (V) AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime
py-musicbrainz-ngs (V) Python bindings for Musicbrainz NGS service
py-namecheap Namecheap API client in Python
py-ncclient NETCONF Python client
py-netaddr Python library for manipulating network addresses
py-netifaces Portable access to network interfaces from Python
py-netsnmp Python bindings to extensible SNMP implementation
py-nyx Command-line monitor for the tor daemon
py-oauth2client (V) Python library for accessing resources protected by OAuth 2.0
py-omniORBpy Python interface to omniORB
py-onionbalance Tor onion service load balancer
py-ORBit Python bindings for ORBit2
py-pafy (V) Retrieve YouTube content and metadata
py-paho-mqtt MQTT version 3.1.1 client class
py-pamqp RabbitMQ Focused AMQP low-level library
py-pcap Simplified object-oriented python module for libpcap
py-pika Python AMQP Client Library
py-policy-sentry (V) Generate locked-down AWS IAM Policies
py-portend TCP port monitoring utilities
py-prometheus_client Prometheus instrumentation library for Python applications
py-ptt Twitter API, command-line tool, and IRC bot
py-pychromecast Python module to talk to Google Chromecast
py-pyftpdlib Very fast asynchronous FTP server library
py-pylint-celery Pylint plugin to aid Pylint in recognising the Celery library
py-pynng Ergonomic bindings for nanomsg next generation (nng) in Python
py-pypiserver Minimal PyPI server for use with pip/easy_install
py-pyrit (V) WPA/WPA2-PSK and a world of affordable many-core platforms
py-pysendfile Python interface to sendfile(2)
py-python-socks Core proxy (SOCKS4, SOCKS5, HTTP tunneling) functionality for Python
py-pytrends (V) Pseudo API for Google Trends
py-requestbuilder Command line-driven HTTP request builder
py-responses Utility library for mocking out the requests Python library
py-rfc6555 Implementation of the Happy Eyeballs Algorithm described in RFC 6555
py-rpyc Remote Python Call (RPyC), a transparent and symmetric RPC library
py-rt Python interface to Request Tracker API
py-s3cmd Command line tool for managing Amazon S3 and CloudFront services
py-s3transfer Amazon S3 Transfer Manager
py-sbws Tor simple bandwidth scanner
py-scanless (V) Online port scan scraper
py-scp Send and receive files with scp
py-simplesoap Python Simple SOAP Library
py-smb Experimental SMB/CIFS library written in Python
py-smbc Python bindings for libsmbclient
py-smi (V) SNMP SMI/MIB Parser
py-snmp (V) SNMP library for Python
py-soaplib Implementation of the SOAP 1.1 protocol
py-socketpool Simple Python socket pool
py-Socks Python SOCKS client module
py-socksipy-branch Python SOCKS module
py-softlayer SoftLayer API bindings for Python
py-stem (V) Python controller library for the tor daemon
py-stone Interface description language (IDL) for APIs
py-subunit Python implementation of subunit test streaming protocol
py-test-remotedata Pytest plugin for controlling remote data access
py-tldextract Accurately separate the TLD from the registered domain and subdomains
py-tldr (V) Python command line client for tldr
py-tweepy Basic Python API for Twitter
py-twine Collection of utilities for publishing packages on PyPI
py-twisted Framework for writing networked applications
py-twisted-docs Framework for writing networked applications (documentation)
py-twython Python wrapper for the Twitter API
py-txamqp Python library for communicating with AMQP using Twisted
py-txdbus (V) Python implementation of the DBus protocol for Twisted applications
py-txtorcon Twisted Python library for controlling tor daemon
py-txWS (V) Twisted WebSockets wrapper
py-txZMQ (V) Twisted bindings for ZeroMQ
py-uModbus Implementation of the Modbus protocol in pure Python
py-unearth Utility to fetch and download python packages
py-websocket (V) WebSocket server and extension for Apache HTTP Server for testing
py-wifite (V) Automated wireless auditor
py-wpull (V) Wget-compatible web downloader and crawler
py-xandikos Lightweight CalDAV/CardDAV server
py-xmm7360 Network initialization for L850-GL / Intel XMM7360 driver
py-zeep Fast and modern Python SOAP client
py-zeroconf Pure Python Multicast DNS Service Discovery Library
py-zmq Python bindings for zeromq
pygopherd Gopher server
qadsl Login software for Swedish Telia ADSL/Comhem cable Internet users
qbittorrent BitTorrent client in Qt
qore-zmq-module Qore ZeroMQ module
qrcp Transfer files over Wi-Fi via a QR Code
qt6-qtgrpc Qt6 gRPC and Protobuf module
qt6-qtremoteobjects Qt6 module for easier IPC
qt6-qtwebsockets Qt6 module for websockets communication
quagga Free multithreaded routing daemon software
queryperf DNS performance and load tester
quvi Command line tool for parsing video links
R-pbdZMQ Interface to ZeroMQ
R-pingr Check if a Remote Computer is Up
ra-rtsp-proxy Proxy server for the RealAudio RTSP protocol
rabbiter Twitter client for Rabbit
rabbitmq Implementation of AMQP that provides robust messaging for applications
rabbitmq-c C-language AMQP client library for use with AMQP servers
Radicale CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server (major version 1)
Radicale2 CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server
Radicale3 (V) CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server
radiusclient-ng Client library and basic utilities for Radius authenticated login
radsecproxy Secure radius proxy
rancid Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
ratman Decentralised peer-to-peer routing daemon
rbldnsd Efficient DNS daemon to serve DNSBL zones
rclone Rsync for cloud storage
rdesktop Open-source Remote Desktop Protocol client
rdist6 Network file distribution/synchronisation utility
realvnc (V) Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays
remmina Remote desktop client based on GTK+
restclient-ui Java application to test RESTful webservices
rinetd Internet redirection server
rootprobe Root DNS server performance analysis
routinator Validate RPKI ROA against routing announcements
rp-l2tp User-space implementation of layer 2 tunnelling protocol
rp-pppoe Roaring Penguin's PPP over Ethernet client
rpki-git (V) RPKI package collection
rsync Network file distribution/synchronisation utility
rt4-cli Command-line interface to RT 3.0 or newer
rtmpdump Tools for handling RTMP stream
rtorrent Ncurses based torrent client with support for sessions
rtspdump (V) Download multimedia stream from a Microsoft Windows Media Server
ruby-addressable Replacement for the URI Implementation of standard librrary
ruby-amq-client Fully-featured, low-level AMQP 0.9.1 client
ruby-amq-protocol AMQP 0.9.1 encoder & decoder
ruby-amqp AMQP client implementation in Ruby/EventMachine
ruby-connection_pool Generic connection pool for Ruby
ruby-daemon_controller (V) Library for robust daemon management
ruby-dnsruby Ruby DNS client library
ruby-domain_name Domain name manipulation library for Ruby
ruby-em-http-request (V) EventMachine based, async HTTP Request client
ruby-em-socksify Transparent SOCKS support for any EventMachine protocol
ruby-ffi-rzmq FFI bindings for ZeroMQ
ruby-ffi-rzmq-core FFI wrapper around the zeromq libzmq C API
ruby-gh (V) Layerd GitHub API client
ruby-ghi (V) GitHub Issues on the command line
ruby-highline (V) High-level console IO library
ruby-icmp Ruby module for handling ICMP packets
ruby-instance_storage (V) Manage class instances with dictionary
ruby-ipaddress Library to handle IP addresses in a modern and productive way
ruby-kgio (V) Provides non-blocking I/O methods for Ruby
ruby-net-dhcp Net::DHCP Library for ruby
ruby-net-imap Ruby client api for Internet Message Access Protocol
ruby-net-ldap Client access for the LDAP
ruby-net-ping Ping interface for Ruby
ruby-net-pop Ruby client library for POP3
ruby-net-scp (V) Secure copy for Ruby
ruby-net-sftp (V) Secure FTP for Ruby
ruby-net-smtp Simple Mail Transfer Protocol client library for Ruby
ruby-net-ssh (V) Secure shell for Ruby
ruby-net-ssh-gateway (V) Simple way to connect to servers behind a firewall or NAT
ruby-net-ssh-multi (V) SSH connection multiplexing
ruby-netaddr Ruby package for working with network addresses
ruby-netrc Library to read and write netrc files
ruby-network_interface Tool to get information on network interfaces
ruby-nio4r Cross-platform asynchronous I/O primitives for scalable network
ruby-pcaprub Ruby libpcap bindings
ruby-pluggaloid Extensible plugin system for mikutter
ruby-proxifier2 Proxifier forces ruby to use a proxy
ruby-public_suffix Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List
ruby-recog Framework to send network probes for identification
ruby-ruby_smb Ruby implementation of the SMB Protocol Family
ruby-rubytter Simple twitter library
ruby-slack-api Ruby wrapper for the Slack API
ruby-snmp SNMP library in pure Ruby
ruby-soap4r Implementation of SOAP 1.1 for Ruby
ruby-stompserver Stomp messaging server
ruby-train-core Transport interface to talk to a selected set of backends
ruby-train-rest Train transport for REST
ruby-train-winrm Windows WinRM API Transport for Train
ruby-travis (V) Travis CI Client (CLI and Ruby library)
ruby-twitter-stream Twitter realtime API client
ruby-twitter-text1 (V) Library that provides text handling for Twitter
ruby-winrm Ruby library for Windows Remote Management
ruby-winrm-elevated Ruby library for running commands as elevated
ruby-winrm-fs WinRM File System
ruby-xdr XDR helper library for Ruby
s6-dns Suite of DNS client programs and libraries
s6-networking Suite of small networking utilities
sacc Console gopher client
samba SMB/CIFS protocol server suite
samba4 SMB/CIFS protocol server suite
sayaka Terminal specific Misskey client
scaleway-cli Command Line Interface for Scaleway
scamper Tool for parallelised IPv4 and IPv6 measurement
scapy Interactive packet manipulation program
scdp Program to send Cisco Discovery Protocol packets
scli SNMP command line interface
sdig Switch Digger finds port assignment for hosts on a switched Ethernet
sdist Invoke rdist to distribute files to a set of hosts
SDL_net Small sample cross-platform networking library for SDL
SDL2_net Small sample cross-platform networking library
sendfile Implementation of the Simple asynchronous file transfer protocol
ser SIP express router
sgmltools-lite (V) Friendly Python interface to SGML software
shaper (V) Bandwidth limiter for Linux
sharity-light Userland smbfs -- SMB to NFS protocol converter
shibari Collection of DNS tools for Unix systems
simplesocket (V) Simple socket helpers for C++ 2014
sipcalc IPv4/IPv6 subnet calculator
siproxd Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Application-Level Gateway
sipsak Sipsak is a command-line SIP testing utility
sitescooper Retrieve stories from websites and convert to Palm readable format
slumber Terminal-based REST client
slurm Realtime traffic statistics
smbldap-tools (V) Set of ldap administration scripts for samba
smokeping Latency/packet loss monitoring/graphing tool
smtprc (V) Open relay scanner
smtprc-gui (V) Open relay scanner Tk GUI
smtpscan (V) Remote SMTP version checker
sniffit Packet sniffer program
sniffnet Application to comfortably monitor your network traffic
sniproxy Proxy that routes based on TLS server name extension
snmptt SNMP trap handler written in Perl
snort The Open Source Network Intrusion Detection System
snowflake Pluggable Transport for tor using WebRTC, inspired by Flashproxy
socat netcat++ (extended design, new implementation)
socket++ C++ class library for UNIX Sockets with exception handling
socks4 Old library, server and client for using proxy firewall software
sofia-sip (V) Open-source SIP User-Agent library
softether Powerful and easy-to-use multi-protocol VPN software
solaris-tap Solaris kernel module for virtual Ethernet devices
speedtest-cli Command line client for use with
speedtouch Alcatel SpeedTouch USB ADSL modem driver
spegla Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
spiped (V) Tool for creating symmetrically encrypted and authenticated pipes
spread Group communication system providing a number of messaging services
spreadlogd Daemon to log to file, messages from spread toolkit clients
srsh Emulate rsh client behavior using ssh
sshping Measure character-echo latency and bandwidth for ssh session
sslh Multiplex ssl, ssh, and other connections on the same port
ssmping Ping for Any- and Single-Source Multicast
ssync Invoke rsync to distribute files to a set of hosts
stagit-gopher Static git page generator for gopher
statzone DNS zone file analyzer targeted at TLD zones
stern Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes
stund STUN Client and Server
sulley (V) pure-python fully automated and unattended fuzzing framework
sup Network file distribution/synchronisation utility
symon (V) System monitoring suite
syncffsd FFS file system mirroring using rsync
syncthing Keeps directories in sync across hosts
syncthing-gtk GTK3 & Python based GUI for Syncthing
synergy Let a user share a mouse and keyboard among computers
sysmon Small and fast network monitoring tool
tac_plus-libradius (V) Version of Cisco's tac_plus Tacacs server with RADIUS support
tacacs Cisco authentication, authorization, and accounting protocol daemon
tacacs-shrubbery Cisco AAA protocol (tacacs+) daemon (Shrubbery Networks version)
tailscale Wireguard-based VPN client for tailscale
taskserver Lightweight, secure server providing access to task data
tcl-scotty Network management extensions to TCL
tcpdmerge Merge two tcpdump output files
tcpdpriv Anonymize tcpdump traces
tcpdstat Analyze tcpdump output
tcpdump Network monitoring tool
tcpexec Minimal UCSPI inetd
tcpflow Captures data transmitted as part of TCP connections
tcpick Simple tcp sniffer with tcpdump-style rules
tcpillust Graphical TCP connection analysis tool
tcpreplay Replay saved tcpdump or snoop files
tcpslice Tool for extracting portions of tcpdump's packet trace files
tcptrace TCP dump file analysis tool
tcptraceroute Traceroute implementation using TCP packets
tcptraceroute6 Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
teamspeak (V) Talk to other people over the internet
teamspeak-client Teamspeak group VoIP client
teamspeak-server Teamspeak group VoIP server
tektoncd-cli Command line client for interacting with Tekton components
termscp Feature rich TUI file transfer and explorer
terraform Infrastructure orchestration tool
terraform-provider-archive Terraform archive provider
terraform-provider-aws Terraform provider for Amazon Web Services
terraform-provider-kubernetes Terraform provider for Kubernetes (K8S)
terraform-provider-local Terraform provider for local resources
terraform-provider-null Terraform provider for nothing
terraform-provider-random Terraform provider for randomness
terraform-provider-template Terraform template provider
terraform-provider-vultr Terraform provider for Vultr
thcrut (V) Gathers information from local and remote networks
tigervnc High-performance, platform-neutral VNC client/server
tightvnc Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays
tightvncviewer Viewer for remote X and Win32 VNC servers
tinc Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon
tinydyndns Simple and powerful dynamic DNS solution
tinydyndns-run Configures tinydyndns to serve and update records
tinyfugue Popular programmable MUD client, with macro support and more
tkined Graphical network discovery and monitoring tool based on scotty
tlrc Tldr client written in Rust
tn5250 Implementation of the IBM 5250 telnet protocol
tnftp The enhanced FTP client in NetBSD
tnftpd The NetBSD FTP Daemon
tor Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
tor-dev (V) Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
torrentutils Manage BitTorrent files and interact with trackers
torsocks Library to torify applications
torsocks-git (V) Library to torify applications
totd DNS proxy that supports IPv6 <==> IPv4 record translation
traceroute-as Traceroute capable of reporting the AS number of hops
traceroute-nanog Traceroute implementation with extended features
trafshow Full screen visualization of the network traffic
transmission Free, lightweight BitTorrent client
transmission-common Free, lightweight BitTorrent client (shared files)
transmission-gtk Free, lightweight BitTorrent client (GTK version)
transmission-qt Free, lightweight BitTorrent client (QT version)
trickle Portable lightweight userspace bandwidth shaper
trippy Network diagnostic tool
tsocks Transparent SOCKS proxying library
tspc Tunnel Setup Protocol Client for Freenet6
ttt Tele Traffic Tapper
tut TUI for Mastodon with shellout
tvnjviewer JAVA VNC viewer
twittering-mode Emacs client for twitter
u6rd User-space 6rd (RFC 5569) implementation
ucarp Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP) for Unix
ucspi-ipc UCSPI local-domain client-server command-line tools
ucspi-proxy Proxy between an UCSPI client and server
ucspi-ssl Command-line tools for SSL client-server applications
ucspi-tcp Command-line tools for building TCP client-server applications
ucspi-tcp6 Command-line tools for building TCP client-server applications
ucspi-tools SOCKS proxy and TLS support for UCSPI
ucspi-udp Unix Client-Server interface utilities for UDP
ucspi-unix UCSPI client and server for Unix domain sockets
udns Lightweight DNS resolver supporting asynchronous queries
udpcast Send data simultaneously to many destinations on a LAN
udptunnel Tunnel UDP packets over a TCP connection
uftp Encrypted multicast file transfer program
unbound DNS resolver and recursive server
unfs3 Userspace NFSv3 server
unifi Provisioning software for network products made by Ubiquiti
unison File-synchronization tool
unworkable BSD-licensed command-line torrent client
upclient Keeps track of your server uptime, and compares it to other hosts
urlgfe Download manager for X
userppp User-PPP package as found in FreeBSD and OpenBSD
uucp Taylor UUCP
vcheck Latest program version checker and auto-downloader
vde Virtual Distributed Ethernet tools
vinagre VNC client for GNOME
vino VNC server for GNOME
vnc Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays
vncviewer Viewer for remote X and Win32 VNC servers
vnstat Small network traffic monitor
vpnc Client for Cisco3000 VPN Concentrator
vpnc-script Improved config script for OpenConnect and vpnc
vsftpd FTP server that aims to be very secure
vtun Virtual Tunnels over TCP/IP networks with traffic shaping
vultr-cli Official command line tool for Vultr services
wakeup Wakeup On LAN client for remote power-up of machines
walker Retrieve a DNS zone using NXT/NSEC traversal
wap-utils Wireless access points UNIX management tool
waste Secure file sharing network
websocketpp Header-only C++ library that implements the WebSocket protocol
wget Retrieve files from the 'net via HTTP and FTP
wget2 Retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and FTPS
wgetpaste Command line utility to upload to pastebin sites
whatmask Easily convert between three common subnet mask notations
whois3 RIPE very simple and generic whois client
whoson Check if (dynamic) IP address is connected
wide-dhcpv6 DHCP6 client, server and relay agent by WIDE project
wimon Tool that shows a real-time graph of your wireless connection
wireguard-go Implementation of WireGuard in Go
wireguard-tools Userspace tooling for using and configuring WireGuard tunnels
wireless-tools (V) Tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extensions
wireshark Network protocol analyzer
wistumbler Network stumbler for WaveLAN/IEEE wireless networking
wistumbler2 Fork of original WaveLAN/IEEE network stumbler
wistumbler2-gtk Fork of original WaveLAN/IEEE network stumbler
wmget Background download manager in a Window Maker dock app
wminet Dockable network monitor
wmnd Dockable network monitor
wmnet Dockable network monitor
wmpload PPP monitor for X11, totals and current in/out rates in 64x64 cube
wol Small Wake On Lan client
wpa_gui QT GUI for wpa_supplicant(8)
wpa_supplicant Wireless connection client daemon for WPA, WPA2, and WEP
x2vnc Multi-console display using X and VNC
xfce4-wavelan-plugin Xfce WLAN plugin
xfstt (V) TrueType font server for X11
xl2tpd Layer 2 Protocol Daemon
xmftp X/Motif FTP client
xorp The eXtensible Open Router Platform
xrdp (V) Remote Desktop Protocol server
xrdp09 (V) Remote Desktop Protocol server
xrmftp FTP client for X Window System
xtraceroute Graphical version of traceroute, which traces the route IP packets go
xymon Network services monitor a la Big Brother
xymonclient Network services monitor a la Big Brother
yafc Yet another FTP client
yale-tftpd Enhanced tftpd(8) from Yale University and cisco Systems
yaydl Yet another youtube down loader
yaz C/C++ toolkit for the development of Z39.50v3/SRW clients and servers
youtube-dl Download videos from
yp-tools (V) Linux NIS (YP) Tools
yt-dlp Youtube-dl fork with new features and patches
ytalk Multi-user replacement for UNIX talk
ywho Who, users, uptime on clients in a sun-RPC network
zeek (V) Passive network traffic analyzer
zenmap Nmap Security Scanner GUI
zeroconf-ioslave Monitors the network for DNS-SD services (Zeroconf)
zeromq The ZeroMQ messaging library
zsync Optimising file distribution program, a 1-to-many rsync